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Chinese Language 176 181 Related Certificate & Diploma Programme (Please refer to P.176-181 for details) Certificate Programme in Chinese Novel and Script Writing Certificate Programme in Chinese Prose and Poetry Writing Certificate Programme in Business and Public Relations Writing Certificate Programme in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Diploma Programme in Teaching Chinese Language (Putonghua) Advanced Diploma Programme in Putonghua Certificate Programme in Putonghua (Basic- Intermediate-Advanced) Putonghua (II) Introduction to Putonghua (II) 161-300102-01 (I)30 * * (I) (II) I L $ HK$ 1,600 D 26 13 Advanced Putonghua Pronunciation and Intonation 161-303401-01 3111-7273 / 3111-7253 scs-lang1@cuhk.edu.hk 179 I L $ HK$ 3,960 D 45 15 P C 2016 3 31 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Advanced Putonghua Reading Skills 161-303402-01 3111-7273 / 3111-7253 scs-lang1@cuhk.edu.hk 179 I L $ HK$ 5,280 D 60 15 P C 2016 3 20 (9:00a.m.-1:00p.m.) Advanced Putonghua Speaking Skills 161-303403-01 3111-7273 / 3111-7253 scs-lang1@cuhk.edu.hk 179 I L $ HK$ 5,280 D 60 15 P C 2016 4 10 (9:00a.m.-1:00p.m.) P C 2016 3 17 (7:30p.m.-9:30p.m.) 106 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Advanced Putonghua Listening Skills 161-303404-01 3111-7273 / 3111-7253 scs-lang1@cuhk.edu.hk 179 I L $ HK$ 3,080 D 35 12 P C 2016 3 31 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Teacher Training in Putonghua Recital and Story Telling I L $ HK$ 1850 D 25 10 P 161-300142-01 C 2016 3 9 (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) 161-300142-02 P C 2016 3 12 (6:00p.m.-8:30p.m.) Skills for Judging Putonghua Recitations 161-300126-01 Teaching Putonghua to Kids 161-300115-01 I L $ HK$ 2,500 D 39 13 P C 2016 3 17 (6:45p.m.-9:45p.m.) Teaching Putonghua with Acting Performance 161-300141-01 I $ HK$ 1,560 D 20 10 P C 2016 4 1 (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Commercial Putonghua 161-309121-01 I L $ HK$ 2,600 D 40 12 3 2 2 P C 2016 3 30 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) I L $ HK$ 1,400 D 20 8 P C 2016 4 1 (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 107

1 Practical Mandarin for Japanese Speaker (Level 1) Course code: 161-320721-01 3943 9018 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk I L $ HK$ 1,800 D 20 10 P C 2016 5 12 (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Cantonese (I) Introduction to Cantonese (I) 161-300242-01 I L $ HK$ 1,360 D 20 10 P C 2016 3 15 (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Seminar on Relaxed Pronunciation in Cantonese 161-300244-01 MP3 Introduction to Cantonese Tones 161-300233-01 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)(7) I L $ HK$ 960 D 15 5 P C 2016 5 30 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Practical Cantonese Pronunciation 161-300231-01 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)(7)(8)(9) I L $ HK$ 960 D 15 6 P C 2016 4 11 (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Cantonese Pronunciation Test (Cycle 23) 161-300230-01 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) HK$ 800 www.cuscs.hk/chinese I L $ HK$ 180 D 2 1 P C 2016 4 12 (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 108 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

( 1) Practical Cantonese for Japanese Speaker (Level 1) Course code: 161-320711-01 3943 9018 ( ) scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk I L $ HK$ 1,800 D 20 10 P C 2016 5 11 (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Chinese Language Advanced Chinese Writing 161-300571-01 176 I L $ HK$ 1,400 D 20 8 P C 2016 3 21 (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Chinese Business and Public Relations Writing Chinese for Secondary School Students DSE HKDSE Chinese Language Workshop: Superior Parenting Skills 161-300696-01 I (Ben Sir) L $ HK$ 280 D 3 1 P C 2016 2 17 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) DSE HKDSE Chinese Language Workshop: Superior Descriptive and Narrative Writing 161-300694-01 I (Ben Sir) L $ HK$ 280 D 3 1 P C 2016 2 24 (6:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 161-300574-01 176 I D 40 16 L C 2016 5 13 (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) $ HK$ 2,800 P New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 109

DSE HKDSE Chinese Language Workshop: Superior Argumentative Writing 161-300695-01 I (Ben Sir) L $ HK$ 280 D 3 1 P C 2016 3 2 (6:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) DSE HKDSE Chinese Language Workshop: Writing 161-300693-01 Guwen Workshop for Secondary Students 161-300593-01 I L $ HK$ 560 D 8 4 P C 2016 2 1 (5:30p.m.-7:30p.m.) DSE A Revision on HKDSE Chinese Language 161-300689-01 I D 20 10 L C 2016 1 24 (10:00a.m.-12:00noon) $ HKD$ 1,200 P I (Ben Sir) L $ HK$ 520 D 6 2 P C 2016 2 24 3 2 (6:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) DSE Improve Your HKDSE Chinese Language (Spring) 161-300697-01 7-910-1 2-6 I L $ HK$ 1,800 D 30 15 P C 2016 2 27 (2:00p.m.-4:00p.m.) DSE Mock Exam of HKDSE Chinese Language 161-300691-01 DSE 161-300690 I L D 8 $ HKD$ 560 C 2016 2 14 1:00p.m.-2:40p.m. 3:10p.m.-5:05p.m. 2016 2 21 1:00p.m.-3:25p.m. 2016 3 6 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. P 110 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

