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且 放 棄 治 療 的 黃 金 時 期 ; 而 主 要 者 不 但 擔 心 況, 又 要 面 對 繁 重 工 作 時, 容 易 出 現 焦 慮 緊 張 歇 斯 底 里 等 情 緒, 導 致 整 個 家 庭 陷 入 低 落 狀 態, 因 此 引 發 筆 者 的 興 趣 希 望 藉 由 團 隊 的 合


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Movement Assessment Battery for Children(M-ABC) (N=17) (N=22) (N=20) (N=21) M-ABC RT3 (one-way ANOVA) RT3 RT3 II

Abstract Background and Purpose: Previous studies indicated that aboriginal boys revealed better motor coordination ability, but there were limited studies investigating their participation levels in of physical activity(pa). Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the motor coordination ability and the PA levels of 11- to 12-year-old Taiwanese aboriginal boys with non-aboriginal boys. Methods: The Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) was used to screen and assess motor coordination ability of participants. They were divided into four groups: aboriginal general group (N=17), aboriginal exercise group (N=22), non-aboriginal general group (N=20), and non-aboriginal exercise group (N=21). Furthermore, the PA levels were measured by RT3 accelerometer device, and the lifestyle questionnaire was completed by all subjects. One-way ANOVA was used to compare the differences in the ability of motor coordination, 7-day PA in different time, light PA, moderate to vigorous PA time differences among four groups, of the correlations between PA and motor coordination, and PA and lifestyle questionnaire were also respectively discussed. Results: First, in motor coordination ability, the non-aboriginal group was significantly better than the general aboriginal group only in the manual dexterity, but no significant difference in the other four groups was found. Seven activities found in total physical activity, two exercise groups were significantly higher than the two general groups in 7-day PA, The aboriginal general group was significantly higher than non-aboriginal general group, but only aboriginal exercise group was significantly higher than non-aboriginal general group in holidays. Two general groups were significantly longer than the two exercise groups in the time of light physical activity (LPA). Two exercise groups in the time of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were significantly higher than two general groups. The non-aboriginal exercise group was also significantly higher than the general aboriginal group. The aboriginal exercise group was significantly higher than the two general groups in the time of engaging in MVPA, and non-aborigines exercise group was significantly higher than non-aboriginal general group. In addition, there was no significant correlation between the motor coordination ability scores and PA. The PA values in RT3 accelerometer and the result of lifestyle questionnaire showed a significant correlation. Conclusion: To sum up, the aborigine had no better motor coordination ability, but the aboriginal general group performed poorly. Moreover, the PA in anytime of seven days and MVPA time of aborigines and non-aboriginal exercise groups were significantly higher than the two general groups, but exercise groups in LPA relatively less than two general groups. The physical activity of the aboriginal III

general group in their daily life was obviously higher than the non-aboriginal general group. Keywords: aboriginal, non-aboriginal, motor coordination ability, RT3 accelerometer IV

IV VII...VIII 1 3 4 4 5 6 9.12.....15. 17.23 V

VI 24 24 30 31 32. 33...36 38.40 RT3 41 42....44.. 46 49...50 52 53

54 VII

3-2-1 Movement ABC......25 4-1-1 Movement ABC...34 4-1-2... 35 4-2-1... 37 4-3-1 LPAMVPA.. 39 4-4-1...40 4-5-1 RT3.... 41 VIII

3-1 RT3 28 3-2 RT3...... 28 3-3...30 3-4.31 IX

4 Movement Assessment Battery for Children(M-ABC) (Taiwan Movement AssessmentTMA) 1

BorehamTwisk, Neville, Savage, Murray, & Gallagher (Wang, Suominen, & Nicholson, 2005) r =.42, p.05 2

Harrell, Gansky, Bradley, & McMurray (1997) 2000 2003? 3


11-12 RT3 5

(Developmental Coordination Disorder DCD) DSM-IV Movement ABC 13.5 Movement ABC 10-13 DCD 9.5 11 12 6

RT3 : (1) (2) (3) (4) (light physical activity, LPA) Rowlands, Thomas, Eston, & Topping (2004) (counts) 7

(5) (moderate to vigorous physical activity, MVPA) Rowlands, Thomas, Eston, & Topping (2004) (counts) 8

