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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research BSC BSC HES P BSC BSC BSC Ckpan EMA Vimentin S CEA SMA Ckpan EMA BSC BSC A Squamous cell carcinoma and basaloid squamous carcinoma of the esophagus a clinicopathologic immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study Zhang Jianqiang Zhang Xinhua Meng Kui Department of Pathology the People s Hospital of Binhai County Jiangsu AbstractObjective To investigate the clinicopathological immunohistochemical and electron microscopic features of basaloid squamous carcinoma BSC of the esophagus Methods The clinical and pathological data and HE stained slides of BSC and squamous cell carcinoma patients were reviewed Immunohistochemical stains his tochemical stanis and electron microscopic study were used to further charcterize the neoplasm Results The most important histologic characteristics of the BSC is carcinoma with a basaloid pattern intimately accompanied with squa mous cell carcinoma dysplasia or focal squamous differentiation The basaloid cells were round to oval in shape with scant cytoplasm arranged mainly in the form of solid smooth contoured lobules with peripheral palisading A panel of immunostains were used for the basaloid component of the tumor with the following results cytokeration pan focal positive epithelia membrane antigen EMA positive S proteinpositive carcinoma embryonic antigen CEA and smooth muscle actin were negative Electron microscopy revealed that the basaloid cells were poorly differentiated with a few desmosomes and fibrils There were many basal membrane like materials filled in the inter trabecular and intercellular spaces Of the cases with follow updied of tumor recurrence or metastases within years Conclusion The BSC of the esophagus is a distinct clinicopathological entity with poor differentiated and miserable prognosis key wordsesophagus neoplasm basaloid squamous carcinoma clinicopathology immunohistochemistry ultrastructure basaliod squamous carcinoma BSC Wain BSC Wain BSC HE HE BSC AB ph PAS PAS Ckpan EMA CEA Vim S SMA


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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research CHF BNP NEACEICHF BNP NE ACEI CHF mg d mg d NE BNP LVEDdLVEF NE BNP CHF BNP NYHA LVEF r P BNP LVEDd NE r P r P BNP NE CHF BNP BNP NE BNP CHF A The effect of BNP in patients with chronic heart failure and the intervene by the various dose of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor Song Haoming Zhang Jia Deng Bing et al Tongij Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University Shanghai AbstractObjective We studied the relationship of plasma BNP level and severity of heart failure and plas ma NE level and investigated the influence of various dosage of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor ACEI on plasma BNP and norepinephrine NEWe discussed the feasibility and security of high dosage of ACEI Methods patients with stable CHF who were receiving basic therapy for heart failure were randomly assigned to the low dose group perindopril mg d and the high dose group initiate at low dosage of perindopril and gradually increase up to perindopril mg dall indices including plasma NE and BNP levels LVEF LVEDd BP HR were mea sured before and after w treatment then compared the differences between the two groups healthy subjects were selected as control group They were also examined with the plasma levels of NE and BNP Results The plasma BNP level was correlated closely with NYHA classes of heart failure LVEF r P plasma NE level r P and LVEDd r P in patients with CHF Both of plasma BNP and NE levels in the high dose group perindopril mg d were decreased more than those in the low dose group Patients in the high dose group received perindopril at low dosage initially and gradually increasing to the high dosage and toler ated well Conclusion Plasma BNP level in patients with CHF is correlated closely with the severity of CHF and plasma NE Plasma BNP level is a good examination of diagnose therapy and evaluating prognosis of heart failure Giv ing perindopril to patients in the heart failure at low dosage initially and gradually increasing to the high dosage was secure Patients tolerated it well Key wordschronic heart failure angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril brain natriuretic peptide norepinephrine BNP BNP BNP BNP BNP CHF ACEI


Journal of Chinese Medicine Research mg d mg d xs mmhg mol L P P CHF CHF CHF SNS RAAS NE BNP BNP CHF SNS NE SNS CHF CHF Maeda CHF BNP NE BNP BNP NE CHF CHF CHF CHF P BNP LVEF LVEDd BNP BNP NE r P BNP CHF BNP NE BNP ACEI ACEI NE mg d mg dne P BNP BNP P P BNP BNP CHF BNP ACEI Pacher Cr Cr Levin ER Gardner DG Samson WK Natriuretic peptides N Engl J Med Jensen KT Carstens J Pedersen EB Effect of BNP on renal hemody namics tubular function and vasoactive hormones in humans Am J Physiol Takayoshi Tsutamoto Atsuyuki Wada KeiKo Maeda et al Attenuation of compensation of endogenous cardiac natriuretic peptide system in chronic heart failure Circulation Yoshimura M Yasue H Okamura K et al Different secretion pattern of atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide in patients with congestive heart failure Circulation Schwartz JS Wang YR Cleland JG et al High versus low dose an giotensin converting enzyme inhibitor therapy in the treatment of heart failure an economic analysis of the Assessment of Treatment with

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research min h P P A Massage effects on peripheral blood sugar of apoplectic and diabetic patients Liang Yongtian Zhongshan People s Hospital of Guangdong Province Zhongshan AbstractObjective To study what effects that massage will create on patients with apoplectic and diabetic disease Methods Test the blood sugar of the patientsright and left hands with a household care blood sugar tester minutes before massage and hours after massage test them again and make comparison Results After mas sage a significant difference of peripheral blood sugar P occurred to the apoplectic and diabetic patients but little difference P of peripheral blood sugar was shown on the healthy sides Conclusion massage has a significant improved effect on peripheral blood sugar of the apoplectic and diabetic patients but make no influence on the healthy sides Key wordsmassage apoplectic and diabetic disease peripheral blood sugar influence min min h mmol L d d

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research d S P MAD RM MAD RM Halsted Auchincloss TNM ER MAD RM cm CMF CTX mg m FU mg m MTX mg m MAD RM ER mg B X log rank test SPSS MAD RM n MAD RM Ivens D Hoe AL Podd TJ et al Assessment of morbidity from complete axillary dissection Br J Cancer Fisher B Breast cancer management alternative to radical mastectomy N Engl J Med Veronesi U Rilke F Luini A et al Distribution of axillary node metas tases by level of invasion Cancer

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research TEE TTE TTE TEE TEE TTE TTE TTE TEE A Appraising the value of aortic anomaly by transesophageal echocardiography TEE with transthoracic echocardiography TTE Nan Xiaoyan Na Risu Liu Xiaoping et al Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hospital Hohhot AbstractObjective To compare the diagnostic value of transesophageal echocardiography TEE with transthoracic echocardiography TTE in aortic anomaly Methods Thirty two patients with aortic anomaly were diag nosed and identified by TTE and TEE Results The accuracy of TEE diagnosis was obviously higher than that of TTE and the cause of the disease can be clearly shown Conclusion Presently TEE is the most accurate and reliable method for diagnosing aortic anomaly As for TTE it can be used to screen the case of the disease Key wordstransesophageal echocardiography transthoracic echocardiography aortic anomaly TEE TTE TTE TEE HP SONOS TTE MHz TEE MHz TEE TEE Y TEE TTE TEE TTE TTE TTE TEE TTE TEE TTE TEE TTE TEE

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research B B B cm ml B B ml ml B ml

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research Treiz cm Sicone mm cm P A Analysis on the enteral nutrition effect of needle catheter jejunostomy for patients underwent esophagoectomy Wang Lixu Wei Chunyong Ma Chengfang et al Longgang Central Hospital Shenzhen Guangdong AbstractObjective To analyse the enteral nutrition effect of needle catheter jejunostomy for patients un derwent esophagoectomy Methods patients received needle catheter jejunostomy before diaphnagm sutured the catheter was inserted jejunum at the point cm distal to the ligament of Treitz Before getting into the lumen the catheter merges in the wall of the bowel for a distance about cm Results There were no difference between the levels of the patientsbody weight plasma album and pre album in the pre operation and after operation P Conclusion Needle catheter jejunostomy is effective in nutrition of post operation for resection of carcinoma of esophagus Key wordsenteral nutrition carcinoma of esophagus jejunostomy parenteral nutrition PN enteral nu trition EN Sicone mm Treitz cm cm EN SUE kcal d d d xs t SPSS h P n xs kg g L mg L P

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research P Kuelsk Seletive decontamination of the digestive tract SDD Gianottil Braga M Fortisc et al A prospective randomized clinical trial on perioperative feeding with an arginine omega fatty acid and RNA enriched enteral diet effect on host response and nutritional sta tus J Parenter Enteral Nutr Grimm H Mayer K An immune enhancing enteral diet reduces mor tality rate and episodes of bacteria in septic intensive care unit patient Crit Care Med D X VAD HD Biw ml d P min BP mmhg WBC L RBC L Hb g L PLT L


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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research IL mrna in asthma and their modulation in response to steroid therapy Am J Respir Crit Care Med Lee YL Fu CL Ye YL et al Administration of interleukin prevents mite Der p allergen IgE antibody production and airway eosinophil infiltration in an animal model of airway inflammation Scand J Immunol Chung F Anti inflammatory cytokines in asthma and allergy inter leukin interleukin interferon gamma Mediators In flamm Wright ED Christodoulopoulos P Frenkiel S et al Expression of in terleukin ILpand IL beta receptors in allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis Clin Exp Allergy Matsuse H Kong X Hu J et al Intranasal IL produces discreet pulmonary and systemic effects on allergic inflammation and airway re activity Int Immunopharmacol Bryan SA O Connor BJ Matti S et al Effects of recombinant human interleukin on eosinophils airway hyper responsiveness and the late asthmatic response Lancet Sur S Choudhury BK Lam JS et al Mucosal IL is more effec tive than systemic IL in augmenting IFN gamma expression and inhibiting allergic lung eosinophilia in murine lungs Exp Lung Res Hogan SP Foster PS Tan X et al Mucosal IL gene delivery inhibits allergic airways disease and restores local antiviral immunity Eur J Immunol Lee YL Ye YL Yu CI et al Construction of single chain inter leukin DNA plasmid to treat airway hyperresponsiveness in an ani mal model of asthma Hum Gene Ther Leonard P Sur S Interleukin potential role in asthma therapy Bio Drugs pshc pshc shc pshc H O Pshc FKHRLDAF FKHRLpshc H O FKHRLpshc pshc DAF A pshc shc K PshcK pshck pshc src SH CH PTBpshc CH pshc pshc pshcde S SPshc Y pshc Migliaccio pshc phospho qmino acid UV H O pshc Migli accio pshc DNA UV MEFs shc CH pshc pshc pshc pshc pshc pshc pshc MEFs H O h pshc MEFs pshc MEFs H O UV h h pshc UV pshc pshc UV H O pshc pshc pshc paraquat mg kg h pshc h h pshc pshc pshc

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research associated with less coronary atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women J Clin Endocrinol Metab Raza JA Reinhart RA Movahed A Ischemic heart disease in women and the role of hormone therapy Int J Cardiol Hulley S Grady D Bush T et al Randomized trial of estrogen plus pro gestin for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in post menopausal women JAMA Wenger WK Knatterud GL Canner PL Early risks of hormone therapy in patient with coronary heart disease JAMA Alexander KP Newby LK Hellkamp AS et al Initiation of HRT acute myocardial infarction is associated with more cardiol event during follow up Journal of the American College Cardiology Grady D Wenger NK Herrington D et al Post menopausal hormone therapy increase risk of venous thromboembolic disease Annals of In ternal Medicine Ridker PM Hennekens CH Rifai N et al Hormone replacement thera py and increased plasma concentration of C reactive protein Circula tion Cushman M Legault C Barrett Connor E et al Effect of post menopausal hormone on inflammation sensitive protein Circulation Parsons E Newby LK Bhapkar MV et al Postmenopausal hormone use in women with acute coronary syndromes J Womens Health Larchmt Waters DD Alderman EL Hsia J et al Effects of hormone replacement therapy and antioxidant vitamin supplements on coronary atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women a randomized controlled trial JAMA Chilvers CE Knibb RC Armstrong SJ et al Post menopausal hormone replacement therapy and risk of acute myocardial infarction a case control study of women in the East Midlands UK Eur Heart J Stevenson JC The metabolic basis for the effects of HRT on coronary heart disease Endocrine Lindenfeld J Ghali JK Krause Steinrauf HJ Hormone replacement therapy is associated with improved survival in women with advanced heart failure J Am Coll Cardiol Rea TD Psaty BM Heckbert SR et al Hormone replacement therapy and the risk of incident congestive heart failure the Cardiovascular Health Study J Womens Health Larchmt Levens E Williams RS Current opinions and understandings of menopausal women about hormone replacement therapy HRTthe University of Florida experience Am J Obstet Gynecol Armitage M Nooney J Evans S Recent concerns surrounding HRT Clin Endocrinol Oxf A tanshinonesalviamiltiorrhiza Bge B A H RV g ml PGFPGE ml ng ml h h ng ml Smith ng ml

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research Zhang JY Immunological study of autoamtibody response in human hepatoellular carcinoma PCR A Wistar g cm mw ddddddd TUNEL PCNA P P P P P P P P P YA PCNA PCNA PCNA Blagosklonny MV A node between proliferation apoptosis and growth arrest Bioessays Zhang LX WangZ Yang GP et al The effect of the angiogenesis in hibitor angiostatin on hypertrophic scarring J Surg Res

