目錄 Table of Contents 缘起... 4 Origin... 5 文殊禮讚文 ( 吉祥智慧善妙功德赞 )... 6 Praise to Manjushri... 6 蓮師金剛七句祈請頌 The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche... 1

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1 五明寺課誦集 藏中英版 Five Wisdom Temple Prayer Compilation Tibetan Chinese English Edition

2 目錄 Table of Contents 缘起... 4 Origin... 5 文殊禮讚文 ( 吉祥智慧善妙功德赞 )... 6 Praise to Manjushri... 6 蓮師金剛七句祈請頌 The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche 般若波羅蜜多心經 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 2

3 The Essence of Prajna Sutra (Heart Sutra) 文殊大圓滿基道果無別發願文 Great Perfection Manjushri 聖妙吉祥真实名经 A Concert of Names of Manjushri 簡短極樂願文 Short Sukhavati Prayer 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 3

4 缘起 密義世人應謙卑獨經文巍然在上世所共仰蔣陽喇嘛謹守其義今我立意滿分清淨編集教法藉是善因惟願各世無護無佑生身之母同證佛道妙吉祥光遍照六道並願此書同致吉祥具足福善我願圓滿瑜伽行者幾有所願無不成就 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 4

5 Origin For Tantra meanings, all beings should be humble and modest. Sutras and Tantras should be honored above all of us. We shall show our admiration and respect to these teachings. Lama Jamyang strictly follows these principles. Now I purify my mind to compile these Sutras and Tantras. I dedicate these merits to all mothers of previous lives. I pray for them to attain Buddhahood. I pray the lights of Manjushri to shine throughout all six realms. I dedicate these merits to all beings to live auspicious lives and attain enlightenment. May all Yogis and Yoginis of Vajrayana Buddhism have their prayers fulfilled. May all practitioners achieve siddhis. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 5

6 དཔལ ཡ ཤ ས ཡ ན ཏན བཟང པ འ བས ད པ 文殊禮讚文 ( 吉祥智慧善妙功德赞 ) Praise to Manjushri བཅ མ ལ ན འདས མག ན པ འཇམ དཔལ དབ ངས ལ ཕ ག འཚལ ལ 炯丹迪袞波將巴揚拉恰擦洛 La ma dang gön po jé tsün jam päi yang la chak tsäl lo 南無大智文殊師利菩薩摩訶薩 Homage to my guru and protector, Manjushri! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 6

7 གང ག བ ག ས ས བ གཉ ས ས ན བ ལ ཉ ལ ར ར མ དག རབ གསལ བས 剛格洛珠哲逆珍抓逆達南達惹薩威 Gang gi lo drö drip nyi trin drel nyi tar nam dak rap sel wä 誰之智慧離二障雲猶如淨日極明朗 You, whose intelligence shines forth as the sun, unclouded by delusions or traces of ignorance, ཇ ས ད ད ན ཀ ན ཇ བཞ ན གཟ གས ཕ ར ཉ ད ཀ ཐ གས ཀར ག གས བམ འཛ ན 既涅敦袞既欣瑟契逆既吐嘎雷萬增 Ji nyé dön kün ji zhin zik chir nyi kyi tuk kar lek bam dzin 所有諸義如實觀故胸中執持般若函 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 7

8 Who hold to your heart a scriptural text symbolic of seeing all things as they are, གང དག ས ད པའ བཙ ན རར མ ར ག མ ན འཐ མས ས ག བས ལ ག ས གཟ ར བའ 剛達瑟畢尊惹瑪熱門吞杜盎既瑟威 Gang dak si pä tsön rar ma rik mün tom duk ngel gyi zir wä 諸有於此生死牢獄無明暗覆苦所逼 To all creatures caught in the prison of samsara, Confused in the darkness of their ignorance, overwhelmed by their suffering. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 8

9 འག ཚ གས ཀ ན ལ བ གཅ ག ལ ར བར ཡན ལག ད ག ཅ འ དབ ངས ལ ན གས ང 卓措袞拉悟既達賊彥拉竹具揚丹松 Dro tsok kün la bu chik tar tsé yän lak druk chü yang dän sung 眾生海中悲同一子具足六十韻音語 Who teaches in sixty ways, with the loving compassion of a mother for her only son, འབ ག ལ ར ཆ ར ས ག ཉ ན མ ངས གཉ ད ས ང ལས ཀ ལ གས ས ག འག ལ མཛད ཅ ང 竹達切卓紐夢逆隆利既嘉卓卓雜江 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 9

10 Druk tar cher drok nyön mong nyi long lä kyi chak drok dröl dzä ching 如大雷震煩惱睡起業之鐵索為解脫 You, whose dragon-thunder like proclamation of Dharma arouses us from the stupor of our delusions And frees us from the iron chains of our karma, མ ར ག མ ན ས ལ ས ག བས ལ མ ག ཇ ས ད གཅ ད མཛད རལ ག བས མས 瑪熱門色杜盎紐固既涅究雜惹哲南 Ma rik mün sel duk ngäl nyu gu ji nyé chö dzé rel dri nam 無明暗除苦之苗芽盡皆為斷揮寶劍 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 10

11 Who wields the sword of wisdom hewing down suffering wherever its sprouts appear, གད ད ནས དག ཅ ང ས བཅ འ མཐར ས ན ཡ ན ཏན ལ ས ར གས ར ལ སས ཐ བ འ ས 多內達江薩具塔孫雲丹律作嘉斯圖悟固 Dö nä dak ching sa chü tar sön yön tän lhün dzok gyel sä tu bö ku 從本清淨究竟十地功德身圓佛子最勝體 He who has been pure from the beginning and who has traveled all the ten stages and has reached the stage of buddhahood, yet 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 11

12 who manifests himself as the son of the buddhas. བཅ ཕ ག བཅ དང འཅ གཉ ས ར ན སས བདག བ འ མ ན ས ལ འཇམ དཔལ དབ ངས ལ འད ད 究剎究蕩究逆間知達路門色將巴揚拉杜 Chu trak chu dang chu nyi gyän trä dak lö mün sel jam päi yang la dü 百一十二相好莊嚴除我心暗敬禮妙吉祥 You, whose princely body is adorned with the one hundred and twelve marks of a Buddha, Who has completed the stages achieving the highest perfections of a bodhisattva, Who has been pure from the beginning. To you, oh Manjushri, I bow. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 12

13 ཨ ཨ ར པ ཙ ན ད 嗡阿惹巴札那帝 ( 文殊菩萨心咒 ) OM A RA PA TSA NA DHI 文殊開智偈 བར ལ ན ཁ ད ཀ ས མཁ ན བར འ ད ཟ ར ག ས 賊丹切既欽惹喔瑟吉 Tsé dän khyö kyi khyen rap ö zer gyi 大悲尊以極遍智光明 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 13

14 With the brilliance of your wisdom, O compassionate one, བདག བ འ གཏ མ ག མ ན པ རབ བསལ ནས 達路德慕門巴惹薩內 Dak lö ti muk mün pa rap säl nä 盡除我心愚癡諸黑暗 Illuminate the darkness enclosing my mind, བཀའ དང བསན བཅ ས གཞ ང ལ གས ར གས པ ཡ 嘎當丹究雄錄多巴宜 Ka dang tän chö zhung luk tok pa yi 契經及論教典皆證得 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 14

15 Enlighten my intelligence and wisdom བ ག ས ས བས པའ ས ང བ ས ལ ད གས ལ 洛珠波畢囊瓦傑度梭 Lo drö pop päi nang wa tsäl du söl 願賜智慧辯才咸顯現 So that I may gain insight into the Buddha s words and the texts that explain them. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 15

16 ག ར ར ན པ ཆ འ ཚ ག བད ན གས ལ འད བས བཞ གས ས 蓮師金剛七句祈請頌 The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche ཧ ཨ ར ན ཡ ལ ག ན བ བ ང མཚམས hung, orgyen yul gyi nubjang tsam 鄔金境域西北隅 Hūṃ! In the north-west of the land of Oḍḍiyāna 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 16

17 པད ག སར ས ང པ ལ pema gesar dongpo la 勝妙蓮莖花蕊上 In the heart of a lotus flower, ཡ མཚན མཆ ག ག དང ས ག བ བར ས yatsen chok gi ngödrub nyé 證得稀有勝悉地 Endowed with the most marvellous attainments, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 17

18 པད འབ ང གནས ཞ ས ས གགས pema jungné shyé su drak 世稱名號蓮花生 You are renowned as the Lotus-born, འཁ ར ད མཁའ འག མང པ ས བས ར khor du khandro mangpö kor 空行眷屬眾圍繞 Surrounded by many hosts of ḍākinīs 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 18

19 ཁ ད ཀ ར ས ས བདག བས བ ཀ khyé kyi jesu dak drub kyi 我願隨尊而修行 Following in your footsteps, བ ན ག ས བར བ ཕ ར གཤ གས ས གས ལ jingyi lab chir shek su sol 垂賜加持祈降臨 I pray to you: Come, inspire me with your blessing! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 19

20 ག ར པད ས ད ཧ guru pema siddhi hung 咕嚕唄瑪悉地吽 guru pema siddhi hūṃ 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 20