(physical activity) (Armstrong, & Welsman, 2006; Caspersen, Powell, & Christenson, 1985; Sirad, & Pate, 2001) 2000 Bouchard Shephard1994 2005 (work-related physical activity) (leisure time physical activity) 9

2007 10 Healthy People 2010 30 20 2 2009 150 2006 420 2007 2002 30 non-active30 2007 (United Kingdom Expert Consensus Group) 60 (Cavill et al., 2001; Dencker et al., 2006) (Department of Health and Aging) 2004 60 2 2000 Health Japan 21 30 10

210 2007 1992 5 30 10 3 20 2007 30 210 2009 11

(Ward, Evenson, Vaughn, Rodgers, & Troiano, 2005) (Blair et al., 1995; Brehm & Iannotta, 1998; Dubber, 1992; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1996; 2005) (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1996) 2006 2009 Preboth (2002) (mental health) 2005 Santos, Gueera, Ribeiro, Duarte, & Mota (2003) 8 15 157 64 93 12

(CSA) 11 13 (90.45 40.61 ) (48.71 19.25 ) Rowlands, Eston, & Ingledew (1999) 34 17 17 8 11 (Tritrac-R3D) (Yamax Digiwalker DW-200) (Sport Tester PE4000) Dencker et al. (2006) 248 140 108 8-11 (MTI, model 7164) (counts) 751 Parfitt & Eston (2005) 70 12000 9200 13

2009 154 22 (171. ) (76.0 ) (36.5 ) (5.5 ) (42.0 ) 34 (83.3 ) (24.7 ) (81.6 ) (51.9 ) (133.4 ) 2004 312 (activity record) 2005 712 14

2003 2009 Wrotniak (2006) - (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency- Short Form) (CSA) 65 31 34 8 10 (motor proficiency) D Hondt, Deforche, DeBourdeaudhuij, & Lenoir (2009) Movement Assessment of Battery for Children 117 22 34 61 (motor skill) 15

(model 7164, CSA ) (manual dexterity) ball skill static and dynamic balance 2005 530 2008 RT3 42 2009 16

LaPorte, Montoye, & Caspersen (1985) (calorimetry) (job classification) (survey) (physiological markers) (behavioral observation) (mechanical and electronic moniters) (dietary measure) Sirard & Pate (2001) (criterion standards) (direct observation) (doubly labelled water) (indirect calorimetry) (objective techniques) (heart rate monitors) (motion sensors) (pedometers) (accelerometers) (subjective techniques) (self-report questionnaires) (interviewer-administered questionnaires) (proxy reports) (diaries) 2009 17

(Rowland, 1998) 2005 (Welk, Corbin, & Dale, 2000) (heart rate monitors) ECG(electrocardiogram) (Freedson & Miller, 2000) (DuRant et al., 1993; Treiber et al., 1989 ) (oxygen consumption) (energy expenditure) (Freedson & Miller, 2000; Sirard & Pate, 2001) (Eston, Rowlands, & Ingledew, 1998) (sedentary) (light intensity activities) (Rowlands, Eston, & Ingledew, 1997; Sirard & Pate, 2001) 18

(motion sensors) (pedometer) (accelerometer) (Sirad & Pate, 2001; 2005) (Kilanowski, Consalvi, & Epstein, 1999; Mahar, Raedeke, & Lore, 2004; Eisenmann & Wickel, 2005; Rowe, Cardon & De Bourdeaudhuij, 2007) 1. (pedometer) (Sirard & Pate, 2001) (Freedon, 1991; Melanson & Freedson, 1996; Rowlands et al., 1997 2005) 2 (accelerometer) (count) (Sirard & Pate, 2001) (Dencker, 2006; Trost, Pate, Freedson, Sallis, and Taylor, 2000;) 19

(uniaxial accelerometer) (biaxial accelerometer) (triaxial accelerometer) 2007 (Ward, Evenson, Vaughn, Rodgers, & Troiano, 2005) (Trost, 2000; Ward et al., 2005) (Eston et al., 1998; Sirard & Pate, 2001; 2005) TriTrac-R3D (Welk, Blair, Wood, Jones, & Thompson, 2000) TriTrac-R3D Stayhealthy RT3 Tri-axial (RT3) 2007 RT3 RT3 RT3 TriTrac-R3D 20

