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COPE China Seminar 2017 in Beijing: THE PILLARS OF PUBLICATION ETHICS The future of plagiarism An opinion: More police cannot stop it, but we can take positive steps to reduce it A book : Against Plagiarism:A Guide for Editors and Authors An example: JZUS anti-plagiarism policy 张月红 Helen (Y.H.) ZHANG,Chief Editor J of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A/B & FITEE, China ORCID org/0000-0001-8702-909x jzus@zju.edu.cn www.zju.edu.cn/jzus March 26, 2017

Quote: Where is there dignity unless there is honesty? 没有诚信哪有尊严 -- 古罗马思想家西罗言 -By Cicero, the famous ancient Roman philosopher (106-45 BC ) Make the purpose sincere Cheng-yi 诚意 Cultivate personal virtue Xiu-shen 修身 -By Confucius, ancient Chinese philosopher (551-479 BC) Scientific integrity--editors on the front line 科研诚信 -- 编辑在第一线! -The main theme of 13th EASE Conference in 2016

An opinion: More police cannot stop all plagiarism, but we can take positive steps to reduce it In 2010, we applied COPE Research Grant in order to know: 1.What are journal publishers' and editors attitudes to, and tolerance of, typical plagiarism in different disciplines? 2. What are the mainstream views and differences between editors in Western countries and non-western countries? 3. How do journal publishers and editors worldwide use tools such as CrossCheck etc. and how do they handle the statistics that it produce? Note: In the past few years, JZUS s team published many papers & a book that record our research results and would be useful references in publishing area ( see next slides ).


Discipline-Specific Plagiarism Issues Sample 1: Learned Publishing 26.189-196, 2013

Discipline-Specific Plagiarism Issues Example 2. Scientometrics 98:337-345, 2014

Discipline-Specific Plagiarism Issues Example 3. Sci Eng Ethics. 2014

A book : Against Plagiarism:A Guide for Editors and Authors The eleven chapters are divided into three parts: I. General Plagiarism Issues; II. Discipline-Specific Plagiarism Issues; III.What to Do About It The most interesting portion of the book is the description of the antiplagiarism policy of Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE as it describes the types of plagiarism they typically encounter and their remedies ---V.Katavic:book reviews, European Science Editing, V42(2), 2016 In part II of the book some disciplinary conventions are considered in greater detail --- N. Brown, a book review JPAAP, V.4(3),p38-30, 2016 http://www.springer.com/cn/book/9783319241586?&token=prtst0416p

An example: JZUS anti-plagiarism policy (that has posted in JZUS website since 2015 ) How to deal with plagiarism? This policy includes three parts: 1.Definitions of nine forms of plagiarism with remedy suggestion for authors 2. Anti-plagiarism policies (remedy) according to different problems for editors 3. Display of its CrossChecking workflow process a) What to do if you suspect plagiarism b) What to do about plagiarism when detected

How to Crosscheck similarity by tools for detecting plagiarism (with the permission of CrossRef) What is OSI% & SMSI%? OSI: Overall Similarity Index represents the percentage of similarity between a submission and information existing in the CrossCheck/iThenticate databases selected as search targets. SMSI: Single Match Similarity Index represents the percentage of similarity from a single source. How to deal with a similarity report

On JZUS website (http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/policy.php ) there are the Anti-Plagiarism Policy & a detailed pdf (file) for all reference

Definitions of nine forms of plagiarism + Policy ( or Remedy): 自我或团队抄袭 : 复制自己或团队已发表的成果, 未做任何透明标识, 再次当做新资料 ( 或成果 ) 发表归为此 规范指南 : 界定重复内容的性质, 要求作者透明归属标识并进行修改, 情节严重者可以退稿 未引用而粘贴 : 未做任何引用或标识, 将他人发表的文字 / 段落直接粘贴当做自己的内容再次发表的行为归此类 规范指南 : 要求作者对引用文字与段落内容直接做引号标识

生医论文方法部分重复发表问题 : 未对原始 ( 或经典 ) 方法作任何透明的标识和说明, 直接复制 ( 经典 他人或自己 ) 已发表论文中的方法作为新方法等行为, 归为此类 规范指南 :(1) 如若为经典方法, 直接说明来源即可重复 ;(2) 如若他人或自己已经发表的原始方法要做透明标识或说明, 切忌作为新方法误导读者和同行 ;(3) 如若重复的方法内容很长, 可以作为附加材料或者提供链接形式表达

