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Training Programmes for Primary School Curriculum Leaders 2013/14 Commissioned by the Education Bureau B1 Curriculum Change, Curriculum Leadership, Curriculum-based Assessment, Learning Theories and Teaching Strategies, Professional Development and Organizational Learning, Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation, Curriculum Management Programme Handbook December 2013 July 2014


1. INTRODUCTION Welcome to this programme for Primary School Curriculum Leaders! It is one of the two programmes being conducted by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Hong Kong Institute of Education as part of the Primary School Curriculum Leaders training programme for 2013/14. It is an important time for you and for Hong Kong curriculum development. As the curriculum reforms progress, the success will very much depend on leadership at the school level. This involves principals, the school community, your colleagues and you. This programme will help you in a number of different ways. It will: give you access to new knowledge and skills that can help you to be an effective curriculum leader in primary schools; encourage you to explore and put into practice new and innovative ideas on teaching, learning and assessment to enhance the curriculum of your school based on current trends and development; provide you with opportunities to exchange ideas and information with colleagues doing similar work in other schools; provide you with feedback throughout the programme as you reflect on your learning. This programme handbook will provide information to guide your study. You will find that the programme has been constructed to take into consideration your needs as a fulltime worker and a part-time student. Its focus will be on assisting you to undertake your role as a Primary School Curriculum Leader and deal with the challenges and issues that you face on a daily basis. In this sense, it is not an overly theoretical programme except where an understanding of theory may assist you to be a better curriculum leader. The programme also recognizes that as an experienced teacher and newly appointed curriculum leader, you will have much to offer in the way of background experience and knowledge. You will be able to make use of your existing knowledge and understanding in the programme while at the same time benefiting from new ideas from tutors and other programme participants. I hope that as the programme progresses true learning communities will be created valuing what each member has to contribute. I wish you well in the programme. Its outcomes are important for Hong Kong s future and the well-being of young people in our schools. Dr. Tsui Kwok Tung Programme Leader December 2013 2

2. PROGRAMME AIMS The Primary School Curriculum Leaders (PSCL) Training Program of B1 aims to develop the professional knowledge and skills of the PSCLs so that they can assist their school heads in curriculum development of the whole school which includes development, implementation, and management of the school curriculum. It helps you to become a practitioner with an understanding of theories and a capacity to reflect on your own circumstances, and to initiate change and make improvement in school curriculum practices in your workplace. 3. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES Through the programme, participants are able to: (1) develop knowledge and skills in curriculum planning and design, curriculum change, curriculum leadership and management, including strategic planning and implementation in local school context; (2) deepen understanding in the latest development in theories of student learning; (3) design curriculum units and develop teaching strategies and learning activities based on knowledge of student learning; (4) deepen understanding of the current trend of student assessment; (5) develop mastery of the principles and skills of assessment for learning; and (6) promote collaborative and organizational learning (e.g. staff development, sharing, collaborative lesson preparation) in their schools. 3

4. TUTORS AND SUPPORT Participants will be meeting tutors during the class time. There are eight tutors involved in the B1 programme; they provide expertise support to your study in the seven modules. The tutors are experienced teacher educators and trainers in curriculum leadership programs. They act as a support person and first point of contact during the programme of study. A list of tutor s information is attached below: Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung is currently Associate Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at HKIEd. He has extensive experience in the education field as teacher in secondary school and special education school, lecturer at the Northcote College of Education and the Hong Kong Baptist University. Dr. TSUI specializes in teacher effectiveness, curriculum and leadership studies. He was appointed by the World Bank to be the International Consultant of the School Education Quality Assurance Program in Vietnam in 2008-09 and a nation-wide World Bank primary teacher project in Vietnam in 2000, served as the Vice-chairman (1993 to 1995) of the Advisory Committee on Integration of Subjects, CDI, and external examiner for the University of Bristol on EdD programme. Apart from these, he has rich experience in training school leaders and inspectors locally and in the region. He was the program leader of the Cambodian Secondary Inspector Training Programs sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth of Cambodia and CAMSET II, the Training Program for Malaysia Primary School Teachers of United Chinese School Teachers' Association of Malaysia, Training Programmes for Primary School Master/Mistress (Curriculum Development) Post Holders commissioned by the EDB for many years, and tutor of newly appointed/ aspiring school principals training programme. Dr. TSUI has published a number of academic articles in international academic journals including the Educational Research and Evaluation Journal (The Netherlands), the Journal of Educational Research (USA), the International Journal of Educational Management (UK), and the Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Philippines). He is co-editor of three edited books on teacher education and development published by the Kluwer Academic Publishers and HKIEd, one edited book on curriculum reforms published by Shanghai Science and Technology Education and HKIEd. Dr. TSUI was the co-leader of a school review team to conduct a Comprehensive Review for a Direct Subsidy Scheme School in May 2006 and member of a school review team to conduct a Comprehensive Review for a Direct Subsidy Scheme School in March 2008. His name has been placed on the list of Independent School Reviewers (ISR) maintained by the EDB since 2006. 4

Dr. CHAN Kam Wing is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of the Centre for Small Class Teaching at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. He has a wide range of teaching experience in different education sectors, including primary, secondary, tertiary and adult education. He has served as consultant for local primary schools in projects like cooperative learning and small class teaching. In the past years, he made contribution to the training of school curriculum leaders in the Primary School Masters/Mistresses (Curriculum Development) Courses. He is the programme leader/coordinator of the various Small Class Teaching courses commissioned by the Education Bureau. Dr. CHAN has authored a number of publications such as research papers, books and book chapters with a focus on curriculum and pedagogy. Dr. LAM Bick Har is currently an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She obtained her degrees of bachelor in education and master in education from the University of East Anglia in the UK, and her PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. LAM has taken up leadership of a number of pedagogical-based and teacher studies in such areas as formative assessment and "innovative pedagogies, and a series of outcome-based education studies by the Teaching Development Grant. She is currently involved in a local study on the professional practice of expert and non-expert teachers funded by the Internal Research Fund, and an international project on adolescent s art between cultural borders supported by the International Society of Education through Art. Dr. LAM s most recent books include Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom (with S. N. Phillipson, 2011), Young people s visions of the world (co-edited with T. T. Eca and R. Kroupp, 2010), Curriculum Integration: An Institute school Partnership Approach (2009). She was a syllabus writer and course developer for a number of undergraduate teacher education courses for the Open University of Hong Kong, and has been a programme leader and developer for Hong Kong government-commissioned teacher professional development courses. She has also developed the Active Classroom (A Class) as a study platform ( for teachers to enhance professional teacher knowledge. Dr. LAM has been recipient of the Institute s Faculty of Education Studies Excellence in Teaching Award 2009/10 ( and the President s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2011/12 ( She was nominated by the Institute for the Inaugural University Grants Committee Teaching Award in 2011 5

