Microsoft Word - 新版宅急通(彩) vol. 260

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邱 貴 玲 從 女 性 角 度 分 析 比 較 美 國 法 國 丹 麥 三 種 家 庭 政 策 發 展 模 式 ernment also provides national childcare system to empower French women to work outside of the

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建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順


This month in history On October 3, 1990, East and West Germany were officially reunited after 45 years of Cold War division. Like us on @SanminEnglishEditor Download Scan to download the full-color PDF and translation. Friday, October 20, 2017 vol. 260 復北店 臺北市 10476 復興北路 386 號 電話 (02)2500-6600 傳真 (02)2506-4000 重南店 臺北市 10045 重慶南路 1 段 61 號 電話 (02)2361-7511 傳真 (02)2361-3355 China considers prohibiting the sale and production of fossil fuel cars in hopes of reducing pollution. by Jason Grenier, special correspondent After Germany, France and Britain all announced their plan to ban petrol and diesel cars by 2040 to reduce carbon emissions and accelerate the development of electric vehicles, China soon followed. Xin Guobin (辛國 斌), vice-minister of industry of China, announced that the ministry had been working on relevant research, and that the policy of outlawing gasoline-powered vehicles will be implemented in the near future. Being the world s biggest market for automobiles, China manufactured and sold more than 28 million cars in 2016. Over the past few years, the government has carried out a tax reduction on electric cars as it aims to conserve energy and ease pollution, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. Recent sales figures have shown that Chinese consumers are favoring new energy vehicles, and the number of electric cars sold in China has increased by 60 percent. Car manufacturers in China are also compelled to produce more vehicles that do not rely on fossil fuels by 2020. These measures will promote profound changes in the environment, Xin told CCTV. Enterprises should strive to improve the level of energy saving for traditional cars, and vigorously develop new energy vehicles according to assessment requirements. Although it is not clear when the ban will come into effect, it is apparent that petrol cars days in China are numbered. Some experts predict that the ban will be introduced in 2040 at the earliest. Several foreign automakers have revealed that they will boost the production of environment-friendly vehicles in China, and more than 12,000 new charging stations will be built by the government before 2020 to meet the demands of new electric cars that are on their way.

2 News Messenger Reading Comprehension ( ) 1. What is the main idea of the passage? (A) Cars powered by gasoline will be banned in China in the future. (B) Germany is boosting their automobile production to become the largest car industry. (C) Fossil fuel cars will not be legalized in Britain before 2040. (D) China s new fossil fuel car ban is causing controversy in the nation. ( ) 2. Which of the following country is the biggest market for cars? (A) Britain. (B) China. (C) India. (D) Germany. ( ) 3. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (A) China produced and sold around 13 million cars in 2016. (B) China has raised the tax for people who are buying electric cars. (C) Experts predict the fossil fuel car ban will be introduced before 2020 in China. (D) It is still not clear when the fossil fuel car ban will be implemented in China. Vocabulary and Phrases 1. carbon[ καρβ1ν] n. [U] 碳 2. accelerate[8κ σελ1&ρετ] vi., vt. 加速, 加快 3. ministry[ µινιτρι] n. [C] ( 政府的 ) 部 4. relevant[ ρελ1ϖ1ντ] adj. 相關的, 切題的 5. outlaw[ α5τ&λο] vt. 使 成為非法 6. implement[ Ιµπλ1&µΕντ] vt. 實施, 貫徹 7. reduction [ρι δ κσ1ν] n. [C][U] 減少, 降低 8. conserve [ κανσ3ϖ] vt. 保存, 節約 9. consumer [κ1ν συµ2] n. [C] 消費者, 顧客 Words for Recognition 1. Germany[ δζ3µ1νι] n. 德國 2. France[φρ8νσ] n. 法國 3. Britain[ βριτ1ν] n. 英國 4. petrol [ πετρ1λ] n. [U] 汽油 5. diesel [ διζλ] n. [U] 柴油 10. measure [ µεζ2] n. [C] 方法, 措施 11. profound [ πρ1 φα5νδ] adj. 深切的, 巨大的 12. enterprise [Εντ2&πραΙζ] n. [C][U] 組織, 企業 13. strive [στραιϖ] vi. 奮鬥, 力爭 14. vigorously [ ϖιγ21σλι] adv. 劇烈地 15. assessment [1 σεσµ1ντ] n. [C][U] 評估 16. predict [πρι δικτ] vt. 預料, 預計 17. demand [δι µ8νδ] n. [C][U] 需求 6. emission [Ι µισ1ν] n. [C] 排放物, 散發物 7. Beijing [βε δζιν] n. 北京 8. Shanghai [ Σ89 ηαι] n. 上海 9. CCTV n. 中國中央電視臺 10. automaker [Οτ1 µεκ2] n. [C] 汽車製造商