21 離言思之般若波羅蜜, 無生無遮虛空般自性各各自證智慧所緣處, 三世諸佛之母我禮敬 般若波羅蜜多心經 如是我聞, 一時, 佛在王舍城耆阇崛山中, 與大比丘眾 及菩薩眾俱 時佛世尊即入三昧 名廣大甚深 爾時眾中有菩薩摩訶薩, 名觀自在, 行深般若波羅蜜多時, 照見五蘊皆空, 離諸苦厄 即時舍利弗承佛威力, 合掌恭敬, 白觀自在菩薩摩訶薩言 : 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 21

22 善男子, 若有欲學甚深般若波羅蜜多行者, 云何修行? 如是問已 爾時觀自在菩薩摩訶薩告具壽舍利弗言 : 舍利子, 若善男子 善女人, 行甚深般若波羅蜜多行時, 應觀五蘊性空 舍利子, 色不異空, 空不異色, 色即是空, 空即是色 受 想 行 識, 亦復如是 舍利子, 是諸法空相, 不生不滅, 不垢不淨, 不增不減 是故空中無色, 無受 想 行 見 識, 無眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意 無色 聲 香 味 觸 法, 無眼界 乃至無意識界 ; 無無明 亦無無明盡 ; 乃至無老死, 亦無老死盡 ; 無 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 22

23 苦 集 滅 道, 無智, 亦無得 以無所得故, 菩提薩多, 依般若波羅蜜多故, 心無掛礙 無掛礙故, 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想, 究竟涅槃 三世諸佛, 依般若波羅蜜多故, 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多, 是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是無上咒, 是無等等咒 能除一切苦, 真實不虛 故說般若波羅蜜多咒 即說咒曰 : 達雅他, 嗡, 嘎代嘎代, 巴熱嘎代, 巴熱桑嘎代, 保地索哈 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 23

24 如是捨利弗, 諸菩薩摩訶薩於甚深般若波羅蜜多行, 應如是行, 如是說已 即時世尊從廣大甚深三摩地起, 贊觀自在菩薩摩訶薩言 : 善哉! 善哉! 善男子, 如是如是 如汝所說, 甚深般若波羅蜜多行, 應如是行 如是行時, 一切如來皆悉隨喜 爾時世尊說是語已, 具壽舍利弗, 大喜充遍 觀自在菩薩摩訶薩亦大歡喜 時彼眾會天人阿修羅乾達婆等, 聞佛所說, 皆大歡喜, 信受奉行 般若波羅蜜多心經終 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 24

25 ( 所有眾生身言意的惡業 ( 病魔罪障 ) 收入, 自己無始以來身言意的惡業 ( 病魔罪障 ) 收入 : 念誦心經咒三遍 ) 曾經有因陀羅等眾神, 念誦和觀想般若波羅密多, 消除一切邪魔障礙, 如今我也念誦觀想般若波羅密多咒, 願消除一切邪魔障礙 疾病災禍等 : 都霍吉久 ( 希望破除 )! 麥巴吉久 ( 希望消失 )! 西臥吉久 ( 希望息滅 )! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 25

26 h W;-.}-1+}-T-;=-<{=-:0-$m$-.}-W-08m-1+}-,mk 般若波羅密多心經 The Essence of Prajna Sutra (Heart Sutra) Lady of Conquest, the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom W-#:-!+-`ok L-#-5-)m-I'j-.-:-1m-)-Osm-+-9k Gya Gar Ked Du. Bhagavati.Prajna.Paramita.Hridaya. 0}+-!+-`ok Bod Ked Du. Chom Den De Ma.She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pei Nying Po. The Essence of Bhagavati Prajna Paramita Sutra (Heart Sutra) 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 26

27 離言思之般若波羅蜜, 無生無遮虛空般自性各各自證智慧所緣處, 三世諸佛之母我禮敬 8+m-!+-0+#-#m=-*}=-.-+o=-#%m#-,k Di Ked.Dag Gii.Tho Pa.Du Chig Na. 如是我聞, 一時, Thus have I heard : at one time, 0%}1-X,-8+=-W;-.}8m-"0-A-G}+-/v$-.}8m-:m-;k Chom Den De.Gyal Po-i Khab.Ja God.Phung Po-i Ri La. 佛在王舍城耆阇崛山中, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 27

28 Buddha Bhagavan was dwelling at Rajagriha on Vulture-peak Mountain, +#{-U}$-#m-+#{-8`o,-&{,-.}-+$-k Ge Long Gi.Ge Dun.Chhen Po Dang. 與大比丘眾 Together with a great host of Bhikkhus A$-&u0-={1=-+.8m-+#{-8`o,-&{,-.}-+$-*0=-%m#-_p-0bo#=-){k Jang Chhub.Sem Pei Ge Dun.Chhen Po Dang.Thab Chig Tu.Zhug Te. 及菩薩眾俱 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 28

29 And a great assembly of Bodhisattvas. +{8m-3-0%}1-X,-8+=-70-1}-'$-0-6{=-A-08m-&}=-<m-M1-E$=-<m- De Yi Tshe.Chom Den De.Zab Mo.Nang Wa.Zhe Ja Wei.Chho Kyi.Nam Drang Kyi. 時佛世尊即入三昧 At that time the Bhagavan was in a deep Samadhi known as )m$-${-84n,-;-$}1=-.:-bo#=-=}k Ting Nge Dzin La.Nyom Par.Zhug So. 名廣大甚深 Profound Illumination wherein phenomena are examined. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 29

30 9$-+{8m-3 -A$-&u0-={1=-+.8-={1=-+.8-&{,-.}-8/#=-.-],-:=-#7m#=- Yang De Yi Tshe.Jang Chhub.Sem Pa.Sem Pa Chhen Po.Phag Pa.Chen Re Zig. 爾時眾中有菩薩摩訶薩, 名觀自在, And in a coinciding time, holy Avalokitesvara, the Mahasattvabodhisattva, +0$-@p#-<{=-:0-<m-/-:};-_p-@m, }8m-]}+-.-(m+-;-M1-.:-0W-6m$-k Wang Chhug.She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pa.Zab Moi.Chod Pa.Nyid La.Nam Par Ta Zhing. 行深般若波羅蜜多時, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 30

31 was engaged in observing the practice of transcendental wisdom, /v$-.}-t-.}-+{-+#-;-9$-:$-06m,->m=-%}$-.:-m1-.:-0w8}k Phung Po Nga Po.De Dag La Yang.Rang Zhin Gyii.Tong Par.Nam Par Ta-o. 照見五蘊皆空, 離諸苦厄 wherein the five skandas (aggregates) were observed as empty in nature. +{-,=-=$=-W=-<m-1*v=-3 -+$-X,-.-cv-:m8m-0v=-A$-&u0-={1=-+.8- De Ne.Sang Gye Kyi Thu.Tshe Dang Den Pa.Sha Rii Bu.Jang Chhub Sem Pa. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 31

32 即時舍利弗承佛威力, 合掌恭敬, Then, through the power of the Buddha, Venerable Shariputra enquired of Sem Pa Chhen Po.Phag Pa.Chen Re Zig.Wang Chhug La.Di Ked Che.Me So. 白觀自在菩薩摩訶薩言 : Avalokiteshvara, the Mahasattva-bodhisattva, :m#=-<m-0vk :m#=-<m-0v81-:m#=-<m-0v-1}-#$-;-;-<{=-:0-<m- Rig Kyi Bu. Rig Kyi Bu Am.Rig Kyi Bu Mo.Gang La La.She Rab Kyi. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 32

33 善男子, 若有欲學甚深般若波羅蜜多行者, How should a son or daughter of noble lineage, who wishes to practice /-:};-_p-@m, }8m-]}+-.-]+-.:-8+}+-.-+{=-'m-w:-0u0-.:-ak Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pa.Zab Mo-i.Chod Pa.Ched Par.Dod Pa De.Ji Tar Lab Par Ja. the profound transcendental wisdom, train themselves? 云何修行? +{-!+-%{=-e=-.-+$-a$-&u0-={1=-+.8-={1=-+.8-&{,-.}-8/#=-.-],-:=- #7m#=- 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 33

34 De Ked Che.Me Pa Dang.Jang Chhub Sem Pa.Sem Pa Chhen Po.Phag Pa.Chen Re Zig. 如是問已 爾時觀自在菩薩摩訶薩告具壽舍利弗言 : Thus questioned, holy Avalokitesvara the Mahasattvabodhisattva explained as follows to +0$-@p#-#m=-3 -+$-X,-.-cv-:-3-)m8m-0v-;-8+m-!+-%{=-e=-=}k Wang Chhug Gii.Tshe Dang Den Pa.Sha Ra.Dva Tii Bu La.Di Ked Che Me So. 舍利子, Venerable Shariputra, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 34

35 cv-:m8m-0v-:m#=-<m-0v81-:m#=-<m-0v-1}-#$-;-;-<{=-:0-<m-/-:};-_p- Sha Rii Bu.Rig Kyi Bu Am.Rig Kyi Bu Mo.Gang La La.She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu. 若善男子 善女人, Shariputra, the son or daughter of noble lineage who wishes to practice Chhin Pa.Zab Mo-i.Chod Pa.Ched Par.Dod Pa De.Di Tar Nam Par.Ta War Ja Te. 行甚深般若波羅蜜多行時, profound transcendental wisdom, should observe thus, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 35