( and was awarded a certificate by the UGC for being one of the six finalists for the UGC Teaching Award 2011. Dr. LEUNG Wai Lun, Anthony is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. His research and publication interests include curriculum reform and change, curriculum organization and integration, curriculum implementation, project learning, liberal studies, and small class teaching. Dr. LEUNG was on the list of Independent School Reviewers (ISR) maintained by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong from 2006 to 2009. Dr. LEUNG was appointed as an external examiner of Doctor of Education thesis by the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Australia in 2010. Dr. LEUNG is currently appointed as an External Course Examiner by the Open University of Hong Kong. Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret is currently a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. She received her Doctor of Education degree from the University of Bristol, U.K., following the completion of Master of Education (with Honours) from the University of Western Australia, and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from the University of Alberta, Canada. She obtained her teaching qualification from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before joining the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, she worked as the Assistant Project Manager (Curriculum Development) of the Centre for Research in Interdisciplinary and Liberal Studies at the Institute as well as a Part-time Lecturer of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education in higher education of Child Care and Education. Dr. NG is actively involved in school-based management that she has been a school manager of six primary and secondary schools and a member of the Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education Committee of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong since July 2006. Dr. NGAN Ming Yan was a primary school teacher for years before going into teacher education at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. His research interests include assessment and evaluation, school and teacher change, school culture, curriculum development, extra-curriculum activities, and mathematics education. In the past few years, he has been extensively involved in Hong Kong and Macau government commissioned research studies into schooling and curriculum development. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Wolfson College, Cambridge University in 2007, National Normal University of Taiwan in 2004, and Visiting Research Fellow at 6

Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia in 2007. He has served on government committees for local primary school reviews and chaired the Hong Kong primary mathematics curriculum committee. He contributes to improving the quality of Hong Kong schools as a secondary school supervisor, school management board member, and as a senior scouter in Hong Kong Scouting Movement. Dr. YANG Min is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Prior to joining the Institute, Dr. YANG worked with The University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic University where she gained experiences of supervising doctoral students, providing pedagogic consultation for academics, and conducting institution-wide investigations. Dr. YANG has been researching into effective teaching, assessment and curriculum design for Chinese learners. Dr. YANG s research outcomes have been published in reputable international journals on educational and social sciences research. Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Having served as a teacher educator for years, she has accumulated valuable experience in teacher training and earns much support from her students and many of her colleagues. She was one of the pioneers of program development and curriculum planning for HKIEd. She initiated and put into practice the ideal of reflective thinking as well as action research in teacher education curriculum. She is currently teaching courses on curriculum studies, assessment theory and principles on instructional design for pre-service and in-service teacher programs. Besides teaching, she contributes her best to educational research and community service. Curriculum change and implementation, higher-order thinking in school curriculum, curriculum evaluation, curriculum integration and teachers thinking are her research areas. She keeps working closely with schools as collaborative partners by taking active roles as curriculum consultants, external curriculum reviewers and guest speakers for teacher development. Dr. YEUNG constantly presents papers in international conferences and publishes articles on local and international journals. She is the editor and author of several books published recently. She is also invited to serve as reviewer of articles for local and international journals. Lately, she has completed another curriculum evaluation project commissioned by a elité primary school in Hong Kong. She has taught training course for several cohorts of PSMCDs previously. 7

The administration and technical support of the programme is handled by: Admin. Staff Phone Fax Email Mr. YAM Kei Wung 2948 6668 2948 7563 Where participants wish to pursue issues further about the programme, they should contact the Programme Coordinator (Leader), Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung, or the Assistant Programme Coordinator, Dr. HUI King Fai, Sammy, whose telephone and email contact details are shown below: Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung 2948 7703 Dr. HUI King Fai, Sammy 2948 7550 Website There will be a website for the programme which contains programme information and teaching materials, participants are encouraged to make use of it to support their study: Library card The application of Hong Kong Institute of Education Library card is available for course participants who wish to borrow books and access to electronic resources supported by the library. 8

5. SCHEDULE OF COURSES Group: B1a - Wednesday Venue: Tai Po Campus, The Hong Kong Institute of Education No.10, Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong No. Module Tutor Room Date Time 1 Curriculum Change Dr. LEUNG Wai Lun, Anthony D2-LP-13 11-Dec-13 2 Curriculum Change Dr. LEUNG Wai Lun, Anthony D2-LP-13 18-Dec-13 3 Curriculum Leadership Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung D2-LP-13 8-Jan-14 4 Curriculum Leadership Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung D2-LP-13 15-Jan-14 5 Curriculum-based Assessment Dr. NGAN Ming Yan D2-LP-13 12-Feb-14 6 Curriculum-based Assessment Dr. NGAN Ming Yan D2-LP-13 19-Feb-14 7 Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. CHAN Kam Wing, Paul D2-LP-13 5-Mar-14 8 Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret D2-LP-13 12-Mar-14 9 Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret D2-LP-13 19-Mar-14 10 Presentation on the Applications of Learning Theories in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret B3-P-12 2-Apr-14 9

