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Maya Grigorovich-Barsky EDU 605 Fall 2011 Professor Durham CBM PROJECT Counting 1-10 in Japanese Recognizing the Kanji Characters and Correctly Pronouncing Them Student Information Name: Melinda Baskin Hudson Date of Birth: October 25, 1954 Age: 57 years Sex: Female Education: Graduate Degree - MBA School: N/A (currently not a student) Current Grade: N/A (currently not a student) Reason for assessment Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM) is an alternative, not an add on, to other types of assessment. It is time efficient, and provides information that will guide instruction. CBM is a set of standard procedures, including directions, materials, timing, scoring rules, and record charts of results. Information is obtained to enable teams to assess student learning in reading, spelling, writing, and math, and to graph the resulting data. The focus is on using the information to make instructional decisions, plan interventions and monitor progress. In this case, since Ms. Hudson is not a student, but a voluntary subject, the information gathered will be used simply to monitor progress to the end goal. Content Description Ms. Hudson will be traveling to Japan in the New Year for vacation. She wanted to learn some basic Japanese in order to better communicate her needs while there. This CBM is one of several in a series aimed at teaching Ms. Hudson different aspects of basic Japanese. The end goal of this CBM was to teach Ms. Hudson who, before this CBM, has never had any written or verbal exposure to the Japanese language - to be able to correctly count to ten (with correct pronunciation) and read the numbers 1-10 in Kanji, the system of calligraphic symbols that represent those numbers in the Japanese language. The Kanji characters and their corresponding meanings are outlined in the chart on the following page.

JAPANESE WORD ENGLISH MEANING KANJI ICHI ONE 一 NI TWO 二 SAN THREE 三 SHI FOUR 四 GO FIVE 五 ROKU SIX 六 NANA SEVEN 七 HACHI EIGHT 八 KU NINE 九 JU TEN 十 Description of probes Each probe was comprised of a total of 20 questions, with a 5 second time limit to answer each question. The structure of each probe was exactly the same. Only the order in which the test questions were presented varied each time the probe was administered. The questions themselves remained the same. Verbal/Pronunciation: The student was asked to complete a series of 10 questions by answering the tester verbally. The tester said the English number, and the student was asked to provide the Japanese equivalent. Reading: The student was asked to complete a series of 10 questions by reading the supplied Kanji character. The tester showed a flashcard of one of the 10 characters, and the student was asked to pronounce the Japanese number. Timing and length of probe Each administration of the probe lasted 50 seconds, totaling 1 minute and 40 seconds for the entire probe to be administered. The timing of the probe was measured per item/question. The student was to correctly name each word presented (either verbally or via flashcard) within 5 seconds of the question being presented. Scoring of responses In scoring the probes, only the correct responses were tracked. Points awarded for correct responses Words pronounced and read correctly within the 5 second time allowance were scored as correct. Self-corrected words were counted as correct. Only whole points were administered.

Expected and desired level of performance for the final measure The student must have answered all 20 questions correctly in order to be considered fluent. The student must have gotten a minimum of 8 out of 10 questions for the verbal section, and 8 out of 10 for the reading section correct in order to receive passing scores. Description of instructional method The tester met with the student three times before instructional day one and administered the probe without any instruction to obtain base line measurements. Once the base line measurements were obtained the following methods were used for instruction: Verbal: The tester met face-to-face with the student once a week for 8 weeks (from instructional day one). Each session lasted 15 minutes. During these sessions, the tester worked with the student on pronunciation skills. The tester provided the student with the table above for reference. The tester would say the Japanese word, and ask the student to repeat the word. The tester would correct the student s pronunciation if needed. This procedure was repeated for each number, 1-10. Reading: The tester met face-to-face with the student once a week for 8 weeks (from instructional day one). Each session lasted 15 minutes. During these sessions, the tester worked with the student on reading and pronunciation skills. The tester provided the student with the table above for reference. The tester would ask the student to work on memorizing the Kanji associated with each number, 1-10, and practiced with the student using flashcards. Note: These methods were used for the initial 4 instructional sessions. These instructional methods were adjusted when the tester, after graphing the probe results for the first four sessions, realized that the student would not reach the behavioral objective and desired outcome if the instructions were not adjusted. For the remaining instructional sessions, the tester employed more creative instructional methods, incorporating pictures, English words that sound similar to the pronunciation of the numbers, Sudoku puzzles, a rap song, and the use of mnemonic imagery. Each session still lasted 15 minutes, and was a weekly one-on-one meeting between the student and the tester. Behavioral objective The student would be able to read and pronounce the numbers 1-10 in Japanese with 80% accuracy in 2 minutes or less, improving fluency with each probe over the 8-week span of administration.

Results See attached graph and charts. Discussion of Results Decisions made and reflection of the student responses to instruction: The original teaching methods were used for only the initial 3 instructional sessions. These instructional methods were adjusted when the tester, after graphing the probe results for the first three sessions, realized that the student would not reach the behavioral objective and desired outcome if the instructions were not adjusted. Using the 3 data-point rule, the tester reviewed the charted CBM data for the first three probes administered after instructional sessions. Although the 3 most recent data-points were not found to lie below the aim line (one was at the aim line, and the next was below), the instructional intervention was altered to encourage an increased rate of learning. The adjustment was done at the request of the student who, having been through previous schooling, was familiar with her preferred methods of instruction. She understood that she was a very visual learner, and requested that the tester provide her with alternative forms of instruction. Rather than adjust the aim line upward or downward to reflect the appropriate learning rate, the tester decided to comply with the student s request, and alter the teaching methods. The tester continued to administer weekly CBM probes, charting the data regularly and comparing the student s expected and actual rates of progress in learning to read and say the Japanese numbers from 1-10. Periodically applying the 3 data-point decision rule, the tester realized that the datapoints recorded on the chart after the program change fell consistently above the aim line. This more favorable distribution of the data-points indicates that the student steadily made progress in learning to read and say the Japanese numbers 1-10. Therefore, no further program changes were necessary. Throughout the rest of the monitoring period, the student continued to increase her fluency above at the expected rate. Therefore, the instructional intervention is therefore considered to be successful. Recommendations for others or to be implemented on a repeated implementation: When administering this CBM to other students, especially to adult students, it is important to keep in mind how the student learns best. Being flexible in instructional methods is key, and providing a variety of learning options will ensure a more successful CBM.

JAPANESE WORD ENGLISH MEANING KANJI ICHI ONE 一 NI TWO 二 SAN THREE 三 SHI FOUR 四 GO FIVE 五 ROKU SIX 六 NANA SEVEN 七 HACHI EIGHT 八 KU NINE 九 JU TEN 十 Kanji Online Lessons http://www.kanjisite.com/html/start/jlpt/4/steps/lhs4kstep1.html Kanji Online Activities Kanji Number Rap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3won-7w3js&feature=related Numbers Game (Timed) http://www.digitaldialects.com/japanese/numbers.htm

CBM PROBE CHARTS ENGLISH MEANING JAPANESE WORD BASELINE 1 10/11/2011 BASELINE 2 10/12/2011 BASELINE 3 10/12/2011 PROBE 1 10/14/2011 AUDITORY PROBES PROBE 2 10/21/2011 PROBE 3 10/28/2011 PROBE 4 11/4/2011 PROBE 5 11/11/2011 PROBE 6 11/18/2011 PROBE 7 11/25/2011 PROBE 8 12/2/2011 ONE ICHI TWO NI THREE SAN FOUR SHI FIVE GO SIX ROKU SEVEN NANA EIGHT HACHI NINE KU TEN JU ENGLISH MEANING KANJI BASELINE 1 10/11/2011 BASELINE 2 10/12/2011 BASELINE 3 10/12/2011 PROBE 1 10/14/2011 VISUAL PROBES PROBE 2 10/21/2011 PROBE 3 10/28/2011 PROBE 4 11/4/2011 PROBE 5 11/11/2011 PROBE 6 11/18/2011 PROBE 7 11/25/2011 PROBE 8 12/2/2011 ONE 一 TWO 二 THREE 三 FOUR 四 FIVE 五 SIX 六 SEVEN 七 EIGHT 八 NINE 九 TEN 十

