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本藥須由醫師處方使用 磷減樂錠 衛署藥輸字第 025229 號 磷減樂 Renvela 錠, 口服膜衣錠 1. 適應症適用於控制接受透析治療的成年慢性腎病患者的高磷血症 說明 : 對於沒有進行透析的慢性腎病患者,Renvela 的安全性及有效性尚未被確認 2. 劑量及用法因為碳酸鹽錠劑的迅速崩解, 以及在胃中與鹽酸的迅速反應,Renvela 的給藥劑量預期與鹽酸鹽相似 沒有服用磷結合劑的病人 :Renvela 的推薦起始劑量為 800 到 1600 mg, 可根據血磷濃度與餐食併服 1 或 2 顆 Renvela 800 mg 錠劑 表一提供 Renvela 的推薦起始劑量給沒有服用磷結合劑的病人 表一 : 沒有服用磷結合劑的透析病人之起始劑量血磷濃度 Renvela 800 mg > 5.5 及 < 7.5 mg/dl 每次 1 錠, 每天三次與三餐併服 7.5 及 < 9.0 mg/dl 每次 2 錠, 每天三次與三餐併服 9.0 mg/dl 每次 2 錠, 每天三次與三餐併服從使用 sevelamer Hydrochloride 轉換來的病人 : 對於從 sevelamer Hydrochloride 轉換來的病人,sevelamer carbonate 的處方劑量應以每公克對換一公克為基準 為了達到要求的磷酸鹽濃度, 進一步調整劑量可能是必需的 對於正在進行透析的 CKD 患者, 在研究中使用的 sevelamer carbonate 之每日最高劑量為 14 公克 從使用醋酸鈣轉換來的病人 : 在一個對 84 位正在進行血液透析的 CKD 病人所做的研究中, 觀察到對等劑量 ( 大約是 mg 對 mg) 的 sevelamer hydrochloride 及醋酸鈣對血磷濃度有類似的降低程度 表二根據病人目前所使用的醋酸鈣劑量, 提供 Renvela 的推薦起始劑量 表二 : 從醋酸鈣轉換到 Renvela 的透析病人之起始劑量醋酸鈣 667 mg Renvela 800 mg ( 每餐之錠劑數 ) ( 每餐之錠劑數 ) 1 錠 1 錠 2 錠 2 錠 3 錠 3 錠所有使用 Renvela 的病人之劑量調整 : 為了控制血磷濃度在 3.5 mg/dl 到 5.5 mg/dl 的目標範圍, 必要時應每間隔兩週, 以增加或減少每餐一錠的方式來調整劑量 Renvela 錠劑應全部 完整的吞服, 服用前不應磨碎 咀嚼成碎片或剝開藥品 3. 劑型及含量 800 mg 白色橢圓形 膜衣 壓印 RENVELA 800 的壓製錠劑 4. 禁忌症 Renvela 禁止使用於低血磷或腸阻塞的患者, 以及對 sevelamer carbonate 或該藥中任一成份過敏的患者 5. 警語及注意事項 5.1 小心使用於胃腸疾病的患者對於有吞嚥困難 吞嚥疾病 嚴重的胃腸蠕動障礙包括嚴重便秘 或較大的胃腸道手術之患者, 使用 Renvela 的安全性尚未確立 因此, 對這些胃腸疾病的患者給藥時要小心 5.2 監測血清中的化學物質 Renvela 不含鈣, 所以應監測血中鈣濃度, 另應監測血中重碳酸及氯的濃度 5.3 監測降低的維生素 D E K ( 凝血因子 ) 及葉酸的濃度以人類使用推薦劑量之 6-10 倍的 sevelamer hydrochloride ( 所含有效成份與 sevelamer carbonate 相同 ) 給予大白鼠及狗所做的臨床前研究中發現, 維生素 D E K ( 凝結因子 ) 及葉酸的濃度會降低 在短期的臨床試驗中, 並沒有發現任何血中維生素濃度降低的證據 然而, 在一個為期一年的臨床試驗中, 使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 治療者的 25-hydroxyvitamin D ( 正常範圍為 10 到 55 ng/ml) 從 39 ± 22 ng/ml 降低到 34 ± 22 ng/ml (p<0.01) 在 sevelamer hydrochloride 的臨床試驗中, 大多數 ( 大約 75%) 病人都有補充維生素, 這對透析患者是很典型的 6. 不良反應 6.1 臨床試驗的經驗因為不同的臨床試驗是在迥然不同的條件下進行的, 所以在一種藥品的臨床試驗中所觀察到的不良反應發生率, 並不能直接與另一種藥品的臨床試驗中之不良反應發生率做比較, 也可能無法反映實際使用時所觀察到的不良反應發生率 Renvela 的安全性資料是有限的, 然而, 由於它所含的有效成份與鹽酸鹽相同之事實, 這兩種鹽類的不良反應數據應該是相類似的 在一個對血液透析病人所做的交叉研究中, 使用 sevelamer carbonate 與 sevelamer hydrochloride 各治療八週, 且換藥之間並沒有廓清期, 結果使用 sevelamer carbonate 者與使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 者所通報的不良反應是相類似的 在一項使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 為期 52 週的平行設計試驗中,sevelamer hydrochloride 組 (n = 99) 所通報的不良反應與有效對照組 (n = 101) 所通報的相類似 在使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 治療的所有不良反應中, 發生於 5% 以上病人者包括 : 嘔吐 (22%) 噁心 (20%) 腹瀉 (19%) 消化不良 (16%) 腹痛 (9%) 脹氣 (8%) 和便秘 (8%) 總共有 27 位使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 治療的病人和 10 位使用有效對照品治療的病人因不良反應而退出試驗 根據 8-52 週的各個試驗結果, 停止使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 治療的最常見原因是胃腸道的不良反應 (3-16%) 在一項對 143 位腹膜透析病人使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 治療的 12 週試驗中, 大多數不良反應與在血液透析病人身上所觀察到的不良反應相類似 嚴重不良反應最常發生的是腹膜炎 (sevelamer hydrochloride 組有 8 件發生在 8 位病人 [8%], 而有效對照組有兩件發生在兩位病人 [4%] ) Sevelamer hydrochloride 組有 13 位病人 (14%) 有效對照組有 9 位病人 (20%) 停藥, 主要是因為胃腸道的不良反應 對腹膜透析的病人應該嚴密監測以保證有確實使用適當的無菌技術, 且要及時確認和處理任何與腹膜炎相關的徵兆和症狀 Renvela 1/2 6.2 上市後的經驗在 sevelamer hydrochloride ( 所含有效成份與 sevelamer carbonate 相同 ) 被核准使用後的期間內, 已被確認的不良反應如下 : 搔癢 皮疹 腹痛 糞塊嵌塞以及少見的腸閉塞 (Ileus) 腸阻塞 (Intestinal obstruction) 和腸穿孔的案例 對於出現便秘或原有便祕惡化的病人, 應給與適當的醫藥處理以避免嚴重的併發症 因為這些反應是由不確定樣本大小的族群自動通報, 所以不是每次都能估計它們的發生頻率或確認它們與使用藥物有因果關係 7. 藥物交互作用 Sevelamer carbonate 尚未進行過藥物相互作用的研究,sevelamer hydrochloride ( 所含有效成份與 sevelamer carbonate 相同 ) 則曾與 ciprofloxacin digoxin warfarin enalapril metoprolol 及鐵於人體中進行過藥物相互作用的研究 7.1 Ciprofloxacin 在一項 15 位健康受試者的研究中, 同時投與 2.8 g 單一劑量的 sevelamer hydrochloride, 使 ciprofloxacin 的生體可用率降低了大約 50% 7.2 Digoxin 19 位健康受試者服用 2.4 g 的 sevelamer hydrochloride, 每天三次與餐併服, 持續兩天,sevelamer 並沒有改變 digoxin 單一劑量的藥物動力學 7.3 Warfarin 14 位健康受試者服用 2.4 g 的 sevelamer hydrochloride, 每天三次與餐併服, 持續兩天,sevelamer 並沒有改變 warfarin 單一劑量的藥物動力學 7.4 Enalapril 對 28 位健康受試者,2.4 g 單一劑量的 sevelamer hydrochloride 並沒有改變 enalapril 單一劑量的藥物動力學 7.5 Metoprolol 對 31 位健康受試者,2.4 g 單一劑量的 sevelamer hydrochloride 並沒有改變 etoprolol 單一劑量的藥物動力學 7.6 鐵對 23 位健康受試者,2.8 g 單一劑量的 sevelamer hydrochloride 並沒有改變 200 mg 單一口服劑量的無水硫酸亞鐵錠劑的吸收 7.7 其他併用藥物療法在 Renvela 和大多數併用藥物之間, 並沒有避免藥物相互作用的相關經驗資料 在上市後的經驗中, 對於同時使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 及 levothyroxine 的病人, 有極少數的甲狀腺刺激激素 (TSH) 濃度上升案例曾被通報過 因此, 對於同時使用這兩種藥物治療的病人, 建議更加嚴密監測 TSH 濃度 在投與一種口服用藥時, 若該藥的生體可用率降低對其安全性或有效性可能會有臨床上明顯的影響, 則該藥應在 Renvela 之前至少一小時或之後三小時服用, 或者醫師應考慮監測該藥的血中濃度 為了控制心律不整而服用抗心律不整的藥物以及為了控制 ( 癲癇 ) 發作而服用抗 ( 癲癇 ) 發作的藥物之病人均被排除在臨床試驗之外, 開立 Renvela 給同時服用這些藥物的患者應特別小心 8. 使用於特殊族群 8.1 懷孕懷孕用藥級數 C: sevelamer hydrochloride 對孕婦吸收維生素和其他營養素的影響尚未被研究過 在懷孕期間, 維生素和其他營養素的需求會增加 對懷孕的大白鼠, 在器官形成期給與特定劑量的 sevelamer hydrochloride, 胎兒骨骼的骨化出現了減少或不規則的結果, 可能是因為脂溶性維生素 D 的吸收減少 對懷孕的兔子, 在器官形成期經由胃管灌食法給與特定劑量的口服 sevelamer hydrochloride, 結果發生了早期胚胎吸除增加的現象 [ 參閱非臨床毒物學 (13.1)] 8.2 陣痛及分娩在動物研究中, 並沒有見過 sevelamer hydrochloride 治療對陣痛及分娩的相關影響 Sevelamer carbonate 對人類的陣痛及分娩之影響是未知的 [ 參閱非臨床毒物學 (13.1)] 8.4 孩童使用孩童使用 Renvela 的安全性及有效性尚未確立 8.5 老年人使用在 Renvela 的臨床研究中, 年齡在 65 歲及其以上的受試者之人數尚不足以確定他們是否與較年輕的受試者有不同的反應 其他已報告的臨床經驗中, 尚未確認老年人和較年輕的患者之間在反應上的差異 一般來說, 對老年患者的劑量選擇應十分小心, 通常從劑量範圍中較低的那一邊開始給藥 10. 