11 Presentation on the Applications of Learning Theories in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret B3-P-12 9-Apr-14 12 Professional Development and Organizational Learning Dr. LAM Bick Har B4-LP-12 7-May-14 13 Professional Development and Organizational Learning Dr. LAM Bick Har B4-LP-12 14-May-14 14 Professional Development and Organizational Learning Dr. LAM Bick Har B4-LP-12 21-May-14 15 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley B4-LP-12 4-Jun-14 16 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley B4-LP-12 11-Jun-14 17 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley B4-LP-12 18-Jun-14 18 Curriculum Management Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung B4-LP-12 25-Jun-14 19 Curriculum Management Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung B4-LP-12 (Tentative) 2-Jul-14 10

Group: B1b - Thursday Venue: Tseung Kwan O Study Centre, The Hong Kong Institute of Education No.1, King Yin Lane, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong No. Module Tutor Room Date Time 1 Curriculum Change Dr. LEUNG Wai Lun, Anthony 604 12-Dec-13 2 Curriculum Change Dr. LEUNG Wai Lun, Anthony 604 19-Dec-13 3 Curriculum Leadership Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung 604 9-Jan-14 4 Curriculum Leadership Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung 604 16-Jan-14 5 Curriculum-based Assessment Dr. NGAN Ming Yan 604 13-Feb-14 6 Curriculum-based Assessment Dr. NGAN Ming Yan 604 20-Feb-14 7 Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. CHAN Kam Wing, Paul 604 6-Mar-14 8 Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. YANG Min 604 13-Mar-14 9 Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. YANG Min 604 20-Mar-14 10 Presentation on the Applications of Learning Theories in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. YANG Min 405 3-Apr-14 11

11 Presentation on the Applications of Learning Theories in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Dr. YANG Min 405 10-Apr-14 12 Professional Development and Organizational Learning Dr. LAM Bick Har 604 8-May-14 13 Professional Development and Organizational Learning Dr. LAM Bick Har 604 15-May-14 14 Professional Development and Organizational Learning Dr. LAM Bick Har 604 22-May-14 15 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley 604 5-Jun-14 16 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley 604 12-Jun-14 17 Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation Dr. YEUNG Sze Yin, Shirley 604 19-Jun-14 18 Curriculum Management Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung 604 26-Jun-14 19 Curriculum Management Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung 604 (Tentative) 3-Jul-14 12

6. PROGRAMME ORGANIZER The following table provides an overview of the B1 Programme. It suggests the sequence, amount of time and sessions it may take to complete each module themes, and the programme assignment. There are totally 7 modules in the programme which amounted to 57 attending hours in total. The programme assignments are largely built into the study time. Module Themes Hours (Sessions) Assignments Curriculum Change 6 (2) Curriculum Leadership 6 (2) Curriculum-based Assessment 6 (2) Professional Development and Organizational Learning Curriculum Planning, Design and Implementation 9 (3) 9 (3) Learning Portfolio Curriculum Management 6 (2) Learning theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Presentation on the Applications of Learning Theories in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies 9 (3) 6 (2) Poster Presentation 13

7. MODULE DESCRIPTIONS Module: Curriculum Change Tutor: Dr. LEUNG Wai Lun, Anthony Contact Details: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 7555; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Objectives: The purposes of this theme are to enable participants to: 1. understand the curriculum reforms in Hong Kong; 2. identify the strategies of curriculum changes at school level; 3. utilize the school's strategic development plan as basis for curriculum change; 4. develop a strategic action plan according to the changing curriculum needs in schools; and 5. understand the role of the primary school curriculum leader as a change agent of curriculum reform. Focus Questions: 1. What are the background and rationale of curriculum reforms in Hong Kong? 2. What are the key elements in planning curriculum changes in schools? 3. What are the approaches to the development of strategic action plan for curriculum change at the school level? 4. How to develop a strategic action plan with reference to the guidelines highlighted in the government curriculum documents and the changing curriculum needs in schools? 5. What are the roles of curriculum leaders in bringing about curriculum changes in their schools? Activities: The learning activities of the theme are diversified and include lecture, example on school practice, experience sharing, reflection, group discussion & presentation, case study, and workshop on developing a strategic plan to bring about sustainable curriculum change in school. Reading and Resources: Adamson, B. & Morris, P. (2000). Changing the curriculum: the impact of reform on primary schooling in Hong Kong. Chapter One: Changing Hong Kong's Schools, pp. 7-20. Benavot, A. & Braslavsky, C. (2006). School knowledge in comparative and historical 14

perspective: Changing curricula in primary and secondary education. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre. Bradley, L.H. (2004). Curriculum leadership: beyond boilerplate standards. Lanham: Scarecrow Education. Curriculum Development Council (2002). Basic education curriculum guide. Hong Kong: Government Printer. Curriculum Development Council. (2001). Learning to learn: the way forward in curriculum development. Hong Kong: Government Printer. Education Bureau (2008). Improving learning, teaching and the quality of professional life in schools: A mid-term report on curriculum reform to school heads and teachers. Hong Kong: Government Printer. Education Bureau (2008). Performance indicators for Hong Kong Schools. Hong Kong: Quality Assurance Division, Education Bureau. Hargreaves, A. & Fullan, M. (Eds.) (1992). Understanding teacher development, New York: Teachers College Press. Kennedy, K.J. (2005). Changing schools for changing times: new directions for the school curriculum in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Lo, Y.C. (1999). School based curriculum development: The Hong Kong experience. The Curriculum Journal, 10(3), pp. 419-442. Marsh, C.J. (2007). Curriculum: alternative approaches, ongoing issues (4 th Ed). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall. Mills, G.E. (2003). Action research: a guide for the teacher researcher. 2 nd edition. New Jersey: Merill Prentice Hall. Yeung, S.Y., Lam, T.S., Leung, W.L. and Lo, Y.C. (2012). Curriculum change and innovation. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 中華民國課程與教學學會 ( 主編 )(2001): 行動研究與課程教學革新, 台北, 揚智文化事業股份有限公司 王建軍 黃顯華 (2001): 校本課程發展與教育行動研究, 兩岸三地學校本位課程發展學術研討會論文集, 台灣 古鼎儀等 ( 編 )(2003): 教育發展與課程革新 : 兩岸四地的視域和經驗, 港澳兒童教育國際協會 古鼎儀等 ( 編 )(2004): 教育與課程改革 : 珠三角地區的適應與發展, 港澳兒童教育國際協會 任長松 (2003): 走向新課程 - 面向 21 世紀基礎教育課程改革, 中文大學出版社 李子建 ( 編 )(2002): 課程 教學與學校改革 : 新世紀的教育發展, 香港, 中文大學 周淑卿 (2004): 課程發展與教師專業, 台北, 高等教育文化事業有限公司 張嘉育 (2002): 學校本位課程改革, 台北, 冠學文化出版事業有限公司 梁偉倫 (2004): 小學課程統整 : 面對的挑戰與及成功的條件, 載於羅耀珍 李偉成 ( 主編 ), 香港學校的課程改革, 香港, 現代教育研究社, 頁 91-1 03 梁偉倫 (2005): 香港小學課程統整 : 回顧及新路向, 課程與教學季刊, 八卷四期, 頁 143-152 梁偉倫 陳錦榮 ( 編 )(2004): 小學統整課程示例計劃 ( 第二階段 ) 特刊, 香港, 香港教育學院 黃顯華等 ( 編 )(2003): 課程領導 : 挑戰 行動 反思與專業成長, 香港 15