36 /v$-.}-t-.}-+{-+#-<$-:$-06m,->m=-%}$-.:-9$-+#-.:-i{=-=v-0w8}k Phung Po Nga Po.De Dag Kyang.Rang Zhin Gyii.Tong Par.Yang Dag Par.Je Su Ta-o. 應觀五蘊性空 The five skandas should be viewed as empty in nature. #7v#=-%}$-.8}k %}$-.-(m+-#7v#=-=}k #7v#=-;=-%}$-.-(m+-#6,-1-9m,k Zug Tong Pa-o. Tong Pa Nyid.Zug So. Zug Le.Tong Pa Nyid.Zhen Ma Yin. 舍利子, 色不異空, 空不異色, 色即是空, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 36

37 Form is empty; emptiness is form. Form is not other than emptiness; %}$-.-(m+-;=-<$-#7v#=-#6,-1-9m,-,}k +{-06m,-`o-3~:-0-+$-k Tong Pa Nyid.Le Kyang.Zug Zhen.Ma Yin No. De Zhin Du.Tshor Wa Dang. 空即是色 受 Emptiness is not other than form. Likewise, feeling, 8`o-<{=-+$-k 8`o-A{+-+$-k M1-.:-<{=-.-M1=-%}$-.8}k Du She Dang. Du Jed Dang. Nam Par.She Pa Nam.Tong Pa-o. 想 行 識, 亦復如是 thought, volition and consciousness are empty. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 37

38 cv-:m8m-0v-+{-w-&}=-*1=-%+-%}$-.-(m+-+{k Sha Rii Bu.De Ta.Chho Tham Ched.Tong Pa Nyid De. 舍利子, 是諸法空相, Thus, Shariputra, all phenomena are but emptiness, 13,-(m+-1{+-.k 1-[{=-.k 1-8##=-.k Hm-1-1{+-.k Tshen Nyid Med Pa. Ma Kye Pa. Ma Gag Pa. Dri Ma Med Pa. 不生不滅, Without characteristics, not originated nor terminating; not impure, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 38

39 Hm-1-+$-K;-0-1{+-.k Km-0-1{+-.k #$-0-1{+-.8}k Dri Ma Dang.Dral Wa Med Pa. Dri Wa Med Pa. Gang Wa Med Pa-o. 不垢不净, 不增不减 nor immaculate; not deficient nor complete. cv-:m8m-0v-+{-w-0=-,-%}$-.-(m+-;-#7v#=-1{+k 3~:-0-1{+k Sha Rii Bu.De Ta We Na.Tong Pa Nyid La.Zug Med. Tshor Wa Med. 是故空中無色, 無受 Therefore Shariputra, in Emptiness there is no form, no feeling, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 39

40 8`o-<{=-1{+k 8`o-A{+-M1=-1{+k M1-.:-<{=-.-1{+k 1m#-1{+k Du She Med. Du Jed Nam Med. Nam Par.She Pa Med. Mig Med. 想 行 見 識, 無眼 no thought, no volition, no consciousness; no eye, M-0-1{+k '-1{+k U{-1{+k ;v=-1{+k 9m+-1{+k #7v#=-1{+k Na Wa Med. Na Med. Che Med. Lu Med. Yid Med. Zug Med. 耳 鼻 舌 身 意 無色 no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind. No visible form, a-1{+k Hm-1{+k :}-1{+k :{#-A-1{+k &}=-1{+-+}k 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 40

41 Dra Med. Dri Med. Ro Med. Reg Ja Med. Chho Med Do. 聲 香 味 觸 法, no sound; no smell; no taste object; no tangible object; no mental phenomena. 1m#-#m-"1=-1{+-.-,=-9m+-<m-"1=-1{+k Mig Gi Kham Med Pa Ne.Yid Kyi Kham Med. 無眼界 乃至無意識界 ; No eye-element, and so forth, up till no mind-element, 9m+-<m-M1-.:-<{=-.8m-"1=-<m-0:-`o-9$-1{+-+}k Yid Kyi.Nam Par She Pei.Kham Kyi.Bar Du.Yang Med Do. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 41

42 無無明 and no mental consciousness element. 1-:m#-.-1{+k 1-:m# {+-.-,=-G-<m-1{+k Ma Rig Pa Med. Ma Rig Pa.Zed Pa.Med Pa Ne.Ga Shi Med. 亦無無明盡 ; 乃至無老死, No ignorance; no extinction of ignorance, so forth, up till no aging and death; G-<m-7+-.8m-0:-`o-9$-1{+-+}k +{-06m,-`o-&q#-0#;-0-+$-k Ga Shi.Zed Pei.Bar Du Yang.Med Do. De Zhin Du.Dug Ngal.Wa Dang. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 42

43 亦無老死盡 ; 無苦 And no extinction of aging and death. Likewise, there is no suffering, \o,-8ap$-0-+$-k 8#}#-.-+$-;1-1{+k Kun Jung.Wa Dang. Gog Pa Dang.Lam Med. 集 滅 道, no origination [of suffering], no cessation [of suffering] and no path [to the cessation of suffering]. 9{-<{=-1{+k *}0-.-1{+k 1-*}0-.-9$-1{+-+}k Ye She Med. Thob Pa Med. Ma Thob Pa.Yang Med Do. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 43

44 無智, 亦無得 No wisdom, no attainment [of wisdom] and non-attainment [of wisdom]. Sha Rii Bu.De Ta We Na.Jang Chhub Sem Pa.Nam.Thob Pa.Med Pei Chhir. 以無所得故, Hence Shariputra, because there is no attainment, She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pa La.Ten Ching.Ne Te. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 44

45 菩提薩多, 依般若波羅蜜多故, Bodhisattvas abide in reliance on the transcendental wisdom (Prajna Paramita), ={1=-;-am0-.-1{+-.=-`#-.-1{+-+{k Sem La.Drib Pa.Med Pe.Trag Pa.Med De. 心無掛礙 無掛礙故, 無有恐怖 Without obscuration of mind there is no fear. Chhin Chi Log Le.Shin Tu De Ne.Nya Ngen Le.De Pei.Tha Chhin To. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 45

46 遠離顛倒夢想, 究竟涅槃 Having utterly transcended erroneous views, they acquire ultimate nirvana. `o=-#=v1-`o-m1-.:-0bo#=-.8m-=$=-w=-*1=-%+-<$-<{=-:0-<m- Du Sum Du.Nam Par Zhug Pei.Sang Gye.Tham Ched Kyang.She Rab Kyi. 三世諸佛, All the Buddhas of the three times come to realize 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 46

47 Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pa.Di La.Ten Ne.La Na Med Pa.Yang Dag Par.Dzog Pei. 依般若波羅蜜多故, supreme perfect complete enlightenment A$-&u0-_p-1$},-.:-Q}#=-.:-=$=-W=-=}k Jang Chhub Tu.Ngon Par.Dzog Par.Sang Gye So. 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 by this reliance on transcendental wisdom. De Ta We Na.She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pei Ngag. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 47

48 故知般若波羅蜜多, Therefore know the mantra of transcendental wisdom, :m#-.-&{,-.}8m-##=k R-,-1{+-.8m-##=k 1m-1(1-.-+$-1(1-.8m-##=k Rig Pa.Chhen Po-i Ngag. La Na.Med Pei Ngag. Mi Nyam Pa Dang.Nyam Pei Ngag. 是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是無上咒, the mantra of great awareness, the unsurpassed mantra, the peerless mantra, &q#-0#;-*1=-%+-:0-_p-6m-0:-a{+-.8m-##=k Dug Ngal.Tham Ched.Rab Du.Zhi War.Jed Pei Ngag. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 48

49 是無等等咒 能除一切苦, the mantra that totally pacifies all suffering, 1m-Qw,-.=-,-0+{,-.:-<{=-.:-A-%{k Mi Dzun Pe Na.Den Par She Par Ja Te. 真實不虛 said to be the truth as it is not falsehood, She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pei.Ngag Me Pa. 故說般若波羅蜜多咒 即說咒曰 : 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 49

50 The mantra of transcendental wisdom (Prajna Paramita) is uttered thus, )^-*rk?f-#-){-#-){-.r-:-#-){-.r-:-=z-#-){-0}-am-:s-dwk 達雅他, 嗡, 嘎代嘎代, 巴熱嘎代, 巴熱桑嘎代, 保地索哈 Tadyatha. Om Gate Gate.Para Gate.Para Sam Gate.Bodhi Svaha. cv-:m8m-0v-a$-&u0-={1=-+.8-={1=-+.8-&{,-.}=- Sha Rii Bu.Jang Chhub Sem Pa.Sem Pa Chhen Po. 如是捨利弗, 諸菩薩摩訶薩 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 50

51 This, O Shariputra, is how a mahasattva-bodhisattva +{-W:-<{=-:0-<m-/-:};-_p-@m, }-;-0U0-.:-A8}k De Tar.She Rab Kyi.Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pa.Zab Mo La.Lab Par Ja-o. 於甚深般若波羅蜜多行, 應如是行, 如是說已 should train in the profound transcendental wisdom (Prajna Paramita). +{-,=-0%}1-X,-8+=-)m$-${-84n,-+{-;=-06{$=-){k De Ne.Chom Den De.Ting Nge Dzin.De Le.Zheng Te. 即時世尊從廣大甚深三摩地起, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 51

