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2005 Research on the Lucre, Risk, and Development of Native Bankcard Business 2005 3

2003 6.5 45 18, WTO SWOT I

Abstract Research on the Lucre, Risk, and Development of Native Bankcard Business Research on the Lucre, Risk, and Development of Native Bankcard Business Abstract Up to the end of the 2003, native commercial banks issued over 6.5 hundred million bankcards. The number of credit cards business is over 45 hundred million. The total amount of RMB card money is over 18 hundred million. As a new finance mediate service business, bankcard business is a fast developing, anticipate expending income business. It becomes more & more favorable by native & international banks. But it still exists a certain distance in profession strategy, market degree and profession theory research. It s also very impoverished in native data analysis & data research. The essay tries to set out from the author s impoverished knowledge and connects the author s many years work experience. The author tries to do some plain analysis & research from his impoverished visual angle of understanding and delves into the bankcard developing tactics & managing mould in our native banks profession incomeprofession risknative banks facing the challenge chance in the new period. The author provides some help & reference for our native banks cards production practice theory. The essay is divided into five parts. Part one is about a brief account of bankcard, it includes the conception description of bankcard, and it introduces the resources & development of bankcard. It also explains the emergency & necessary of bankcard s property study. Part two is about bankcard profit analysis. The first three division in proper order is about bankcard macroeconomic results direct economic results and indirect economic results discussing analysis. The fourth division is about case analysis. It mainly analyses our native banks contend in the commercial, bank, and cardholder on services charges from market results. Part three is on bankcard risk analysis, It mainly explains the types of bankcards profession riskbanking overdraw risk s microanalysis and discussing the defensive tactics of bankcard risk. Part four is about the capacity of native & international banks competition. It mainly inquires into the good & bad of competition between native & international banks. It also delves into WTO influences native bankcard & looks into the distance on the native bankcard s developing trends. II

Research on the Lucre, Risk, and Development of Native Bankcard Business Abstract Part five is mainly about the suggestion in expediting the development of our native bankcard. It mainly expounds in the later aspects such as bankcard s managing concept, managing system, law construction, industrail structure program, and profession risk precaution Key Words: Bankcard, Profession Adoption, Profession Risk, SWOT Analysis, Developing Tactics Written by: Xu yuntao Supervised by: Shao yanhua III

1 3 3 5 6 11 13 13 17 19 28 33 42 42 43 48 59 62 62 65 67 71 74 74 76 77 78 80 82 85 86 1

2006 VISA WTO 2003 4 Stephen Long 2003 LG 2003 1.4 10 2004 35 2 LG 2004,,200402 1





1982 1985 6 1987 1990 5 1991 2 2003 141 23 6.5 45 18 2002 12 6


1.1 2002 5 17 10 1.2 8