中文大學 教育學院 香港教育研究所 楊思賢 林德成 梁偉倫 羅耀珍 (2013): 課程改革與創新, 香港 : 香港大學出版社 趙志成 (2003): 讓我們一同用心閱讀和分享教師們的努力成果, 載於 天主教聖母聖心小學上午校跨學科課程統整主題教學, 香港, 天主教聖母聖心小學上午校 歐用生 (2004): 課程領導 : 議題與展望, 台北, 高等教育文化事業有限公司 蔡清田 (2001): 行動研究在學校本位課程發展上的應用, 兩岸三地學校本位課程發展學術研討會論文集, 台灣 鄧薇先 (2004): 香港浸信會沙田圍呂明才小學課程改革, 載於羅厚輝 林碧霞 ( 主編 ), 學校課程領導的發展, 香港, 優質教育基金, 頁 151-155 羅厚輝 (2004): 校本課程發展的局限及潛力 : 一個香港案例的啟示, 載於羅耀珍 李偉成 ( 主編 ), 香港學校的課程改革, 中國香港, 現代教育研究社, 第六章 羅厚輝 林碧霞 ( 主編 )(2004): 學校課程領導的發展, 香港 : 優質教育基金 羅厚輝等 ( 編 )(2004): 香港與上海的課程與教學改革 : 範式轉換, 香港教育學院 羅耀珍 (2001): 校本課程的發展 : 香港三個個案的研究, 載於 教育發展研究, 第 4 期, 頁 44-47 16

Module: Curriculum Leadership Tutor: Dr. TSUI Kwok Tung Contact Details: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 7703; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Objectives At the end of these two sessions, participants will be able to: 1. understand the role of primary school curriculum leader; 2. distinguish the different roles of curriculum leader, deputy school head, and school head in leading school based curriculum development 3. identify the key features of a good curriculum leader; 4. develop transformative curriculum leadership and sustainable curriculum leadership in school; 5. understand the principles of team building for school teachers; 6. identify issues in building an effective curriculum development team in school; and 7. understand the importance of maintaining constructive interactions between the primary school curriculum leader and subject panel heads and fellow teachers. Focus Questions: 1. What are the roles of the primary school curriculum leader, deputy school head and the school head in leading school-based curriculum development? 2. What are the key features of a good leader? What is transformative leadership? What is sustainable leadership? How does a curriculum leader become a good, transformative and sustainable leader in school? 3. What are the principles for team building? How does a curriculum leader build up an effective curriculum development team in school? Activities: The major learning activities include mini-lectures, case studies, role plays, group work, group discussions and presentations. 1. Mini-lecture and interactive discussion on the features of a good leader, concepts and theories of transformative leadership and sustainable leadership in school. 2. Case studies on curriculum leadership in Hong Kong primary schools. 3. Group discussion, sharing and reflection on issues and role of primary school curriculum leader in leading school based curriculum development in Hong Kong primary schools. 4. Mini-lecture on the principles of team building for teachers. 5. Case study and workshop on building an effective curriculum development team in primary school. 17

Reading and Resources: Bradley, L.H. (2004). Curriculum leadership: Beyond boilerplate standards. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Education. Chemers, M.M. (1997). An integrated theory of leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Davies, B. (2007) (Ed). Developing sustainable leadership. London: Paul Chapman. Davies, B. (2007). Developing sustainable leadership. Management in Education, 21(3), 4-9. Duignan,P. (2006). Educational leadership: key challenges and ethical tensions. New York: Cambridge University Press. Glatthorn, A.A., Boschee, F., & Whitehead, B.M. (2009). Curriculum leadership: strategies for development and implementation. 2 nd edition. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Gross, S.J. (1998). Staying centered: curriculum leadership in a turbulent era. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Hannay, Lynne M. & Seller, W. (1991). The curriculum leadership role in facilitating curriculum deliberation. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 6(4), pp. 340-57. Hargreaves, A. & Fink, D. (2006). Sustainable leadership. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass. Hargreaves, A. (2004). The seven principles of sustainable leadership. Educational Leadership, 61(7), 8-13. Henderson, J.G. & Hawthorne, R.D. (2000). Transformative curriculum leadership. 2 nd edition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Hoy, W.K. (2008). Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice. US: McGraw Hill. Lee, J.C.K., & Dimmock, C. (1999). Curriculum leadership and management in secondary schools: A Hong Kong case study. School Leadership & Management, 19(4), pp. 455-81. Lepard, D.H., & Foster, A.G. (2003). Powerful leadership development: bridging theory and practice using peers and technology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Lo, Y.C. (2007). The micro-politics of curriculum leadership. Curriculum Perspectives, 27(1), April 2007. Lunenburg, F.C., & Ornstein, A.C. (2008). Educational administration: concepts and practices. 5 th edition. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth. MacPherson, I., & Brooker, R. (1999). Introducing places and spaces for teachers in curriculum leadership. In I. MacPherson, T. Aspland, R. Brooker, & B. Elliott, (eds) Places and spaces for teachers in curriculum leadership. Deakin West ACT: ACSA. Mullen, C.A. (2007). Curriculum leadership development: a guide for aspiring school leaders. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 徐國棟 (2010): 課程領導與學校發展 : 回顧與展望, 教育曙光, 第 58 卷第 2 期, 頁 83-92,2010 年 10 月 高新建 (2002): 學校課程領導者的任務與角色探析, 台北市立師範學院學報, 第 33 期, 頁 113-128 黃旭鈞 (2003): 課程領導 : 理論與實務, 臺北市, 心理出版社股份有限公司 黃顯華 朱嘉穎等著 (2005): 課程領導與校本課程發展, 北京, 教育科學出版社 18