52 Then Buddha Bhagavan arose from Samadhi Jang Chhub.Sem Pa.Sem Pa Chen Po.Phag Pa.Chen Re Zig.Wang Chhug La. 贊觀自在菩薩摩訶薩言 : And commended Avalokiteshvara, the Mahasattva-bodhisattva, saying, ;{#=-=}-6{=-A-0-Am,-,=k ;{#=-=}-;{#=-=}k k:m#=-<m-0v-+{-+{-06m,-,}kk Leg So.Zhe Ja Wa.Jin Ne. Leg So Leg So. Rig Kyi Bu.De De Zhin No. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 52

53 善哉! 善哉! 善男子, 如是如是 Excellent, excellent. Noble son, just so, +{-+{-06m,-){k 'm-w:-=}+-<m=-0%,-.-06m,-`o-<{=-:0-<m- De De Zhin Te. Ji Tar.Khyod Kyii.Ten Pa Zhin Du.She Rab Kyi. 如汝所說, just as you have taught, so should the practice of the Pha Rol Tu.Chhin Pa.Zab Mo La.Ched Par Ja Te. 甚深般若波羅蜜多行, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 53

54 profound transcendental wisdom be performed, +{-06m,-#<{#=-.-M1=-<$-I{=-=v-9m-:$-$}-k De Zhin Sheg Pa.Nam Kyang.Je Su Yi Rang Ngo. 應如是行 如是行時, 一切如來皆悉隨喜 and all the tathagatas rejoice in [confirming] this." 0%}1-X,-8+=-<m=-+{-!+-%{=-0!8-+;-,=k 3 -+$-X,-.-cv-:-3-)m8m-0v-+$-k Chom Den De Kyii.De Ked Che.Ka Tsal Ne.Tshe Dang Den Pa.Sha Ra Dvatii.Bu Dang. 爾時世尊說是語已, 具壽舍利弗, Thus the Bhagavan proclaimed. Then, the Venerable Shariputra, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 54

55 Jang Chhub Sem Pa.Chen Re Zig.Wang Chhug Dang. 大喜充遍 觀自在菩薩摩訶薩亦大歡喜 The Bodhisattva Avaloketishvara, *1=-%+-+$-X,-.8m-8"}:-+{-+#-+$-k [-+$-k 1m-+$-k Tham Ched Dang.Den Pei.Khor De Dag Dang. Lha Dang. Mi Dang. 時彼眾會天人 along with their noble assembly [of Bhikkhus and Bodhisattvas], and the devas, human beings, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 55

56 [-1-9m,-+$-k Hm-7:-0%=-.8m-8'm#-K{,-9m-:$=-){k Lha Ma Yin Dang. Dri Zar Che Pei.Jig Ten.Yi Rang Te. 阿修羅乾達婆等, asuras; and gandharvas in the universe, rejoiced, 0%}1-X,-8+=-<m=-#=v$=-.-;-1$},-.:-0%}+-+}kk Chom Den De Kyii.Sung Pa La.Ngon Par Tod Do. 聞佛所說, 皆大歡喜, 信受奉行 And openly praised what the Buddha Bhagavan has proclaimed. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 56

57 般若波羅蜜多心經終 ( 所有眾生身言意的惡業 ( 病魔罪障 ) 收入, 自己無始以來身言意的惡業 ( 病魔罪障 ) 收入 : 念誦心經咒三遍 ) 曾經有因陀羅等眾神, 念誦和觀想般若波羅密多, 消除一切邪魔障礙, 如今我也念誦觀想般若波羅密多咒, 願消除一切邪魔障礙 疾病災禍等 : 都霍吉久 ( 希望破除 )! 麥巴吉久 ( 希望消失 )! 西臥吉久 ( 希望息滅 )! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 57

58 འཇམ དཔལ ར གས པ ཆ ན པ འ གཞ ལམ འབ ས བ དབ ར མ ད པའ ད ན ལ ས ན པ ར ག ས ང ར ར འ རང གདངས ཞ ས བ བ བཞ གས 文殊大圓滿基道果無別發願文覺空金剛自相全知麥彭仁波切造堪布索達吉譯 Great Perfection Manjushri The Self-Radiance of Indestructible Awareness and Emptiness An Aspiration towards the Meaning of the Indivisible Ground, Path and Fruition of the Great Perfection Mañjuśrī by Mipam Rinpoche 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 58

59 ཕ གས བཅ ད ས བཞ འ བད གཤ གས སས བཅས ཀ (1) chok chu dü shyi deshek sé ché kyi 效傑迪希得些這吉傑十方四時善逝佛子俱 You embody the wisdom of all the bliss-gone buddhas and their heirs ཡ ཤ ས ས ར ག ར གཉ ས མ ད ཚ ལ འཆང བ yeshe kur gyur nyimé tsul changwa 耶希格傑尼美策強瓦 智慧之身無二聖尊相 Throughout the ten directions and four times, and keep to the way of non-duality 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 59

60 འཇམ དཔལ གཞ ན ན མཉམ པ ཉ ད ཀ ངང jampel shyönnu nyampa nyi kyi ngang 將華雲呢年巴涅傑昂文殊童子平等自性中 Ever-youthful Mañjuśrī, Gentle Splendour, the state of perfect equality: བ ར མ ད ད ན ལ ལ ན ག ས ག བ ག ར ཅ ག char mé dön la lhun gyi drub gyur chik 夏美敦拉倫吉哲傑吉祈願自然成就無作義 May we spontaneously perfect the real meaning of non-action! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 60

61 གད ད མའ མག ན པ དཔལ ལ ན བ མ ལ (2) dö mé gönpo palden lama la 多摩滾波華丹喇嘛拉本來怙主具德上師尊 With the devotion of viewing the primordial protector and glorious guru མཉམ ཉ ད ཆ ས ས ར ལ བའ མ ས ག ས ཀ ས nyam nyi chökur tawé mögü kyi 年涅丘格達沃木給吉 以見法身等性之敬心 As the enlightened body of truth, the dharmakāya of perfect equality, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 61

62 ད ན བར ད དག ངས པའ བ ན ར བས ས ང ལ འཕ ས dön gyü gongpé chinlap nying la pö 敦傑功效辛拉釀拉普義傳密意加持入吾心 May the inspiration of the ultimate lineage be transferred into our hearts, ར ག པ རལ ག དབང ཆ ན ཐ བ པར ཤ ག rigpa tsel gyi wangchen tobpar shok 熱巴匝傑旺親托巴效 願得覺性力之大灌頂 And may we gain the great empowerment of the expression of awareness! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 62

63 ཡ ནས གནས ཕ ར ར ལ བས བས བ པ དང (3) yé né né chir tsolwé drubpa dang 耶內內協作維哲巴當本來住故不依勤作修 Primordially present and thus not forged through exertion, དབང པ འ ཁད པར ས གས ལ མ ལ ས ཀང wangpö khyepar sok la mi tö kyang 旺布恰巴所拉摩度將 It does not depend on capacity or constitution; 亦不觀待根基差別等 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 63

64 ས བས ཡ ད མ ཆ ས པ ས མས ཀ གསང lawé yi ma chepa sem kyi sang 拉威耶瑪其巴森傑桑 自心簡易難信之秘密 As it is so simple, we doubt this mystery of the mind: བ མའ མན ངག ས བས ཀ ས མཐ ང ག ར ཅ ག lamé mengak tob kyi tong gyur chik 喇咪曼阿多吉通傑吉 願以上師竅訣力見之 Let the guru s instructions give us the strength to see! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 64

65 ས ས ཤ ང དཔ ད པ ཀ ན ར ག ས ན མ ས (4) trö shing chépa kün tok nönma té 珠向夏巴根多諾瑪得戲論觀察妄加分別心 Elaboration and analysis are superfluities of thought, བཙལ ཞ ང ས བ པ རང ཉ ད ངལ བའ ར tsal shying drubpa rang nyi ngelwé gyu 匝央哲巴讓涅阿沃傑尋覓修行自己徒勞因 While seeking and cultivating serve only to exhaust. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 65

66 དམ གས ཤ ང བས མ པ ཕ ར ཞ ང འཆ ང བའ གཟ བ mik shing gompa shir shying chingwé zeb 摩向滾巴協央強沃瑞緣法修習延誤如樊籠 Focusing and meditating are traps that merely bind ཟ ག ར འ ས ས པ ནང ནས ཆ ད པར ཤ ག zukngü tröpa nang né chöpar shok 熱誒燭巴囊內巧巴效 願能斷除戲論痛苦根 Let such painful complexity cease within the mind! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 66

67 བསམ བར ད བ ལ ལ མཐ ང བ གང མ ད ཀང (5) sam jö dral la tongwa gang mé kyang 三玖抓拉通瓦剛美將遠離言思雖無見何法 Beyond thought and expression, there s nothing that is seen. མ མཐ ང ལ ག མར ག ར བ གང ཡང མ ད ma tong lhagmar gyurpa gang yang mé 瑪通拉瑪傑瓦剛央美亦無未見所剩之餘法 Nor is there more to it, something additional, unseen. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 67

