: ( ),,,,, 1958,,, , 263, 231, ,,,,,,, 4, 51, 5, 46, 1950, :,, 839, 3711, ( ) ( ) 20 ( ),, 56, 2, 17, 2, 8, 1,,,,, :,,,, ;,,,,

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何繼文 232 詩代表因此分析黃詩的肌理特色也會從詩史的宏觀角度出發考察評價黃庭 堅對 詩法 演進所起的作用他主要從三方面探討黃庭堅詩的價值 一 薈萃宋詩 之長為宋詩之祖 二 以古人為師以質厚為本 三 運用 逆筆 本文即從 以上三方面展開討論闡述翁方綱評論黃庭堅詩的觀點剖析其背後的詩學理論依 據探討

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: (1950 1955) 1950,,,,,,, 1949, ( 200433) 10,,, 1950,,,,,,, : 1950,,,,,,??,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, 1991, 1, 3 178

: (1950 1955),,,,, 1958,,, 1950 1955, 263, 231, 32 1950,,,,,,, 4, 51, 5, 46, 1950, :,, 839, 3711, ( ) ( ) 20 ( ),, 56, 2, 17, 2, 8, 1,,,,, :,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,, 1950, :, 4, 1427 1428 : ( 13 ),, 1999, 72,, 1998, 255 74 ( ) 5, (53) 106, 1953 9 26,, A6, 2, 64 (, A6 2 64) 5, (53) 105, 1953 9 26,, A6 2 64 :, 1954 3 20,, A6 2 156 179

2004 2,,,, ;,, :,, 140,,,,,,, ;,,, :,,,,,, 1954,,,,,, 1954 8, 1613 15 1, 60,,,,,, 1953 10, 330, (90 ) (43 ), 40 % 46, 26,, 20, (54) 088, 1954 8 2,, A6 2 155 ; :, 1953 10,, A6 2 68 ( ) : ( ) ( ), 1954 6 28,, A6 2 158 : ( ) ( ), 1954 6 28,, A6 2 158 :, 1953 10,, A6 2 68, (54) 088, 1954 8 2,, A6 2 30, 1 22, 8,, 180 155 10 : 10, : (7 ) (3 ) ; ( ) ( ) ( ) ; ( ), B52 1 69

,,, 15 ; 5 4 ; 24, 7 4,,,,,, : (1950 1955) :,,, 1950 1950, 11155 1954 1, 1847, 36000, 95284,,, 1954, 1950 3, 9000,,,, 165, 70 % ;,, ;,,,, 100 1953, :,, ; 10, B52 2 8082858789 9394100101107 1950,,, ( ), 1963, 5373465, 42206; 4173, 4212 %, B52 1 95 :, 1954 9,, A6 2 158 :, 1954 12 17 1951 2 27 28,,,, ( 11 ) 40 41 :, 1954 12 17 181

2004 2,,, 676, 1950, 1954, 36, 2800, 1514 %, 430, 346, 57, 27, 41, 177, 212, 1822 17926, 1715, 9151 %, 211, 1253,, 78 78 2769, 555, 4, 20 %,,,,,,,,, 1950 1949 7 8,,,,,,,,,, : (10), 1953 12 22 ; :, 1953 11 30 1954 1 26, C31 2 20B52 1 40 :, 1954 9 14,, A6 2 155 : ; A6 2 155, ( ), 1954 4 14,, A6 2 158 :, 1953 11 30 1954 1 26,, B52 1 40 :, 1949 6 9,, B168 1 742 182 ( ), 1954 6 29,, 50,, 2001 8,

: (1950 1955),,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1949 1950, 1952 1953,,,, ;,,,,, ;,,,,, (),,,,,, :, ( ), 1953 10,, A6 2 66 :, 1953 10,, A6 2 68, (53) 56, 1953 2 24,, A6 2 134 10,, B52 2 80828587899394100101 107 :, (53) 65, 1953 12 29,, A6 2 90 :, 1953 10,, A6 2 68 :, 1953 9 26,, A6 2 64 183

2004 2,,,,, 300 1953,, 4,, 3 :,,, 1954 36, 346 9, 16, 5 %, 843,,,,,, 90 %30, 5,, ;,, :,,, 42, 37,, 4, 2 4, 5,,,,,,,,,, : 10, 1954 10 14,, A6 2 160 : ( ) 22, 1954 1 12,, B52 1 40 : 16, 1953 7 30,, B52 1 39 : ( ) 13, 1953 12 19,, B52 1 40 :, 1954 6 29,, A6 2 68 : ( ), 1954 4 14,, A6 2 158 : 1, 1953 5 18 ;, B52 1 392 87 : ( ) 20, 1954 1 6 ; 184 ;, B52 1 40, B52 2 8985

