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7 9 ~ 9 9 Tourism Management Research Vol. 2 No. 2 December 2002 pp. 79 ~ 99 A Study on the Relationship among Internal Marketing, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Customer Orientation- A Case of Theme Park in Taiwan Shen-Ching Cheng * Yen-Rung Chang ** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ABSTRACT The study focuses on the internal marketing of theme park in Taiwan. The purpose is to explore the essences of internal marketing and its influence on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and customer

orientation. An empirical research is undertaken for the Janfusun Fancyworld and Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. According to the factor analysis, we found that the main three dimensions of internal marketing are Internal Communication and Welfare, Employees Care and Self-Actualization. Meanwhile, the main influential factors of employee organizational commitment are Retention commitment, Value commitment and Effort commitment. By using LISREL 8.52 software to resolve the structural equation model among internal marketingjob satisfactionorganizational commitment and customer orientation, we found the results as follows. (1) Internal marketing has positive effect on employee organizational commitment. (2) Internal marketing has positive effect on job satisfaction. (3) Employee s job satisfaction inflects their organizational commitment positively. (4) Organizational commitment of employee has positive effect on the service behavior in customers orientation. (5) The effects of the internal marketing and job satisfactions on customers orientation are not clear yet. It shows that internal marketing and job satisfactions could affect customers orientation service via organizational commitment. Keywords Internal Marketing, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Customer Orientation 9.2 21.5 2,417 43 11,205,796 3,996,672 35.67 Gummesson 1992 80

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2 N=410 130 31.7 166 40.5 278 67.8 27 6.6 2 0.5 207 50.5 20 19 4.6 7 1.7 20 ()-25 119 29 3 0.7 25 ()-30 106 25.9 66 16.1 30 ()-35 83 20.2 ()- 90 22.0 35 ()-40 33 8.0 ()- 93 22.7 40 () 50 12.2 ()- 56 13.7 54 13.2 ()- 44 10.7 261 63.7 () 58 14.1 67 16.3 3 0.7 9 2.2 181 44.1 2 5 ()-195 47.6 10 2.4 ()-20 4.9 366 89.3 ()-8 2.0 37 9.0 ()-0 0.0 7 1.7 ()-1 0.2 5 1.2 4.2 Factor Analysis (Varimax) 1 0.5 3 (Reliability Analysis) 4 Cronbach s 0.73 0.94 0.7 Guielford(1965) Cronbach s 0.7 4.3 LISREL8.52 (maximum likelihood, ML) LISREL 2 5 87

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