68 རང ས མས ཁ ཐག ཆ ད པ ཟབ མ འ ད ན rang sem kho takchöpa zabmö dön 讓森括塔巧巴日阿木效 自心深處堅信甚深義 This is the profound point for the mind to ascertain. མཚ ན པར དཀའ བའ ད ཉ ད ར གས པར ཤ ག tsönpar kawé dé nyi tokpar shok 存巴嘎沃得涅多巴效 願證難以詮示之真如 May we realize this nature, so hard to point to and make plain! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 68

69 ས ས ཀ ན ཀ ནས དག ཕ ར ཡ ད མཐའ ས ངས (6) trö kun ka né dak chir yö ta pang 珠根嘎內達協友塔幫戲論本淨之故離有邊 Always pure, without complexity, it avoids the eternalist extreme. ར ག གདངས ལ ན ག ས ག བ པས མ ད མཐའ བ ལ rig dang lhün gyi drubpé mé ta dral 熱當倫吉哲比美塔抓 覺相自成之故離無邊 Rigpa s radiance is spontaneously present, not a nihilistic void. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 69

70 གཉ ས ས བར ད ཀང ར ག པས འཇ ག ཚ ལ ཙམ nyi su jö kyang tokpé juk tsul tsam 尼色玖將多比傑策贊 雖說二者分別取式許 Although spoken of as two, that s for ease of comprehension: དབ ར མ ད བར ད བ ལ མཉམ པའ ད ན མཐ ང ཤ ག yermé jö dral nyampé dön tong shok 耶美玖抓年波敦通效願見無別離說平等義 May we see the meaning of equality, beyond division and description! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 70

71 འད ན མཛ བ མ ས ཟ བ ཇ བཞ ན ད (7) di na tsubmö dawa ji shyin du 德納責木達瓦傑因德於此猶如以指標示月 Like a finger pointing to the moon, དང པ ར ཡ ད དཔ ད ཚ ག ག ས མཚ ན བ ས ཀང dang por yichö tsik gi tsön ché kyang 當波耶效策給存希將 Reasoning and words show the way at first. 初時雖以言思作詮示 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 71

72 ཆ ས ཉ ད རང བབས ཡ ད དཔ ད ཡ ལ ལས འདས chö nyi rang bab yichö yul lé dé 秋涅讓瓦耶效耶利迪 But the natural state is no object of thought, 自然法性超離言思境 རང ག ས རང ལ བན ཏ མཐ ང བར ཤ ག rang gi rang la len té tongwar shok 讓給讓拉藍得通瓦效 So let us turn within and thereby truly see! 願見自己本住自性義 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 72

73 འད ལ བསལ བར བ བ མ མཐ ང ཞ ང (8) di la salwar chawa ma tong shying 德拉薩瓦夏瓦瑪通央於此不見所捨之諸法 In this, you won't find anything to be removed, བཞག ས ས བ པར བ བ མ དམ གས པས shyak té drubpar chawa ma mikpé 雅得哲巴夏瓦瑪摩比 Nor conceive of what could be added or produced. 亦無建立所修之法故 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 73

74 དགག ས བ ར ལ བས མ བསད ཆ ས ཉ ད ངང gak drup tsolwé ma lé chönyi ngang 嘎哲作威瑪拉丘涅昂 遠離破立勤作法性中 Dharmatā is unstained by efforts to block or cultivate: ལ ན ག ས གནས པའ ད ན ལ འཇ ག པར ཤ ག lhun gyi népé dön la jukpar shok 倫吉內波敦拉傑巴效 願能趣入自然安住義 May we arrive at the state that's spontaneously present! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 74

75 ཤ ས བ འ གཞ དང བག ད པར བ ད པའ ལམ (9) shé jé shyi dang dröpar chépé lam 希希耶當卓巴些波藍假立所知本基能行道 Although we might label a ground to be known, ཐ བ བ འབ ས བ འ ཆ ས ས བཏགས པ ཡང tobja drebü chö su takpa yang 托夏追維丘色達巴央 Path to be followed, or fruition to be attained, 以及所得果位之諸法 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 75

76 རང བཞ ན གཤ ས ལ ནམ མཁའ ག ར མ འད rang shyin shi la namkhé gorim dra 讓因希拉南葵果仁紮 In the natural state, these are like levels of space: 自性界如虛空分次第 བ ར མ ད ད ན ལ ལ ན ག ས གནས པར ཤ ག char mé dön la lhun gyi népar shok 夏美敦拉倫吉內巴效 Effortlessly, then, may we keep to true non-action! 願能安住無作自成義 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 76

77 འཁ ལ བས ས བཏགས མ དག འཁ ར བའ ཆ ས (10) trulwé dro tak ma dak khorwé chö 徹威卓達瑪達括沃丘 迷亂假立不淨輪回法 Impure saṃsāric phenomena, conceived in delusion, ད ལས ལ ག པ དག པའ ས ང བ ཡང dé lé lokpa dakpé nangwa yang 得利洛巴達波囊瓦央 與彼相反清淨之顯現 And their opposites too, labelled pure appearance, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 77

78 ལ ས ནས བཏགས པ ར མ པར ས ས པའ ཆ ས tö né takpa nampar tröpé chö 杜內達巴南巴珠波丘 Are dependent designations, elaborate projections: 觀待假立均為戲論法 ས ས མ ད གཤ ས ལ མ གནས མཐ ང ག ར ཅ ག trömé shi la mi né tong gyur chik 珠美希拉摩內通傑吉 願見無戲本體不住義 May we see their absence in the unelaborate condition! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 78

79 བ བ ལ ཆ ས ཉ ད གཤ ས ཀ བཞ གས ཚ ལ ལ (11) lo dral chö nyi shi kyi shyuk tsul la 洛抓丘涅希傑耶策拉離意法性本來之住相 The actual nature as it is, beyond the ordinary mind, ལ དང ས མ པས བསད ཀ ན ར ག པས ས བ ta dang gompé lé kyi tokpé drip 達當滾比拉金多比哲 見修成垢分別為遮障 Is obscured by tainted notions of view and meditation. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 79

80 ཐ མལ གཤ ས ས ས ན ལ ལ ས མ བ ལ tamal shi su sön la ta gom dral 塔瑪希色松拉達滾抓 究竟本性實相離見修 In true ordinariness there is neither theory nor practice: ར ལ མའ ད ན ལ བབ ཀ ས གནས ག ར ཅ ག nalmé dön la bab kyi né gyur chik 納摩敦拉瓦吉內傑吉 May we naturally remain in the genuine condition! 願能安住自然真實義 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 80

81 གང ལ དམ གས པར བ བ ལ བའ ད ག (12) gang la mikpar chawa tawé duk 剛拉摩巴夏瓦達沃德一切所緣即為見解毒 To focus on anything only poisons the view, གང ཞ ག ར ལ བས ཟ ན པ ས མ པའ ས ན gang shyik tsolwé zinpa gompé kyön 剛耶作威仁巴滾波俊 Deliberate fixation is but a meditative flaw, 一切勤作即為修習過 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 81

82 གང ལ བང ད ར བ བ ས ད པའ འཕ ང gang la langdor chawa chöpé trang 剛拉浪多夏瓦秀波創 Adopting and avoiding are perilous to action: 一切取捨行為之險隘 ཟ ག ར ཀ ན བ ལ ཆ ས ཉ ད མཐ ང བར ཤ ག zukngu kun dral chö nyi tongwar shok 熱額根抓丘涅通瓦效願能現見離苦之法性 May we see the nature beyond such affliction! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 82

83 ས ས པའ གཟ བ ཏ མ ཚ ད ར ག པའ གདངས (13) tröpé zeb tu ma tsü rigpé dang 珠波瑞德瑪策熱波當未入戲論樊籠覺性相 Directly seeing what transcends the ordinary mind: བ བ ལ མང ན ས མ མཐ ང ལ ཡ ད དཔ ད ཀ lo dral ngönsum tong la yichö kyi 洛抓溫森通拉耶效傑 Rigpa s radiance that s not conceptually confined, 遠離分別現量見彼性 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 83

84 ཞགས པས མཁའ ལ མད ད པ མ འད ར བར shyakpé kha la düpa mi dorwar 雅比喀拉德巴摩多瓦 Without tying up the sky in the rope of conjecture, 伺意猶將虛空打疙瘩 རང བཞག ར ལ མའ ད ན ལ མཁས ག ར ཅ ག rangshyak nalmé dön la khé gyur chik 讓雅納摩敦拉葵傑吉願能通達自住真實義 Let us master the genuine state of natural rest! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 84

85 ད ཚ རང ར ག གཞ ན ན བ མ པ ས འ (14) dé tsé rang rig shyön nu bumpa kü 得才讓熱雲呢溫巴給彼時自覺童子瓶佛身 The Gentle Voiced Mañjughoṣa of natural luminosity མཁ ན ཆ རང འ ད གསལ བ འཇམ པའ དབ ངས khyen cha rang ösalwa jampé yang 欽恰讓奧薩瓦將波央 智分自光明顯妙吉祥 Is the cognizance of self-awareness, the youthful vase body: 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 85

