三國演義 魯肅的形象與角色定位 壹 前言 172A.D.-217 A.D

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 39

三國演義 魯肅的形象與角色定位 參 以故事情節的功能意義評魯肅 一 援故事人物的角色功能性以論述 三國演義 中的魯肅 40

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二 援 敘事學 觀點以評析 三國演義 中的魯肅 Andrew H.Plaks 1945 52 53 51122 52Andrew H.Plaks 1996116 53 1993345-346 51 43

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The active image and the function meaning in plot of Lu Su in The Romance of The Three Kingdoms Wu, Bing-Xun Part-time Lecturer, Department of Chinese Literature, Tunghai University Abstract There are two purposes for this article: the first one is to portray the image of the Confucianists scholar of Lu Su and the second one is to highlight the function/meaning of plot of Lu Su in The Romance of The Three Kingdoms. Regarding to the study of The Romance of The Three Kingdoms, it is abundant to this day, however, when it comes to the image of character of The Romance of The Three Kingdoms, plenty of scholars may only care about the royal members of the Han dynasty, or pay attention to Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu in the book. Not any emphasis is on flat character described by Lo Guan-Chung and Lu Su is an example. Though the academic circle has already paid more and more attention to the historical position of Lu Su at that time in recent years, and is able to analyze the character value of Lu Su in the book to the heart of the matter in order to conclude a ingenious study achievement, however, objectively speaking, there are still many places required to be studied deeply. The writer thinks, in the story, Lu Su may be considered as the clown, however, if we investigate it further against the view point of the Confucianists, there is a lot of consistency towards the character description written by Lo Guan-Chung. Moreover, if we study from the layout of story plot of The Romance of The Three Kingdoms, his role orientation in this book does have an indispensable connection property. Therefore, we plan to discuss based on the traditional Confucianists thought and the story functionality. Through the investigation of the two methods, we can highlight the indispensable and active image of Lu Su in The Romance of The Three Kingdoms. Key words: The Romance of The Three Kingdoms, Lu Su, Character Image, the Confucianists 51