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An Exploratory Study of Media Delivery for Web-Based Instruction PowerPoint Abstract A WBI course can be designed by incorporating a variety of multimedia elements, such as text, visuals, audio, video, animation, online discussion, etc. However, it is difficult for instructional designers to make an appropriate media selection for different type of instructional content and different learner characteristics. This study investigated the relationship of instructional contents and media delivery, as well as examined college student s media literacy, based on a web-based course designed by the University of Chiayi recently. The results were as following: in a WBI course, learning concepts or facts may use illustrations and text together; learning critical thinking skills may use online discussion; learning the procedure knowledge may use streaming media with PowerPoint; changing attitudes may use videos. Furthermore, decorative animation, visuals or music for the WBI course 1

might increase college student s motivation since they were used to the multimedia learning environment. Keywords: media delivery, web-based instruction, media literacy World Wide Web 80 87 Wilson, 1996; Jonassen, Peck & Wilson, 1999 85 86 AASL & AECT, 1998; Hambleton, 1992; Burnheim & Floyd, 1992 88 Vygotsky, 1978; Giddings, 1992 Gardner, 1991 86 web-based instruction Khan1997 open systemonline 2

search device, distance, and time independent globally accessible SCALE 88 90 89 Moore Kearsley1996 30%50% 89 8890Smaldino, 1999 Lee & Owens, 2000Berry, 2000 90 WWW Lee & Owens, 2000 89 BergeCollins Dougherty2000 Berry2000 cue 3

visuals Dale, 1946; Travers, 1964; Dwyer, 1978 85Dwyer, 1978 Berry, 2000 video Nielsen, 1995 fps Lynch Horton2000 streaming media Mortensen, Schlieve & Young, 200090 9188 Cornell Martin1987 88 68 Lee & Owens, 2000; 4

Dick & Carey, 1996 Lynch Horton1999 Lee Owens 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. Lee Owens Miller & Miller, 2000 Dillon Zhu1997 Shin, Schallert Savenye1994 Berge, Collins & Dougherty, 2000 Dillon Zhu1997 5

Berry, 2000 Fredette1994 Alonzo & Norman, 1998 cognitive load Berry2000 6

BBS S3 S1 82 S2 84 S3 66 S4 76 S5 83 S6 82 S7 77 S8 83 7

Frontpage 2000Photoimpact 6 Premiere 6.0 7/1~8/4 S1 S2 S3~S8 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1S2 S3 8

S1 7/7/91 7 7 S1 S1 S1 9/18/91 S1 S1 91 9 18 S1 S1 01 12 Paivio1990 image system verbal system 9

S1 11 S2 11 S1 S2 S1 (S1 01) S2 S2 7/7/91 83% (S7 01) S5 01 S4 01 10

Winn1993 S1 12 S2 12 S2 S2 S2 7/20/91 Photoimpact S1 S2 11

S2 9/18/91 S1 9/24/91 88 91 12

12 13

Hanna, Glowacki-Dudka & Conceicao-Runlee, 2000 Romiszowski1993 30fps 27mbps 128kbps (S2 12S2 7/20/91).. 14

(S1 12) PowerPoint PowerPoint S1S2 S3 (S2 9/18/91) (S3 9/18/91) (S1 9/24/91) PowerPoint 15

S1 S1 9/24/91 S2 S2 7/7/91 S1 S2 Lee Owens2000 Bednar Levie1993 high-credibility 16

S1S2 S3 S1 7/7/91S2 7/7/91S1 7/8/91S1 7/23/91S2 7/11/91S2 7/20/91S3 9/18/91 Berry2000 S1 04 S2 04 83% 17

S2 7/7/91 (S2 01). S1 7/8/91 S2 7/9/91 S1 S1 06 S2 06 S1 S2..S1 7/23/91 18

(S2 7/14/91) Winn, 1993Nielsen1995 S1 S1 0607 S2 S2 0511 S3 S3 010412 S4 S4 010412 S5 S5 010412 S6 S6 04 S7 S7 010412 S8 S8 0408 S2 S2 S2 7/11/91S1 S1 9/24/91 19

PowerPoint PowerPoint 20

87 --- 85 263-12 86 T. Armstrong, Multiple intelligences in the classroom 91 S. Horton, Web teaching guide: A practical approach to creating course web sites 90 1143-1150 90 2814-17 85 1037-81 89 88 88 2(4)61-76 80 89 7624-40 89 3761-66 86 3179-208 90 34(6) 30-38 90 266-273 AASL, & AECT (1998). Information power: Building partnerships for learning. 21

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