過量 Sevelamer hydrochloride ( 所含有效成份與 sevelamer carbonate 相同 ) 曾被給與正常健康志願者, 劑量高達每天 14 公克, 持續八天仍無不良反應 對於正在進行透析的慢性腎病患者, 最高研究劑量為 14 公克的 sevelamer carbonate 以及 13 公克的 sevelamer hydrochloride 目前並無病人服用 sevelamer carbonate 或 sevelamer hydrochloride 過量的報告 由於 sevelamer 不會被吸收, 因此全身性中毒的危險性低 11. 說明 Renvela 的有效成分是 sevelamer carbonate, 一種結合磷酸鹽的聚合胺, 用於口服給藥 它被開發來做為 sevelamer hydrochloride (Renagel ) 的另一個用藥選擇 Sevelamer carbonate 是一種陰離子交換樹脂, 其聚合物結構和 sevelamer hydrochloride 相同, 碳酸鹽在其中取代氯化物作為反離子 (counterion) 雖然這兩種鹽類的反離子不同, 但具藥物活性部分的聚合物本體是相同的 Renvela 在化學上被稱為 poly (allylamine - co - N,N'- diallyl - 1,3 - diamino- 2 - hydroxypropane) carbonate 鹽 Sevelamer carbonate 具有吸濕性, 但不溶於水中, 其結構呈現在圖一中 圖一 :Sevelamer Carbonate 的化學結構 a, b = 一級胺群之數目 a + b = 9 c = 交互聯結群組之數目 c = 1 m = 用來顯示延展的聚合物網狀組織之無限大的數字

Renvela 錠劑 : 每顆 Renvela 膜衣錠含有 800 毫克的無水 sevelamer carbonate, 賦形劑為 hypromellose diacetylated monoglycerides 微晶纖維素 氯化鈉和硬脂酸鋅; 錠劑的壓印痕含有氧化鐵黑色油墨 12. 臨床藥理學慢性腎病患者會保留磷在體內並發展成高磷血症 當血清中鈣和磷濃度的乘積 (Ca x P) 超過 55 mg 2 / dl 2 時, 發生異位性鈣化的危險性將會增加 在腎功能不足時, 高磷血症是引起次發性副甲狀腺機能亢進的原因之一 高磷血症的治療包括減少飲食中的磷酸鹽攝取量 使用磷結合劑來抑制小腸對磷酸鹽的吸收, 以及使用透析法來除去磷酸鹽 對於正在進行透析的慢性腎病患者,sevelamer carbonate 與餐食併服已被證實可控制其血磷的濃度 12.1 作用機轉 Renvela 含有 sevelamer carbonate, 一個不被吸收的 交互相聯的磷結合用聚合物, 不含金屬和鈣 它所含的多種胺均以一個碳與聚合物骨幹相聯結 這些胺以質子化的形態存在於小腸中, 並且經由離子和氫鍵結的方式與磷分子交互作用 藉著在飲食道中結合磷並減少其吸收,sevelamer carbonate 可降低血磷濃度 12.2 藥效學除了對血磷濃度的影響以外, 在實驗動物模型中,sevelamer hydrochloride 已被顯示在試管內及在活體內均可結合膽酸 經由離子交換樹脂來結合膽酸是一種已為大家接受的降低血中膽固醇的方法 由於 sevelamer 會結合膽酸, 它可能會干擾正常的脂肪吸收, 也因此可能會減少脂溶性維生素例如 A D 和 K 的吸收 在 sevelamer hydrochloride 的臨床試驗中, 平均總膽固醇和 LDL 膽固醇兩者均降低了 15-31%, 這個結果是在兩週以後觀察到的 三酸甘油酯 HDL 膽固醇和白蛋白則沒有改變 12.3 藥物動力學在一項使用 14 C - sevelamer hydrochloride 的質量平衡研究中,16 位健康男性和女性志願者均顯示 sevelamer hydrochloride 並不會被全身性吸收 對於腎臟疾病患者, 尚未進行過吸收的研究 13. 非臨床毒物學 13.1 致癌性 突變性 生育力的損傷在小白鼠和大白鼠身上曾進行過標準生命週期的致癌性生物試驗檢定 每日經由飲食給與大白鼠每公斤體重 0.3 1 或 3 g 的 sevelamer hydrochloride, 在高劑量組 ( 人類的相當劑量為最大臨床試驗劑量 13 g 的兩倍 ) 中的雄性大白鼠, 其膀胱變形性細胞乳頭狀瘤 (transitional cell papilloma) 的發生率增加 小白鼠經由飲食給與 sevelamer hydrochloride, 每日劑量高達 9 g/kg ( 人類的相當劑量為最大臨床試驗劑量的三倍 ), 並沒有觀察到小白鼠的腫瘤發生率增加 在一項使用新陳代謝活化作用的哺乳動物細胞遺傳學的體外試驗中,sevelamer hydrochloride 使結構染色體畸變的數量呈現了統計學上明顯的增加 Sevelamer hydrochloride 在 Ames 細菌突變檢定中則並無誘導突變性 在一項經由飲食給藥的研究中, 雌性大白鼠從交配前 14 天到懷孕的期間均給藥, 而雄性大白鼠則在交配前給藥 28 天,Sevelamer hydrochloride 並沒有損傷雄性或雌性大白鼠的生育力 這項研究的最高劑量是每天 4.5 g/kg ( 人類的相當劑量為最大臨床試驗劑量 13 g 的三倍 ) 對懷孕的大白鼠, 在器官形成期每日經由飲食給與 0.5 1.5 或 4.5 g/kg 的 sevelamer hydrochloride, 中劑量和高劑量組 ( 人類的相當劑量低於最高臨床試驗劑量 13 g) 發生了胎兒骨骼的骨化減少或不規則的現象, 可能是由於脂溶性維生素 D 的吸收減少 對懷孕的兔子, 在器官形成期經由胃管灌食法每日給與 100 500 或 1000 mg/kg 的口服 sevelamer hydrochloride, 高劑量組 ( 人類的相當劑量為最高臨床試驗劑量的兩倍 ) 發生了早期胚胎吸除增加的現象 14. 臨床試驗對於正在進行透析的慢性腎病患者,sevelamer 控制血磷的能力主要是由鹽酸鹽結合磷酸鹽的效力來決定 有六個臨床試驗使用 sevelamer hydrochloride, 一個臨床試驗使用 sevelamer carbonate Sevelamer hydrochloride 的試驗包括一個雙盲 安慰劑對照 為期兩週的試驗 (sevelamer N = 24); 兩個開放性 無對照組 為期八週的試驗 (sevelamer N = 220) 以及三個有效對照的開放性試驗, 治療期間為 8 到 52 週 (sevelamer N = 256) Sevelamer carbonate 的試驗是一項針對血液透析病人所做的包含兩個 8 週治療期的雙盲 有效對照的交叉試驗 (N = 79) 以下說明四個有效對照的試驗( 一個 sevelamer carbonate 和三個 sevelamer hydrochloride 的試驗 ): 14.1 Sevelamer Carbonate ( Renvela ) 800 mg 錠劑與 Sevelamer Hydrochloride ( Renagel ) 800 mg 錠劑的交叉試驗正在進行血液透析的第五期慢性腎病患者, 經過為期五週的 sevelamer hydrochloride 導入期, 有 79 位病人依隨機順序分別服用 sevelamer carbonate 800 mg 錠劑和 sevelamer hydrochloride 800 mg 錠劑各八週, 換藥之間並無廓清期 在交叉期間的藥物劑量是根據導入期中 sevelamer hydrochloride 的劑量依每公克對一公克的基準來訂定 這兩個交叉期間的每一段期間結束時的血磷濃度都是相似的 兩種治療法的每日平均實際劑量是 6 g 在此試驗中, 完成交叉部分的 39 位病人進入了為期兩週的廓清期, 在這段期間患者被指示不服用任何磷結合劑, 這樣可確認 sevelamer 在這項試驗中的效果 14.2 Sevelamer Hydrochloride 在血液透析病人與有效對照組比較的交叉試驗 84 位正在進行血液透析且有高磷血症的慢性腎病患者 ( 血磷 > 6.0 mg/dl) 經過為期兩週的磷結合劑廓清期後, 依交叉設計隨機分組服用 sevelamer hydrochloride 及有效對照品各八週, 各療程之間皆由兩週的磷結合劑廓清期來分隔 病人由每天三次隨餐服用開始治療, 在每八週的治療期間中, 有三個時間點可增加 sevelamer hydrochloride 的劑量以控制血磷, 有效對照品的劑量也可改變以得到血磷的控制 兩種治療均能顯著降低平均血磷值大約 2 mg/dl ( 表 3) 表 3 基準點及終點之平均血磷值 (mg/dl) Sevelamer Hydrochloride (N = 81) 有效對照品 (N = 83) 廓清期結束時之基準點 8.4 8.0 在終點時與基準點比較的變化 (95% 信賴區間 ) - 2.0* (- 2.5, -1.5) - 2.1* (- 2.6, -1.7) *p<0.0001, 在治療組內比較 圖二 :Y 軸表示患者達所改變之血磷值 (X 軸 ) 的累積百分比, 曲線往左移表示有較好的反應 圖二表示, 二組降低血磷的患者比例相當, 例如, 每一組中約一半的患者於終點指標降低至少 2 mg/dl 的血磷值 治療結束時,sevelamer hydrochloride 的每日平均劑量為 4.9 g ( 在 0.0 到 12.6 g 的範圍內 ) 14.3 Sevelamer Hydrochloride 與有效對照品治療血液透析病人之試驗 200 位正在進行血液透析且有高磷血症的慢性腎病患者 ( 血磷 > 5.5 mg/dl) 經過為期兩週的磷結合劑劑廓清期後, 隨機分組服用 sevelamer hydrochloride 800 mg (N = 99) 錠劑或一種有效對照品 (N = 101) 在第 52 週時, 使用 最後觀察值前推法 (last-observation-carried-forward,locf),sevelamer hydrochloride 及有效對照品兩者均能顯著降低平均血磷值 ( 表 4) 表 4: 基準點與終點的平均血磷值 (mg/dl) 及鈣磷乘積 Sevelamer HCl 有效對照品 (N = 94) (N = 98) 血磷值 : 基準點終點與基準點的差異鈣磷乘積 : 基準點終點與基準點的差異 7.5-2.1 7.3-1.8 70.5 68.4-19.4-14.2 61 % 使用 sevelamer hydrochloride 的病人及 73% 對照組的病人完成了完整的 52 週治療 圖三是完成試驗者的血磷值與基準點的差異圖, 說明了能夠繼續接受治療的病人可以有持續的效果 : 圖三 : 完成 52 週治療的病人之平均血磷值與基準點的差異 治療結束時,sevelamer hydrochloride 的每日平均劑量為 6.5 g ( 在 0.8 到 13 g 的範圍內 ) 14.4 Sevelamer Hydrochloride 與有效對照品治療腹膜透析病人之試驗 143 位正在進行腹膜透析的高磷血症病人 ( 血磷 > 5.5 mg/dl) 經過為期兩週的磷結合劑廓清期後, 隨機分組服用 Renagel (N = 97) 或有效對照品 (N = 46), 進行為期 12 週的開放性研究 治療結束時,sevelamer hydrochloride 的每日平均劑量為 5.9 g ( 在 0.8 到 14.3 g 的範圍內 ) Sevelamer 組的 13 位病人 (14 %) 與有效對照組的 9 位病人 (20 %) 停藥, 主要是因為胃腸道的不良反應 Sevelamer hydrochloride 的治療使血磷值顯著降低 ( 從基礎值 7.5 mg/dl 降低 1.6 mg/dl,p<0.001), 與有效對照品相似 16. 