CBM GRAPH Baseline 1 2 Baseline 2 3 Baseline 3 3 Probe 1 4 Probe 2 5 Probe 3 5 Probe 4 6 Probe 5 15 Probe 6 17 Probe 7 20 Probe 8 20 Number of Correct Answers 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 CBM - LEARNING JAPANESE NUMBERS 1-10 2 0 Sessions


Japanese Kanji Numerals 1-10 Visual Memory Aids Below are the kanji, or Japanese characters, for the numbers 1 to 10. The memory aids are aimed to help you to remember what number each of the kanji represents, not the Japanese pronunciation for each of the numbers. 一 (1) Easy - just one line! 二 (2) Easy - just two lines! 三 (3) Easy - just three lines! 四 (4) This kanji can be seen as a window with curtains. A window has four sides, and four corners 五 (5) If you look carefully at this kanji, you should be able to see the shape of a number 5 (like the 5 on a digital clock) 六 (6) This character looks a bit like a person. So imagine that it's a 6 year old, on his birthday, doing a star jump & shouting "I'm six!" 七 (7) If you turn this one upside down, it looks like a number 7 with a line through it, like the Europeans write it. 八 (8) Eight is an even number, and can be divided in two equal parts, just as the character can. 九 (9) Look closely at this kanji, and you can see the resemblance to a lower-case n. N for nine. 十 (10) If you tilt this kanji slightly to one side, it looks like an X, which is the Roman numeral for 10.

Puzzle A SUDOKU Each little box of 9 squares needs numbers 1-9, so does each row and column of 9 squares. Have fun Puzzle B 一二四四八九四九一六二六七四九六七四五四三九五五九二七八六一五四二八六九四一九八三九一七四八七四六九二一二三七九三八九五三八六三二八九八五七 Puzzle C Puzzle D 八六三七 一 二 六八三 七 二 三 九 一 八 六一 八 八三 一七 七 五二四 九 四 五 八 九二 一 三 八 四 七八 五三 四 七六一 八 三二 四 六 一 五 三六 二九 七五 五 一 七 三 七 四 一 九七六二 四二九 三 Puzzle E Puzzle F 五 六三 八一二 三 七八 三 五 一 七 一四 六 三九五 七 六 五 一四 六八 七四 三八 五 八二 四一 四 九 六 四三 一八 二 七九 三 五二四 一三 四 六 八 五 二 一七 七 三八 二 一七 五 六 二一九

Puzzle A SUDOKU SOLUTIONS Print this page onto OHT to use as overlay to correct student work. 五一九六八二三四七四八三九七五二一六七六二一三四九八五二七四三九六八五一一三五四二八六七九六九八五一七四三二八四一二五九七六三九五六七四三一二八三二七八六一五九四 Puzzle B 七三四五八九六一二九二五六一三四八七六一八二七四三五九一五九三二七八六四四六二一九八五七三三八七四六五九二一五七六九三二一四八八九一七四六二三五二四三八五一七九六 Puzzle C 五四八六三七九二一七九二四一五八三六三六一二八九四七五八七三五二四六一九六一五三九八七四二四二九七六一五八三九八七一五二三六四二五六八四三一九七一三四九七六二五八 Puzzle E 四五一七八九六三二七八二四三六五九一六三九五一二七八四一九六八五七四二三三七八二九四一六五五二四三六一八七九九六三一七五二四八八四五六二三九一七二一七九四八三五六 Puzzle D 二四一七六八三九五五九七三一二四六八六八三九五四一七二四六五一八三九二七一七八六二九五三四九三二五四七六八一八二九四三一七五六三一六八七五二四九七五四二九六八一三 Puzzle F 四八一二六三五七九三五七九一四八二六二六九七五八三一四九一三八二六四五七八七四一九五六三二六二五四三七九八一一三二五四九七六八七九六三八一二四五五四八六七二一九三