,,,, 1954,,,,, 5000, 18,, 1950,, : (1950 1955) :, 1950,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, 1954 60, 1953, 1954,, ; ; ;,,,,,,,,,,,, : 11000,, 17, 7617 %, 2313 %, :, 1953 9 26,, A6 2 64 :, 1954 9 14,, A6 2 155, 1996 1, :, 1954 8 2,, A6 2 155 :, 1954 8 2 ; : ( ), 1954 6 28, A6 2 155158 185

2004 2,,,, 1954,, 1954,, 1954 3,,,,,,,, : 600,,,,,,, 112, 6 ; 245 %, 715700, ; 10,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,, :, (55) 3235, 1955 11 20,, B2 1 22 : 50 :, 1954 3 ;, 1954 9, A6 2 5052 1954 8, ; 1955 5, ; 1955 9, : ( ), 1954,, B135 1 51 :, 1954 8 25 ; : 6, 1954 1 27,, A6 2 49 186 :, 1954 8 26 ; :, 1954 8 26 ; :, 1954 8 28, B135 1 51

: (1950 1955),,,, 1955 5,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :, 23,, 50,,,,, : :, 1954 3 21,, B135 1 47 ; ; ;, ; :, 1955 5 14,, B135 1 151 :, 1955 5 10,, B135 1 151 :, 1955,, B135 1 151 :, 1955,, B135 1 151, :, 1955 7 12,, B135 1 151 187

2004 2 103778 481081, 1354, 1145, 1515 % 7, 5 17088, 14478, 16 %,,,,, 1954 8, 20, 21 ; ;,,, 2700 ;, 200,,,, ; 10,,,,, 180, ;,, 160,,,,, 40 ;,,,,,, 25,,,,,, 1955 9,,,,,,,, 1950,, : :, 1954 8 26 ; :, 1954 8 22, B135 1 51 :, 1955,, B135 1 151 :, 1955 7 12,, B135 1 151 :, 1955 9 23,, B135 1 156 188, 1954 8 26 ; :

2004 2 (12) The Missing Links in Human Evolution and the Origin of Language Charles N. Li 162 Language evolved in the first place as a means of communication rather than of thinking. Drawing a reasonable and clear picture of the origin and evolution of language then becomes possible. This being so, I explore missing links in the origin and evolution of language. We also draw on recent scientific discoveries to examine topics such as pre2 and post2verbal communication among primitive peoples, language crystallization, development of symbols and cognitive capabilities,andneuroscience and the origin of language. (13) Neighborhood Committees : Grassroots Political Mobilization and the Trend of State2Society Integration in Shanghai, 1950 1955 Zhang Jishun 178 In the early 1950s neighborhood committees in Shanghai played a doublesocial2state role. They acted in the neighborhood as the agency of the state ; at the same time they represented the local community to the state. This was the case largely because of the complicated class formation and diverse personal orientation that characterized Shanghai society and its population. Through reorganizations of the local society and the implementation of a ration system for people s daily needs, the Chinese Communist Party strengthened its control over neighborhood committees and successfully integrated them into the state administration. Moreover, great numbers of residents, unaffiliated with any work units, now became subject to state control ; they also became resources available to state in its political maneuvering. The road was now laid open for the state to reorganize and reintegrate the society. (14) Debates on the Cycle of Five Virtuous Elements and Legitimacy of the Liao and Jurchen Jin Dynasties Liu Pujiang 189 The rulers both of the Liao and of the Jurchen ( Jin ) dynasties claimed legitimacy for themselves on the basis of their Sinification. While the Liao replaced the Later Jin and the Jurchen Jin the Song, both made efforts to prove their legitimacy using the cycle of the Five Virtuous Elements (wuxing). Fierce debates on their legitimacy arose in the Yuan dynasty when standards for compiling the histories of the Song, the Liao and the J urchen Jin were debated. The legitimacy of the latter two was generally rejected by Ming dynasty literatis who rewrote, rather than revised, the History of the Song along completely new standards. In the early Qing dynasty, the topic became taboo. However, when the Qing court finally transformed itself from rulers of a northern nomadic kingdom to a Chinese empire, they declared the Liao and the J urchen Jin illegitimate. The debates reflect from one perspective the changes of the notions of hua (ethnic Chinese) and yi (aliens) over a thousand2year period. 208