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Journal of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences The Study of Correlation between Time and Human Meridian Point Bioenergy Chien-Min Cheng Ching-Yi Sung 577

* ** 578

The study of correlation between time and human meridian point bioenergy Chien-min Cheng* Ching-yi Sung** Abstract Traditional Chinese medicine science and health maintenance theories have indicated a close relationship between meridian and acupuncture point. Experiences accumulated over the years, together with the involvement of western medicine sciences, have made a big breakthrough in this area. The fundamental relationship between these two bodily structures, nonetheless, remains to be proved by empirical investigations. The current paper aims at examining the conditional change in bioenergy as a function of time. I will recruit 154 individuals aged 17 to 60 as the subjects. Using the Detector of Channel and Acupuncture Points as the instrument, I try to decide if meridian circulation is subject to time difference. The theories on Ryodoraku by Yoshio Nakatani is chosen as the theoretical base for the study. Also, the current research employs the surface resistance measurement method to assess the subjects change in bioenergy. This method will be combined with A/D interface, a microcomputer, and an artificial intelligence technology. Accordingly I will be able to automatically calculate, analyze, and judge the conditional change in bioenergy value, which is a reflection of the meridian phenomena. The result of two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) will identify the correlation between meridian circulation and time for different genders. The change of value likewise suggests the correlations between meridian circulation and time and their joint influence on health. Implications related to health preservation and traditional Chinese medicine will be drawn. Keywords: time, Detector of Channel and Acupuncture Points, meridian point, bioenergy, conditional change in bioenergy value *Associate Professor of Physical Education Department of KUAS. **Lecturer of Physical Education Department of KUAS. 579

LPSC ( 1997) 1985 1985 580

1984 () 17 60 ( 7-9 ) ( 9-11 ) ( 11-13 ) ( 13-15 ) ( 15-17 ) () 24 581

() 1984 (WHO) 361 meridian point ( 7-9 ) ( 9-11 ) ( 11-13 ) ( 13-15 ) ( 15-17 ) (1985) 1949 ( 1985) (1985) 582

( ) (1986) H1H2H3H4H5H6F1F2 F3F4F5F6 350 40.2 2001) (1984) 600 1400 583


Jeng, Y. and Hsiou, Y. F.1999 585

(1999 ( ) 586

17 60 415 587

() 588


1 4 5 590

6 7 8 9 10 591

11 12 13 14 592

15 16 17 18 19 593

20 1 22 23 24 594


Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 0.943 18.124 35.306-0.083 17.144 34.205 - -35.306-18.124-0.943 - -34.205-17.144-0.083 Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 0.378 39.575 78.772-0.751 20.427 40.103-0.963 39.570 78.177 - -40.103-20.427-0.751 - -78.772-39.575-0.378 - -78.177-39.570-0.963 596

Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 3.262 22.804 42.346-6.518 43.328 80.137-3.165 21.643 40.120-5.911 42.167 78.422-1.304 37.626 73.948 - -42.346-22.804-3.262 - -40.120-21.643-3.165 - -80.137-43.328-6.518 - -78.422-42.167-5.911 - -73.948-37.626-1.304 Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 2.526 22.253 41.980-2.177 20.961 39.746-1.975 20.628 39.280 - -41.980-22.253-2.526 - -39.746-20.961-2.177 - -39.280 20.628-1.975 597

Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 0.260 20.816 41.373-0.234 19.670 39.107 - -41.373-20.816-0.260 - -39.107-19.670-0.234 Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 0.285 20.378 40.472 - -40.472-20.378 0.285 Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 1.103 22.253 43.402 - -43.402-22.253-1.103 32 (RH6)- - (p <.05) 598

Simultaneous Lower Difference Between Means Simultaneous Upper Confidence Limit Confidence Limit - 0.707 21.811 42.915-0.078 20.174 40.269 - -42.915-21.811-0.707 - -40.269-20.174-0.078 ( 1992) 599

() 9 600

16. 2000 NSC89-2320-B-151-001-M08 17. 1992 (1992) (1985) (1985) (1986) (1984) (1997) 24.Jeng, Y. and Hsiou, Y. F. (1999). Geomagnetic evidence for the time-selecting concept of traditional Chinese health promotion: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, V. 18, No. 4, p. 94-99. 601

The study of correlation between time and human meridian point bioenergy Chien-min Cheng* Ching-yi Sung** Abstract Traditional Chinese medicine science and health maintenance theories have indicated a close relationship between meridian and acupuncture point. Experiences accumulated over the years, together with the involvement of western medicine sciences, have made a big breakthrough in this area. The fundamental relationship between these two bodily structures, nonetheless, remains to be proved by empirical investigations. The current paper aims at examining the conditional change in bioenergy as a function of time. I will recruit 154 individuals aged 17 to 60 as the subjects. Using the Detector of Channel and Acupuncture Points as the instrument, I try to decide if meridian circulation is subject to time difference. The theories on Ryodoraku by Yoshio Nakatani is chosen as the theoretical base for the study. Also, the current research employs the surface resistance measurement method to assess the subjects change in bioenergy. This method will be combined with A/D interface, a microcomputer, and an artificial intelligence technology. Accordingly I will be able to automatically calculate, analyze, and judge the conditional change in bioenergy value, which is a reflection of the meridian phenomena. The result of two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) will identify the correlation between meridian circulation and time for different genders. The change of value likewise suggests the correlations between meridian circulation and time and their joint influence on health. Implications related to health preservation and traditional Chinese medicine will be drawn. Keywords: time, Detector of Channel and Acupuncture Points, meridian point, bioenergy, conditional change in bioenergy value *Associate Professor of Physical Education Department of KUAS. **Lecturer of Physical Education Department of KUAS. 602