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21 Modern Chine se History Studie s No. 1, 2007 A Modern Chinese History without Modern : Using Paul A. Cohen sthree Theories to Look at the Inner Logic of thechina Centered Approach and its Predicament Xia Mi ngf a ng (1) Since the 1990s, the leading paradigm for studying modern Chinese history in Chinese mainland academic circles has met with a strong challenge and attack from thechina Centered Approach imported from American sinological circles. This challenge is no doubt a further reaction to dogmatic Marxist views of history, and has greatly enlarged and enriched related research fields and topics. However, its final result has been neither the restoration of historical materialism, nor the establishment of a new paradigm that truly is a Chinese approach with native characteristics. Instead, it has led down a new dogmatic road. This situation is not simply a result of Chinese scholars dogmatically applying thechina Centered Approach, it is also an inevitable result of the development of this theoretical system s inner logic. Starting from its own latent logical contradictions, this article tries to give a critical reading of theapproach, in hopes of deepening the discus2 sion of research methods in modern Chinese history. How did New Culture Begin tomove : Centering on New Yout h Wa ng Qis heng (21) As New Youth went from being an ordinary magazine to become theglittering marquee of new culture all over the country, and asnew Culturegrew from a trickle into a great tide, each of them underwent a considerablemovement process. The popular view of the time was thatnew Culture Movement took the May Fourth Movement as its starting point. However, if we analyze the arguments put forward in New Youth, we can find that its aim in raising the flags of democracyandsciencewas to intimidate and blockattackers. No consistent view of the meaning ofnew Culture formed among New Culture intellectuals. Ideas and proposals that modern people admire or care about did not necessarily evoke a strong response at the time. The hot issues which people paid close attention to at the time have faded out of the field of vision of later historians. Though addressing the same New Youth magazine, what the editors aimed to do, what opponents attacked and what outsiders observed were not all the same. Faced with the samenew Culture Movement, the explanations of New Culture intellectuals are also different from the narratives of later historians. ThePink SlipIncident : A Probe into Disputes bet ween Labor and Management in the Late Period of the National ist Revolution Huo Xi nbi n (41) In early 1927, thepink Slip issue firing laborers without any reason was brought to a boil by a telegram from the Qujiang Chamber of Commerce. Because of the intervention of various powers such as labor unions, chambers of com2 merce, the Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party, this issue finally developed into a conflict between labor and management lasting more than fifty days. This incident was not only the concentrated expression of the differences in mentality and action between labor and capital in Guangzhou during the late period of the Nationalist revolution ; it was al2 so a manifestation of the differences between Guomindang and CCP policies toward issues of labor and management, re2 vealing the dilemma faced by the Guomindang government proudly waving the banner ofclass harmony in trying to choose a justposition between labor and capital in the midst of social reorganization. From the fact that this confronta2 tion between class struggle theory and the doctrine ofworker2merchant coordinationwas resolved through cooperation between labor and capital, we can also conclude that the CCP s ability to undertake worker politics and class mobilization was limited. The Hingtae Hong Debt Case and the Canton Hong System on the Eve of the Opium War Wu Yixiong (56)


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