如何供應 儲存及處理 Renvela 800 mg 錠劑為白色橢圓形 膜衣 壓印 RENVELA 800 的壓製錠劑, 含有 800 mg 的無水 sevelamer carbonate microcrystalline cellulose hypromellose diacetylated monoglycerides sodium chloride 及 zinc stearate 貯存 : 貯存在 25 C (77 F) 運輸途中容許到 15-30 C (59-86 F). [ 參閱 USP 控制室溫 ] 謹防濕氣 國外許可證持有者 : Genzyme Corporation 500 Kendall Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A. 製造廠名稱及地址 : Genzyme Ireland Limited IDA Industrial Park, Old Kilmeaden Road, Waterford, Ireland. 藥商及地址 : 健臻生技有限公司台北市中正區衡陽路 51 號 10 樓之 7 Renvela 是 Genzyme Corporation 的一個註冊商標 Renvela 2/2

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Renvela safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for Renvela. Renvela Tablet, Film Coated for Oral use Initial U.S. Approval: 2000 ----------------------------INDICATIONS AND USAGE--------------------------- Renvela is a phosphate binder indicated for the control of serum phosphorus in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis. (1) ------------------------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION----------------------- Starting dose is one or two 800 mg tablets three times per day with meals. (2) Adjust by one tablet per meal in two week intervals as needed to obtain serum phosphorus target (3.5 to 5.5 mg/dl). (2) ----------------------DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS---------------------- Tablets: 800 mg (3) --------------------------CONTRAINDICATIONS---------------------------------- In patients with hypophosphatemia or bowel obstruction. (4) ------------------------WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS------------------------ The safety and efficacy of Renvela in patients with dysphagia, swallowing disorders, severe GI motility disorders including severe constipation, or major GI tract surgery have not been established. Caution should be exercised when Renvela is used in patients with these GI disorders. (5.1) FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION: CONTENTS* 1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE 2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS 4 CONTRAINDICATIONS 5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 5.1 Use Caution in Patients with Gastrointestinal Disorders 5.2 Monitor Serum Chemistries 5.3 Monitor for Reduced Vitamins D, E, K (clotting factors) and Folic Acid Levels 6 ADVERSE REACTIONS 6.1 Clinical Trials Experience 6.2 Postmarketing Experience 7 DRUG INTERACTIONS 7.1 Ciprofloxacin 7.2 Digoxin 7.3 Warfarin 7.4 Enalapril 7.5 Metoprolol 7.6 Iron 7.7 Other Concomitant Drug Therapy 8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS 8.1 Pregnancy 8.2 Labor and Delivery 8.4 Pediatric Use 8.5 Geriatric Use ------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS------------------------------- Most frequently occurring adverse reactions for Renvela in a short term (8-week cross-over) study were: nausea (3%) and vomiting (3%). (6.1) In long-term studies with sevelamer hydrochloride, which contains the same active moiety as sevelamer carbonate, the most common adverse events included: vomiting (22%), nausea (20%), diarrhea (19%), dyspepsia (16%), abdominal pain (9%), flatulence (8%) and constipation (8%). (6.1) Cases of fecal impaction and, less commonly, ileus, bowel obstruction and bowel perforation have been reported. (6.2) To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Genzyme Corporation at 1-800-847-0069 and or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or ------------------------------DRUG INTERACTIONS------------------------------- In a normal volunteer study, sevelamer hydrochloride, which contains the same active moiety as sevelamer carbonate, decreased the bioavailability of ciprofloxacin by approximately 50%. (7.1) In normal volunteer studies, sevelamer hydrochloride did not alter the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of digoxin, warfarin, enalapril, metoprolol, and iron. (7) During postmarketing experience, very rare cases of increased TSH levels have been reported in patients co-administered sevelamer hydrochloride and levothyroxine. Closer monitoring of TSH levels is therefore recommended in patients receiving both medications. (7.7) When administering an oral medication where a reduction in the bioavailability of that medication would have a clinically significant effect on its safety or efficacy, the drug should be