歐用生 (2003): 課程領導的理論與實踐, 教育研究月刋, 第 113 期, 頁 5-13 歐用生 (2004): 課程領導 : 議題與展望, 台北, 高等教育文化事業有限公司 羅耀珍 (2001): 校本課程的發展 : 香港三個個案的研究, 教育發展研究, 第 4 期, 頁 44-47 羅耀珍 (2008): 香港小學課程領導的探究, 載於羅耀珍 容萬城 ( 主編 ): 學校課程改革與教師專業發展, 香港, 國際兒童教育協會 - 香港與澳門 19

Module: Curriculum-based Assessment Tutor: Dr. NGAN Ming Yan Contact Details: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 7552; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Objectives: The purposes of this module are to enable participants to: 1. understand the relationship between curriculum and assessment and how they are aligned, as well as to integrate assessment strategies into teaching and learning in the curriculum; 2. be aware of the importance of continuous assessment and to relate continuous assessment to the concept of assessment for learning; 3. keep abreast of some assessment strategies that support the notion of assessment for learning; 4. identify some assessment strategies to address learner diversity; 5. use portfolios to facilitate student learning; 6. formulate a school policy of assessment for learning with particular reference to Assessment for Learning concepts and BCA/TSA results; and 7. make use of evaluation data to improve the school curriculum. Focus Questions: 1. How are curriculum and assessment aligned? How to integrate assessment strategies into teaching and learning in the curriculum? 2. What can assessment do for learning? How significant is continuous assessment in supporting learning? 3. What kinds of assessment strategies are particular useful for supporting learning? What can portfolios offer in enhancing student learning? 4. How to address learner diversity from the perspective of assessment? 5. What kind of assessment school policy fit in with the concept of assessment for learning? 6. What is the place of BCA/TSA in the school curriculum and the school assessment policy? 7. How to use evaluation data to improve the school curriculum? Activities: The major learning activities include mini-lectures, case studies, role plays, group work, group discussions and presentations. 1. Mini lecture and interactive discussion on the current trends of assessment and Hong Kong historical development of assessment 2. Discussion on the roles of teachers in assessment and role play to consolidate 20

understanding 3. Mini lecture and group discussion on some assessment strategies that support the notion of assessment for learning and address learner diversity 4. Discussion on qualitative assessment criteria and hands-on experience in writing rubrics 5. Case study on school assessment policies. Work shop and presentation of group work on developing school assessment policy. 6. Data analysis and use the results to inform school assessment policy. Reading and Resources: Key Readings: 顏明仁 ( 2011 ) : 促進學生學習的當代教評估理論與實踐, 新加坡, 培生教育出版南洋亞洲有限公司 Brown, G.T.L., & Ngan, M.Y. (2010). Contemporary educational assessment: Practices, principles, and policies. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia. Mok, M.C.M. (2010). Self-directed learning oriented assessment: assessment that informs learning & empowers the learner. Hong Kong: PACE Pub. Recommended Readings: 王前龍等 ( 譯 )(2006): 中小學課堂的教學評量, 台北, 心理出版社 余民寧 (2002): 教育測驗與教學評量 成就測驗與教學評量, 第二版, 台灣 : 心理出版社股份有限公司 李坤崇 (2006): 教學評量, 台北, 心理出版社股份有限公司 李坤崇 (1999): 多元化教學評量, 台北 : 心理出版社股份有限公司 梁佩雲 張淑賢 (Berry, R.)( 編著 )(2007): 導向學習的評估 - 教育實務匯編, 香港, 香港大學出版社 歐滄和 (2002): 教育測驗與評量, 台北, 心理出版社股份有限公司 謝錫金 祁永華 譚寶芝 岑紹基 關秀娥 (2003): 專題研習與評量, 香港, 香港大學出版社 羅耀珍 (2008): 促進學習的評估, 香港, 香港大學出版社 Airasian, P.W. (2008). Classroom assessment: Concepts and application (6 th Ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill. Berry, R. (2008). Assessment for learning. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Butler, S.M., & McMunn, N.D. (2006). A teacher s guide to classroom assessment: Understanding and using assessment to improve student learning. Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass. Useful Websites and On-line Resources: 1. 香港教育局 Education Bureau 網頁 選取 幼稚園 小學及中學教育 > 重點措施 > 校本支援服務 > 小學校本課程發展 > 小學校本課程發展 - 課程領導 選取評估相關文件閱讀, 網址 :http://www.edb.go 2. 課程發展議會 (2002): 基礎教育課程指引 各盡所能 發揮所長 ( 小一至中三 ), 中國香港特別行政區政府 電子文本可到 http://cd1.edb.hke 擷取第 5 分冊 : 學校評估 評估 21

實施的轉變,1 19 中國香港 : 香港特別行政區政府 3. 課程發展議會 (2002): 學會學習 : 課程發展路向, 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 第 4, 5 章 或英文版 Curriculum Development Council: Ch.4 & 5 4. 香港科技大學 IDEAS, Instructional Development Experiences, Applications and Solutions > Assessment For Learning > Methods and Examples, Website: 5. 評估網上資訊 22