86 ཤ ས རབ རང བ ང ས ན མའ ས ང བ ཡ ས sherab rang jung drönmé nangwa yi 希日阿讓雄准摩囊瓦義 May the brilliant lamp of naturally arisen wisdom 願以自然智慧之燈光 ས བ པའ མ ན པ འཐ བ པ འཇ མས ག ར ཅ ག dribpé münpa tibpo jom gyur chik 哲波門巴特波炯傑吉 Banish the dense darkness of mind s obscurations! 摧毀一切極深黑暗障 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 86

87 མ བཅ ས འད ས མ བ ས པའ ཆ ས ཉ ད ལ (15) ma chö dü ma chépé chönyi la 瑪玖迪瑪希波丘涅拉不改法性本來無為法 In the nature, which is uncompounded and uncontrived, བཅ ས མའ ལམ ག ས གསར ད བས བ མ ད པས chömé lam gyi sar du drup mépé 玖摩藍吉薩德哲美比 無有重新改造修行道 Nothing can be generated anew through fabricated paths, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 87

88 ར ལས མ བ ང མཐར ཐ ག འབ ས བ འ ད ན gyu lé ma jung tartuk drébüi dön 傑利瑪雄塔特追威敦 不由因生究竟之果位 Which is why the ultimate fruit does not arise from a cause. རང ལ ཡ ནས གནས པ མཐ ང བར ཤ ག rang la yé né nepa tongwar shok 讓拉耶內內巴通瓦效 願能現見本來自住義 May we come to see what is, and always has been, within! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 88

89 ཡ ད དཔ ད ཚ ག ག ས ན པ འཁ ལ བའ ལམ (16) yichö tsik gi punpa trulwé lam 耶效策格本巴徹沃藍伺察意句糠秕迷亂道 Husk-like words of speculative ideas lead only to delusion: ཇ ལ ར བར ད ཀང ར ག པའ ད བ ས jitar jö kyang tokpé drawa té 傑達玖將多波劄瓦得 如何宣說不離分別網 However they re expressed, they entangle us in thought. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 89

90 ལ ང ལས མ བ ང རང ག ས ར ག བ བའ lung lé ma jung rang gi rig chawé 隆利瑪雄讓給熱夏沃 不由教生自己所證義 Let us practise instead the heart s profound instructions, མན ངག ཟབ མ ས ང ལ བས མ པར ཤ ག mengak zabmo nying la gompar shok 曼阿日阿摩釀拉滾巴效 願能以心修持深竅訣 Which arise not from scripture, but are intuitively known! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 90

91 གཟ ང འཛ ན ས མས ན ང བ ཉ ད ཀ ས འཁ ལ (17) zung dzin sem ni ngowo nyi kyi trul 榮怎森呢歐沃涅吉徹能取所取其性即迷亂 The mind of perceiver and perceived is essentially deluded. གང ལ ར དམ གས པ ད བཞ ན ཉ ད ད མ ན gang tar mikpa dé shyin nyi du min 剛達摩巴得因涅德門 如何執著並非真如性 No matter what its focus, it never accords with how things are. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 91

92 ས མས ལས མ བ ང རང བ ང ཡ ཤ ས ས sem lé ma jung rangjung yeshé ku 森利瑪雄讓雄耶希格 不由心生自然智慧身 May we attain the buddhahood of definitive reality ང ས པ ད ན ག སངས ར ས འག བ པར ཤ ག ngepa dön gyi sangyé drubpar shok 誒巴敦傑桑吉哲巴效 願能成就了義正等覺 The natural wisdom-kāya that does not derive from mind! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 92

93 ར ག ས ང ར ག པའ དབ ངས ས ཆ ས ཐམས ཅད (18) rigtong rigpé ying su chö tamché 熱東熱波央色丘檀嘉覺空覺性界中圓諸法 Within the all-pervading space of rigpa, empty and aware, མཉམ པ ཉ ད ག ར ཐ ག ལ ཉག གཅ ག ལ nyampa nyi gyur tiklé nyak chik la 年巴涅傑特利你雅吉拉 皆成唯一明點平等性 All things are equal, and, in this single, perfect sphere, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 93

94 འཁ ར འདས ར ད གས ཞ ག པའ ངང ཚ ལ ད khordé ré dok shyikpé ngang tsul du 括迪瑞多耶波昂策德 息滅一切輪涅之希懼 There are no longings or fears for saṃsāra or nirvāṇa: མ གནས ཆ ས ས འ གཏན ས ད ཟ ན པར ཤ ག mi né chökü tensi zinpar shok 摩內丘給丹哲仁巴效 願得不住法身究竟果 May we capture this stronghold of unlocated dharmakāya! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 94

95 འད ལ ར ལ ས དང ཡ ལ ད ས ང བ ཡང (19) di tar lü dang yul du nangwa yang 德達利當耶德囊瓦央此等所現一切身與境 Whatever we perceive, as the body or as objects of the senses, རབ ར བ བཞ ན ད ར ག པའ དབང ག ས ས ང rab rib shyin du tokpé wang gi nang 日阿熱因德多波旺給囊 皆如毛髮分別心所現 Is like defective vision, apparent through the force of thought alone 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 95

96 མ ར ག ཡ ཤ ས ཆ ན པ འ རང མདངས ཀ ས mi tok yeshé chenpö rang dang kyi 摩多耶希親布讓當吉 是以無念大智自相中 By means of the natural radiance of great, non-conceptual wisdom, ཆ ས ཟད གད ད མའ དབ ངས ས ས ངས ག ར ཅ ག chö zé dömé ying su jang gyur chik 丘日阿多摩央色央傑吉 願能現前法盡本來界 May all be purified into the original space of phenomenal exhaustion! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 96

97 ད ཚ མཁའ དང མཉམ པའ ཡ ཤ ས ས (20) dé tsé kha dang nyampé yeshé ku 得才喀當年波耶希格爾時等同虛空智慧身 At that time, may we gain the ultimate, unobstructed fruition, ཕ གས ད ས མ མཐའ ས ད ད འག ཀ ན ག chok dü muta si du dro kun gyi 效地摩塔哲德卓根傑 饒益十方三時無邊眾 And, with a wisdom buddha-form as vast and limitless as the sky, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 97

98 ཕན བད འ ད ན ཀ ན འཇ བའ ཡ ད བཞ ན ན ར pendé dön kun jowé yishyin nor 潘地敦根玖沃耶因諾 普降一切所欲如意寶 Become wish-granting jewels, providing benefit and happiness ས བ བ ལ འབ ས བ འ མཐར ཐ ག ཐ བ པར ཤ ག dripdral drébü tartuk tobpar shok 哲抓追威塔特托巴效 願得究竟離障勝果位 To beings everywhere, throughout the whole infinity of space and time! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 98

99 ཅ ས པ འད ན ཛ ན ཌ ཀ ན ཝ ར ཧ འ ར མ པར འཕ ལ པར ཡ ངས ས གགས པ ར བཙ ན མ བད ས ང ཡ ཤ ས དབང མ ས རབ ཚ ས མ ཁ ཟ ཚ ས ཀ ད ས དག བར བཀ ཤ ས པའ ལ ར ག དང ཤ ལ དཀར ཕ ང བ ར ན པ ཆ འ ར ན ལ ན བཅས བཀའ ཡ ས བས ལ བའ ར ན བ ས ནས ཚ ས ད ཉ ད ལ མ ཕམ འཇམ དཔལ དག ས པའམ འ ད གསལ ར ར ཞ ས བ བའ ར གས པར བ ས པ ས ར གས པ ཆ ན པ འ ག བ མཐའ རང སད ཐ ན མ ན རང ར ང ཚ གས པར གང ཤར ས ས པའ དག བས འག ཀ ན གད ད མའ མག ན པ འཇམ དཔལ གཞ ན ན འ ག འཕང ཐ བ པར ག ར ཅ ག 此願文乃為共稱為迦納紮革勒金剛亥母之化身 至尊護樂智慧自在母, 於火狗年三月十二日, 供養吉祥哈達 珠 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 99

100 寶嚴飾之白水晶念珠等聖物並作勸請, 而為因緣, 麥彭文殊歡喜或名光明金剛者, 心中頓時顯現此大圓滿不共自宗之術語, 並于當日圓滿所造 以此善業, 願諸眾生, 獲得本來怙主文殊童子之果位 This was composed at the behest of the reverend lady Dekyong Yeshe Wangmo, who is universally renowned as an emanation of the wisdom ḍākinī, Vajravārāhī, and who, on the favourable date of the fourth day of the third month of the Fire-Dog year (1886), offered an auspicious silken scarf and preciously ornamented crystal rosary. With this as the condition, I, the one known as Mipham Jampel Gyepa, or Ösel Dorje, wrote this prayer, completing it on the very same day. Through the virtue 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 100

101 of expressing whatever naturally arose in my mind, independently and in the unique terminology of the Great Perfection system, may all beings attain the level of the primordial protector, Mañjuśrī, the ever-youthful. ཐ ས པ ཙམ ག ས ང ས པར ག ལ འག ར ཞ ས töpa tsam gyi ngepar drol gyur shyé 僅聞亦定得解脫 Merely hearing this is sure to bring liberation ར ར འཆང ག ས བས གས པ ལམ ག མཆ ག 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 101

