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Coakley, 2001, 335-336 1998 2001a 2002 2003 2003 2001b 1997 1996 6 1995 14 2003 6 1995 5 26 26 2

2003a 14 2003 14 2003 6 96 110 2003b2003c2003d 1980 1985 1992 1996 1997 7 1996 14 2003 1996 6 1995 6 14 14 14 2003 2 28 10 14 2003 3 1 10 15 content analysis 12% 0.94 SPSS for Windows descriptive statistics percentage analysis 14 2003 chi-square 1995 2003 pearson correlation stepwise multiple regression 3

.05 14 2003 1239 71.2% 267 15.3% 109 6.6% 53 3.0% 72 4.1% 1996 6 1995 71.8% 10.6% 7.1% 9.4% 2 10.811df4*P.05 2003 2003 1995 0% 2003 15.3% 14 2003 381 19.7% 372 19.2% 301 15.6% 256 13.2% 161 8.3% 143 7.4% 320 16.5% 14 2003 6 1995 19.1% 18.2% 14 2003 817 48.7% 410 24.4% 318 18.9% 134 8.0% 1996 6 1995 64.8% 19.5% 10.2%5.5% 2 13.346df3*P.05 1996 4

1995 64.8% 2003 48.7% 10.2% 18.9% 14 2003 1149 68.4% 530 31.6% 1996 6 1995 81.3% 18.7% 2 6.543df1 *P.05 1995 18.7% 2003 31.6% 2003 14 2003 1491 88.3% 197 11.7% 1996 6 1995 75.3% 24.7% 12.176df1*P.05 2003 4 3 2003 1995 75.3% 2003 88.3% 14 2003 304 18.1% 266 15.8% 233 13.9% 231 13.8% 131 7.8% 26 1.5% 21 1.3% 11 0.7% 7 0.4% 4 0.2% 445 26.5% 1996 6 1995 28.7% 8.33% 6.48% 2 133.392df10*P.05 2 5

1995 2003 65.73% 47.7% 2003 28.7% 18.1% 28.7% 15.8% 0% 13.9% 5 r.971* r-.977* r.972* r-.974* 95.4% 544.0565.894.971* -.561 -.977*.972* -.974* *p<.05. F R R 2.977.954 83.571* -5.894 -.977 544.056 *p<.05 6

26 26 19 r.833* r.735* r.720* r.714* r-.345*.833*.407*.068.147 -.345*.714*.421*.735*.015.669*.500*.720*.363*.410*.161.145.533*.544.665*.543*.625*.209*.397*.614*.373*.159 *p<.05 71.6% 69.3% 2.2%.940.184 F R R 2 R 1..833.693.693 212.637*.940 2..846.716.022 117.100* -.184 *p<.05 7

26 26 r.819* r.813* r.792* r.791* r.762* r.737* r.711*.442*.737*.791*.552*.695*.696*.762*.792*.819*.711*.666*.564*.813*.398*.549*.505*.466*.648*.559*.302*.187.511*.623*.694*.402*.671* *p<.05 84.1% 67.2% 8.6% 3.5% 2.0% 1.1% 1.0% 0.7%.078.321.279.315.179.178.364 8

F R R 2 R 1..819.672.672 220.851*.078 2..870.757.086 166.870*.321 3..890.793.035 135.076*.279 4..901.813.020 113.819* -.315 5..907.823.011 97.042 *.179 6..911.830.007 84.096 *.178 7..917.841.010 76.182 *.364 *p<.05 2001 14 2003 14 2003 r.833* r.735* r 9

.720* r.714* r-.345* r.819* r.813* r.792* r.791* r.762* r.737* r.711* 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1 2 10

2003a10 16 http://online.cpbl.com.tw/rule/cpblrules.htm 2003b10 16 http://www.cpbl.com.tw/ 2003c10 16 http://www.cpbl.com.tw/teams/team_hitter.asp?hteam2003/10/16 2003d10 16 http://www.cpbl.com.tw/teams/team_pitcher.asp?pteam2003/10/16 1985 67 73 65-78 1997 2001 1992 2001a2000 31 293-304 2001b 30 131-142 2003 2003 1998 1996 1980 2002 2003 2003 Coakley, J. (2001). Sport in society: Issues and controversies. (7 th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 11

The Relationship between Sports Performance and Media ExposureThe Example of Min-Sheng Daily s News Photos of the CPBL Games Ching-hai Liao, Jin-sheng Kao, Sheng-feng Lin Kao Yuan Institute of Technology Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between sports performance and media exposure. The objects of the study were the reports about players performances and photos of The Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) 14th year (2003) from Min-Sheng Daily. First, The study adopted the content analysis to analyze the photos of CPBL 14th year on Min-Sheng Daily and then conferring on the relationship between teams and players performances. The results were as follows1. The photo reports about spectators, 3 people and up, off diamond, local players of CPBL 14th year were obviously increased than CPBL 6th year on Min-Sheng Daily. 2. The photo reports in Min-Sheng Daily were positive correlated with wins, winning percentage of CPBL teams, and negative correlation with losses, game back of CPBL teams. The teams with lower rates of losses will have higher degree of media exposure. 3. The performances of pitchers wins, games started, pitches thrown, strikeouts have higher positive correlation with the photo reports in Min-Sheng Daily, only earned run average has negative correlation. Pitchers with more wins but less games finished will have higher degree of media exposure. 4. The Performances of batters runs scored, total bases on safe hits, game-winning runs bated in, runs bated in, hits, home runs, one base hits have higher positive correlation with the photos report of Min-Sheng Daily. Batters with more runs, home runs, stolen bases, at bats, intentional walks, game-winning runs bated in, but less strike outs will have higher media exposure. Keywords: sports performance, media, exposure, The Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) 12