News Messenger 3 Two powerful French holding companies who own luxury brands spanning Louis Vuitton and Gucci have pledged to stop hiring ultra-thin models. by Jason Grenier, special correspondent In order to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of the models, French fashion giants LVMH and Kering has unveiled a charter that bans both male and female ultra-thin models from their catwalks and advertising on September 6. The two conglomerates will also stop 1 models under 16 to pose as adult models, hoping to dismiss unattainable beauty standards. In May 2017, France has 2 new laws to fight eating disorders. Models are required to obtain a doctor s certificate when applying for jobs, and retouched photos where a model s appearance has been altered need to be 3 from October 1. Employers who break the law could be fined up to 75,000 Euros or face imprisonment of up to six months. While the law allows the medical documents to go back two years, the LVMH and Kering charter goes 4 the legal requirements and requires the doctor s certificate to be no older than six months. In addition, underage models must meet their obligations of school attendance and have a guardian at all times. These new rules are applicable to all of the brands the two companies own. As the leader in the luxury sector, we believe it is our role to be at the forefront of this initiative, said LVMH board member Antoine Arnault, son of the CEO of LVMH. We have the responsibility of building new standards for fashion. François-Henri Pinault, chairman of Kering, stated that respecting the dignity of all women is the company s priority. With the new working relation policies, the two fashion giants hope to not only reflect their 5 responsibilities, but also inspire the rest of the fashion industry. Fill in the Blanks (A) labeled (B) social (C) hiring (D) implemented (E) beyond (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

4 News Messenger Vocabulary and Phrases 1. span [σπ8ν] vt. 涵蓋 包括 9. document [ δακϕ1µ1ντ] n. [C] 文件 公文 2. pledge [ πλεδζ] vt. 保證 承諾 10. obligation [&Αβλ1 ΓεΣ1ν] n. [C] 義務 責任 3. unveil [ ν ϖελ] vt. (首次)介紹 推出 11. attendance [1 τενδ1νσ] n. [U][C] 出席 4. dismiss [δισ µισ] vt. 消除 去除 12. applicable [ 8πλΙκ1βΛ] adj. 適合的 適用的 5. unattainable [& ν1 τεν1βλ] adj. 難以達到的 13. luxury [ λ κσερι] n. [U] 奢華 奢侈 6. disorder [δισ Ορδ2] n. [C][U] 失調 紊亂 14. sector [ σεκτ2] n. [C] 行業 領域 7. alter [ Ολτ2] vi., vt. 改動 修改 15. board [βορδ] n. [C] 董事會 8. imprisonment [Ιµ πριζνµ1ντ] n. [U] 監禁 16. dignity [ διγν1τι] n. [U] 尊嚴 Words for Recognition 1. LVMH n. 路威酩軒集團 6. catwalk [ κ8τ&ωοκ] n. [C] 展示台 2. Kering [ κ3ρι9] n. 開雲集團 7. certificate [&σ3 τιφ1κ1τ] n. [U] 證明 3. ultra [ λτρ1] pref. 極 超 8. retouch [ρι τ τσ] vt. 修整 修飾 (照片) 4. holding company n. [C] 控股公司 9. Euro [ ϕυρο] n. [C] 歐元 5. charter [ τσαρτ2] n. [C] (闡明權利的)章程 10. the forefront [ 1 φορ&φρ ντ] n. 最顯要的位置 This Month History German Reunification During World War II, The United States, Britain and France joined forces with the Soviet Union to fight the Axis powers ( 軸 心 國 ). When they defeated Nazi Germany, the country was divided by liberal market economy and communism, and a wall was built in Berlin to prevent people from escaping East Berlin. On November 9, 1989, East Germany s announcement regarding citizens obtaining passports and visas lead a massive crowd to the wall. The crowd demanded the Scan photo with COCOAR2 for video! guards to open the gate, and some began to demolish the wall soon after they crossed the border. The Berlin Wall collapsed, and Germany was officially reunified in October, 1990. Watch the video: or scan photo with COCOAR2. 閱讀測驗解答 1. A 2. B 3. D 文意選填解答 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B