Module: Learning Theories and their Applications in the Design of Curriculum Units and Development of Learning and Teaching Strategies Tutors: Dr. CHAN Kam Wing, Paul Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret Dr. YANG Min Contact Details: Dr. CHAN Kam Wing, Paul Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 7527; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Dr. NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 6235; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Dr. YANG Min Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 8323; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Objectives: The purposes of this module are to enable participants to: 1. understand the contemporary theories on student learning, including constructivism, multiple intelligence, learning styles, and social cognition model of learning; and their relationship to learner diversity; 2. develop the skills of using active and inclusive teaching and learning strategies, inquiry learning and problem solving, cooperative learning and project learning, to cater for learner diversity; and 3. develop the skills to adapt a small part of a subject curriculum with learning and teaching strategies catering for learner diversity in a mixed ability class. Focus Questions: 1. What are the contemporary theories on student learning and their relationship to learner diversity? 2. How can active and inclusive teaching and learning strategies, inquiry learning and problem solving, cooperative learning and project learning be effectively used in the classroom to cater for learner diversity? 3. How can a subject curriculum with learning and teaching strategies be adapted to cater for learner diversity in a mixed ability class? 23

Activities: The major learning activities include mini-lecture, small group discussion, video analysis, workshop and presentation. 1. Mini-lecture and interactive discussion on contemporary theories on student learning and their relationship to learner diversity. 2. Mini lecture and interactive discussion on active and inclusive teaching and learning strategies, inquiry learning and problem solving, cooperative learning and project learning. 3. Think-Pair-Share on the elements of cooperative learning. 4. Workshop on learning cooperative learning through cooperative learning. 5. Three-Step-Interview on the successful implementation of project learning. 6. Role-playing and interactive discussion on the learning of inquiry learning and problem solving in a mixed ability classroom, and how to handle implementation problems. 7. Videotape analysis on the implementation of inquiry learning and problem solving, and cooperative learning in a mixed ability classroom. 8. Workshop on adaptation of a small part of a subject curriculum with learning and teaching strategies catering for learner diversity in a mixed ability class. Reading and Resources: Campbell, L., Campbell, B., & Dickinson, D. 著 (1996), 郭俊賢和陳淑惠 ( 譯 ), 落實多元智慧的教與學, 台灣, 遠流 Jones, B.F., Rasmussen, C.M., & Moffitt, M.C. 著, 劉佩雲和簡馨香 ( 譯 ) (2003): 問題解決的教與學, 台北, 高等教育 Smylie, M.A. 著, 謝婉華 ( 譯 )(1997): 課堂中的課程調適, 載於鄧廣威 曾婉媚 陳瑞堅合編 : 因材施教 : 教育上的特殊需要, 香港, 香港公開進修學院出版社 Sternberg, R.J., & Williams, W.M. 著, 周甘逢和劉冠麟 ( 譯 )(2002 ) : 教育心理學, 台北市, 華騰文化股份有限公司 Tomlinson, C.A. 著, 劉頌 ( 譯 )(2003): 多元能力課堂中的差異教學, 北京, 中國輕工業出版社 王坦 (2002): 合作學習的理念與實施, 北京, 中國人事出版社 任長松 (2005): 探究式學習 :18 條原則, 福州, 福建教育出版社 朱敬先 (1997): 教育心理學 : 教學取向, 臺北, 五南圖書 李子建 張翠敏和張月茜 (2002): 課程統整 - 校本課程發展, 香港, 香港中文大學 吳卓穎 (2010) 單元 ( 二 ) 獨立專題探究,( 頁 204-239), 輯於羅天佑 ( 主編 ), 布森祖 鄭美紅和蘇詠梅 ( 副主編 ): 探究學習 : 理念與模式, 香港, 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心 吳卓穎 (2010) 以 教師鷹架 推動探究學習,( 頁 358-395), 輯於羅天佑 ( 主編 ), 布森祖 鄭美紅和蘇詠梅 ( 副主編 ): 探究學習 : 校本發展與實踐 ( 一 )( 二 ), 香港, 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心 吳卓穎 (2010) 如何引導學生定立專題研習的題目,( 頁 233-250), 輯於羅天佑 ( 主編 ), 布森祖 鄭美紅和蘇詠梅 ( 副主編 ): 探究學習 : 校本發展 24

與實踐 ( 一 )( 二 ), 香港, 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心 吳卓穎 (2010) 促進探究學習的評估 聯繫 學生反思學習 教學 與 評估,( 頁 282-296), 輯於羅天佑 ( 主編 ), 布森祖 鄭美紅和蘇詠梅 ( 副主編 ): 探究學習 : 校本發展與實踐 ( 一 )( 二 ), 香港, 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心 姚利民 (2004) 有效教學研究, 上海, 華東師範大學 香港特別行政區教育統籌委員會 (1999): 教育制度檢討 : 教育改革建議 終身學習 自強不息, 香港, 香港政府印務局 香港教育署課程發展處課程資源組 (2007): 專題硏習, 香港, 政府印務局 香港課程發展議會編 (1993): 小學課程指引, 香港, 香港政府印務局 梁偉倫 (2004): 課程統整與專題研習, 香港, 現代教育研究社 高強華 (1997): 設計教學法, 載於黃政傑 ( 主編 ), 多元化的教學法, 台北, 師大書院 陶英琪 陳涵譯 (1998): 探索孩子心靈世界 : 方案教學的理論與實務, 台北市, 心理出版社 教育統籌委員會 (2000): 終身學習 全人發展 : 香港教育制度改革建議, 香港, 香港政府印務局 教育署課程發展署 (1999): 香港學校課程整體檢視, 香港, 香港政府印務局 區美蘭 冼權鋒 ( 合編 )(2010): 課堂學習研究 在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 - 進位加法 教學, 香港 : 香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心 區美蘭 冼權鋒 ( 合編 )(2011): 課堂學習研究 在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 - 平面圓形 教學, 香港 : 香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心 區美蘭 冼權鋒 ( 合編 )(2011): 課堂學習研究 在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 - 前後位置 教學, 香港 : 香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心 區美蘭 冼權鋒 ( 合編 )(2011): 課堂學習研究 在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 - 5 以內數數 教學, 香港 : 香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心 張春興 (2002): 教育心理學三化取向的理論與實踐, 台灣, 東華書局 張靜嚳 (1996): 建構教學 : 採用建構主義, 如何教學?, 建構與教學, 7 期 張靜嚳 (1996): 建構教學問題與評量, 建構與教學,8 期 陳琦 劉儒德 ( 主編 )(1997): 當代教育心理學, 北京, 北京師範大學出版社 陳健生 陳錦榮 (2004): 合作學習, 載於霍秉坤 ( 主編 ) 余慧明 陳健生 李偉成 陳錦榮和林德成編 教學方法與設計 ( 修訂版 ), 香港, 商務印書館, 頁 186-202 陳錦榮 (2003): 探討專題研習的成敗 : 教師和學生的因素, 教育曙光,4 8, 頁 51-55 陳錦榮 (2010): 促進合作學習的實踐 : 人的因素, 教育曙光,58, 頁 136-25

