Translated from Chinese mandarin 4, Shawo Tashi is a man of 39 years of age. He originates from Dowa Township in Tongren County, Huangnan, Qinghai Pro

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Translated from Chinese mandarin Geneva, the of 30 th of April 2014 The joint urgent appeal (UAG/SO 218/2 Cultural Rights (2009) G/SO 217/1 G/SO 214 (67-17) Assembly & Association (56-23) Minorities (2005-4) CHN 1/2014 ) sent on the 3 rd of February by the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; the Special rapporteur in the field of cultural rights; the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances; the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association; the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief; and the Independent Expert on minority issues, has been received. The Chinese government has carried out careful investigations on the matter as stated in the letter and provides replies as follows: 1, Gongpo Tsezin is a man of 26 years of age. He originates from Biru County, Tibet Autonomous Region. On the 2 nd of December, 2013, Gongpo was detained on suspicion of a criminal offence of seditiously splitting the state. On the 7 th of January, 2014, a warrant was issued by the prosecuting authority for his arrest. On the 20 th of February, 2014, he was transferred to the public prosecutor s office for a trial at court. At the present, Gongpo is on bail due to several illnesses he suffers and he is also receiving medical treatments. 2, Trinley Tsekar is a man of 22 years of age. He originates from Biru County, Tibet Autonomous Region. Previously, he committed robbery and served two years and six months in prison. On the 24 th of May, 2013, Trinley led many people to attack the local public security organ, assaulting policemen, smashing offices, damaging properties and objects, gravely disturbing social order. On the 19 th of December, 2013, Trinley was sentenced to nine years imprisonment by the judicial organ on a charge of the impacting state organs with four years deprivation of political rights. At present, Trinley is in the process of serving his prison sentence. 3, Lolo, originally known as Luo Xiang, is a man of 31 years of age. He is a villager from the First Commune, Dhomda village, Chengduo County, Yushu, Qinghai Province. On the 26 th of February, 2013, he was sentenced to six years in prison by the judicial organ on a charge of seditiously splitting the state with three years deprivation of political rights. At present, Luo is in the process of serving his prison sentence.

Translated from Chinese mandarin 4, Shawo Tashi is a man of 39 years of age. He originates from Dowa Township in Tongren County, Huangnan, Qinghai Province. On the 26 th of February, 2013, he carried out activities to seditiously split the state. On this charge, he was sentenced by the judicial organ to five years in prison with three years deprivation of political rights. At present, he is in the process of serving his prison sentence. 5, Pema Trinley is a Tibetan man of 24 years of age. He originates from the Malma, Aba County, Sichuan Province. Chakdor, also known as Xuegduo, is a Tibetan man of 32 years of age. He originates from the Malma, Aba County, Sichuang Province. On the 3 rd of February, 2013, these two people were sentenced to four years in prison by the judicial organ on a charge of seditiously splitting the state with three years deprivation of political rights. At present, these two people are in the process of serving their respective prison sentences. 6, On Kelsang Yarphel and Achok (both names are transliterations), there is lack of reliable information on them. We, therefore, cannot verify their authentic identities and personal data. The Chinese government cordially requests to include the above texts in full in the relevant United Nations documentation.

中华人 民共和国常驻联合 国 日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表 团 PEl[l11Ⅰ y1 ANENT MIssION OF THE PEOPLE s REPUBLIC OF CHINA ll CheΠ lin de SurvⅡ le,1213petit Lancy Te⒈ +41(0)228795678 Fax +41(0)227937014 Emol chinamisg n~gva@mfa Website www chinaˉ un ch No G}J/29/2014 The PeHm迁 l1111ent Mission of the People s]repubⅡ c of China to the Un⒒ ed Nations offlce at Geneva and Other Intemauonal organizations in Switzerland presents its compⅡ ments to the OffIce of the H螅 h UA G/so21γ 1G/s0214 T-1D Assembly&Assoo缸 on COmmisson for Hum铷 R螅hts盯⒗ with reference to the letter G/S0218挖 Cultural r圯 hts⑿ 00㈥ (2010 1)G/s0214(56o23)卜 πno ⒒ ies(2005 4)CIIN1/2014 dated3february2014,has the honour to transⅡ 1it hereⅥ 注 th the attached reply by the Chinese GoⅤ eh"ment The Per1manent Mission of the People s lrepubⅡ c of China to the ljni1ted Nations Ofnce at GeneⅤ a and other Intemational Organizations in sv注 tzerland aⅤ aⅡ s itself of this opportunhy to renew to the Off1ce of the⒈ igh刂comiuissioner for Human Fughts the assurances of its highest consideration OffIce ofthe High CommissiOner for Hu nm Rights GENEⅤA

联合国人权理事会任意拘留问题工作组主席 文化权利 问题 特别报告员 强迫失踪 问题 工作组主席 言论 自由问题特别报告 员 和平集会和结社问题特别报告员 宗教信仰 自由问题特别报 告员和少数群体 问题独立专家 2月 3日 发来的联合紧急呼吁函 "A G/S0218/2Cultura1 rights (2009) G/S0217/1G/S0214(67-17) Assemb1y&Association (2010-1) G/s0214(56-23) Minorities ⑿005-吐 )CHN1/20141收 悉 中国政府对来 函所涉情况做 了认真 调查,现 答复如下 : 一 贡布 旦增,男,26岁,西 藏 自治 区比如县人 zo1s年 12 月 2日,贡 因涉嫌煽动分裂国家罪被依 法刑事拘留,zOId年 1月 7日 被检察机关批准逮捕,zO1d年 2月 zo日 被移送检察机关审查 起诉 目前,贡 因身患多种疾病被取保候审并接受治疗 二 赤列次嘎,男,22岁,西 藏 自治 区比如县人,曾 因犯抢 劫罪服刑 2年 零 6个 月 zo13年 5月 24日,赤 带领多人冲击当地 公安机关,殴 打 民警,打 砸办公场所,损 毁财物,严 重扰乱社会 秩序 ⒛13年 12月 19日,赤 被司法机关以聚众冲击 国家机关罪 依法判处有期徒刑 9年,剥 夺政治权利 4年 目前,赤 正在监狱 服刑 三 洛洛,原 名罗样,男,藏 族,31岁,青 海省玉树州称多 县清水河镇扎哈村 一社村 民 zo13年 2月 26日,罗 因从事煽动分 裂国家的活动,被 司法机关 以煽动分裂国家罪依 法判处有期徒刑 6

年,剥 夺政治权利 3年 回前,罗 正在监狱服刑 四 夏吾扎西,男,藏 族,39岁 青海省黄南州同仁县多哇 乡人 zo13年 2月 26日,夏 因从事煽动分裂国家的活动,被 司法 机关以煽动分裂国家 罪依 法判处有期徒刑 5年,剥 夺政治权利 3 年 目前,夏 正在监狱服刑 五 白玛赤列,又 名班玛,男,藏 族,24岁,四 川省阿坝县 麦尔玛乡人 恰多,又 名雪格多,男,藏 族,32岁,四 川省阿坝 县麦尔玛乡人 zo13年 2月 3日,2人 因从事煽动分裂国家 的活 动,被 司法机关以煽动分裂国家罪依法判处有期徒刑 4年,剥 夺 政治权利 3年 目前,2人 正在监狱服刑 六 来 函提及的格 桑亚培和阿秋 (均 为音译 )缺 乏有效信,惑 无法查 实其真实身份和资料 中国政府谨请将上述内容全文载入联合国有关文件 中,