DSE Practice on HKDSE Chinese Language Paper IV ( ) I L D 1.5 1 $ HK$ 260 P P P P 161-300690-01 C 2016 3 2 (6:30p.m.-8:00p.m.) 161-300690-02 C 2016 3 6 (9:30a.m.-11:00a.m.) 161-300690-03 C 2016 3 6 (11:15a.m.-12:45p.m.) 161-300690-04 C 2016 3 9 (6:30p.m.-8:00p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 111

350103 Practical Remedial English (Elementary) 350109 English for Advanced Learners 359104 English in Use 359110 A Revision of General English 359101 Basic English Grammar 359102 English Grammar 359106 English Grammar Workshop 359108 Further Practice in English Grammar 359113 Foundations of English Grammar I 359114 Foundation of English Grammar II 369102 Practical Reading & Writing Skills 369103 Strategies for High-Level Writers 369104 Writing Skills Workshop 359109 Foundations of English Writing (I) 359116 Foundations of English Writing (II) 370107 Freetalk - for Advanced English Learners - 379101 Basic Listening Skills 379102 Improving Listening and Speaking Skills 379104 English Phonetics 379105 Pronouncing English Accurately 379106 Practical Oral English 379107 Correct Pronunciation 379108 Social Talks 389101 Powerful Business Writing Style 389102 Executive Spoken English for the Office 389104 Practical Written Communication for Business 389105 Business Correspondence Writing Workshop 389106 Presentation Workshop 389107 Enhancing Your Proficiency in Oral Business Communication 389108 English for Oral Business Communication 389109 Effective Business Correspondence 389110 Cross Cultural Issues in International Communication for Business 389111 Business Presentations 389112 Practical Spoken English for the Office 389113 Communication in Business Contexts 389116 High Impact Presentations 389117 Business & Management Reporting 389118 English for Business Meetings and Negotiation 389119 Application of Business Communication Skills 389121 Introduction to Presentation Skills 389122 Presentation and Public Speaking Workshop 389123 English for Meetings 390127 English for Effective PR Writing 389126 Executive series - English Writing Workshop for Executives I - I 389128 Executive series - English Speaking Workshop for Executives I - I 390240 Preparation Workshop for IELTS Exam (Reading and Writing) 390243 IELTS Preparation Course IELTS 390249 Preparation Workshop for IELTS Exam (Speaking) 112 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

English Language English Language English Grammar Foundations of English Grammar (I) Course code: 161-359113-01 This is an expanded version of Basic English Grammar, going more in-depth with the major grammar areas while also covering additional topics including: (1) Direct/indirect speech; (2) Prepositions; (3) Question tags; (4) Determiners; (5) Modal verbs; (6) Common sentence structures. Participants with a greater need for more foundational work in grammar will find this course more helpful for them. Level: elementary I CUSCS instructor $ HK$ 3,080 D 48 hours (19 sessions) Basic English Grammar This course is designed for those who have elementary knowledge, but expect a better mastery of accuracy in the English language. Topics covered include: (1) Parts of speech; (2) Questions; (3) Tenses; (4) Countable & uncountable nouns; (5) Pronouns; (6) Punctuation; (7) Active/passive voice; (8) Direct/indirect speech; (9) Prepositions; (10) Question tags; (11) Articles. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: elementary $ HK$ 1,860 D 30 hours 161-359101-01 P Central Learning Centre C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) (10 sessions) 161-359101-02 C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) (10 sessions) 161-359101-03 C 6 May 2016, Friday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) (12 sessions) C 10 May 2016, Tuesday (7:15p.m.-9:45p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 113

English Grammar This course is designed for students who wish to go beyond basic grammar. It will provide a review of the eight parts of speech in the Basic English Grammar course followed by a more thorough study of other major aspects of grammar. The topics include: (1) Revision of tenses; (2) Gerunds and infinitives; (3) Direct & indirect questions; (4) Relative & participial phrases/ clauses; (5) Adjective & adverb phrases/clauses; (6) Comparatives & superlatives; (7) Collective nouns; (8) Conditionals. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: elementary to intermediate $ HK$ 2,090 D 30 hours 161-359102-01 P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) (10 sessions) Further Practice in English Grammar Course code: 161-359108-01 This course is designed for those who have acquired basic grammatical knowledge and expect a higher-level mastery of the finer aspects of English grammar. Emphasis will be placed on expressing ideas with a wider variety of phrases, sentences and structures. Topics may include: (1) Complex and compound sentences; (2) Relative clauses; (3) Prepositional phrases; (4) Adverbials; (5) Collocations; (6) Spoken grammar. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,860 D 30 hours (12 sessions) C 6 April 2016, Wednesday (7:15p.m.-9:45p.m.) 161-359102-02 C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) (10 sessions) 161-359102-03 C 30 April 2016, Saturday (2:45p.m.-5:15p.m.) (12 sessions) English Grammar Workshop Course code: 161-359106-01 This course will cover grammar topics or items that participants find difficult to use at work or in different communicative settings. Students are required to bring in real-life language samples for discussion and practice. Topics to be covered may well include: (1) Synonyms and confusing words; (2) Phrasal verbs; (3) Modal expressions; (4) Inversion and other structures for emphasis; (5) Present/past participles as adjectives; (6) Formal vs informal expressions. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 1,580 D 20 hours (10 sessions) General English English for Advanced Learners Course code: 161-350109-01 The aim of this course is to improve advanced learners proficiency by reviewing key strategies and common higher-level problems in English communication. A variety of authentic materials focusing on topics of interest to Hong Kong English learners will be selected. Topics may include: (1) Editing higher-level errors; (2) Improving pronunciation and articulation; (3) Developing an idiomatic mode of expression; (4) Applying discourse and rhetoric to writing. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 1,450 D 24 hours (12 sessions) P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 18 March 2016, Friday (7:30p.m.-9:30p.m.) C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 114 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Practical Remedial English (Elementary) Course code: 161-350103-01 This course is designed for participants with Form 3 or above education who wish to improve their ability to read and write English. Topics include major areas of grammar, the most common errors in writing, basic sentence structures and core vocabulary. Students will have the opportunities to practise expressing themselves in English for basic, common communicative purposes. Level: elementary $ HK$ 1,380 D 24 hours (12 sessions) P Shatin Learning Centre C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) English in Use Course code: 161-359104-01 English for Business Application of Business Communication Skills Course code: 161-389119-01 Participants are expected to apply the communication skills acquired from other courses in the "Diploma Programme in Business Communication for Executives" by completing a group project and a presentation. As this is a project-based course. The instructor will be a facilitator to help you design and prepare for the project. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 880 D 12 hours (6 sessions) C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) This course is suitable for participants with F.5 or above education who wish to improve their proficiency in everyday English, focusing on practical communication on word, phrase, and sentence levels in daily life or work situations. Topics include: (1) Pronunciation and speaking skills; (2) English grammar for more precise expression of ideas; (3) Vocabulary for common use; (4) Practical writing skills. Level: elementary to intermediate $ HK$ 1,090 D 20 hours (10 sessions) C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) A Revision of General English Course code: 161-359110-01 Introduction to Presentation Skills Course code: 161-389121-01 This course provides participants with basic presentation tips. Techniques of writing presentation scripts, speaking with confidence, choosing audio-visual aids, and dealing with questions are explained clearly to help participants develop their presenting skills. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,300 D 15 hours (6 sessions) C 18 March 2016, Friday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) The course focuses on improving grammar and vocabulary mainly for written communication, correcting common errors and observing the conventions of formal writing in English. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 2,050 D 30 hours (12 sessions) C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 115

Presentation and Public Speaking Workshop Course code: 161-389122-01 This highly interactive workshop focuses on professional presentation, speech and occasions where one will be given a chance to speak in front of a group of people. Participants will be given chances to practice presentations and public speaking. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 2,050 D 30 hours (10 sessions) C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Social Talks Course code: 161-379108-01 Social Talks offers participants the opportunity to practise English conversation on different topics and at different levels. Students will be taught how to conduct conversation in English in a variety of situations, such as in a relaxed social setting, as well as more formal occasions such as business gatherings. Social etiquette and skills, such as how to introduce appropriate conversation topics and how to continue conversations will also be taught. Group discussions about relevant local issues are also conducted, and the appropriate English vocabulary for these topics are taught during the discussions. Heavy emphasis is placed on allowing all participants the opportunity to practise expressing their thoughts and ideas in English, in a relaxed and structured environment. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 2,000 D 30 hours (12 sessions) C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Powerful Business Writing Style The course is designed for aspiring managers who are familiar with the basics of business correspondence. It helps participants to achieve powerful expressions and formulations in business writing. This course will lead its participants to the advanced level of writing skills required of every manager, and inspire participants to critically interpret and analyze the meanings of business writings. Authentic examples will be provided. After completing this course, participants are expected to be able to write in their own styles. Level: advanced $ HK$ 2,060 D 30 hours (8 sessions) 161-389101-01 P Central Learning Centre C 19 March 2016, Saturday (9:45a.m.-1:30p.m.) 161-389101-02 P Central Learning Centre C 19 March 2016, Saturday (4:15p.m.-8:00p.m.) Executive Spoken English for the Office Course code: 161-389102-01 This course provides motivating communicative activities in order to help business executives to raise their standard of spoken English. It presents a range of practical situations of internal communication to stimulate participants to refresh on their own ways of expressing ideas. After completing this course, participants will be able to speak with confidence on different business occasions. Level: advanced $ HK$ 1,920 D 30 hours (10 sessions) C 24 April 2016, Sunday (9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.) 116 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Practical Written Communication for Business Course code: 161-389104-01 This course will provide participants with an opportunity to analyze and review common grammatical errors found in Hong Kong business writings. An overview of common types of business correspondence will be covered such as emails, memos, different types of letters, agendas and minutes. Common formats used for correspondence will be examined and discussed and the notion of tone and style will be introduced. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 2,020 D 30 hours (12 sessions) C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Presentation Workshop Course code: 161-389106-01 It targets participants who already have knowledge of giving business presentations. It provides a sound grasp of the essential concepts of effective business presentation and skills for attracting the audience's attention. Participants will be given chances to practice on the learnt techniques. The peer comment session in the class will help participants to refresh on their established ways of presenting ideas. Level: advanced $ HK$ 2,020 D 30 hours (10 sessions) C 21 March 2016, Monday (6:45p.m.-9:45p.m.) Business Correspondence Writing Workshop Course code: 161-389105-01 This shorter course introduces clear, concise, and correct business correspondence writing skills with the appropriate use of tone and style. A general review of different types of business correspondence will be covered. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,300 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Enhancing Your Proficiency in Oral Business Communication Course code: 161-389107-01 The course will concentrate on developing participants' ability to engage in interactive conversations in business contexts. There will be a rich selection of different topics and activities to enhance participants vocabulary and English expressions. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,500 D 20 hours (10 sessions) C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 117

English for Oral Business Communication Course code: 161-389108-01 This intermediate course will help participants communicate better in English in business situations that include dealing with overseas visitors: greetings, introducing the company, presenting key information, and socializing. Topics will include: (1) Starting and controlling a meeting; (2) Discussion techniques; (3) Presenting data and information; (4) Practical conversations at work; (5) Expressing opinions; (6) Negotiations. Level: intermediate *A component module of a CEF reimbursable course $ HK$ 2,020 D 30 hours (10 sessions) P Central Learning Centre C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Effective Business Correspondence Course code: 161-389109-01 3943-9034/3943-9138 scs-eng@cuhk.edu.hk This course is designed to help executives write business messages in a clear, concise, correct and effective way. The messages can then be adopted for use in a variety of business correspondence. Topics include: (1) Writing principles and process; (2) Enquiries and replies; (3) Goodwill messages; (4) Unpleasant messages; (5) Persuasive messages; (6) Marketing and sales messages. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 2,020 D 30 hours (10 sessions) C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Cross Cultural Issues in International Communication for Business Course code: 161-389110-01 This course targets executives who are involved in international business. It examines how cross-cultural issues affect communication in business contexts and introduces to the participants the role of cultural integration function in multinational firms. After completing the course, participants will acquire a basic knowledge of the use of different communication techniques in discussed situations. Level: advanced $ HK$ 1,200 D 15 hours (6 sessions) C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Practical Spoken English for the Office Course code: 161-389112-01 This course aims at helping participants to build confidence in using English at work by developing essential functional skills such as greeting and entertaining visitors, offering assistance in common work scenarios, handling requests and complaints, understanding and responding to instructions, giving opinions, and making suggestions. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,660 D 24 hours (12 sessions) C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 118 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Communication in Business Contexts Course code: 161-389113-01 The course aims at raising participants' awareness of the principles and theories of communication and the applications of these theories in business environments. Participants will be introduced to the interpersonal and organizational communication process within business organizations. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 1,750 D 25 hours (10 sessions) C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) High Impact Presentations Course code: 161-389116-01 This course benefits participants who have some prior presentation skills training. It is particularly useful for executives who speak in front of groups, salespeople and anyone who meets the public. Topics include: (1) Different types of presentations: informative, persuasive and impromptu; (2) The process: audience analysis; planning; preparing; rehearsing and revising; (3) Content development and organization: the introduction, body and closing; (4) Questions and answers: responding to positive comments, queries, objections and challenges; (5) Non-verbal communication: eye contact, facial expression, posture, movement, gesture, pausing and use of voice; (6) Use of visual aids. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 1,320 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Central Learning Centre C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) English for Meetings Course code: 161-389123-01 This course is designed for participants who wish to upgrade their English language skills for meetings. It helps executives to be more professional in chairing and participating in a meeting. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,190 D 15 hours (6 sessions) P Central Learning Centre C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Business & Management Reporting Course code: 161-389117-01 This course is designed for those who are interested in proposal writing and report writing. For proposal writing, topics include: (1) Elements and types of proposals; (2) Focusing on the reader; (3) Identification of objectives; (4) Presentation of arguments and reasons; (5) Formulation of a solution or strategy. For report writing, topics include: (1) Elements and types of reports; (2) Data collection; (3) Focusing on the reader; (4) Interpretation and organization. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 1,460 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Central Learning Centre C 19 March 2016, Saturday (2:00p.m.-4:00p.m.) Business Presentations Course code: 161-389111-01 This is an introductory course in presentation and public speaking. The basics in the design of presentations will be covered. Under the instructor's guidance, students will go through the process of preparing and delivering a presentation. There will be short impromptu introductions and mini-presentations in class. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,400 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 119

English for Business Meetings and Negotiation Course code: 161-389118-01 This course is designed for participants who wish to upgrade their English language skills for meetings and negotiations. Topics include: (1) The meeting documents; (2) Chairing, participating and closing a meeting; (3) Principles and process of negotiation; (4) Communication and negotiation contexts; (5) The language used in persuasion. Level: intermediate to advanced *A component module of a CEF reimbursable course $ HK$ 1,430 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Tsimshatsui Oriental Learning Centre C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) English for Executives Executive series-english Speaking Workshop for Executives I I Course code: 161-389128-01 The workshop aims at raising participants' English speaking proficiency through a range of task-based practice and simulated activities set in business contexts. It focuses on different business situations where executives may need to receive a very special guest, speak up in a social event or give a speech at a ceremony. Participants can practise and improve their skills in a comfortable setting for different business speaking tasks and activities. Level: advanced I Mr. Surtees $ HK$ 1,900 D 12 hours (4 sessions) C 2 April 2016, Saturday (1:30p.m.-4:30p.m.) Executive series-english Writing Workshop for Executives I I Course code: 161-389126-01 The workshop aims at reviewing effective English writing skills with middle to high level executives who need to write a lot of correspondence, often management-related. They can also learn to write effectively and persuasively with the appropriate tone and format. In the workshop, participants will explore the objectives behind workplace writing and identify essential elements of good written communication. The instructor will give authentic samples which effectively achieve specific purposes. The participants will learn the skills of how to evaluate and polish their own business correspondence. Level: advanced I Mr. Surtees $ HK$ 1,900 D 12 hours (4 sessions) C 30 April 2016, Saturday (1:30p.m. 4:30p.m.) English Reading & Writing Skills Foundations of English Writing (I) Course code: 161-359109-01 This course is for those who would like to build their English skills on writing, starting from the sentence level. Focus will be on applying common grammatical concepts to basic sentence-making, allowing participants to use basic grammar to write for basic communicative purposes rather than following a topical approach to learning grammar. The course will also include simple reading exercise to enhance participants vocabulary and their ability to write in response to common texts. Level: elementary I CUSCS instructor $ HK$ 3,120 D 50 hours (20 sessions) P Tsimshatsui East Ocean Learning Centre C 13 February 2016, Saturday (11:45a.m.-2:15p.m.) 120 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Practical Reading & Writing Skills This course includes a review of good sentence writing and paragraph writing skills. Particular attention will be paid to sentence cohesion, logical development and flow of ideas. This course also focuses on the skills of making a distinction between facts and opinions; identifying key words and summarizing ideas. It helps participants develop effective reading skills. After this course, students may consider taking the course Writing Skills Workshop to sharpen their writing skills. Level: elementary $ HK$ 2,050 D 30 hours (10 sessions) 161-369102-01 C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) 161-369102-02 P Central Learning Centre C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) Strategies for High-level Writers This is an intensive English writing course specifically designed for participants whose daily work requires a considerable amount of English writing on different occasions. Participants will practise writing a variety of business correspondence professionally such as 'technical writings', business letters, reports and proposals, with particular emphasis on appropriateness of tone and accuracy in expression. Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to develop the ability to polish and refine their own writing to professional standards. Level: advanced Writing Skills Workshop Course code: 161-369104-01 The course aims at helping participants to develop writing skills by: (1) Reading, analysing and responding to a variety of written work (2) Practising logical and coherent writing in the right tone (3) Applying a wider variety of structures in expression Although the focus is expository writing, which begins with a clear thesis followed by logical arguments, the concepts and ideas presented can be applied to business and other writing tasks. Participants who complete their reading and writing assignments can expect a substantial improvement in their reading and writing skills. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,450 D 24 hours (8 sessions) P Central Learning Centre C 23 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) English for Effective PR Writing Course code: 161-390127-01 This course is designed to train participants to become persuasive writers who can compose concise and appealing messages. It addresses the issues about writing style, tone, clarity and conciseness. Topics include: analyzing target audience, achieving clarity and conciseness in writing, the you attitude and establishing empathy. Writing tasks include fact sheets, bios, newsletters, feature articles, exhibition panels, speeches, MC scripts, invitation letters, and press releases. Level: intermediate to advanced I Mr. Surtees $ HK$ 1,630 D 25 hours (10 sessions) C 19 March 2016, Saturday (10:00a.m.-12.30p.m.) $ HK$ 1,190 D 15 hours (5 sessions) 161-369103-01 P Central Learning Centre C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) 161-369103-02 C 16 March 2016, Wednesday (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 121

English Listening & Speaking Skills Freetalk for Advanced English Learners Course code: 161-370107-01 Fluent English speakers (F.6 or above) who would like to join a small class where they can practise their English and get feedback in a supportive environment will find this class beneficial. Participants will have an opportunity to talk freely on a variety of topics of interest in Hong Kong under the facilitation of an instructor, the discussion will be analyzed to identify and correct common errors in pronunciation. Participants will gain valuable corrective input made in grammar and use of vocabulary. They will also learn some common strategies for oral communication in English. Level: advanced $ HK$ 1,680 D 20 hours (10 sessions) C 23 March 2016, Wednsday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Basic Listening Skills Course code: 161-379101-01 Participants will be introduced to various strategies for building up their listening skills through practice with a wide range of examples. To enhance participants' listening skills, features of spoken English: sounds, stress and intonation, pauses and fillers will be reviewed. Level: elementary $ HK$ 1,050 D 15 hours (10 sessions) P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 18 March 2016, Friday (7:00p.m.-8:30p.m.) Improving Listening and Speaking Skills Course code: 161-379102-01 Focusing mainly on using English for everyday communication, this course integrates speaking with listening and puts participants in different practice situations where they need to interact with others in pair or group. Through responding to different input from listening, participants develop the confidence and usual strategies to express themselves orally in common, immediate settings. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,460 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Yaumatei Learning Centre (Methodist College) C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) English Phonetics This course aims at improving students' understanding of English pronunciation and speech system with the help of diagrams, IPA symbols and basic theories. It includes the following topics: (1) Organs of speech and the production of English sounds; (2) The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA); (3) Vowels and consonants; (4) Syllable and stress; (5) Application of phonetic symbols in dictionaries; (6) Weak-forms and strong-forms. Level: elementary and Cantonese $ HK$ 1,420 D 20 hours (10 sessions) 161-379104-01 P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 161-379104-02 P Tsimshatsui Oriental Learning Centre C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 122 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Pronouncing English Accurately Course code: 161-379105-01 This course builds on participants knowledge of English phonetics and aims to improve their accuracy in pronouncing words through listening practice, dictionary work, and oral skills. It includes the following topics: (1) Distinguishing and producing speech sounds; (2) Consonants, vowels and diphthongs; (3) Syllable, word, and sentence stress; (4) Rhythm, intonation, and enunciation; (5) Connected speech; (6) Different English accents. Level: intermediate $ HK$ 1,380 D 20 hours (10 sessions) Correct Pronunciation Course code: 161-379107-01 This is an expanded version of Pronouncing English Accurately covering similar topics but going more in-depth with more practical training, particularly with examples or cases in business or workplace contexts. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 2,000 D 30 hours (12 sessions) C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) P Mei Foo Learning Centre (Broadway Street) C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) Practical Oral English Course code: 161-379106-01 This course is for participants who wish to communicate clearly and effectively with other people in simple English. Topics include greetings and introductions, asking and giving directions, shopping, dining, making enquiries, telephone conversations, and some catchy colloquialisms. Accurate English pronunciation will also be emphasized. Students will be expected to participate in oral classwork: pairwork, roleplay and discussion. Level: elementary $ HK$ 1,390 D 20 hours (10 sessions) P Yaumatei Learning Centre (Methodist College) C 18 March 2016, Friday (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) English for Examinations International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Preparation Course International English Language Testing System (IELTS) The course aims to familiarize students with the format of IELTS and what it involves, with a strong focus on useful examination skills. Emphasis will be placed on the drilling of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This course is particularly useful for those who need an all-round training for doing well in the IELTS exam. Level: intermediate to advanced $ HK$ 2,990 D 30 hours 161-390243-01 C 18 March 2016, Friday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) 161-390243-02 C 10 April 2016, Sunday (9:00a.m.-12:00noon) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 123

Preparation Workshop for IELTS Exam (Reading and Writing) Course code: 161-390240-01 Our IELTS preparation workshop (Reading and Writing) helps students develop the skills necessary to tackle various topics and themes commonly presented in the reading and writing parts of the exam. Topics include: (1) Grouping information and presenting data; (2) Describing charts and graphs; (3) Revising English grammar; (4) Planning and organising an essay; (5) Understanding opinions/ point of views in an article; (6) Identifying the writer's claims. Level: intermediate to advanced I Dr. Diana Sham $ HK$ 1,800 D 18 hours (6 sessions) C 9 April 2016, Saturday (9:00a.m.-12:00noon) Preparation Workshop for IELTS Exam (Speaking) Course code: 161-390249-01 In this workshop, students will get intensive practice in tackling the speaking part of the IELTS exam. Role-plays will be used to provide focused corrective feedback to students to enhance their exam performance. Level: intermediate to advanced I Mr. Surtees $ HK$ 640 D 6 hours (2 sessions) C 10 April 2016, Sunday (1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.) Practical Japanese Part I 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk 25 10 3 I L $ HK$ 1,930 D 30 10 161-320101-01 P C 2016 5 9 (6:45p.m.-9:45p.m.) 161-320101-02 P C 2016 5 4 (7:00p.m.-10:00p.m.) 161-320101-03 P C 2016 5 8 (2:00p.m.-5:00p.m.) Middle School Japanese (Part I) 161-320145-01 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk 25 I L $ HK$ 1,140 D 22.5 15 P C 2016 5 1 (10:30a.m.-12:00noon) Japanese 182 185 Related Certificate & Diploma Programmes (Please refer to P.182-185 for details) Certificate Programme in Japanese (Basic) Certificate Programme in Japanese (Intermediate) Certificate Programme in Japanese (Advanced) 124 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Japanese Conversation and Listening (Basic I Follow-up) 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk 50 20 * 184 I L D 12 8 $ HK$ 850 161-320105-01 P C 2016 5 3 (7:30p.m.-9:00p.m.) 161-320105-02 P C 2016 5 7 (10:30a.m.-12:00noon) Elementary Japanese Conversation 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk 150 16 I L D 28 14 $ HK$ 2,180 161-320107-01 P C 2016 5 4 (7:00p.m.-9:00p.m.) 161-320107-02 P C 2016 5 8 (10:00a.m.-12:00noon) N2 Japanese Grammar for N2 First Part 161-320110-01 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk N2 25 N2 N2 I L $ HK$ 1,700 D 30 10 P C 2016 4 19 (6:45p.m.-9:45p.m.) N2 Japanese Listening Skills for N2 (Part 1) 161-320113-01 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk N2 N2 25 N2N2 I L $ HK$ 880 D 15 10 P C 2016 4 20 (7:30p.m.-9:00p.m.) N3 Japanese Listening Skills for N3 (Part 1) 161-320115-01 3943-9013 / 3943-9137 scs-lang2@cuhk.edu.hk N3 N3 25 N3 N3 I L $ HK$ 880 D 15 10 P C 2016 4 20 (7:30p.m.-9:00p.m) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 125

Korean 186 189 Related Certificate & Diploma Programmes (Please refer to P.186-189 for details) Certificate Programme in Basic Applied Korean Certificate Programme in Intermediate Applied Korean Certificate Programme in Upper-Intermediate Applied Korean Certificate Programme in Advanced Applied Korean 9 Advanced Korean 9 161-340241-01 3943-9137 / 3943-9013 scs-lang4@cuhk.edu.hk 8 700 8 4 5 I L $ HK$ 2, 930 D 45 15 P C 2016 3 12 (2:00p.m. 5:00p.m.) Middle School Korean (1) 161-340249-01 3943-9137 / 3943-9013 scs-lang4@cuhk.edu.hk I L $ HK$ 2,150 Middle School Korean (2) 161-340251-01 3943-9137 / 3943-9013 scs-lang4@cuhk.edu.hk I L $ HK$ 2,150 D 32 11 2 C 2016 3 12 (9:00a.m.-12:00noon) Middle School Korean (3) P 161-340252-01 3943-9137 / 3943-9013 scs-lang4@cuhk.edu.hk I L $ HK$ 2,150 D 36 12 P C 2016 3 12 (9:00a.m.-12:00noon) Learning Korean through Movies & Songs (Advanced) 161-340254-01 3943-9137 / 3943-9013 scs-lang4@cuhk.edu.hk 25 I L $ HK$ 2,520 D 40 16 P C 2016 3 12 (2:00p.m.-4:30p.m.) D 32 11 2 P C 2016 3 12 (9:00a.m.-12:00noon) 126 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Italian Basic Italian I I Course code: 161-340501-01 The course is designed for beginners with little or no prior knowledge of Italian. It covers basic vocabulary, grammar and expressions that are used in everyday situations. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to read and construct basic sentences, and be able to communicate in simple Italian. The course is structured for students to practise the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Module outline: (1) Greetings, self introduction, asking for basic information; (2) Useful vocabulary for daily life conversation; (3) Basic sentence structure; (4) Talking about family and daily activities; (5) Requesting and giving directions; (6) Descriptions of simple situations; (7) Basic Italian grammar; (8) How to write short messages. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.1 L Italian and English Communicating in Italian Course code: 161-340503-01 The course aims at consolidating what has been learned in "Basic Italian I" and "Basic Italian II"; and leading participants to a stronger command of the language. It will focus on expanding participants vocabulary and on learning more advanced uses of past and future tenses, such as "imperfetto", "futuro semplice" and "futuro anteriore". After completing the course, students will be able to handle phone conversation, describe past situations and make requests in restaurants or hotels with confidence. The learning experience will be supplemented with newspaper articles and movies, in order to give a true taste of the Italian "Dolce Vita". Module outline: (1) Reading comprehension; (2) Talking about plans and intentions; (3) Describing past experiences; (4) Taking part in daily conversation; (5) Handling tele-conversation; (6) Talking about prices, colours and materials; (7) Recalling history; (8) Introduction to Italian geography and art. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.3 L Italian and English $ HK$ 2,570 D 30 hours (12 sessions) $ HK$ 2,680 D 45 hours (18 sessions) P Central Learning Centre C 22 March 2016, Tuesday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Basic Italian II II Course code: 161-340502-01 Building on Basic Italian I, this course aims at training participants' basic communication skills in Italian. More daily situations and vocabulary will be introduced. Module outline: (1) Talking about daily activities and weather; (2) Using everyday expressions; (3) Making arrangement for travelling; (4) Making simple requests and asking for permission; (5) Using present and past tense; (6) Using reflexive verbs. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.2 L Italian and English $ HK$ 2,650 D 45 hours (18 sessions) New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 127

