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2003 9 3 Overseas Chinese History Studies September 2003 No. 3 : 3 (, 100871) [ ] ; ; ; ; [ ] : ; ;, ;,, [ ] D63413 [ ] A [ ] 1002-5162 (2003) 03-0001 - 18 Ethnic minorites Huaqiao2Huaren : A preliminary study LI An2shan (School of International Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) Key words : ethnic minorities overseas Chinese ; ethnic minorities Huaqiao2huaren ( EMHH) ; cross2border ethnic groups ; ethnic minorities ; identifying criterion ; statistics of EMHH Abstract : Very few studies have been done on the Ethnic Minorities Huaqiao2huaren ( EMHH). There are several reasons, e. g., historical, Han2chauvinist, political and disciplinary. This arti2 cle tries to make a preliminary study on the subject. It is divided into four parts. Besides a historio2 graphical survey of the subject and the justification of the concept of EMHH, it analyzes the charac2 teristics of the EMHHps migration and settlement. The author has also provided a tentative criterion to identify the EMHH ( Records, Origins, Objective, Time and Subjective). The last part contains three tables of the statistics of EMHH all over the world. 20 (20 1950-60 1980 ) [1, ] 1980, [ ] 2003206210 [ ],,, 3, 1

[2 ], ;,, ;, 1990 9, 2002 1006 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 9 22 18 19 25 19 113 398 561 1652 709 1013 1006 : (http : PPinfo. xinhuanet. com),,,,, [3 ], [4 ], [5 ] [6, (Chinese Diaspora Capitalism) ],,, 75 6 600 1999 (Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora),, 2001 [7 ] 2000 [8,, ],,, ( ),, ;,,,, ( ) ; ; ;, :,,,, 1959 1962, X ( ) X 1980,, [9 ] ( ) 2

1986, 13,,,, 8 [10 ], ( ) 1989,,,,, 56,, 235, ( ) 130,, ( 10 ) ( ), ; [11 ], 1993,,,,,,,,,? 310, 29 25 [12 ],,, [13,, ],, : ( ) ( ) : ; ( ) ; ( ) : ( ),, ; ; ( ) ;,, [14 ], 30,, 12 ( ), 26, 10 ( [15 ), 16 ],, ;,,, ( ),,, 1958 3

, 1959-1961, [16 ] ( ) ( [17 ), ( ] [18 ) ] [19 ],,,,, [20 ] ;,, ;, ; ( ), ;,,,,, ; ( ) ( ),,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),,, ;, ( ) [21 ] ( ) [22 ],, [23 ] 1) 2) 3) (,, ) 4) ( 1881, ) [24 ] 5) [25 ] 6) 7) 1949 [26 ], [27 ],, 4

1 19 2 1828 ( ) 2 [28 ] 2 1847 815-16 [29 ] ( ) 1840-1868 2 10 [30 ] 1877-1884 2 2 5000 [31 ] ( ) 1870 2 [32 ] 1878, 2 [33 ] 1881-1884 2 10 [34 ] 1932 1930 1933 2 [35 ] 1937 1930 ; 1941 2 2 2 [36 ] 3039 1949 2 2 2 750 [37 ] 1951 2 2 2 400 [38 ] 1952 2 2 2 50 [39 ] [40 ] 1949 2? 1959 2 10 [41 ] 1962 2 6 [42 ] 1975-2 [43 ] 25,,,,, 5

( ), ( ) ( ),,, 4, 90 % ;, 70 % ;,,,,, ;,,, :?? 56,, 1,159,400,000, 106,430,000, 91159 % 8141 % [44 ]? : ( ) ( [45 ) ],??,, : 55 ; [46 ],,,, : (Records) (Origins) (Objective Chinese) (Migration Time) (Subjective Chinese) ( Record),, 1) : 2) ( ) : 3) : ( ) ( ) ( ) [47 ] (Origins) 1) 2) ( ), 6

(Objective Chinese) ( ), 1) 2) ( ) ; [48 ] 3), [49 ] 4),, ( ) (Migration Time) [50 ],,,,,, (Subjective Chinese) [51 ] [52 ] 1), 2) ; ( [53 ] ),, 3),,,, [54, ] :,,, ;,,, [55 ] (Record, Origins, Objective, Time and Subjective) ROOTS,,,,? 310,,,, 310 224 : 570 7