administered at least one hour before or three hours after Renvela, or the physician should consider monitoring blood levels of the drug. (7.7) See 17 for PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION Revised: 11/2007 10 OVERDOSAGE 11 DESCRIPTION 12 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 12.1 Mechanism of Action 12.2 Pharmacodynamics 12.3 Pharmacokinetics 13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility 14 CLINICAL STUDIES 14.1 Cross-Over Study of Sevelamer Carbonate (Renvela ) 800 mg Tablets and Sevelamer Hydrochloride (Renagel ) 800 mg Tablets 14.2 Sevelamer Hydrochloride Versus Active-Control, Cross-Over Study in Hemodialysis Patients 14.3 Sevelamer Hydrochloride Versus Active-Control in Hemodialysis Patients 14.4 Sevelamer Hydrochloride Versus Active-Control in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients 16 HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND HANDLING 17 PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION 17.1 Dosing Recommendations 17.2 Adverse Reactions *Sections or subsections omitted from the full prescribing information are not listed

1. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Renvela 1 is indicated for the control of serum phosphorus in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis. The safety and efficacy of Renvela in CKD patients who are not on dialysis have not been studied. 2. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Because of the rapid disintegration of the carbonate salt tablet and its rapid reaction with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the dosing of Renvela is anticipated to be similar to that of the hydrochloride salt. Patients Not Taking a Phosphate Binder. The recommended starting dose of Renvela is 800 to 1600 mg, which can be administered as one or two Renvela 800 mg Tablets, with meals based on serum phosphorus level. Table 1 provides recommended starting doses of Renvela for patients not taking a phosphate binder. Table 1. Starting Dose for Dialysis Patients Not Taking a Phosphate Binder Serum Phosphorus > 5.5 and < 7.5 mg/dl 7.5 and < 9.0 mg/dl 9.0 mg/dl Patients Switching From Sevelamer Hydrochloride. For patients switching from sevelamer hydrochloride, sevelamer carbonate should be prescribed on a gram per gram basis. Further titration to the desired phosphate levels may be necessary. The highest daily dose of sevelamer carbonate studied was 14 grams in CKD patients on dialysis. Patients Switching From Calcium Acetate. In a study in 84 CKD patients on hemodialysis, a similar reduction in serum phosphorus was seen with equivalent doses (approximately mg for mg) of sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium acetate. Table 2 gives recommended starting doses of Renvela based on a patient s current calcium acetate dose. Table 2. Starting Dose for Dialysis Patients Switching From Calcium Acetate to Renvela Calcium Acetate 667 mg (Tablets per meal) Renvela 800 mg 1 tablet three times daily with meals 2 tablets three times daily with meals 2 tablets three times daily with meals Renvela 800mg (Tablets per meal) 1 tablet 1tablet 2 tablets 2 tablets 3tablets 3 tablets Dose Titration for All Patients Taking Renvela. The dose should be increased or decreased by one tablet per meal at two week intervals, as necessary, with the goal of controlling serum phosphorus within the target range of 3.5 mg/dl to 5.5 mg/dl. 3. DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS 800 mg white oval, film-coated, compressed tablets imprinted with RENVELA 800 4. CONTRAINDICATIONS Renvela is contraindicated in patients with hypophosphatemia or bowel obstruction. 5. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 5.1 Use Caution in Patients with Gastrointestinal Disorders The safety of Renvela has not been established in patients with dysphagia, swallowing disorders, severe gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders including severe constipation, or major GI tract surgery. Use caution in patients with these GI disorders. 5.2 Monitor Serum Chemistries Bicarbonate and chloride levels should be monitored. 5.3 Monitor for Reduced Vitamins D, E, K (clotting factors) and Folic Acid Levels In preclinical studies in rats and dogs, sevelamer hydrochloride, which contains the same active moiety as sevelamer carbonate, reduced vitamins D, E, and K (coagulation parameters) and folic acid levels at doses of 6-10 times the recommended human dose. In short-term clinical trials, there was no evidence of reduction in serum levels of vitamins. However, in a one-year clinical trial, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (normal range 10 to 55 ng/ml) fell from 39 ± 22 ng/ml to 34 ± 22 ng/ml (p<0.01) with sevelamer hydrochloride treatment. Most (approximately 75%) patients in sevelamer hydrochloride clinical trials received vitamin supplements, which is typical of patients on dialysis. 