(self-report) (Melanson & Freedson, 1996; Welk et al., 2000; 2005) (Armstrong & Welsman, 2006) (Welk et al., 2000) (Kohl, Fulton, & Cspersen, 2000) (diary) 24 2004 Bouchard 1983 (Three- Day Physical Activity Record, 3-d PAR) 15 96 2006 21

(Baranowski et al., 1984) Watson & O Donovan (1977) 10 (Sirard & Pate, 2001) (proxy-reports) 10 (Armstrong & Welsman, 2006) Armstrong & Welsman (2006) (direct observation) 2006Sirard & Pate (2001) (Melanson & Freesdon, 1996) Children s activity rating scale (CARS) Modified fargo activity time-sampling survey (FATS) Behaviors of eating and activity for children s 22

health evaluation system (BEACHES)System for observing play and leisure activity in youth(soplay) Children s physical activity form(cpaf)system for observation fitness instruction time (SOFIT) RT3 23

11 12 39 17 22 41 20 21 RT3 Movement ABC Movement ABC1992 Henderson Sugden DCD (manual dexterity) (ball skills) (balance) 4-12 4-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 11-12 24

3-2-1 Movement ABC ( + )/2 ( + )/2 25

歩 26

RT3 (RT3, Stayhealthy, Inc.) piezoelectric accelerometer technology KcalsRT3 TriTrac-R3D TriTrac-R3D Stayhealthy (Powell & Rowlands, 2004) 1 1 21 (Count) (Count) 27


2006 PAQ-CThe Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children PAQ-C Sallis Baranowski 8 20 PAQ-C Conbrach α.50.83 29

MABC DCD RT3 3-3 30

3-4 31

SPSS 12.0 : Movement ABC RT3 (one-way ANOVA) Scheffe (Pearson correlation) 1. 2. p<.05 32

RT3 RT3 ( ) ( ) ( ) Movement ABC 17 22 20 21 80 (p<.05) 33

( 4-1-1) () (p<.05) ( 4-1-2) 4-1-1 Movement ABC post hoc (N=17) (N=22) (N=20) (N=21) (Scheffe) 1.97 1.07 0.98 0.31 1>4 * (2.82) (1.40) (1.11) (0.56) 0.85 0.02 0.83 0.43 (1.27) (0.11) (1.40) (1.57) 2.41 1.64 2.65 3.14 (2.21) (2.01) (2.48) (2.74) 5.24 2.73 4.45 3.93 (4.07) (2.17) (2.97) (3.26) * p <. 0 51 34

4-1-2 post hoc (N=17) (N=22) (N=20) (N=21) (Scheffe) (cm) 153.00 (7.10) 151.23 (9.11) 150.23 (9.14) 154.43 (8.98) * (kg) 52.93 (14.45) 45.09 (8.89) 43.31 (7.12) 45.94 (10.17) 22.47 * (5.26) 19.60 (2.60) 19.21 (2.95) 19.02 (2.66) 1>3,4 (kg/m 2 ) 24.15 ** (10.13) 17.07 (6.75) 18.60 (7.57) 15.86 (5.25) 1>2,4 * p<.05** p<.011 2 3 4 35

RT3 (one-way ANOVA) ( ) RT3 (p<.05)(4-2-1) ( ) 4-2-1 (p<.05) (p<.05) (p<.05) (p>.05) 36

4-2-1 post hoc (N=17) (N=22) (N=20) (N=21) (Scheffe) 23.49 30.31 19.75 33.33 2,4>1,3 *** (6.30) (5.25) (4.53) (7.04) *** 23.49 30.31 15.07 32.61 2,4>1>3 (6.30) (5.25) (3.23) (7.86) ** 5.33 7.11 4.68 6.60 2>3 (2.36) (2.66) (2.08) (2.57) ** p<.01 *** p<.0011 2 3 4 37

RT3 (one-way ANOVA) ( ) 4-3-1 (p<.05) (p>.05) (p>.05) (p<.05) (p<.05) ( ) (p<.05) (p<.05) (p<.05) (4-3-1) 38

