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2012 1 20 1 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Jan. 2012, 20(1): 1 6 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2012.00001 * 张 锦 ** 章家恩 秦 钟 傅 玲 梁开明 (1. 510642; 2. 510642; 3. 510642) 水稻株型结构能够影响水稻的产量和品质 稻鸭共作能否对水稻株型结构产生影响, 目前这方面的定量研究还很少 本研究通过田间对比试验, 探讨了稻鸭共作与常规稻作两种处理对水稻分蘖期和齐穗期的部分株型结构指标的影响 结果表明, 与常规稻作方式相比, 稻鸭共作使水稻基部宽度呈减小趋势 冠层幅度呈增大趋势, 最终使植株松散度显著增加, 分蘖期和齐穗期增幅分别为 12.2% 和 42.3% 稻鸭共作使水稻倒 3 叶和倒 4 叶的叶长 叶开角和披垂度减少, 使剑叶和倒 2 叶的叶长 叶开角和披垂度增大, 从而使水稻呈上披下挺的株型结构, 并使叶面积主要分布于上部叶片 稻鸭共作使水稻植株的基叶高呈增加趋势, 在齐穗期与常规处理达到显著性差异 稻鸭共作有利于水稻生育前期和中期的茎蘖合理发展, 而且在后期可促进水稻上部功能叶片的生长, 这在一定程度上有利于水稻高产的形成 稻鸭共作株型结构叶开角松散度叶面积指数披垂度 : S511 : A : 1671-3990(2012)01-0001-06 Effect of integrated rice-duck farming on rice canopy structure index ZHANG Jin, ZHANG Jia-En, QIN Zhong, FU Ling, LIANG Kai-Ming (1. Department of Ecology, College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Ecological Agriculture of Ministry of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Agroecology and Rural Environment of Guangdong Regular Higher Education Institutions, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China) Abstract Although rice canopy structure is a critical factor that influences rice yield and quality, few research has been conducted on the effects of rice-duck farming on rice canopy structure. In a field experiment therefore, canopy structure characteristics at tillering and full-heading stages of late rice were compared between rice-duck farming and conventional rice farming (control) treatments. The results showed that rice-duck farming increased rice canopy width but decreased basal width. Furthermore, the leaf loose rate of rice-duck farming increased by 12.2% and 42.3% at tillering and full-heading stages, respectively, compared with the control. Rice-duck farming lowered leaf length, opening angel and drooping degree of the fourth and third leaves. The opposite effects were, however, noted for the second and flag leaves. This made the upper leaves flatter and the lower leaves more erect than the control treatment. This in turn enhanced leaf area distributed in upper canopy horizon. Rice-duck farming increased rice basal leaf height. Compared with the control, this resulted in significant differences at full-heading stage. The findings of the study indicated that rice-duck farming had positive effects on rice stem and tiller development in the early and middle growth stages. It improved growth of upper functional leaves which was beneficial to rice yield formation at late growth stage. Key words Rice-duck farming, Plant canopy structure, Opening angel, Loose rate, Leaf area index, Drooping degree (Received Jul. 13, 2011; accepted Nov. 11, 2011),, * (973 )(2006CB100206, 2011CB100406) (30800134, 30770403) (201009020-04)(2004B20101017, 2009B020311012) ([2009]380 ) ** : (1968 ),,,,, Email: (1986 ),,, E-mail: : 2011-07-13 : 2011-11-11

2 2012 20,,,,,, [1],, [2 3],, [4] [5],, [6],,,,, ( ), [7], [8 11],,,,, 1 材料与方法 1.1,, 115~118 d, 93.8~102.8 cm, (Tadorna tadorna) 1.2 2010, (rice-duck farming, RDF) (rice conventional farming, RCF) 2,, 6, 80 m 2, 2010 7 20, 8 12, 20 cm 25 cm 4 000 kg hm 2, N P K 130.67 kg hm 2 123.20 kg hm 2 68.00 kg hm 2 (, N P K 35%, N.. P.. K=15.. 5.. 15), 112.5 kg hm 2, 9 1 10 6, 84 kg hm 2 ; 8 23, 1 10 6 2 11 1.3 9 10 ( ) 10 14 ( ), 10, 1,, 6 ( 3 ), 70 cm 70 cm [12] (basal width): (canopy width):, (plant loose degree)=/ (leaf opening angel) [13] : (leaf basal angel): (drooping degree)= (height of basal leaf): :, ( 0.75, = 0.75),,, 1.4 SPSS 16.0, (independentsamples T test ), Microsoft Excel 2003

