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408 00-38&catid=59%3Adaily-speech&Itemid=576&lang=zh 2017 1 25 http://www.tzuchi.org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20141%3 A2017-01-25-02-09-28&catid=282%3A2017-01-25-08-40-03&Itemid=248&lang=zh Leonard, H. D. 2016 11 9 http://www.tzuchi.org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id= 19767%3A2016-11-09-03-27-33&catid=277%3A2016-09-05-08-30-04&Itemid=824&lang=zh 2001 2010 1982 1998 1994 P. Tillich 1957 1999 2003 2011 3 12 http://www.tzuchi.org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5510%3a201 1-03-13-00-10-27&catid=153%3Ahelpjapan&Itemid=452&lang=zh Chiao-Yen Liang is an Associate Professor of Holistic Education Center, Tzu-Chi University of Science and Technology, Hualien, Taiwan. 106 02 22 106 05 11

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 2017, 13(4), 385-409 A STUDY ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF GLOBAL ETHICS FROM THE LI-YI-FEN-SHU OF CONFUCIAN SCHOLARS IN THE SONG DYNASTY THE CASE OF THE PRACTICAL BELIEF IN TZU-CHI INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN AID Chiao-Yen Liang Holistic Education Center, Tzu-Chi University of Science and Technology ABSTRACT This study focuses on the Li-Yi-Fen-Shu theory to view the original situation and modern explanation for Li-Yi-Fen-Shu, and discusses the construction of global ethics through the approach of religious dialogue. By taking the practical belief in Tzu-Chi s international humanitarian aid as an example, we made communication and cooperation move beyond race through concrete religious beliefs and caring actions. Then we reached a basic global ethical consensus in the common values of humanity. Therefore, the future concerted efforts for all of humanity will be the establishment of a mutual life order in accordance with human dignity. Keywords: humanity, global ethic, Li-Yi-Fen-Shu, Tzu-Chi