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类 抗 肿 瘤 药 物 临 床 研 究, 由 于 非 细 胞 毒 类 药 物 ( 如 信 号 传 导 抑 制 剂, 生 物 反 应 调 节 剂, 激 素 类 等 ) 是 目 前 新 药 开 发 的 主 要 方 向, 本 指 导 原 则 也 将 尽 可 能 对 此 类 别 药 物 临 床 研 究 的

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(D) 比 例 (Ratio) 6. 狂 犬 病 病 毒 是 引 起 狂 犬 病 的 : (A) 充 分 且 必 要 條 件 (B) 充 分 條 件 (C) 必 要 條 件 (D) 以 上 皆 非 7. 某 研 究 指 出, 在 100 位 憂 鬱 症 患 者 中, 血 型 為 O 型 佔 50%,

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1.0 % 0.25 % 85μm % U416 Sulfate expansion deformation law and mechanism of cement stabilized macadam base of saline areas in Xinjiang Song


, old hat (a dangerous innovation)


中 国 药 事 2016 年 5 月 第 30 卷 第 5 期 459 exclusion criteria, then data were extracted and finally the related studies were analyzed. Results: The varieties

中 文 摘 要 : 胃 食 管 反 流 病 食 管 外 表 现 与 酸 反 流 关 系 的 研 究 研 究 生 : 赵 莉 导 师 : 刘 新 光 目 的 : 探 讨 反 流 性 食 管 炎 (RE) 常 见 的 食 管 外 表 现,24 小 时 食 管 ph 监 测 对 伴 有 食 管 外 表 现

摘 要

S/L (g/l) 25 1N HNO 3 ph(12-1) ph ph ph 50 (NIEA W449.00B) (NIEA S321.63B) (NIEA W303.51A) (NIEA W305.51A) 夲 1

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1 3 p.23 2015

670 2010 2 WHO: Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption to reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases (2014) http://www.who.int/elena/titles/bbc/fruit_vegetables_ncds/en/

WHO: Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption to reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases (2014) http://www.who.int/elena/titles/bbc/fruit_vegetables_ncds/en/

g/1000kcal 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 38 65 54 37 20071013 6 659 92% 31 16 13 12 / 150, 131 140, 148 48, 22 13, 7. 2010; 57: 175-183

203000 12 89.1 10.5 11 75.5 74.6 23.7 24.8 11 (n=14041407) 13 30.1 63.6 6.3 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 90.1 9.5 11 65.6 79.3 32.5 20.2 11 50.5 46.7 2.8 (n=14051407) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 232011

250, 200 150 193.5 21 21 100 117.4 111.9 50 0 25

*1 *2 282g 100g 61.4% 350g 30% *1 22 *2 34 24710

20 7,229 0g 50g 50-100g 100-150g 150-200g 200g 20-29 56.9 7.9 11.1 6.8 3.4 13.9 67.6g 30-39 54.2 9.6 12.7 8.9 5.3 9.3 59.5g 40-49 54.0 9.0 12.1 10.6 6.6 7.7 59.6g 50-59 37.9 7.8 15.5 12.1 9.2 17.5 95.6g 60-69 24.1 5.7 14.8 13.8 11.8 29.8 150.8g 70 19.8 5.5 12.3 13.9 13.8 34.7 168.0g 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 25

29 Shuangshuang L, et al. Endocrine 2015; 48: 454-460

Shuangshuang L, et al. Endocrine 2015; 48: 454-460

Fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies Xia Wang et al. BMJ 2014;349:bmj.g4490

Systematic Review Fruit Consumption and Adiposity Status in Adults: A Systematic Review of Current Evidence Hebden L, O Leary F, Rangan A, Singgih Lie E, Hirani V & Allman-Farinelli M, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2015 The aim of this review was to update current understanding of the potential association between fruit consumption and adiposity status in adult populations. Electronic databases were searched from 01/01/1997 to the search date of 15/08/2014, retrieving 4, 382 abstracts that were reviewed for eligibility: randomised controlled trial (RCT) or prospective cohort (PC), published in English, assessing the effect of whole fruit or fruit juice consumption on adiposity in healthy adult populations. Quality ratings for the 11 included RCTs were either positive (n=2), neutral (n=8) or negative (n=1), while the six included PCs were either positive (n=4) or neutral (n=2). Consumption of whole fruit was found to contribute to a reduced risk for long-term weight gain in middle-aged adults. Experimental trials suggest this beneficial effect of whole fruit is mediated by a reduction in total energy intake. Fruit juice however, had an opposing effect, promoting weight gain over the long term. This review reinforces national food based dietary guidelines encouraging the consumption of whole fruits and replacing fruit juices with plain water, as part of a broader set of dietary strategies to reduce total dietary energy intake in adult populations.

NCD Sodium (2012) Potassium (2012) Free Sugars (2015) Total Fat (2015) Saturated fatty acids (2015) Trans-fatty acids (2015) Carbohydrate (starts in 2015) Fiber Fruits & Vegetables (starts in 2015)

WHO Free Sugars 1 10% 5 (WHO, 2015)


WHO: Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption to reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases (2014) http://www.who.int/elena/titles/bbc/fruit_vegetables_ncds/en/

75; 2005: 107-110 1987