Seminar Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Best Practices Seminar Outline (2 Days): Section 1 First communicate two days OEE learning dir

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Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Best Practices Shanghai, China 27th - 28th August 2015 Your Consultant: Liang Dai With five world famous fortune 500 multinational enterprises work experience, master of engineering project management, part-time trainer, WCM activity coaches and internal trainers. Worked as maintenance manager, project manager, factory director in foreign capital enterprise, now is the general manager of an industry well-known enterprise. In May 2004, he started as a part-time trainer, cooperated with many management consulting companies, including internal training and public class training nationwide in management. Has more than ten years rich maintenance management, project management, production management, sales management experience, as a project manager to build two new factory with total investment of more than 100 million US dollars, as a factory director to create a group production line continuous production within 249 hours of uninterrupted records, and as a maintenance manager to create two times without any mechanical and electrical faults in monthly record. Dai advocates "get ideas before starting work, own wisdom and energy" training philosophy, pursue "taking students as the center, practical exercise, practical operating, true effect" practical learning goals. To let students study in a pleasant status, can focus on learning, not only learn professional knowledge, but also can share how to get wisdom life energy method, in order to achieve the supreme state of comprehending by analogy instance, perceiving how and why, happy work, happy life. Work Experience: Aug.1991 Oct.1994 Electrical Engineer, Jiangnan Shipyard Nov.1994--Oct.1997 Senior Equipment Engineer, Jiangnan Shipyard Nov.1997 Apr.2001 Equipment Supervisor, USA Gillette Shanghai Co., Ltd. Apr.2001-June 2003 Maintenance Supervisor, Holland PHILIPS Lighting Co., Ltd. July 2003-Apr. 2005 Engineering project manager, USA PepsiCo Food china Co., Ltd. Apr.2005--- Nov 2006 Project manager, French Saint-Gobain Gypsum Shanghai Co. Ltd. Dec.2006-Sep. 2008 Plant manager, French Saint-Gobain Gypsum Shanghai Co., Ltd. Sep. 2008-July 2009 Engineering manager, French Saint-Gobain Gypsum Shanghai Co., Ltd July 2009-April 2011 Operation director, Australia oceans group Shanghai Changfeng Ocean World Co., Ltd. Apr. 2011-June 2012 Plant manager, USA Armstrong building products (Suzhou) Co., Ltd 2013.8-Now General Manager, Shanghai Yinqiao Decorating Material Co., Ltd Who Should Attend? 1. Production/manufacturing manager, equipment department manager, equipment maintenance and repair engineers, maintenance personnel and production supervisor of manufacturing enterprise; 2. Process/IE engineer, technical supervisor, TPM members, lean improvement activities members. Seminar Features: Learner-centred, pay attention to the participation of delegates; Use his 20 years of personal feeling and experience to interpret realistic, pay attention to clear thinking, clear concept, and pay attention to combining with practice, to give the participants more "dry stuff". Regard practical exercise, practical operating, true effect as the fundamental purpose, to learn well and use after coming back. Describes how to combine work and life, make life and work bring out the best in each other - to be happy, to do things well. In-House Training Solutions If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email to discuss further possibilities. Martin Linking professional seminar

Seminar Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Best Practices Seminar Outline (2 Days): Section 1 First communicate two days OEE learning direction and training thoughts, only if we have clear direction, clear thinking, then the rest of the learning effect is guaranteed. (about 1 hour) 1. Meaning of using OEE in factory production management 2. How to view the big pattern of OEE 3. How to use the wisdom of thinking to control the OEE 4. A few key points to improve OEE Section 2 OEE concepts and interpretation of the theory(about 2 hours) 1. Theory and concepts of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) The essence of OEE Learn three factors of OEE: Availability, Capability, Quality 2. Calculation and analysis of OEE OEE calculation element and case analysis Introduce the relationship of OEE and manpower loss, equipment loss, raw materials and energy loss Difference and relationship between OEE and TEEP (Total Effective Equipment Productivity) OEE and production cost analysis About the pitfalls of OEE and case analysis Case study and discussion Thinking: where is our main problem? What is root cause? What measures should be taken? Section 3 Professional equipment maintenance management(about 5 hours) OEE performance is closely related to equipment management, equipment management is the key of OEE 1. Preparation of the professional maintenance (0.5 hour) Seven steps of professional maintenance Vision and goals of professional maintenance Equipment delimitation and priorities determination Process management of maintenance work Practical discussion 2 Eliminate bad factors of equipment situation (about 2 hours) Clear current performance situation - times of fault /time/frequency/ MTBF/MTTR/ cost of maintenance/fault rate Introduction of MTBF and MTTR Equipment failure distribution graph Equipment failure record Equipment pollution figure Equipment state reset Development of equipment point check sheet Key points of equipment point check Equipment tag description and classification Equipment tags statistics Departments communication of tags Rapid improvement and comparison before and after Learn to use Equipment OPL (One Point Lesson) Discussion: how to start with equipment sanitize, cleaning, sweep, straighten, recovery the original state of equipment, seize the key of equipment, do preventive maintenance of equipment before, so as to reduce the fault, reduce downtime. About Martin Linking Martin Linking Business Consulting plans to produce more than 80 trainings and conferences and works with senior executives from the majority of the world's top 1000 companies to improve their business strategy and match their learning and training needs in one year. And we continue to grow. We also invite the leading business practitioners, industry decision makers and innovators to share insights, best business practice, and new technology at our forums. We are dedicated to give attendees cutting edge information they can use immediately. We constantly research and listen to all industry sectors to ensure that the business intelligence we provide is timely and cutting-edge. Seminar Schedule Day 1 and Day2 0830 Registration and coffee 0900 Seminar commences 1045 Morning refreshments 1115 Seminar re-commences 1200 Luncheon 1300 Seminar commences 1500 Afternoon refreshments 1530 Seminar re-commences 1730 Seminar concludes Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the seminar should circumstances require. Martin Linking