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research ART MAP NIBP Willis c NIBP Direct ART r MAP mmhg NIBP mmhg NIBP Di rect ART mmhg NIBP Direct ART Yelderman M Ream AK Indirect measurement of mean blood pressure in the anesthetized patient Anesthesiology Bruner JMR Krenis LJ Kunsman JM et al Comparison of direct and indirect methods of measuring arterial blood pressure Med Instrum Ronald D Miller Anesthesia fifth edition America Churchill Living stone Gorback MS Considerations in the interpretation of systemic pressure monitoring Complications in Critical Care Medicine Chicago Year Book Medical Publishers MDR PTB MDR PTB P P P MDR PTB B MDR TB MDR PTB MDR PTB X CT SHR E Z P B VL EZVL E SL EZL EZ Bml Vg Lg Eg Zg Sg X CT

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research minmin min minmin h OAAS xs t P P min P R P R MAP mmhg HR min P min R min min min OAAS OAAS min h R R R g kg min mg kg min min Reves JG Educational Considerations for the clinical introduction and use of remifentanil Anesth Analg Glass PSA Gan TJ Howell S A review of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of remifentanil Anesth Analg Chaudri S White M Kenny GN Induction of anesthesia with propofol using a target controlled infusion system Anaesthesia B PCE mg h h mg h g h g mg h h mg h

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research B TIA TIA TIA ml h P a a TIA B WHO S T T mlg ml d ml d P P mg mg P

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research ml g HBV HBV P MultiSkan Windows Visual Basic HBV HBV HBV B HBV HBsAg HBs HBeAg HBeAg HBc LABSYSTEMS MultiSkan HBV HBV HBV HBV HBV P M G Mb Epson LQ K LABSYSTEMS MultiSkan RS RSRS CPU P Wondows Access

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research Oracle Visual Basic Windows HBV RS OD OD RS HBV HBsAg HBs HBeAg HBeAgHBc OD HBV HBsAg HBsHBeAg Wesgard OD ID HBV HBV h h RS OD OD HBV OD OD OD HBV HBV RS HBV HBV

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research Vlasic N Lipid fluidity modulate platelet aggregation and agglutination in vitro Life Sci Shinitzky M Barenholz Y Fluidity parameters of lipid re_ gions deter mined by fluorescence polarization Biochem Bio physica Acta Caimi G Montana M Canino B et aplatelet membrane fluidity and platelet membrane lipid pattern in several clinical conditions Clinical Hemorheology Winocour PD Bryszewska M Watala C et al Reduced membrane fluid ity in platelets from diabetic patients Diabetes Caimi G Montana M Canino B et al Platelet membrane fluidity platelet membrane lipid pattern and platelet cytosolic Ca content in subjects with vascular atherosclorotic disease Clinical Hemorheology Sang LQ Montenay KH Devynck MA Alterations of platelet membrane microviscosity in essential hypertension Clin Sci g L mmol L mmol L mmol L B RA g L mmol L mmol L mmol LRA s RA l lnm s min RGT RATE min mmol L mmol L CV OCV P g L mmol L

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Journal of Chinese Medicine Research BCG OPV DPT MV HBV HBVh OPV DPT MV B The investigation on planning immunity inoculation rate of Chengde in the year of Hui Guangming Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Chengde City Chengde Hebei AbstractIn order to grasp the actual situation of planning immunity work in Chengde when SARS was epi demic we chose and dispatched four check groups consisted of professionals to make investigation on planning immuni ty inoculation rate of the counties and districts under the jurisdiction of Chengde in April The investigation on the initially inoculated children shows that card compiling rate is certificate issuing rate is card carving rate is BCG inoculation rate is OPV inoculation rate is DPT inoculation rate is MV inoculation rate is HBV inoculation rate is In addition as to situation of the first injection of HBV for newly born babies in hours we have babies investigated Among them were injected timelychildren accepted the investigation on strengthening children immunity with a result of an OPV and DPT inoculation rate of as well as a MV inoculation rate of The investigation basically reflects the inoculation extent of Chengde planning immunity realizing the targeting goal of planning work Key wordsplanning immunity inoculation rate investigation BCG OPV DPT MV HBV OPV DPT MV HBV h HBV HBV h BCG OPV DPT MV HBV

Journal of Chinese Medicine Research HBV HBV OPV DPT MV B

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