139 陳錦榮 (2010): 學校發展 : 小班教學與合作學習, 載於余慧明 陳錦榮 許景輝和許忠編 課程領導與學校發展 : 行動研究專題論文集 II 香港, 學術專業圖書中心, 頁 43-53 陳錦榮 (2012): 小班教學與合作學習 : 從誤區走向完善, 陳錦榮 黎國燦, 小班教學與合作學習 : 誤區與反思, 頁 9-15, 香港, 香港教育學院小班發展與研究中心 陳錦榮 許明輝 (2002): 合作探究學習 : 探討一種創新教學模式的可行性, 教育曙光 46, 頁 57-66 陳錦榮 葉娟卿 (2007): 小班常用的教學方法 : 合作學習, 香港, 香港教育學院小班教學發展與研究中心 黃政傑 吳俊憲 (2006): 合作學習 : 發展與實踐, 台北, 五南圖書 課程發展議會 (2000): 學會學習課程發展路向諮詢文件, 香港, 香港政府印務局 課程發展議會編訂 (2002) : 課程改革概覽 - 反思優勢 發揮所長, 截於 基礎教育課程指引 : 各書所能 發揮所長 ( 小一至中三 ), 香港, 香港政府印務局, 頁 1-16 鍾嶺崇, 祁永華 (2005): 小學專題研習 : 教學經驗萃編, 香港, 香港大學教育學院現龍發展小組 羅耀珍 (2004): 運用課程調適照顧學生的個別差異 : 從教師的觀點分析, 教育曙光, 第 49 期, 頁 122-129 蘭伯特 (Linda Lambert)... [et al.]( 著 ), 葉淑儀 ( 譯 )(2000): 教育領導 : 建構論的觀點, 台北市, 桂冠圖書股份有限公司 Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Chan K.W. (2006). Constraining factors affecting the use of cooperative learning in primary schools. Curriculum Perspectives, 26(3), 11-22. Drake, S.M. (1998). Creating integrated curriculum: the call to adventure. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD. Foster, M., & Masters, G. (1996). Projects. Melbourne, Vic.: ACER. Hoover, J.J., & Patton, J.R. (1997). Curriculum Adaptation for Students with Learning and Behaviour Problems: Principles and Practices. Texas: PRO-ED, Inc. Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R.T. (1999). Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Kagan, S. (1994). Cooperative learning. San Clemente, CA: Resources for Teachers. Salend, S.J. (2005). Creating inclusive classrooms: effective and reflective practices for all students. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall. Slavin, R.E. (1995). Cooperative learning: Theory, research, and practice (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Stigler, J.W., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap. New York: The Free Press. Tomlinson, C.A. & Allan, S.D. (2000). Leadership for differentiating schools & classrooms.alexandra, Virginia: ASCD. Torp, L., & Sage, S. (1998). Problems as Possibilities: Problem-based learning for K-12 education. USA: Association and Curriculum Development. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 26

Useful Websites and On-line Resources: Hong Kong Cooperative Learning Center: Kagan Cooperative Learning: The Jigsaw Classroom: 香港合作學習協會 : 香港教育城學與教資料區 : 許健將 : 建構主義者式的教學理念與教學實務, 教學資源 / 自然與生活科技 / 論文專區 /index1.htm, 瀏覽日期 :15-03-2007, 建構主義者式的教學理念與教學實務陳明溥 顏榮泉 : 網路化問題導向學習系統建構模式之研究 http://acbe.tku.e, 瀏覽日期 :15-03-2007 照顧個別差異研究 : 鄭美紅 蘇詠梅 (2001): 誇學科課業的評估 - 建構主義學習觀啟示, 亞太科學教育論壇, 第二期, 第二冊, 文章一, ssue2/chengmh/index.htm#content, 瀏覽日期 :15-03-2007, 誇學科課業的評估 - 建構主義學習觀啟示 27