Seminar Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Best Practices 3. Failure analysis of equipment maintenance (2 hours) The concept and distinction of repair and restoration How to identify fault phenomenon 5G theories and concepts The use of the 5 W1H 4M analysis 5why analysis Some tools: the use of pyramid decomposition, union jack Equipment fault classification management Develop Standard Maintenance Process (SMP) Develop maintenance calendar Case and discussion: How to find the root cause in maintenance work, to get effective control of the failures by set corresponding measures to root causes. Grasp the main fault, control the main fault frequency, can control performance. 4 Maintenance spare parts management and maintenance costs (1 hour) Statistical analysis based on actual consumption ABC analysis and optimization of spare parts Maintenance spare parts inventory control and maintenance timely Spare parts risk prevention Spare parts purchasing and cooperation with equipment department Maintenance cost analysis and cost to factory Case analysis Discussion: practical questions about spare parts management Section 4 Equipment continuous improvement to the next level (3 hours) The significance of continuous improvement Interpretation of PDCA continuous improvement The right way of improvement activities (1) Define the phenomenon (2) Understand the principle (3) Set goals (4) Collect data (5) Root cause analysis (6) Develop measures Risk assessment The principle of setting goals Team brainstorm The choice of scheme (cost, time, risk) The principle and application of FMEA GPL interpretation and use Case and discussion: Continuous improvement, continuous improvement is the inevitable requirement of performance excellence, by learning to master the methods of special improvement, to improve the stability of the equipment, improve product quality. Section 5 Password of life wisdom and energy (1 hour) Behaving is superior to action People having both talents and virtue are the most popular in enterprises Observe the precepts and having righteous professional ethnic, be mindful, sweep before your own door Quiet cause wisdom, mania cause faint The principle of a happy life, smooth way to do things The principle and method of wisdom and energy In-House Training Solutions If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email to discuss further possibilities. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the seminar should circumstances require. Martin Linking

