Scotland s Retail Offer 苏格兰零售业一览 Welcome to Scotland 苏格兰欢迎您 Graeme White Head of Tourism Leisure and Retail 旅游及零售行业负责人 Scottish Development Internatio

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Scotland s Retail Offer 苏格兰零售业一览 Welcome to Scotland 苏格兰欢迎您 Graeme White Head of Tourism Leisure and Retail 旅游及零售行业负责人 Scottish Development International 苏格兰国际发展局

Retail in Scotland 苏格兰的零售业 Retail in Scotland is dominated by the 4 largest cities 苏格兰的零售业由四大城市主导 Glasgow Edinburgh Aberdeen Dundee 格拉斯哥 爱丁堡 阿伯丁 邓迪 Other locations including Inverness, Perth, Stirling and Livingston form the second tier of trading locations where demand is lower and quality of tenants tends to diminish. 除此之外, 需求量稍低, 高质量租户略减的因弗内斯, 珀斯, 斯特灵和利文斯顿组成了第二梯队 CITY/TOWN CENTRE ANNUAL RETAIL REVENUE PROPORTION (7 KEY CITIES) 7 大主要城市城镇年零售收入总额分布 格拉斯哥爱丁堡阿伯丁邓迪斯特灵因弗内斯珀斯 HIGHEST AVERAGE WEEKLY FOOTFALL 主要城市每周最高记录人流量 阿伯丁联合大街邓迪默里门大街爱丁堡王子大街格拉斯哥阿盖尔王子大街珀斯高街斯特灵波特大街

Glasgow - The Jewel in Scotland s Retail Crown 格拉斯哥 - 苏格兰零售业的明珠 2nd Glasgow s Ranked 2nd in UK Retail Hierarchy behind London West End 在英国的零售行业排名第二, 仅次于伦敦西部 Approximate resident population of 660,000 with an estimated shopper population of 2m within a 20 minute drive time of city centre 城市总人口数 66 万, 在距离市中心 20 分钟驾驶范围内的购物总人口约有 200 万 retail sector generates more than 3.3bn and supports 17,000 full time jobs 格拉斯哥零售行业总值超 33 亿英镑, 创造 1.7 万工作岗位 Secured Scotland s first City Deal and second largest in UK at 1.3bn 获得苏格兰最大, 全英第二的 13 亿城市交易 Retail locations: 主要零售场所 Buchanan St - Glasgow s premier retailing location and one of the best in the UK. 布坎南大街 - 格拉斯哥首屈一指的零售场所, 同时也是全英最好的零售商区一 Ingram St/Princes Sq High end and more premium offer. 英格拉姆大街 / 王子广场 高端和更多优质商品 Sauchiehall St/Argyle St More mass market trading locations, however still very busy. 苏式赫尔大街 / 阿盖尔大街 更多大众品牌聚集地, 人潮熙攘 Buchanan Galleries/St Enoch s Centre Two covered Shopping Centre malls situated at either end of Buchanan St. 布坎南美术馆 / 圣伊诺克中心 位于布坎南大街两端的两个大型购物中心

Edinburgh 爱丁堡 Scotland s Capital City with a resident population of approximately 500,000 苏格兰的首府拥有约 50 万常住人口 Culture capital 2nd most visited UK city behind London 3.7m visitors annually 文化之都 伦敦之外全英第二的接受游客最多的城市 - 每年约有 370 万游客 Retail locations: 主要零售场所 Retail in Edinburgh is dominated by Princes St although that is all about to change in 2020. 爱丁堡的主要零售场所集中在王子大街, 但是这一现状在 2020 年之前将有所改变 Princes St Unique one side retailing street, extremely busy and highest rental pitch in the city 王子大街 独一无二的单边零售街道, 城市中最繁忙, 租金最贵的区域 George St/The Walk More premium retail offer Harvey Nichols located in The Walk which is the premium pitch in the city centre 乔治大街 更多高端品牌 Harvey Nichols 百货公司坐落于此 Old Town Includes North/South Bridge and Royal Mile. Focused on tourist and leisure trade 老城区 包括南 / 北桥和皇家英里大道 专注于旅游和休闲类商品 Tourism spend of 1bn per annum 每年的旅游收支 10 亿英镑 One of the UK and Europe s most important financial cities 英国和欧洲最重要的金融城市之一 St James Centre redevelopment one of the largest and most important in the UK will move Edinburgh from 13th in UK retail ranking to 8th 圣詹姆斯中心的重新开发 全英最大最重要的项目之一该项目的竣工将爱丁堡在全英的零售排名从 13 位提升至第 8 位