Module: Professional Development and Organizational Learning Tutor: Dr. LAM Bick Har Contact Details: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Tel: 2948 7909; Fax: 2948 7563 E-mail: Objectives: Upon successful completion of this module, participants should be able to: 1. demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts of teacher professional development and organizational learning; 2. identify learning community as a means for enhancing professional development within school and among school network; 3. identify elements of a professional exchange culture ; 4. perform needs assessment for planning school-based professional development of teachers; 5. develop professional development strategies to enhance professional capacity of teachers to conduct action research; 6. reflect on the roles of curriculum leaders in promoting professional development in school; and 7. produce a school action plan for professional development to enhance capacity of teachers in learning and teaching. Focus Questions: 1. Why teachers need professional development? What are the current trends of teacher professional development? 2. What is organizational learning? What conditions facilitate organizational learning? How to apply organizational learning to support learning and teaching in school? 3. How to perform needs assessment of the school? 4. How to develop school based professional development action plans? What are effective professional development strategies (such as co-planning curriculum team, action research, lesson study)? 5. How to plan professional development activities to enhance the professional capacity of teachers in learning and teaching? 6. What is a learning community? How can the concept applied to school to achieve professional development and organizational learning? How can that be done within school and among school network? 7. How to promote learning and teaching in schools through collaboration, staff development, and knowledge building and management? What is your role of 28

curriculum leaders in promoting professional development in schools? Activities: Learning and teaching activities such as mini-lecture, case study, debate, group discussion and presentation, and writing reflective journal will be adopted: 1. Mini lecture and interactive discussion on the current trends and contexts of teacher professional development, and its relation to education reform and organizational learning. 2. Group discussion and self evaluation on the policy and practice of teacher development in participants own schools. 3. Group discussion on identifying goals and needs for professional development and teacher learning. 4. Case studies on needs assessment results of schools. 5. Group work to design effective individual and school action plans for teacher professional development. 6. Writing reflective journal on the roles curriculum leaders in promoting professional development activities. 7. Debate on the pros and cons of various professional development strategies and activities. 8. Guest speaker sharing on school experience of leading and promoting learning and teaching in schools Reading and Resources: Key Readings: 林碧霞 (2013): 教師作為研究者和教師發展, 截於符理迅 林碧霞 ( 編 ), 華人課堂中的教與學, 香港, 香港大學出版社, 頁 257-282 林碧霞 (2013): 廿一世紀的教學環境, 截於符理迅 林碧霞 ( 編 ), 華人課堂中的教與學, 香港, 香港大學出版社, 頁 1-26 Lam, B. H. (2013) Promoting Community of Practice and Knowledge Transfer through Active Classroom, Modern Educational Research Bulletin, 102(2), 36-40. 林碧霞 (2009) : 院校合作 作為學校專業發展的策略, 載於林碧霞 ( 編著 ), 課程統整的實踐:院校合作的發展計劃, 香港, 香港教育學院, 頁 97-118 林碧霞 (2004): 如何設計教師專業發展計劃, 截於羅厚輝 林碧霞 ( 主編 ), 學校課程領導的發展, 香港, 香港優質教育基金, 頁 60-78 Lam, B.H. (2012). Why do they want to become teachers? A study on prospective teachers motivation to teach in Hong Kong. The Asian Pacific Education Researcher, 21(2), 307-314. Lam, B.H., & Yan, H.F. (2011). Beginning teachers job satisfaction: The impact of school-based factors. Teacher Development, 15(3), 333-348. Elmore, R.F. (1995). Teaching, learning, and school organization: Principles of practice and the regularities of schooling. Educational Administration Quarterly, 31, 355-374. Tang, S.Y.F., & Choi, P.L. (2009). Teachers' professional lives and continuing professional development in changing times. Educational Review, 61(1), 1-18. 29

Recommended Readings: Craft, A. (1996). Chapter 3: Principles of professional and institutional development Continuing professional development. (pp. 37-49). Dean, J. (1991). The school and professional development. In J. Dean (Ed.), Professional development in school. (pp. 26-35). Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Lam, B.H. (2001). A review and reconceptualization of experimental school: implications for education reform in Hong Kong. Educational Research Journal, 16 (1), 31-49. Cheng, Y.C., & Tsui, K.T. (1996). Total teacher effectiveness: new conception and improvement. International Journal of Educational Management, 10(6), 7-17. Fleming, P., & Amesbury, M. (2001). The art of middle management in primary school. London: David Fulton Publishers. Hargreaves, A., & Fullan, M. (ed.) (1992). Understanding teacher development. New York: Teachers College Press. Holly, L.H.H. (1989). Teacher professional development: Perceptions and practices in the USA and England. In M. L. Holly & C. S. Mcloughlin (Eds.), Perspectives on teacher professional development. (pp. 173-206). New York: The Falmer Press. Jay, R. (2000). Building a great team. London: Prentice Hall. Leithwood, K., & Louis, K.S. (Eds) (1998). Organizational learning in school: contents of learning. The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger. Macpherson, I., Aspland, T, Brooker. R., & Elliott, B. (1999). Places and spaces for teachers in curriculum leadership. Deakin West, ACT: Australian Curriculum Studies Association. Tsui, K.T., & Cheng, Y.C. (2000). Multi-dimensional teacher performance in the new century: implications for school management. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 9(2), 184-208. West-Burnham, J., & O' Sullivan, F. (1998). Professional development- an overview of the issues. In J. West-Burnham & F. O' Sullivan (Eds.), Leadership & professional development in schools. (pp. 3-27). London: Financial Times Pitman Pub. 吳政憲 (2001): 終身教育理念對教師專業發展的啟示, 載 研習資訊, 第 18 卷, 第 2 期, 頁 72-77, 臺北縣板橋市, 臺灣省國民學校教師研習會研習資訊雜誌 李子建 ( 編 )(2002): 課程 教學與學校改革 : 新世紀的教育發展, 香港, 中文大學 林瑞芳 嚴佩珊和林永康 (2000): 同儕互助的觀課文化, 香港, 香港教育評議會 林碧霞 (2013): 教學規劃 評估和學習, 截於符理迅 林碧霞 ( 編 ), 華人課堂中的教與學, 香港, 香港大學出版社, 頁 283-330 林碧霞 (2009): 以院校合作的方式推動課程發展, 香港, 香港教育學院 林碧霞 (2004): 專業發展的理念及趨向, 截於羅厚輝 林碧霞 ( 主編 ), 學校課程領導的發展, 香港, 香港優質教育基金, 頁 42-59 李樹英, 盧敏玲 ( 主編 )(2012), 香港課堂學習研究叢書安徽, 安徽教育出版社 張兆芹 (2000): 終身學習化社會中教師繼續教育新體系研究, 載香港教師中心教育研究小組 ( 編 ), 教師在職進修與終身教育 ( 華人地區 ) 國際教 30