News Messenger 5 Translation 中國計劃在不久的將來禁止化石燃料車上路 中國考慮禁止化石燃料汽車的生產銷售, 期望能夠降低汙染 繼德國 法國和英國全都宣布計劃於 2040 年前禁止汽柴油車以減少碳排放並加速開發電動車後, 中國很快地跟進了 中國工業部副部長辛國斌宣布, 工業部正著手進行相關研究, 不久的將來就會實施淘汰汽油動力車的政策 身為全球最大汽車市場, 中國 2016 年生產銷售超過 2,800 萬輛車 過去幾年政府為了節省能源和減輕污染, 提供電動車稅務優惠, 特別是北京和上海地區 近期銷售數據顯示中國消費者偏好新型節能車, 在中國賣出的電動車數量已增加 60% 當局要求中國汽車製造商 2020 年前須生產更多不仰賴化石燃料的車輛 辛國斌接受中央電視臺採訪表示 : 這些措施對環境將有深遠影響, 企業應該努力提升傳統汽車節能程度, 並配合評鑑要求積極開發新節能車 雖然禁令何時生效還不明朗, 但汽油動力車在中國明顯所剩時日不多 一些專家預測禁令最快於 2040 年開始推行 許多外國汽車製造商已經透露他們將加速生產對環境友善的車輛, 而政府將在 2020 年前新建逾 1.2 萬個加電站以符合即將到來的新型電動車的需求 路威酩軒和開雲集團揮別紙片模特兒 擁有路易威登和古馳等奢侈品品牌的兩大法國控股公司, 已經承諾不再雇用超瘦模特兒 為確保模特兒的身心健康, 法國時尚巨擘路威酩軒集團和開雲集團已經公佈一份規章, 自 9 月 6 日起禁止骨瘦如柴的男女模特兒登台走秀及參與廣告演出 兩家集團也將停止雇用未滿 16 歲的模特兒充當成人模特兒, 希望破除達不到的審美標準 2017 年 5 月, 法國已經實施新法對抗飲食失調症 模特兒應徵工作時必須取得醫生證明, 而自 10 月 1 日起模特兒外表被更動過的修圖照片必須加以註明 違反此一規定的雇主可最高可裁罰 7.5 萬歐元, 或面臨最長 6 個月的刑期 儘管法律允許使用兩年內的醫療文件, 但路威酩軒集團和開雲集團的公約比法律規定的更嚴格, 要求醫生證明不得超過六個月以上 此外, 未成年的模特兒必須符合學校出勤規定, 並有監護人隨侍在身 這些新規定適用於兩家公司旗下的所有品牌 路威酩軒集團董事會成員及執行長之子安東阿諾說 : 身為精品業龍頭, 我們相信走在此一創舉的最前線是我們的角色 我們有責任建立新的時尚標準 開雲集團董事長亨利皮諾表示, 尊重所有女性的尊嚴是該公司優先要務 這兩家時尚巨擘希望新的工作關係政策不僅能反映出他們的社會責任, 也能啟發其他同業 三民東大學習網