会议论文发表后再发期刊 : 已发表的会议论文未获会议论文出版方的版权允许, 未加实质新内容, 未做任何透明标识, 重新作为新论文投向期刊, 归为此类, 并视为自我抄袭的一种 规范指南 : 已发会议论文如若再投期刊要求 :(1) 获取会议论文出版方的版权允许 ;(2) 在原会议论文的基础上加约 50% 以上实质性新内容 ;(3) 重新作为新论文投期刊时要出示版权许可证明, 同时在新论文中标识该文部分内容已经发表在会议等信息 综述论文重复度高 : 其文字以粘粘贴贴的形式使整体相似度指数超过 35%, 即使重复部分有引用 有引号标识, 也归为此类 规范指南 : 综述论文的相似度 ( 低于 35%) 可以理解, 但要求 :(1) 对直接引用文字做引号 ( ) 标识 ;(2) 要求作者对同行的观点和成果尽可能用自己理解的语言去诠释和解释其意, 忌讳直接粘粘贴贴他人的文字组合论文

图 / 表 / 公式和数据抄袭 : 投稿论文中直接复制他人成果中的图 / 表 / 公式和数据, 未指明出处或缺少版权许可等归为此 规范指南 : 图表及影像等不仅要求进行完整透明标识, 并要向原作者获取版权许可, 同时据情致谢 * Additional for G, open peer review is a key from JZUS s experience 思想抄袭 : 直接将他人的创意 ( 智力劳动产物 ) 以多种形式, 未指明出处或缺少完整引用, 假做自己的创意来发表论文等归为此 规范指南 : 期刊要建立作者行为伦理准则, 要求投稿作者确认论文的原创贡献归属 ; 同时需要同行评议或发表后同行评议来确认此类问题

严重抄袭 : 抄袭自己或他人已发表论文的大段文字 ( 单篇相似度超过 10%, 或者整体相似度指数超过 35%), 甚至全文复制, 归此类 规范指南 : 要做调查, 据情分析, 一般情况都会被拒稿, 严重时要与作者单位联系 双语或多语言发表 : 用另外一种语言 ( 多种语言 ) 对作者本人已发表的原创品翻译投稿是正常的出版行为, 是如未有版权许可, 未透明原作出处, 或未明示为二次文献发表, 也为一种不规行为 规范指南 : 作者翻译稿一定要获取版权, 标识原创出处, 作为二次文献发表

JZUS CrossChecking workflow process Compared with COPE flowchart (since 2006...), JZUS-workflow mainly considered two points in 2009 :1. Large number of submissions per year; and 2. Many contributions from non-english speaking countries. So in order to improve efficiency and save time of reviews & editors, firstly, we posted online the anti-plagiarism policy with JZUS- CrossCheck workflows to raise contributor s awareness of ethical issues; second, we will run CrossCheck ( by excluding bibliography and regardless of table, image and equation that CrossCheck cannot be scanned ) to identify similar text for all of submitting papers; third, journal editors analysis stage in light of Anti-plagiarism policy at JZUS.

Note: Before run (a), we ll check all of documents (MS, cover letter, and appendix etc. For (b), the second Check before publication is due to that considering from accepted by referee to publish on-online or print, there is the database update time lag. On average, we often detect about 2-3 cases of serious plagiarism per year at this late stage. 18