(p<.05) (p>.05) (p<.05) (p<.05)(4-3-1) 4-3-1 LPAMVPA post hoc (N=17) (N=22) (N=20) (N=21) (Scheffe) LPA*** 4924.88 4015.18 4906.70 3943.48 1,3>2,4 (775.36) (910.25) (584.40) (558.63) MVPA*** 757.59 1360.86 623.10 1612.19 4>2>1,3 (262.07) (358.62) (175.74) (288.12) LPA*** 3619.29 2980.18 3604.80 2831.29 1,3>2,4 (482.92) (615.83) (399.58) (402.48) MVPA*** 601.12 1037.41 483.75 1323.29 4>2>1,3 (191.36) (221.75) (124.51) 239.81 LPA* 1305.59 1035.00 1301.90 1112.19 (381.82) (371.21) (221.46) (238.76) MVPA*** 156.47 323.45 139.35 288.90 2>1,3 (96.93) (205.18) (85.36) (151.59) 4>3 * p<.05** p<.01*** p<.001lpa(light physical activity) MVPA (moderate to vigorous 39

physical activity)1 2 3 4 Pearson RT3 Movement ABC 4-4-1 4-4-1-0.102-0.193 0.004-0.121 (N=80) 0.039-0.114 0.151 0.073 (N=17) 0.298 0.073 0.081 0.271 (N=22) -0.089-0.009-0.153-0.165 (N=20) -0.179-0.101-0.051-0.115 (N=21) 40

RT3 Pearson RT3 RT3 ( 4-5-1) 4-5-1 RT3 (N=77) (N=16) (N=20) (N=20) (N=21).551***.426.140.455*.170 * p<.05** p<.01*** p<.001 41

42 Movement ABC 1997 2004 2009 2005 Movement ABC 30.8% 1999

1997 2000 2005 ( 2009; Castelli & Valley, 2007; D Hondt, Deforche, & De Bourdeaudhuij, 2009) 43

1995 2000 2001 2004 (Sallis, Patterson, Buono, & Nader, 1988 2004) 2005 44

(Scharrff, Homan, Kreuter, & Brennan, 1999; Verschuur, & Kemper, 1985) RT3 2009 45

2007 RT3 (counts) Rowlands 2004 (MET) RT3 (counts) 2008 11-12 2006 2007 30 46

2 (Healthy People, 2010; 2009) 60 (Cavill et al., 2001; Dencker et al., 2006) 60 2 2009 30 210 2009 2007 (Liou & Chiang, 2004) 9 12 463 (Three-day Physical Activity Logs) 90% 78.2% Pate et al. (2002) 375 1 12 (CAS 7164) 90% Healthy People 2010 70% Liou & Chiang (2004) 100% 47

(Sirard & Pate, 2001) (Watson & O Donovan, 1977) 2009 Rowlands 2004 2009 (Kaurlumnn, Koivusilta, Lnrrntone, Virtaen, & Rimpela, 2005; Tammelin, Ekelund, Remes, & Nayha, 2007; 2009 ) 2008 RT3 541 48

2006 PAQ-C(The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children) 2008 11 12 Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing1990 2006 (p>.05) 49

RT3 2008 2009Sirard & Pate, 2001 RT 2001 (7-d PAR) RT3 TriTrac-R3D Wickel, Welk & Eisenmann (2006) 18 23 Tritrac-R3D ( AEE) ( TEE) (Bouchard diary) (r = 0.72r = 0.86) RT3 (Crocker, Holowachuk, & Kowalski, 2001) 2008 50

(Sallis, Buono, Roby, Micale, & Nelson, 1993) 51

Movement ABC 80 11-12 RT3 RT3 RT3 11-12 52

20 53

2009 2009 11 12 http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/month/list.htm 2009 11 20 http://www.apc.gov.tw/main/docdetail/detail_ethnic.j sp?cateid=a001917&linkself=94&linkroot=8 1999 2004 2001 - TriTrac-R3D 1599-114 2000-1998 - 2005 25125-138 54

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2006 2003 65142-147 2009 131 23-31 2009ActiGraph GT1M 102167-173 1995 2004 2008 336 381-389 2005 2005 7 2 195-168 2006 57

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