102 dorje chang gi ngakpa lam gyi chok 金剛持贊殊勝道 Thus, Vajradhara praised the supreme of paths. འད ཚ ལ ས མས པར བ ད པ ས ས ཅ འཚལ di tsul sempar chépa mö chi tsal 思維此理何須說 What need is there to mention holding it in mind? ཆ ས ཉ ད བད ན པས མ ར ད ག ལ བར འག ར chönyi denpé nyur du drolwar gyur 法性諦力速解脫 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 102

103 May the truth of dharmatā swiftly bring liberation! ར ལ བཅས ཐ ག པས གད ལ བར དཀའ བའ ཚ tsol ché tekpé dulwar kawé tsé 有勤因乘難調時 When it s difficult for students to follow effort-based vehicles, ཀ ན བཟང ཐ གས ཀ བསན པ འབ ང ཞ ས ས kunzang tuk kyi tenpa jung shyé su 續雲普賢教出世 The teachings of Samantabhadra s wisdom-mind will arise 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 103

104 བས གས པའ ལ ང བཞ ན ས ང པ འ བསན པ ཡ ས ngakpé lung shying nyingpö tenpa yi 聖言所贊精藏教 May these essential teachings, praised in such statements, འཇ ག ར ན ཀ ན ཏ ཁབ ཅ ང ར ས ག ར ཅ ག jikten kuntu khyab ching gyé gyur chik 願彼周遍諸世間 Pervade the whole universe, spreading everywhere, far and wide! 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 104

105 སར མང ལམ Sarva maṅgalam. 芒嘎拉木 願能在自他心相續中種下一個殊勝的因! 譯於色達喇榮五明佛學院丁丑年七月四日 ( 公曆 1997 年 9 月 3 日 ) 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 105

106 h 8'1-+.;-13,-0I}+-0bo#=-=}kk 聖妙吉祥真实名经 A Concert of Names of Manjushri ( Jam-dpal mtshan-brjod, Skt. Manjushri-namasamgiti) translated from the Tibetan, as clarified by the Sanskrit Alexander Berzin, 2004 阿日雅曼殊師利纳嘛桑给堤 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 106

107 Jam Pal.Zhon Nur.Gyur Pa La.Chhag Tshal Lo. 敬禮孺童相妙吉祥 Homage to Manjushri in youthful form. #=};-0-8+{0=-.8m-3n#=-=v-0%+-.-0%t-Hs# 祝祷十六伽陀 (1) Sixteen Verses on Requesting Instruction 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 107

108 +{-,=-+.;-X,-L}-I{-8&$-k k#`o;-+!8-8`o;-0-m1=-<m-1&}# (1) k+.8-0}-8'm#-k{,-#=v1-;=-w;k téné palden dorjé chang, dülka dülwa namkyi chok pawo jikten sumlé gyel, dorjé wangchuk sangwé gyel 復次吉祥持金剛, 難調伏中勝調伏, 勇猛超出三界內, 自在金剛密中勝. Then the glorious Holder of the Vajra, the most superb tamer of those difficult to tame, the hero, triumphant over the world s three planes, the powerful lord of the thunderbolt, ruler of the hidden, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 108

109 k.]-+!:-.}-w=-8h8m-],k k.]-w=-8h8m-6;-1$8-0k (2) k:$-#m-;#-#m=-l}-i{-1&}# k9$-+$-9$-`o-#=}:-a{+-.k péma karpo gyendré chen, péma gyendré shel ngawa rangki lak ki dorjé chok, yang tang yangtu sorchépa 眼如白蓮妙端正, 面貌圓滿若蓮華, 自手執持勝金剛, 時時仰上作拋擲. With awakened white-lotus eye, fully bloomed pink-lotus face, brandishing over and again the supreme vajra with his hand kd}-#({:-:m1-.:-x,-;-=}#=k k;#-,-l}-i{-1*8-9=-.k (3) k+.8-0}-#`o;-+!8-8`o;-0-.}k k8'm#=-=v-:v$-+$-+.8-a+-%,k 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 109

110 tronyer rimpar den la sok, lana dorjé tayépa pawo dülka dülwapo, jiksu rung tang paché chen 復次第現忿等像, 亦有無邊持金剛, 勇猛調伏難調者, 具威猛相極怖畏. Together with countless Vajrapanis, with features such as brows furrowed in fury, heroes, tamers of those difficult to tame, fearsome and heroic in form, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 110

111 kl}-i{-p{-1}-:0-8j}-0k k:$-#m-;#-#m=-#=}:-a{+-.k (4) k$m$-i{-&{-+$-<{=-:0-+$-k k*0=-<m=-8e}-+},-a{+-.8m-1&}# dorjé tsémo rab trowa, rang ki lak ki sorchépa nyingjé ché tang shérab tang, tapkyi drotön chépé chok 於金剛尖出勝光, 自手向上令拋擲, 有大慈悲及智慧, 方便益生極殊勝. Brandishing blazing-tipped vajras in their hands, superb in fulfilling the aims of wandering beings, through great compassion, discriminating awareness, and skillful means, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 111

112 k+#8-1]o:-:$=-.8m-0=1-.-%,k kd}-0}8m-;v=-<m-#7v#=-x,-.k (5) k=$=-w=-jm,-;=-a{+-.8m-1#},k k;v=-0_p+-m1=-+$-[,-%m#-_pk gangu rangpé sampa chen, trowö zukyi lü denpa sangyé trinlé chépé gön, lütü namtang lhénchik tu 具足喜樂安隱心, 示有忿怒之形相, 於行正覺行中尊, 眾皆來集身恭謹. Having happy, joyful, and delighted dispositions, yet endowed with ferocious bodily forms, guardians to further the Buddhas enlightening influence, their bodies bowed together with them 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 112

113 k1#},-.}-0%}1-x,-+{-06m,-#<{#=kk (6) k*;-1}-^:-0:-a=->o:-,=k k],-#:-8`o#-%{-8+m-!+-#=};k déshin shekpa chomdendé, dzok sangyé la chaktsel né telmo jarwa chéné ni, chen ngar dukté diké söl 向彼如來薄伽梵, 究竟正覺禮敬已, 於前恭敬伸合掌, 端坐正念而告白. Prostrated to the Guardian, the Vanquishing Master Surpassing All, the Thusly Gone One, the Fully Enlightened, and standing in front, his palms pressed together, addressed these words: 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 113

114 k=0-0+#-0+#-;-*,-.-+$-k (7) k\w-8js;-h-0=-1$},-q}#=-.8mk ka$-&u0-%m-,=-0+#-*}0-14~+k khyabda dala menpa tang, datön dala tuk tséi chir gyuntrül trawa ngön dzokpé, changchup chiné da topdzö 遍主與我作饒益, 益我慈悲於我故, 如幻網中成究竟, 願我真實獲菩提. O Master of the All-Pervasive, for my benefit, my purpose, from affection toward me, so that I may obtain manifest enlightenment from illusion s net 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 114

115 k(},-1}$=-.=-,m-={1=-+cs#=-<m$-k k1m-<{=-8+1-`o-am$-0-9mk (8) k={1=-%,-\o,-;-*,-.-+$-k Nyönmong pé ni sem trukshing, mishé damtu chingwa yi semchen künla menpa tang, lamé drébu topché chir 有諸煩惱亂其心, 不解泥中而沒溺, 為利一切有情類, 令獲無上之果故. For the welfare and attainment of the peerless fruit for all limited beings sunk in the swamp of unawareness, their minds upset by disturbing emotions, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 115

116 kq}#=-.8m-=$=w=-0%}1-x,-8+=k k8e}-08m-r-1-%},-.-.}k (9) k+1-3n#-&{,-.}-+{-(m+-1={,k k+0$-.}-0=1-.-1={,-1&}#-#m=k dzokpé sangyé chomden dé, drowé lama tönpapo tamtsik chenpo tényi khyen, wangpo sampa khyen choki 究竟正覺出有壞, 是有情師及導師, 亦大記句達真性, 了知根心殊勝者. O Fully Enlightened, Vanquishing Master, Guru of Wanderers, Indicator, Knower of the Great Close Bond and Reality, Foremost Knower of Powers and Intents, Elucidate, please, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 116

117 k0%}1-x,-8+=-<m-9{-<{=-!qk k#2t#-)}:-&{,-.}-3n#-#m-0+# (10) k9{-<{=-!q-%{-:$-ap$-0k k8'1-+.;-9{-<{=-={1=-+.8-9mk chomdendé kyi yéshé ku, tsuktor chenpo tsiki da yéshé ku té rang jungwa, jampel yéshé sempa yi 彼出有壞之智身, 是大頂旋言詞主, 亦是智身自超出, 妙吉祥智勇識者. Regarding the enlightening body of deep awareness of the Vanquishing Master, the Great Crown Protrusion, the Master of Words, the embodied deep awareness that is self-produced, the deep awareness being, Manjushri, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 117

118 k13,-,m-9$-+#-0i}+-.8m-1&}# k+},-70-+},-,m-w-&{-6m$-k (11) k+},-&{,-13u1=-1{+-:0-6m-0k k*}#-1-0:-+$-1*:-+#{-0k Tshen ni yangdak jöpé chok, tön zap tön ni gyaché shing tönchen tsungmé rap shiwa, tokma par tang tar géwa 誦彼殊勝真實名, 是甚深義廣大義, 無比大義勝柔軟, 初善中善及後善. The superlative Concert of His Names, with profound meaning, with extensive meaning, with great meaning, unequaled, and supremely pacifying, constructive in the beginning, middle, and end, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 118