JZUS- Workflow (a). The first CrossCheck during submission 投稿时的第一次审查 Submission FYI: JZUS Ethic Policy on Plagiarism via http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/tdm_policy.php Exclude bibliography/quotes Run CrossCheck to identify similar text Analyse similarity report NB: CrossCheck does not identify images, figures, tables, formulae, translations, or ideas. Editors should view the entire source article to investigate these elements No significant overlap Minor overlap: SMSI * <6% and OSI * <25% 9 Middle overlap: SMSI 6% 10% and OSI 25% 35% 9 Major overlap: SMSI 10% or OSI 35% 9 Send for peer review (NB: Questions for reviewers include possible plagiarism of either text or ideas). Investigate similar content: *Article type: Research article, Review, or Others? *Section where similarity occurs: Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, or Conclusion? *Is the original source of duplicated content fully acknowledged and cited? Identify form(s) of plagiarism and make decision Acceptable: With attribution/citation of own/others work: Limited use of own or others original work 13 (<100 words) clearly identified as quotation; Summarize the overview from the original using author s own words; Paraphrase ideas condensed from the original using different sentence and vocabulary Previously published conference paper that has been extended with more than 60% substantive new content, with citation of the original and copyright permission; Duplication of description of standard method in Biosciences papers; Reproduction of image/table/ formula with citation and copyright permission Acceptable after revision: Missing attribution/citation of own/others work (ask author to add) (A, B, C, D, F, G) # ; Original wording (<100 words) directly from other source with citation but without quotation marks or indent (ask author to add) (A, B); Excessive amount of original wording (>100 words) directly from source, whether or not identified and cited (ask author to summarize/paraphrase while retaining acknowledgement/ citation) (A, B) Send report to author, point out issue(s) and suggest revisions Unacceptable: Duplicate publication of own or team s previously published article (A. or I); Cutting and pasting of others work without identification and acknowledgement (B); Republication of conference paper with little added value (published content >40%) (D); Review paper of high similarity (OSI>35%) (E); Ideas plagiarism without citation and acknowledgment (G); Wholesale (major) plagiarism of own or others previously published text (H) Send report to author, point out issue(s), and identify reason for rejection Author provides adequate explanation and revises text and adds full citation of source(s) Author has no adequate explanation and/or refuses to revise Reject without peer review

JZUS-Crosscheck Workflow (b) The second Check before pulication 发表前的第二次检查 No significant change in OSI or SMSI (b) The second CrossCheck before publication Peer reviewers recommend acceptance for publication Run CrossCheck again Compare with the first CrossCheck report Acceptable (see previous flowchart) Author provides adequate explanation, revises text, and adds full citation of source(s) Accept for publication; all authors are asked to sign the copyright transfer statement To check against the latest version of CrossCheck database Significant increase in OSI and/or SMSI Analysis of new matched content to identify nature of similarity New similarity matched with latest data or missed in previous CrossCheck Editor makes the decision on acceptability Acceptable after revision (see previous flowchart) Send report to author, point out issue(s), and suggest revision(s) Author has no adequate explanation and/or refuses to revise text Send the report to the author, and notify journal editors and author s institution of the plagiarism Unacceptable (see previous flowchart) JZUS makes it very clear to authors that, besides its high international peer review standards and its strict antiplagiarism policy, CrossCheck will be used to check their submitted papers in order to identify unduly high levels of similar text, which gives rise to the possibility of plagiarism. Since 2010, JZUS has been developing and using the Workflow. Publish Reject

COPE an important international advice source Its guidance in various language versions 有各种语言版的指南和建议

Future plagiarism-- It is time to review our murky thoughts on plagiarism and its related broader concept of Intellectual Property In my book, Prof. Kiang in the Harvard-MIT emphasized simple copying of words or phrases is easily uncovered by computer programs but appropriation of ideas is impossible to even define, much less expose or punish. So, as a practical matter, plagiarism remains, for the most part, an intellectual offense, usually unpunished except for some damage to one s reputation. My suggestion in this book : 1.The whole world should pay attention to research integrity; 2. Create a culture of transparency in science and publication; 3. Take the honesty as the best policy for researchers and authors; 4. Make responsibility be the foundation of scientific publication; 5. Sanctions are necessary in scientific and publishing areas;

This year, 2017, is Chinese New Year of Rooster who is a deep thinker Last but not least, as journal editors, we can't eradicate plagiarism, but we have to stop it! Don t leave room for plagiarism! Firstly, journal can post its guidance (policy) on the website for authors and editors who will know what is right or what is wrong--- Education & Awareness Second, create an open peer comment space on your website in order to keep track of the academic value & research integrity of papers published in your journal (JZUS started this way from 2011)--- Transparency & Evaluation Third, ask your authors to register ORCID (open researcher and contributor ID) --- Self-discipline 张月红 Helen (Y.H.) ZHANG