1 : 3 2 结果与分析 2.1 1,,, 6.2% 20.2%, (P<0.01), 7.5% 36.9%, (P<0.01), (P<0.01)(P<0.05), 42.3% 12.2%, 27 d,, (P<0.05), 26.5%, 12.5%(P>0.05) 2.2 1,, ( 4 ),, 4 29.9%(P<0.01) 38.8%(P< 0.01), 25.4%(P<0.05) 22.3%(P< 0.05); ( 2 ), (P<0.05), 27.7% 2,, 4.1%~ 6.9%; 4 Table 1 表 1 不同水稻种植处理对水稻植株松散度和叶面积指数的影响 Effects of different rice farming treatments on plant loose degree and leaf area index of rice Basal width Tillering stage Canopy width Plant loose degree Leaf area index Basal width Full-heading stage Canopy width Plant loose degree Leaf area index Rice-duck farming 7.6±0.23a 34.5±1.02a 4.6±0.11a 3.6±0.20b 7.1±0.21B 25.6±1.00A 3.7±0.13A 3.5±0.14a Rice conventional farming 8.1±0.25a 32.1±1.74a 4.1±0.27b 4.9±0.57a 8.9±0.36A 18.7±0.76B 2.6±0.11B 4.0±0.23a P<0.05 P<0.01, Different capital and small letters in the same column mean significant difference between treatments at 0.01 and 0.05 levels, respectively. The same below. Fig. 1 图 1 不同水稻种植处理对分蘖期和齐穗期水稻叶开角的影响 Effects of different rice farming treatments on leaf opening angels of rice at tillering and full-heading stage 表 2 不同水稻种植处理对水稻不同叶序叶长的影响 Table 2 Effects of different farming treatments on leaf length of rice Tillering stage Full heading stage cm Rice-duck farming 32.8±2.37a 36.1±2.72a 28.7±2.34a 27.3±0.87a 24.9±1.78a 36.1±2.52a 41.0±1.31a 39.0±1.13a Rice conventional farming 31.5±2.32a 34.0±2.10a 31.9±1.57a 29.4±0.89a 23.3±1.21a 33.9±2.41a 43.0±1.59a 41.7±1.39a

4 2012 20, 4.7%~10.0%; (P>0.05) 3,,, :, 4,, ( 4 ), 10.9%~41.0%, ( 2 ), 19.0%,, 2 2.3 2, ( 2 ), 65.2% 59.8%;,, 56.3%, 47.0%,, ( 2 ) (P<0.01),, 4.1%~21.3%; ( 4 ), 11.5%~22.3% 2.4 ( 4),, 2~4, 1~3,, (P<0.05), 6.1%~12.2%,, 表 3 不同水稻种植处理对水稻叶片披垂度的影响 Table 3 Effects of different farming treatments on leaf dropping degree of rice ( ) Tillering stage Full-heading stage Rice-duck farming 3.2±0.21a 7.5±0.24a 9.0±0.58b 11.5±0.77B 0.2±0.03a 0.7±0.03a 2.7±0.45a 4.1±0.52a Rice conventional farming 3.1±0.19a 6.3±0.23b 11.7±0.61a 19.5±0.64A 0.2±0.05a 0.7±0.04a 3.1±0.41a 4.6±0.49a Fig. 2 图 2 不同水稻种植处理分蘖期和齐穗期不同叶序的叶面积占比 Leaf area percentage of different rice leaves under different farming treatments at tillering and full-heading stages 表 4 不同水稻种植处理对水稻基叶高的影响 Table 4 Effects of different farming treatments on height of rice basal leaf cm Tillering stage Full-heading stage Rice-duck farming 13.9±0.31a 16.6±0.42a Rice conventional farming 13.1±0.24a 14.8±0.38b 3 讨论 3.1,,

1 : 5,, [14 16], ( ),, 3.8,,,,,,,,,, [6],,,,,, 3.2,, 4,, [15 19], 4, 2 ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [20 23],,,,,,, ( 2 ),, 90%;, 90% ;, 80%,, 3, 2 3,,,,,,, [2],, 3.3 [1 3,24 25], ( ) ( ),,,,,, 4 小结,,,, ( 4 ),, ( 2 ),,,,,,

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