119 k8+=-.8m-=$=-w=-m1=-<m=-#=v$=k k1-8}$=-m1=-<$-#=v$-8>o:-;k(12) k+-w:-ap$-08m-q}#=-=$=-w=k k9$-+$-9$-`o-#=v$-0-#$-k dépé sangyé namkyi sung, mawong namkyang sung gyur la tandar jungwé dzok sangyé, yang tang yangtu sungwa kang 過去正覺等已說, 於未來中當演說, 現在究竟等正覺, 亦遍數數皆宣說. Which was proclaimed by previous Buddhas, will be proclaimed by future ones, and which the Fully Enlightened of the present proclaim over and again, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 119

120 kwv+-&{,-\w-8js;-h-0-;=k kl}-i{-8&$-&{,-#=$-##=-8&$-k (13) k+.#-1{+-m1=-<m=-+>{=-.-9m=k k:0-#=v$=-#$-;#=-0<+-`o-#=};k gyüchen gyuntrül trawa lé, dorjé chang chen sangak chang pakmé namkyi ga shintu, lur lang kang la shétu söl [198] 大幻化網本續中, 持大金剛持密咒, 如彼無邊諸佛敕, 妙音宣暢今當說. And which, in The Illusion s Net Great Tantra, was magnificently chanted by countless delighted great holders of the vajras, holders of the hidden mantras. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 120

121 k1#},-.}-q}#=-=$=-w=-\o,->mk (14) k${=-.:-8ap$-#m-0:-`o-8+mk k0+#-#m-0=1-.-0k,-.}=-#7v$-k gönpo dzok sangyé kün kyi, sang dzin chiné da gyur chir ngépar jung ki partu ni, dak ki sampa tenpö zung 世尊究竟正覺等, 願成真實持咒故, 如我決定未出間, 當勤堅固而受持. O Guardian, so that I (too) may be a holder of the hidden (teachings) of all the Fully Enlightened, I shall preserve it with steadfast intention till my definite deliverance, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 121

122 k(},-1}$=-1-;v=-0=;-0-+$-k (15) k={1=-%,-m1=-<m-0=1-.-9mk k=+-.:-'m-06m,-:0-0<+-0>mk nyönmong malü selwa tang, mishé malü pangwé chir sampé khyépar chishin tu, semchen namla shépar tsel ** 遠離煩惱令無餘, 於諸謬解捨離故, 即以無別無異心, 為諸有情願宣說. And shall elucidate it to limited beings, in accord with their individual intents, for dispelling disturbing emotions, barring none, and destroying unawareness, barring none." 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 122

123 k#=$-+0$-;#-,-l}-i{-9m=k k+{-06m,-#<{#=-;-+{-!+-`ok (16) k#=};-0)0-*;-1}-^:-a=-){k k;v=-0_p+-,=-,m-],-#:-8`o# sangwang lana dorjé yi, téshin shé la téké tu sölné telmo jar ché té, lü tü né ni chen ngar du 密自在者持金剛, 向如來前說是言, 告白畢已而合掌, 以身恭敬坐其前. Having requested the Thusly Gone One with these words, the lord of the hidden, Vajrapani, pressed his palms together and, bowing his body, stood in front. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 123

124 ;,->m-#=v$-3n#=-=v-0%+-.-hs# 答語六伽陀 (2) Six Verses in Reply +{-,=-0%}1-X,-cv<-*v0k kq}#=-.8m-=$=-w=-f$-#(m=-1&}# (17) k(m+-<m-6;-,=-v#=-07$-0k k:m$-6m$-9$=-.-0v$=-14+-+{-k téné chomden shakya tup, dzokpé sangyé kangnyi chok nyikyi shel né ja zangwa, ringshing yangpa kyang dzé té 復次釋迦出有壞, 究竟正覺兩足尊, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 124

125 於自面門殊勝舌, 廣長橫遍令舒演. Then the Vanquishing Master Surpassing All, Shakyamuni, the Able Sage, the Fully Enlightened, the Ultimate Biped, Extending from his mouth his beautiful tongue, long and wide, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 125

126 k8'm#-k{,-#=v1-.}-'$-a{+-%m$-k k0`o+-06m-+e-m1=-8`o;-a{+-.k (18) k={1=-%,-m1=-<m-$,-=}$-#=v1k k^$-0:-a{+-.8m-84v1-0%,-,=k jikten sumpo nang ché ching, düshi dranam dü chépa semchen namkyi ngensong sum, jongwar chépé dzum ten né 顯現三種世界內, 調伏四魔諸怨敵, 有情皆具三惡趣, 為現清淨微笑相. Illuminating the world s three planes and taming the four (mara) demonic foes, and displaying a smile, cleansing the three worse rebirths for limited beings, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 126

127 k3$=-.8m-#=v$-,m-$,-.-9m=k k8'm#-k{,-#=v1-.}-\o,-0!$-,=k (19) k;#-,-l}-i{-%}0=-.}-&{k k #=$-+0$-;-,m-U:-#=v$=-.k tsangpé sung ni nyenpa yi, jikten sumpo kün kang né lana dorjé toppo ché, sangwang la ni lar sung pa 於其清淨梵音中, 遍滿三種世界已, 為持金剛大力者, 密自在主而答說. And filling the world s three planes with his sweet Brahmavoice, replied to Vajrapani, the magnificently strong, the lord of the hidden: 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 127

128 k$m$-i{-&{-+$-x,->o:-.=k k8e}-;-/,-.8m-+},-`o-=}+k (20) k9{-<{=-;v=-%,-8'1-+.;->mk k1m$-0i}+-.-,m-+},-&{-0k nyingjé ché tang den gyurpé, drola penpé töntu khyö yéshé lüchen jampel nönp, ming jöpa ni tön chéwa 具足有大慈悲者, 汝為利益有情故, 具足智身妙吉祥, 誦真實名是大益. Excellent, O glorious Holder of the Vajra, (I say) excellent to you, Vajrapani, you who possess great compassion for the sake of the welfare of wandering beings. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 128

129 k+#-.:-a{+-%m$-&m#-={;-0k k$-;=-1(,-.:-0p},-.-,mk (21) k;{#=-=}-+.;-x,-l}-i{-8&$-k k;#-,-l}-i{-={+-;{#=-=}k takpar chéching dik selwa, nga lé nyenpar tsönpa ni lekso palden dorjé chang, lana dorjé khyö lekso 能作清淨除罪業, 於我精勤應諦聽, 善哉吉祥持金剛, 手持金剛汝善哉. Rise to the occasion to hear from me, now, A Concert of Names of the enlightening body of deep awareness, Manjushri, the great aim, Purifying and eliminating negative force. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 129

130 k=}+-;-;{#=-.:-0%,-.:-ak (22) k=}+-,m-p{-#%m#-9m+-<m=-(},k k0%}1-x,-+{-,m-;{#=-6{=-#=};k sangwé dakpo téchir ngé, khyö la lekpar tenpar cha khyö ni tséchik yikyi nyön, chomden té ni lek shé söl 密主我為此事故, 為汝巧妙令宣說, 汝今一心應諦聽, 唯然薄伽梵善哉. Because of that, Overlord of the Hidden, it s excellent that I m revealing it to you; (So) listen with single-pointed mind. O Vanquishing Master, that s excellent, he replied. 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 130

131 :m#=-hs#-;-#7m#=-.8m-3n#=-=v-0%+-.-#(m=k 觀察六種二伽陀 (3) Two Verses of Beholding the Six Buddha-Families +{-,=-0%}1-X,-cv<-*v0k k#=$-##=-:m#=-&{,-*1=-%+-+$-k (23) k#=$-##=-:m#-##=-8&$-08m-:m#=k k:m#=-#=v1-;-,m-m1=-.:-#7m#=k téné chomden shakya tup, sangak rikchen tamché tang sangak ringak changwé rik, riksum la ni nampar zik 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 131

132 復次釋迦出有壞, 一切密咒大種性, 密咒明咒持種性, 於其三種令觀察. Then the Vanquishing Master Surpassing All, Shakyamuni, the Able Sage, beholding in detail the entire family of great hidden mantra: the family of holders of hidden mantras and of mantras of pure awareness, the family of the three, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 132

133 k8'm#-k{,-8'm#-k{,-8+=-.8m-:m#=k k8'm#-k{,-'$-a{+-:m#=-&{,-+$-k (24) k:m#=-&{,-#2t#-)}:-&{:-#7m#=-,=kk jikten jikten dépé rik, jikten nangché rikchen tang chagya chenpö rikchok tang, rikchen tsuktor cher zik né 世間及出世間性, 顯作世間大種性, 殊勝廣大手印種, 大種大髻應觀察. The family of the world and beyond the world, the family, the great one, illuminating the world, (that) family supreme, of (mahamudra) the great seal, and the great family of the grand crown protrusion, 加拿大五明寺課誦集 Canada Five Wisdoms Temple Prayer Compilation 133

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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特 WE ARE BOY S BRIGADE 參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特 別 之 處 如 控 制 時 間 及 人 流 方 面, 香

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