6. ADVERSE REACTIONS 6.1 Clinical Trials Experience Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug can not be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice. There are limited data on the safety of Renvela. However, based on the fact that it contains the same active ingredient as the hydrochloride salt, the adverse event profiles of the two salts should be similar. In a cross-over study in hemodialysis patients with treatment durations of eight weeks each and no washout the adverse reactions on sevelamer carbonate were similar to those reported for sevelamer hydrochloride. In a parallel design study of sevelamer hydrochloride with treatment duration of 52 weeks, adverse reactions reported for sevelamer hydrochloride (n=99) were similar to those reported for the active-comparator group (n=101). Overall adverse reactions among those treated with sevelamer hydrochloride occurring in > 5% of patients included: vomiting (22%), nausea (20%), diarrhea (19%), dyspepsia (16%), abdominal pain (9%), flatulence (8%) and constipation (8%). A total of 27 patients treated with sevelamer and 10 patients treated with comparator withdrew from the study due to adverse reactions. Based on studies of 8-52 weeks, the most common reason for withdrawal from sevelamer hydrochloride was gastrointestinal adverse reactions (3-16%). In one hundred and forty-three peritoneal dialysis patients studied for 12 weeks using sevelamer hydrochloride, most adverse reactions were similar to adverse reactions observed in hemodialysis patients. The most frequently occurring treatment emergent serious adverse reaction was peritonitis (8 reactions in 8 patients [8%] in the sevelamer group and 2 reactions in 2 patients [4%] on active-control). Thirteen patients (14%) in the sevelamer group and 9 patients (20%) in the active-control group discontinued, mostly for gastrointestinal adverse reactions. Patients on peritoneal dialysis should be closely monitored to ensure the reliable use of appropriate aseptic technique with the prompt recognition and management of any signs and symptoms associated with peritonitis. 6.2 Postmarketing Experience The following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of sevelamer hydrochloride, which has the same active moiety as sevelamer carbonate: pruritus, rash, abdominal pain, fecal impaction, and uncommon cases of ileus, intestinal obstruction, and intestinal perforation. Appropriate medical management should be given to patients who develop constipation or have worsening of existing constipation to avoid severe complications. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to estimate their frequency or to establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. 7. DRUG INTERACTIONS No drug interaction studies have been performed with sevelamer carbonate. Sevelamer hydrochloride, which contains the same active moiety as sevelamer carbonate, has been studied in human drug-drug interaction studies with ciprofloxacin, digoxin, warfarin, enalapril, metoprolol and iron. 7.1 Ciprofloxacin In a study of 15 healthy subjects, a co-administered single dose of 2.8 grams of sevelamer hydrochloride decreased the bioavailability of ciprofloxacin by approximately 50%. 7.2 Digoxin In 19 healthy subjects receiving 2.4 grams of sevelamer hydrochloride three times a day with meals for 2 days, sevelamer did not alter the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of digoxin. 7.3 Warfarin In 14 healthy subjects receiving 2.4 grams of sevelamer hydrochloride three times a day with meals for 2 days, sevelamer did not alter the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of warfarin. 7.4 Enalapril In 28 healthy subjects a single 2.4 gram dose of sevelamer hydrochloride did not alter the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of enalapril. 7.5 Metoprolol In 31 healthy subjects a single 2.4 gram dose of sevelamer hydrochloride did not alter the pharmacokinetics of a single dose of metoprolol. 7.6 Iron In 23 healthy subjects, a single 2.8 gram dose of sevelamer hydrochloride did not alter the absorption of a single oral dose of iron as 200 mg exsiccated ferrous sulfate tablet. 7.7 Other Concomitant Drug Therapy There are no empirical data on avoiding drug interactions between Renvela and most concomitant drugs. During postmarketing experience, very rare cases of increased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels have been reported in patients co-administered sevelamer hydrochloride and levothyroxine. Closer monitoring of TSH levels is therefore recommended in patients receiving both medications. When administering an oral medication where a reduction in the bioavailability of that medication would have a clinically significant effect on its safety or efficacy, the drug

should be administered at least one hour before or three hours after Renvela, or the physician should consider monitoring blood levels of the drug. Patients taking antiarrhythmic medications for the control of arrhythmias and anti-seizure medications for the control of seizure disorders were excluded from the clinical trials. Special precautions should be taken when prescribing Renvela to patients also taking these medications. 8. USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS 8.1 Pregnancy Pregnancy Category C: The effect of sevelamer hydrochloride on the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients has not been studied in pregnant women. Requirements for vitamins and other nutrients are increased in pregnancy. In pregnant rats given doses of sevelamer hydrochloride during organogenesis, reduced or irregular ossification of fetal bones, probably due to a reduced absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D, occurred. In pregnant rabbits given oral doses of sevelamer hydrochloride by gavage during organogenesis, an increase of early resorptions occurred. [See NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY (13.1)] 8.2 Labor and Delivery No sevelamer hydrochloride treatment-related effects on labor and delivery were seen in animal studies. The effects of sevelamer carbonate on labor and delivery on humans is unknown. [See NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY (13.1)] 8.4 Pediatric Use The safety and efficacy of Renvela has not been established in pediatric patients. 8.5 Geriatric Use Clinical studies of Renvela did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range. 10. OVERDOSAGE Sevelamer hydrochloride, which contains the same active moiety as sevelamer carbonate, has been given to normal healthy volunteers in doses of up to 14 grams per day for eight days with no adverse effects. In CKD patients on dialysis, the maximum dose studied was 14 grams of sevelamer carbonate and 13 grams of sevelamer hydrochloride. There are no reports of overdosage with sevelamer carbonate or sevelamer hydrochloride in patients. Since sevelamer is not absorbed, the risk of systemic toxicity is low. 11. DESCRIPTION The active ingredient in Renvela is sevelamer carbonate, a polymeric amine that binds phosphate and is meant for oral administration. It was developed as a pharmaceutical alternative to sevelamer hydrochloride (Renagel ). Sevelamer carbonate is an anion exchange resin with the same polymeric structure as sevelamer hydrochloride in which carbonate replaces chloride as the counterion. While the counterions differ for the two salts, the polymer itself, the active moiety, is the same. Renvela is known chemically as poly (allylamine-co-n,n -diallyl- 1,3- diamino-2-hydroxypropane) carbonate salt. Sevelamer carbonate is hygroscopic, but insoluble in water. The structure is represented in Figure 1. Figure 1. Chemical Structure of Sevelamer Carbonate a, b = number of primary amine groups a + b = 9 c = number of crosslinking groups c = 1 m = large number to indicate extended polymer network : Each film-coated tablet of Renvela contains 800 mg of sevelamer carbonate on an anhydrous basis. The inactive ingredients are hypromellose, diacetylated monoglycerides, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium chloride and zinc stearate. The tablet imprint contains iron oxide black ink. 12. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) retain phosphorus and can develop hyperphosphatemia. When the product of serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations (Ca x P) exceeds 55 mg 2 /dl 2, there is an increased risk that ectopic calcification will occur. Hyperphosphatemia plays a role in the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism in renal insufficiency. Treatment of hyperphosphatemia includes reduction in dietary intake of phosphate, inhibition of intestinal phosphate absorption with phosphate binders, and removal of phosphate with dialysis. Sevelamer carbonate taken with meals has been shown to control serum phosphorus concentrations in patients with CKD who are on dialysis. 12.1 Mechanism of Action Renvela contains sevelamer carbonate, a non-absorbed phosphate binding crosslinked polymer, free of metal and calcium. It contains multiple amines separated by one carbon from the polymer backbone. These amines exist in a protonated form in the intestine and interact with phosphate molecules through ionic and hydrogen bonding. By binding phosphate in the dietary tract and decreasing absorption, sevelamer carbonate lowers the phosphate concentration in the serum. 12.2 Pharmacodynamics In addition to effects on serum phosphate levels, sevelamer hydrochloride has been shown to bind bile acids in vitro and in vivo in experimental animal models. Bile acid binding by ion exchange resins is a well-established method of lowering blood cholesterol. Because sevelamer binds bile acids, it may interfere with normal fat absorption and thus may reduce absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as A, D and K. In clinical trials of sevelamer hydrochloride, both the mean total and LDL cholesterol declined by 15-31%. This effect is observed after 2 weeks. Triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and albumin did not change. 12.3 Pharmacokinetics A mass balance study using 14 C-sevelamer hydrochloride, in 16 healthy male and female volunteers showed that sevelamer hydrochloride is not systemically absorbed. No absorption studies have been performed in patients with renal disease. 13. NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility Standard lifetime carcinogenicity bioassays were conducted in mice and rats. Rats were given sevelamer hydrochloride by diet at 0.3, 1, or 3 g/kg/day. There was an increased incidence of urinary bladder transitional cell papilloma in male rats of the high dose group (human equivalent dose twice the maximum clinical trial dose of 13 g). Mice received dietary administration of sevelamer hydrochloride at doses of up to 9 g/kg/day (human equivalent dose 3 times the maximum clinical trial dose). There was no increased incidence of tumors observed in mice. In an in vitro mammalian cytogenetic test with metabolic activation, sevelamer hydrochloride caused a statistically significant increase in the number of structural chromosome aberrations. Sevelamer hydrochloride was not mutagenic in the Ames bacterial mutation assay. Sevelamer hydrochloride did not impair the fertility of male or female rats in a dietary administration study in which the females were treated from 14 days prior to mating through gestation and the males were treated for 28 days prior to mating. The highest dose in this study was 4.5 g/kg/day (human equivalent dose 3 times the maximum clinical trial dose of 13 g). In pregnant rats given dietary doses of 0.5, 1.5 or 4.5 g/kg/day of sevelamer hydrochloride during organogenesis, reduced or irregular ossification of fetal bones, probably due to a reduced absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D, occurred in mid- and high-dose groups (human equivalent doses less than the maximum clinical trial dose of 13 g). In pregnant rabbits given oral doses of 100, 500 or 1000 mg/kg/day of sevelamer hydrochloride by gavage during organogenesis, an increase of early resorptions occurred in the high-dose group (human equivalent dose twice the maximum clinical trial dose). 14. CLINICAL STUDIES The ability of sevelamer to control serum phosphorus in CKD patients on dialysis was predominantly determined from the effects of the hydrochloride salt to bind phosphate. Six clinical trials used sevelamer hydrochloride and one clinical trial used sevelamer carbonate. The sevelamer hydrochloride studies include one double-blind, placebocontrolled 2-week study (sevelamer N=24); two open-label, uncontrolled, 8-week studies (sevelamer N=220) and three active-controlled open-label studies with treatment durations of 8 to 52 weeks (sevelamer N=256). The sevelamer carbonate study was a double-blind, active-controlled, cross-over study in hemodialysis patients with two 8-week treatment periods (N=79). Four of the active-controlled studies are described here (one sevelamer carbonate and three sevelamer hydrochloride studies). 14.1 Cross-Over Study of Sevelamer Carbonate (Renvela ) 800 mg Tablets and Sevelamer Hydrochloride (Renagel ) 800 mg Tablets Stage 5 CKD patients on hemodialysis were entered into a five-week sevelamer hydrochloride run-in period and 79 patients received, in random order, sevelamer carbonate 800 mg tablets and sevelamer hydrochloride 800 mg tablets for eight weeks each, with no intervening washout. Study dose during the cross-over period was

determined based on the sevelamer hydrochloride dose during the run-in period on a gram per gram basis. The phosphate levels at the end of each of the two cross-over periods were similar. Average actual daily dose was 6 g/day for both treatments. Thirty-nine of those completing the cross-over portion of the study were entered into a two-week washout period during which patients were instructed not to take any phosphate binders; this confirmed the activity of sevelamer in this study. 