提升设备综合效率 OEE 最佳实践 上海, 中国 2015 年 8 月 27 日至 28 日 咨询师 : 戴亮 拥有 5 家世界著名 500 强跨国企业工作经历, 项目管理工程硕士, 兼职培训师,WCM 活动辅导师, 企业内部培训师 在外资企业担任过维修经理, 项目经理, 厂长, 现担任一行业内著名企业的总经理 2004 年 5 月开始作为兼职培训师, 与多家管理顾问公司合作, 全国范围内从事管理培训工作, 包括内部培训和公开课培训 拥有十几年丰富的维修管理 项目管理 生产管理 营销管理经验, 作为项目经理建造过两个总投资超 1 亿美金新工厂, 作为厂长创造过集团内生产线连续生产 249 小时不间断的记录, 和作为维修经理创造过两次月度内无任何机械 电气故障发生的记录 戴老师倡导 先思路后动手 智慧加能量 的培训理念, 追求 以学员为中心 实战 实操 实效 的实用学习目标 要让学员在愉快的状态下学习, 能够集中注意力学习, 不但学到专业的知识, 更能分享如何获得人生智慧能量的方法, 以达到触类旁通 融会贯通 快乐工作 快乐人生的至高境界 工作经历 : 1991.08---1994.10 江南造船厂机电工程师 1994.11---1997.10 江南造船厂主管设备工程师 1997.11---2001.3 美资上海吉列有限公司设备主管 2001.4---2003.5 上海飞利浦亚明照明有限公司维修主管 2003.5---2005.4 百事食品 ( 中国 ) 有限公司工程项目经理 2005.4---2006.11 圣戈班石膏建材上海有限公司项目经理 2006.12---2008.9 圣戈班石膏建材上海有限公司厂长 2008.9---2009.7 圣戈班石膏建材上海有限公司工程经理 2009.7---2011.4 澳大利亚澳洋集团上海长风海洋世界营运总监 2011.4---2013.5 阿姆斯壮建筑制品 ( 苏州 ) 有限公司厂长 2013.8--- 现在上海银桥装饰材料有限公司总经理 研讨会参加对象 : 1 制造企业生产 / 制造部经理 设备部经理, 设备保养及维修工程师 维修人员 生产主管参加 ; 2 工艺 IE 工程师 生产技术主管,TPM 推进成员 精益改善活动成员等参加 研讨会特点 : 以参会者为中心, 注重参会者的参与和互动 ; 以自己二十几年的亲身感悟和积累的经验来贴合实际讲解, 注重思路清晰, 概念清楚, 讲究结合实践, 给与会者更多 干货 研讨会以重视 实战 实操 实效 为根本目的, 这样才能学得会, 回去后用得上 介绍如何把做事和做人结合起来, 使得做人和做事相得益彰 -- 做人快乐, 做事顺利 内训方案如果公司有许多人有类似的培训需要, 那么你不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案 培训将在贵公司现场举行 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行 请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能 : 电话 :+86 28 8532 7678 电邮 马汀令可专业研讨会

研讨会 提升设备综合效率 OEE 最佳实践 研讨会大纲 (2 天 ): 单元一 首先和全体人员交流此次 OEE 两天学习研讨的方向和思路, 只有大家方向明确 思路清晰了, 后面的学习效果才有保障 ( 约 1 小时 ) 1, 工厂生产管理使用 OEE 的意义 2, 如何用大格局的眼光看待 OEE 3, 如何用大智慧的思维来驾驭 OEE 4, 提高 OEE 的几个关键点 单元二 OEE 的理论及概念讲解 ( 约 2 小时 ) 1, 设备综合效率 OEE 的理论和概念 OEE 的实质意义 认识 OEE 的三个构成因素 : 时间利用率 (Availability), 性能利用率 (Capability), 良品率 (Quality) 2, 设备综合效率 OEE 的计算与分析 OEE 计算要素与实例分析 OEE 和设备损失 人力损失 原材料及能源损失关系介绍 OEE 与 TEEP(Total Effective Equipment Productivity) 的区别和关系 OEE 与生产成本分析关于 OEE 的误区与案例分析案例学习与讨论思考 : 我们的主要问题在哪里? 根本原因是什么? 应该采取什么对策? 单元三 设备专业维护管理 ( 约 5 小时 ) OEE 的业绩与设备管理息息相关, 抓住了设备管理就是抓住了 OEE 提高的关键 1, 专业性维护的准备阶段 (0.5 小时 ) 专业维护的七大步骤专业维护的远景和目标 设备界定与优先级确定 维修工作流程管理 实务讨论 2 消除设备状况变坏的因素 (2 小时 ) 明确当前性能状况 -- 故障的次数 / 时间 / 频率 /MTBF/MTTR/ 维修成本 / 故障率 MTTR 和 MTBF 的介绍 设备故障分布图 设备故障记录 设备污染图 设备状态还原 设备点检表的制定 设备点检的要点 设备挂牌说明及分类 设备挂牌的统计 挂牌的各部门的沟通 快速改进和前后对比 设备一点通 OPL(One Point Lesson) 学习使用实例讨论 : 如何从设备清洁 清理 整理 整顿出发, 恢复设备的原有状态, 抓住设备的关键点, 提前做好设备的预防性维修, 从而达到减少故障, 减少停机的目的 关于马汀令可 马汀令可商务咨询计划每年组织超过 80 场的培训和会议, 与全球 1000 强公司的高层经理一起提高他们的商务战略, 满足他们的学习和培训需求 并且我们在不断成长 我们邀请领先企业的管理者, 决策者和创新者在我们的活动中分享他们的思想观念, 最佳商业实践和新技术 我们致力于为我们的客户提供即刻可用的前沿信息 我们不断地研究和聆听所有行业的声音来保证我们提供商业信息的及时性和前沿性 研讨会时间表 ----- 第一天和第二天 0830 签到及早茶 0900 研讨会开始 1045 上午休息 1115 研讨会继续 1200 午餐 1300 研讨会开始 1500 下午休息 1530 研讨会继续 1730 研讨会总结 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 马汀令可

