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1 * : : ; ; ; ; ; : (Kevin M.Murphy) (GeorgeJ.StiglerDistinguishedServiceProfessorofEconomics) (RobertH.Topel) (KennethJ.Arrow Award) (JPE) (2006) 2010 : (rationaladdiction) (JPE) (AER) (QJE) * :

2 : ( ) (Murphy & Welch1992) CPS(CurrentPopulationSurveys) % 110%20 50% ; % 48% 38% 58% ( ) (Murphy & Welch1992) :(1) (Murphy & Welch1991) (2) (Mitch- el1989) (Katz& Murphy1992) CPS :(1) (2) (3) (Murphy & Welch1992) (non-neutraltechnologi- calchange) (outsourcing) (Murphy & Welch1991) 137

3 ( ) 1. (Murphy & Welch1993a) ; 2. (Murphy & Welch1993b) CPS (Mur- phy & Topel2016) (1) (skiled) (unskiled) (2) (3) (MurphyRiddel& Romer1998) ( ) % % (JuhnMurphy & Pierce1991) ( ) :(1) CPS ( 1.65%);(2) 0.74% ~0.91%; (3) 0.8%;(4) ( ) 138

4 : (JuhnMurphy & Pierce1993) : % 5% 40% % % 25% ( ) (Juhn & Murphy1997) CPS 1. :(1) 15% 29%;(2) 16%;(3) 35% :(1) % (2) (3) 2. (1) ( ) ( % 28.1% % 4.8% 13.5% 13% % 35.1% % 8.6% 11.6% 21.6% % 52.6% % 4.7% 26.8% 24% ( ) ( ) (2) ( ) ( ) : ; ; ;

5 ( ) 1. (MurphyShleifer & Vishny1989a) - (Rosenstein-Rodan1943) (bigpush) (1) (2) (3) ; 2. (MurphyShleifer& Vishny1989b) (1) (Rosenstein- Rodan1943) (Ohkawa&Rosovsky1960) (2) (Baldwin1956;North1959) ( ) 140

6 : ; (Schultz1961) 1. (BeckerMurphy & Tamura1990) :(1) ; (discountrate) (2) : ; ; :(1) (unde- velopedsteady) ;(2) (de- velopedsteady) 2. (MurphyShleifer& Vishny1991) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) :(1) ;(2) ;(3) (Becker& Murphy1992) - 141

7 ( ) (MurphyShleifer& Vishny1989c) (IR) (TS) :(1) (imperfectcredit) (2) :(1) ; (2) (3) (4) (MurphyShleifer & Vishny1989d) (versatile) ( ) CPS % 40% 41% ~100% (Murphy & Topel1987;JuhnMurphy & Topel 1991) (Murphy & Topel1987) 142

8 : % 2% (Murphy & Topel1997) (JuhnMurphy & Topel1991) 4. (JuhnMurphy & Topel1991) (JuhnMurphy & Topel1991; Murphy & Topel1997) 2007 (KennethJ.Arrow Award) ( ) % % 20 (Murphy & Topel2006) % 1% 5000 (life-year) : % 143

9 ( ) (Murphy & Topel2006) (Hoganetal2000;Lubitz & Riley1993) (PhilipsonBeckerDana & Murphy2010) : : (G.S.Becker) - (Becker-Murphy) (BeckerGrossman & Murphy1994) :(1) ;(2) 10% 4% 7.5% (3) ( ) 10% 3% ;(4) - 144

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66 ( ) 14 ( ; ChenandCowel2013; ) Dengetal.(2013) BeckerandTomes(1979) ( ) BeckerandTomes(1985) ( ) 3 MayerandLopoo (2008) (CH

66 ( ) 14 ( ; ChenandCowel2013; ) Dengetal.(2013) BeckerandTomes(1979) ( ) BeckerandTomes(1985) ( ) 3 MayerandLopoo (2008) (CH 14 1 2014 10 ( ) ChinaEconomicQuarterly Vol.14No.1 October2014 * ; BeckerandTomes(1979) 2013 0.473 XieandZhou (2014) 0.53 0.55 ; * : 5 100871; :15801363830;E-mail:zhouguangsu@126.com (Kxjc-jc-2011003)

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标题 第 16 卷 第 3 期 南京农业大学学报( 社会科学版) 2016. 16 ( 3 ) 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 University( Social Sciences Edition) 2016 年 5 月 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural 揖 农村社会发展铱 内 生 型 城 镇 化 :新 型 城 镇 化 的 模 式 选 择 丛茂昆,张明斗 ( 东北财经大学 公共管理学院,辽宁

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