14.2 Sevelamer Hydrochloride Versus Active-Control, Cross-Over Study in Hemodialysis Patients Eighty-four CKD patients on hemodialysis who were hyperphosphatemic (serum phosphorus > 6.0 mg/dl) following a two-week phosphate binder washout period were randomized in a cross-over design to receive in random order sevelamer hydrochloride and active-control for eight weeks each. Treatment periods were separated by a two-week phosphate binder washout period. Patients started on treatment three times per day with meals. Over each eight-week treatment period, at three separate time points the dose of sevelamer hydrochloride could be titrated up to control serum phosphorus, the dose of active-control could also be altered to attain phosphate control. Both treatments significantly decreased mean serum phosphorus by about 2 mg/dl. (Table 3) Table 3. Mean Serum Phosphorus (mg/dl) at Baseline and Endpoint Sevelamer Hydrochloride (N=81) Active- Control (N=83) Baseline at End of Washout 8.4 8.0 Change from Baseline at Endpoint (95% Confidence Interval) -2.0* (-2.5, -1.5) -2.1* (-2.6, -1.7) *p<0.0001, within treatment group comparison Figure 2. Cumulative percent of patients (Y-axis) attaining a phosphorus change from baseline (mg/dl) at least as great as the value of the X-axis. A shift to the left of a curve indicates a better response. Cumulative Percent 100 Improvement No Improvement 90 Active-Control 80 70 Sevelamer Hydrochloride 60 50 40 30 20 10 0-8 -6-4 -2 0 +2 +4 Phosphorus Change from Baseline (mg/dl) Average daily sevelamer hydrochloride dose at the end of treatment was 4.9 g (range of 0.0 to 12.6 g). 14.3 Sevelamer Hydrochloride Versus Active-Control in Hemodialysis Patients Two hundred CKD patients on hemodialysis who were hyperphosphatemic (serum phosphorus > 5.5 mg/dl) following a two-week phosphate binder washout period were randomized to receive sevelamer hydrochloride 800 mg tablets (N=99) or an active-control (N=101). At week 52, using last-observation-carried-forward, sevelamer and active-control both significantly decreased mean serum phosphorus (Table 4). Table 4. Mean Serum Phosphorus (mg/dl) and Ion Product at Baseline and Change from Baseline to End of Treatment Phosphorus Baseline Change from Baseline at Endpoint Ca x Phosphorus Ion Product Baseline Change from Baseline at Endpoint Sevelamer HCI (N=94) 7.5-2.1 70.5-19.4 Active- Control (N=98) 7.3-1.8 68.4-14.2 Sixty-one percent of sevelamer hydrochloride patients and 73% of the control patients completed the full 52 weeks of treatment. Figure 3, a plot of the phosphorus change from baseline for the completers, illustrates the durability of response for patients who are able to remain on treatment. Figure 3. Mean Phosphorus Change from Baseline for Patients who Completed 52 weeks of Treatment Phosphorus Change from Baseline 2 1 0-1 -2-3 -4-5 TRT: Sevelamer Hydrochloride Active Control 0 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 52 Study Week Average daily sevelamer hydrochloride dose at the end of treatment was 6.5 g (range of 0.8 to 13 g). 14.4 Sevelamer Hydrochloride Versus Active-Control in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients One hundred and forty-three patients on peritoneal dialysis who were hyperphosphatemic (serum phosphorus > 5.5 mg/dl) following a two-week phosphate binder washout period were randomized to receive Renagel (N=97) or active-control (N=46) open label for 12 weeks. Average daily sevelamer hydrochloride dose at the end of treatment was 5.9 g (range 0.8 to 14.3 g). Thirteen patients (14%) in the sevelamer group and 9 patients (20%) in the active-control group discontinued, mostly for gastrointestinal adverse reactions. There were statistically significant changes in serum phosphorus (p<0.001) for sevelamer hydrochloride (-1.6 mg/dl from baseline of 7.5 mg/dl), similar to the active-control. 16. HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND HANDLING Renvela 800 mg Tablets are supplied as white oval, film-coated, compressed tablets, imprinted with RENVELA 800, containing 800 mg of sevelamer carbonate on an anhydrous basis, microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, diacetylated monoglycerides, sodium chloride, and zinc stearate. Renvela 800 mg Tablets are packaged in 500 cc bottles of 270 tablets. 1 Bottle of 30 ct 800 mg Tablets (NDC 58468-0130-2) 1 Bottle of 270 ct 800 mg Tablets (NDC 58468-0130-1) Storage Store at 25 C (77 F): excursions permitted to 15-30 C (59-86 F). [See USP controlled room temperature] Protect from moisture. Shelf life is 24 months. 17. PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION 17.1 Dosing Recommendations The prescriber should inform patients to take Renvela with meals and adhere to their prescribed diets. Instructions should be given on concomitant medications that should be dosed apart from Renvela. 17.2 Adverse Reactions Renvela may cause constipation that if left untreated, may lead to severe complications. Patients should be cautioned to report new onset or worsening of existing constipation promptly to their physician. Distributed by: 500 Kendall Street Cambridge, MA 02142 USA Tel. (800) 847-0069 1 Renvela is a Registered Trademark of Genzyme Corporation. 4LE0093A Issued 11/07