研讨会 提升设备综合效率 OEE 最佳实践 3 设备专业维护之故障分析(2 小时 ) 修理和修复的概念和区别如何识别故障现象 5G 的理论和概念 5W1H 的使用 4M 分析法 5why 分析法一些工具 金字塔分解, 米字旗 的运用设备故障分类管理制定维修标准流程 SMP 制定维修日历案例与讨论 : 维修工作中如何能够找到根本原因, 针对根本原因制定针对性的措施使得故障得到有效的控制 牢牢抓住主要故障不放, 控制了主要故障的频发, 则就能控制业绩 4 维修备件管理与维修成本(1 小时 ) 以实际消耗量为统计分析基础备件的 ABC 分析及其优化维修备件的库存控制与维修及时性备品备件风险防范备件采购与设备部门的合作维修成本分析及工厂成本实例分析讨论 : 关于备件管理的实务问题 FMEA 的原理和运用 GPL 的解释和运用案例和讨论 : 不断改进, 不断改善是工作业绩追求卓越的必然要求, 通过学习掌握专项改进的方法, 来不断提高设备的稳定性, 提高产品质量 单元五 人生获得智慧和能量的密码 (1 小时 ) 先做人, 后做事德才兼备的人最受企业欢迎持戒守正, 正念 正身 正己静则慧, 躁则昏人生快乐的原理, 做事顺利的方法获得智慧和能量的原理和方法 内训方案如果公司有许多人有类似的培训需要, 那么你不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案 培训将在贵公司现场举行 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行 请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能 : 电话 :+86 28 8532 7678 电邮 单元四 设备持续改进更上一层楼 (3 小时 ) 持续改进的意义 PDCA 持续改进的解释改进活动的正确方法 (1) 定义现象 (2) 懂得原理 (3) 设定目标 (4) 收集数据 (5) 根本原因分析 (6) 制定措施风险评估设定目标的原则团队头脑风暴方案的选择 ( 成本 时间 风险 ) 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 马汀令可

Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness(OEE) Best Practices SH20150827-3-Sales Contract-Please Complete in Capital Letters and Black Ink Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to Athena Xie Fax: +86 28 8532 6768 Fee Per Delegate Two Days Seminar Fee RMB 5995 per person All the registered delegates are entitled for a set of documentation free of charge. DOCUMENTATION RMB 500 Register Now Contact: Athena Xie Tel: +86 28 8532 7678 Fax:+86 28 8532 6768 Email: Business Opportunities An exhibition space is available at the conference. Sponsorship opportunities covering lunch, evening receptions and advertising in documentation packs are also available. Please call +86 28 8532 7678. Payment Method Our payment terms are 5 working days on receipt of invoice and full payments can be made by bank transfer. If you are unable to attend the seminar but wish to receive copies of the seminar documentation, please complete the sales contract, tick this box and return the contract with payment details. Full Payment is required within 5 working days Authorization (Signatory must be authorized to sign on behalf of contracting organization.) This booking is invalid without a signature. Terms & Conditions: 1. Fees are inclusive of program materials and refreshments. 2. Payment Terms - Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within five (5) working days upon the issuance of invoice. Payment must be received prior to the conference/ training date. A receipt will be issued on payment. Due to limited conference/training seats, we advise early registration to avoid disappointment. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received on time. 3. Client s Cancellation/substitution - Provided the total fee has been paid, client s cancellation must be received in writing by MAIL or FAX four (4) weeks prior to the event in order to obtain an 85% credit to attend for any future Martin Linking Events. Under such circumstances, Martin Linking will retain the other 15% service fee to cover expenses for prior cost that has already been incurred upon the acceptance of registration.all bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed sales contract has been received by Martin Linking. 4. If, for any unexpected circumstances or reasons that Martin Linking decides to postpone this event, the client hereby indemnifies and holds Martin Linking harmless from any cost incurred in by the client. The event fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to future Martin Linking s events. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the content without notice. 5. Copyright etc. - All Intellectual Property rights in all materials produced or distributed BY Martin Linking in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication,publication or distribution is strictly prohibited. 6. Important note: In the event that Martin Linking permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, (Including, but not limited to any force majeure occurrence) and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the client shall receive a refund for the amount that the Client has paid to such permanently cancelled event. Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited