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The Formation of Consciousness in Returning to Farm and the Acquisition of Joyfulness in Suppositional Writing Liao Mei-yu Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Returning to farm is a common type of career transition from official to farmer among literati who feel disappointed with the officialdom. The issues included in the process contain the self-identification from literati to farmers, the living style from city to country, and the mindset decision from present civilization back to ancient naturalism. There exists a huge difference between the toil of farmer life and the joyfulness of writing on farmyard. This yields many political, economic and cultural problems that haven t been studied extensively. This essay is trying to investigate the origin of the formation of consciousness and the changing process of writing ideas on returning to farm. In addition to the Introduction and Conclusion sections, there are Farming life under the political system, Developments of both encouraging learning and encouraging farming, Thinking processes about the memory of returning to ancient personal farming, Suppositional writing of the literature on returning to farm from Chang Hen s Liang Jin FutoGuey Tien Fu, and The acquisition of joyfulness and spring scene of suppositional writing. Generally speaking, agricultural production as a nation s mainly economic resource and bureaucracy as policy executor are opposite but interdependent to each other. They have some homologous relationships through serving the dominator altogether. According to the suppositional writing by Chang Han s Guey Tien Fu and the ability to enjoy happiness from executing processes by Guey Tien poets, pastoral literature surpasses the political system and becomes the paradise to settle human mind, acquire freedom and experience life. This also sets pastoral literature up to a flourishing scope. Keywords: returning to farm, personal farming, supposition, joyfulness, spring scene 38


40 1 2 3 4 1 1982 240-241 2 1986571 3 1982198-202 4 9 1974 197933-34

41 588 409 5 5 412

42 263 6 6 189

43 593 439 7 8 7 198-202 8

44 9 212 202-203 9 232-235

45 27 10 11 10 1982.8116 11 1993.10127-160 1955193-197

46 123 12 12 1982.897-99

47 13 140 8 13 220-221 243-244

48 53 62 62 37 540 186 14 14 1979 1756-1758

49 15 54 16 15 314 1983 16 1955.9104-105

50 17 334 17 1974 991-996

51 336 433 Francis Bacon 18 199820

52 423 20 19 966 1974 20 20021-23

53 2017 22 21 41 19751752-1753 22 2111 2141

54 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 3107 24 1511 25 362 386 26 2141 27 2438 28 1311

55 29 78-139 30 107 97 95-99 100-108 138 31 29 15 21 29 1969206 30 1984 40 1925 4 3 2 1933 11 9 3 75-821975.12 31 1990.12286

56 32 33 34 35 32 33 1986 34 385 35 142 251

57 36 36 1986.8191

58 37 37 15 1969

59 38 206 38 1979561

60 39 39 1990.1249-52

61 40 41 42 historical limitation 43 40 197379-80 41 5 84-892001.9 42 3 20-21 43 1 1 1970 10 39

62 232-300 44 45 283-363 46 44 69 36 19751068-1077 45 19791594 46 19961-63

63 47 48 49 50 51 47 24 1975837-840 48 40 1998504-505 49 223 50 32 983 51?

64 James Drake Stuart Pimm 53 29 52 11 53 1998.11 55

65 Epicurus 341-270 54 55 611 54 1987355-383 55 1974 608-629

66 714 100 56 56 198099

67 Northrop Frye, 1912-1991 The Archetypes of Literature romance 1957 Anatomy of Criticism 57 archetype 2001 910-948 1998 192-299 198833-67 58 1969 1975

68 59 60 61 62 59 86 60 112? 19752961 61 1997873-875 62 1998689-690

69 63 64 65 63 64 198011 65 1974.10 338

70 13 44

71 66 76 66 1999.843-45

72 67 68 60 67 159-163 68 226-281

73 72 94 513-581

74 69 70 69 11 19 2000.3 353-361 70 2001194196

75 71 278-283 73 71 207-208 305. 20 72 2000.3279-280 73 1-19