St James Centre 圣詹姆斯中心 Case Study 经典案例 Stunning new retail, leisure, hotel and residential development extending to approximately 1.7m sq ft in total 令人惊叹的新零售, 休闲, 酒店和公寓相结合, 总面积约 16 万平方米的开发项目 Due for completion in late 2020, it will transform the retail landscape and will be one of the most impressive shopping centres in the UK 预计于 2020 年底竣工, 它将改变爱丁堡零售业的格局, 也将成为全英国最令人难忘的购物中心之一 Re-define prime retail pitch within city centre emphasis on higher end tenant mix 重新定义城市中心的零售地图 对高端租户的影响尤其明显 Should attract new worldwide and European retailers but will impact on other areas of Edinburgh 将吸引全球和欧洲的更多新零售商, 同时也对爱丁堡的其他区域带来积极影响

Aberdeen 阿伯丁 3rd Scotland s 3rd largest city and sits within the top 25 retail locations in the UK 苏格兰第三大城市, 英国零售行业排名前 25 名 Resident population of approximately 212,000 and draws on a substantial catchment of 500,000 城市居民约 21.2 万, 辐射区域约有 50 万人口 Known as the Granite City, Aberdeen is heavily reliant on its oil and gas sector which has faced challenging market conditions over recent years. 阿伯丁也被称为 花岗岩之城, 石油与天然气产业支撑着她的半爿天空 Retail in Aberdeen 阿伯丁的零售业 Dominated by covered shopping malls of Union Sq and Bon Accord/St Nicholas Centre 主要的零售区域集中在联合广场和邦阿科得 / 圣尼古拉斯中心 Union St More mass market and service led offer 联合广场 更多面向大众市场的消费和服务 FULL TIME WEEKLY EARNINGS AVERAGE FOR EMPLOYEES IS 25% HIGHER THAN THE SCOTTISH AVERAGE 人均每周收入比苏格兰平均水平高 25% SINCE 2004 THERE HAVE BEEN IN ABERDEEN CITY 10 CONSECUTIVE POPULATION INCREASES 自 2004 年起阿伯丁的人口总数实现 10 个连续增长

Dundee 邓迪 4th Scotland s 4th largest city and is known as Scotland s sunniest city! 苏格兰第四大城市, 也被认识是苏格兰日照最多的城市 Resident population of approximately 150,000 as well as a large student population and globally recognised reputation for teaching and research. 90% of Scotland s population within 90 minute drive time 城市居民约 15 万, 学生人口众多 全球公认的教学与科研声誉 地理位置卓越, 苏格兰 90% 的人搂均在 90 分钟车程辐射范围内 1bn 30 year Dundee Waterfront development regeneration project 3rd largest in the UK 耗资 10 亿英镑, 英国第三大, 邓迪滨水区域开发升级工程 Retail in Dundee 邓迪的零售业 Less developed than Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen with a more mass market offer 稍逊于格拉斯哥, 爱丁堡以及阿伯丁, 以大众消费为主 Overgate Centre Prime retail within Dundee, fully covered mall that performs well Overgate 中心 顶级全配套购物中心 Murraygate/High St more secondary locations but still busy footfall 默里门大街 - 中档购物场所, 但依然人流繁忙 V&A Museum to open in 2018 only one outside of London 伦敦之外唯一的一座 V&A 博物馆将于 2018 年开幕

Thank you! Q&A 感谢聆听 现在是问答时间 For further information please contact: 如需获得更多详情, 请我联系