2 ( 1990) [ 56] ( ) 15, 555, 820 2, 548, 294 7, 383, 622 2, 137, 033 6, 578, 524 1, 254, 800 2, 037, 450 (Nung) > 705, 000 [57 ] (Tay) > 1, 190, 000 (Shanzai) > 110, 000 (Laji) > 7, 500 (Bubiao) 320 ( Yang) 4, 630 [58 ] (Nung) > 20, 000 [59 ]? 26, 400 1053 ; 1450 ; 1860 1766 1970 [60 ] > 1, 400 1796 (Reyi) 25, 000 [61 ] 1, 171, 180 (Hmong) > 550, 000 17 (Hmong) 315, 470 ( ) 1810 (Meo) 80, 080 [62 ] ( ) 1840 (Hmong) 10, 000 [63 ] 1800 (Hmong) 220, 000 [64 ] (Hmong) 11, 500 (Hmong) 1, 000 [65 ] (Hmong) 1, 800 (Hmong) 1, 500 (Hmong) 130? 650, 470 > 470, 000 [66 ] (Batian) 3, 600 (Shanyou) [67 ] > 94, 000 22, 670 34, 100 [68 ] [69 ]? > 20, 000 [70 ] 1, 000 [71 ] 5, 000 > 100? 1975 ( ) 13 10, 910? 1634 1840 1975 ( ) (Lolo) > 3, 100 [72 ] 1435 (Pula) 6, 400 (Lolo, Alu) 1, 410 ( )? 146, 800 12, 000 (Coong) 1, 200? 1550 8

1, 254, 800 411, 545 438, 192 82, 398 574, 589 7, 207, 024 ( 1990) [ 56] ( ) 4, 593, 072 1, 110, 758 8, 612, 001 2 (Sila) 590 ( ) 19 (Akha) 60, 000 [73 ]?? (Akha) 66, 110 (Sila) 1, 770 (Hahyi) 1, 120 1430 (Akha) 4, 000 [74 ] 1880 210, 270 5, 300 19 (Musir) 8, 700 ( Kui) 6, 270?? 40, 000 [75 ]?? 150, 000 [76 ]?? 1, 400 1, 400 18 2, 210 (Samtao) 2, 210? 380, 000 > 50, 000 [77 ] ( ) 19 > 330, 000 [78 ] 19 600, 000 150, 000 [79 ] 50, 000 [80 ] [82 ] 400, 000 [81 ]? 126, 000 [83 ] 100, 000 1930 1930 ; 1962 1881-1884 ; 1961-10, 000 [84 ] 1959 1, 000 [85 ] [86 ] 15, 000 ( ) 1960 25, 000 25, 000 [87 ]? [88 ] [89 ]? 197, 700 1949 > 20, 000 [90 ] 1949 (Chin2Haw) > 30, 000 [91 ] (Panthay [92 ] ) 15, 000 [93 ] 1280-1360 ; 1850 10, 000 [94 ] 1949 > 10, 000 [95 ] 15 9

10, 000 [94 ] 351, 980 ( 1990) [ 56] ( ) (Dungan) > 47, 700 [96 ] 2 (Dungan) 45, 000 [97 ] 1877 (Dungan) 20, 000 [98 ]? 100, 000 80, 000 [99 ] 20, 000 [100 ] 3 > 3 ( 1990) 82, 398 2, 210 2, 548, 294 26, 400 438, 192 1, 400 1, 254, 800 146, 800 1, 110, 758 25, 000 8, 612, 001 197, 700 411, 545 210, 270 574, 589 380, 000 7, 383, 622 1, 191, 480 4, 593, 072 126, 000 7, 207, 024 600, 000 351, 980 100, 000 2, 137, 033 650, 470 6, 578, 524 10, 910 15, 555, 820 2, 037, 450? 3 5, 700, 000 3, 10 3

4 ( ) 3, 186, 810 248, 180 655, 000 430, 350 100, 000 20, 000 1, 000 15, 000 512, 700 75, 000 170, 000 240, 000 32, 500 6, 000 1, 800 130 100 1, 500 10, 000? 3 3 5, 700, 000 3, [ ] [ 1 ] ; 11

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, 2 (1979 ), 11 ; :,, 6 (1980 ), 143 ; : 1931 1934,, 12 (1983 ), 28-31 [36 ], 47 :,, 1989 2-3, 64-73 [37 ], 42 ( ),,, 1898 1950, 1964, 1907, 1960 [38 ] ( ),, ( ),,,, 1971,,,,,, :,, 6, 164 [39 ], 49 [40 ],, 1988 6, 14-16 [41 ] Dalai Lama, : ( ), :, 1990 : 12. 6 13, 83 [42 ], 21 42 [43 ] :,, 1 (1991 ), 166-79 ; :,, 1999 2, 7-12 ( ) (the Hmong, ), : Bruce T. Downing & Douglas P. Olney, ed., The Hmong in the West : Observations and reports : papers of the 1981 Hmong Research Conference, University of Minnesota, 1982 ; Glenn L. Hen2 dricks, Bruce T. Downing & Amos S. Deinard, eds. The Hmong in Transition. [44 ] 2000 ( ), 2001 3 28 [45 ] :, 15 [46 ] :, 15-17 ; :, 1-4 [47 ], [48 ], 1990 11, : 1877,, 1997 4, 76-80 [49 ], 8, 17-18, :, 17 [50 ] :, 16-17 [51 ] 2001, :, : ( ), [52 ], [53 ] 1991,,,,,,,,,, 15

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