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第 14 卷第 3 期 2007 年 5 月 体育学刊 Journal of Physical Education Vol.14 No.3 May.2007 有氧运动对大鼠心血管自主神经调节功能的影响 12 (1. 贵州师范大学体育学院, 贵州贵阳 550001;2. 北京体育大学运动人体科学学院, 北京 100084) 摘要 : 关键词 : 中图分类号 :G804.2 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1006-7116(2007)03-0041-05 The effect of aerobic exercise on the modulating function of cardiovascular autonomic nerve of rats WANG Song-tao 1,ZENG Yun-gui 2,WANG An-li 2 (1.College of Physical Education,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550001,China; 2.College of Sports Science of Human Body,Beijing Sports University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The authors first selected and improved the methods for testing and analyzing heart rate variability (HRV) and arterial baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), and then used normal rats as their experimental subject to observe and compare the differences of such indexes as caudal arterial blood pressure and pulse, internal pressure of left ventricle, myocardial contraction force, HRV and BRS between the rats in the 8-week medium intensity swimming exercise group and the rats in the calm control group, so as to analyze the effect of long-term aerobic exercise on the modulating function of cardiovascular autonomic nerve, and to provide experimental evidence for the change of the balanced state of cardiovascular autonomic nerve. The authors revealed the following findings: Compared with the rats in the control group, the rats in the exercise group had myocardial hypertrophy, boosted cardiac blood pumping function, increased BRS mediated by cardiac sympathetic nerve, unaffected BRS mediated by cardiac vagus nerve, and increased level of variability of tonicity of cardiac sympathetic nerve and cardiac vagus nerve. These findings suggest that long-term aerobic exercise can boost the modulating function of cardiovascular autonomic nerve, and enables the harmonizing and counteracting relation between sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve to establish a new balance at a higher functional level. Key words: aerobic exercise; cardiac blood vessel; autonomic nerve; heart rate variability; arterial baroreflex sensitivity 收稿日期 :2006-12-31 作者简介 :

42 体育学刊第 14 卷 1 实验对象与方法 1.1 实验对象 1.2 实验方法 表 1 实验分组情况 ( x ± s ) g 15 193.3±8.5 452.2±21.7 15 194.1±8.0 425.1±21.2 1

第 2 期 43 表 2 HRV 分析的频域指标 1.3 统计分析 2 结果及分析 2.1 心脏重量指数 表 3 各组大鼠的心脏重量指数 ( x + s ) 比较 14 457.92±21.4 1.28±0.12 2.85±0.08 14 428.25±19.5 1 1.32±0.09 3.08±0.13 2 1P<0.05; 2P<0.01 2.2 清醒安静状态尾动脉血压和脉搏实验观察期结束时, 运动组大鼠的清醒安静状态下尾动脉收缩压 舒张压 平均动脉压与对照组相比差异没有显著性 (P>0.05), 而心率差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.05)( 见表 4) 表 4 清醒安静状态下各组大鼠的尾动脉血压和脉搏 ( x + s ) 1) SBP/mmHg DBP/mmHg MBP/mmHg HR/min -1 14 147.8±18.3 85.1±18.2 106.0±12.5 419.0±42.6 14 140.6±15.2 87.8±28.1 105.4±23.3 372.9±47.4 2 2.3 左室内压和心肌收缩力 实 表 5 各组大鼠的左室内压和心肌收缩力 ( x + s )

44 体育学刊第 14 卷 2.4 清醒状态下的压力反射敏感性 表 6 清醒状态下各组大鼠的压力反射敏感性 ( x + s ) 14 0.84±0.37 0.45±0.18 0.51±0.19 0.18±0.07 0.87±0.33 0.38±0.18 14 1.39±0.56 1) 0.69±0.23* 0.40±0.14* 0.14±0.07 1.03±0.24 0.37±0.11 2.5 心率变异性 表 7 各组大鼠的心率变异性 (HRV)( x + s ) 比较 TF/ms 2 VLF/ms 2 LF/ms 2 HF/ms 2 LF/HF VLF norm / LF norm / HF norm / 14 0.71±0.15 0.16±0.08 0.12±0.08 0.43±0.12 0.26±0.07 22.51±3.79 16.90±2.98 60.59±7.26 14 0.96±0.21 2 0.26±0.06 2 0.14±0.06 0.56±0.09 1 0.24±0.05 27.15±6.68 1) 14.61±2.26 58.23±5.02 3 讨论 3.1 有氧运动对压力反射敏感性的影响 3.2 有氧运动对心率变异性的影响

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