German Basic German I I Course code: 161-340301-01 It aims at training participants to understand and speak simple German and write clear passages. It provides participants with basic grammar training and introduces the basic sentence structures and usage of modern German. Module outline: (1) Greetings and introductions; (2) Time and numbers; (3) Clothes and body parts; (4) Pronunciation; (5) Useful vocabulary for daily life; (6) Basic sentence structure; (7) Question types; (8) Verb endings; (9) Descriptions of simple situations; (10) Daily conversation. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.1 L German and English $ HK$ 2,680 D 45 hours (18 sessions) C 21 March 2016, Monday (7:00pm-9:30pm) Basic German II II Course code: 161-340302-01 To build on Basic German I, this course aims at training participants to master basic spoken German and present simple ideas clearly in written German. Module outline: (1) Giving/asking information about education and profession; (2) Telling time; (3) Asking questions; (4) Receiving telephone calls; (5) Understanding instructions; (6) Simple social talk; (7) Writing short messages. Level: A1.2 Communicating in German I I Course code: 161-340303-01 This course focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in German. It is a continuation of Basic German II. Module outline: (1) Reading comprehension; (2) Identifying main points in a passage; (3) Listening comprehension; (4) More on pronunciation; (5) Asking/giving information about living environment; (6) Asking/giving information about work environment; (7) Identifying mistakes. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.3 L German and English $ HK$ 2,680 D 30 hours (12 sessions) Intermediate German I I Course code: 161-340311-01 This course focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in German. It aims at raising participants' proficiency to express complex ideas and concepts. Module outline: (1) Expressing ideas on topics of shopping, holiday vocation and leisure time; (2) Preparing a trip and talking about holiday plans; (3) Requesting and giving directions, instructions and recommendations about transportation; (4) Expressing assumptions; (5) Reading travel itineraries; (6) Making comparisons; (7) Expressing contraries. Level: A2.1 L German $ HK$ 2,750 D 45 hours (18 sessions) L German and English $ HK$ 2,780 D 45 hours (18 sessions) 128 Instructor(s) Language Commencement Date & Time Tuition Fee Duration Place Telephone E-Mail For detailed information of our programmes/courses, please visit cuscs.hk

Spanish Basic Spanish I I Course code: 161-340401-01 It is a beginner's course which introduces simple vocabulary and basic grammar. It helps participants to use simple expressions to communicate in Spanish. Module outline: (1) Greetings; (2) Asking and giving basic personal information: name, origin, nationality, age and address; (3) Describing and talking about oneself, the family and the people around us: civil state, hobbies, studies, occupation, personality, character and physical appearance; (4) Pronunciation; (5) General cultural notes about Spanish speaking countries, featuring Spain, and about the Spanish language in the world, family relationships in the Spanish speaking countries; (6) Basic notes on different Spanish accents and dialectal varieties. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.1 and Spanish $ HK$ 2,930 D 45 hours (18 Sessions) C 24 March 2016, Thursday (7:00p.m.-9:30p.m.) Basic Spanish II II Course code: 161-340402-01 As a continuation of Basic Spanish I, this course aims at building on what has been covered and provides further training on pronunciation and grammar. Module outline: (1) Describing people, things and places; (2) Giving and understanding information about life experiences, the weather, the time, directions, health, professional and study matters, making plans, giving directions and traveling; (3) Getting information about the existence, availability and price of products and methods of payment; (4) Focusing on the vocabulary of the body parts, days of the week, physical activities, clothes, currency names, adjectives related to the clothes and dressing style. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A1.2 Communicating in Spanish Course code: 161-340403-01 This course focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in Spanish. It aims at developing participants' ability to express complex ideas in Spanish, so a wider range of real-life examples will be used. It is a continuation of Basic Spanish II. Module outline: (1) Ordering in the restaurant; (2) Shopping in the market; (3) Writing recipes; (4) Making reservation; (5) Preparing a trip; (6) Requesting particular information; (7) Understanding surveys; (8) Showing agreement/disagreement; (9) More ways of giving opinions; (10) Describing places (a city) with more details. Level: A1.3 L Spanish and English $ HK$ 2,650 D 30 hours Intermediate Spanish I I Course code: 161-340411-01 This course focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in Spanish. It aims at developing participants' ability to express complex ideas in Spanish in different everyday contexts. Module outline: (1) Preparing a trip and talking about holiday plans, routines in daily life; (2) Talking about travelling and related activities; (3) Requesting and giving directions, instructions and recommendations about transportation; (4) Ordering in a restaurant, asking what is in the food, instruction for cooking; (5) Expressing physical and mental states. Textbook: The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee. Level: A2-B1 L Spanish and English $ HK$ 2,760 D 45 hours L Spanish and English $ HK$ 2,890 D 45 hours New Programme PVCHK PVCHK Accredited Courses Continuing Education Fund Discount scheme for age of 50 or above 129