2002 5,,,,, 20 80,,,, 60,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :, , (, ) 70 6, ; :, , (, ) 71 5, ; :, , (,) 11,

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第16卷 第2期 邯郸学院学报 年6月



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: (1927 1932 ) Ξ,1927 1932 :,,, ; ;,,,,,,, 1927 4 7,,,,, Ξ (1912 1949) (,2002 8 ) 1

2002 5,,,,, 20 80,,,, 60,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,1927 1929, (, ) 70 6,1997 6 ; :,1927 1930, (, ) 71 5,1998 5 ; :,1931 1934, (,) 11,2000 4 2

: (1927 1932 ) 1927 4,, ;,,,,,1927 5 57967, 1927 11 17650, 70 %,1927 4,9027, 1/ 6,,,1927 1928, 1928 8, 6. 4,,,1928, 2, 1929 4,1. 3, 1 1933, :, ;!, (1929 3 1 10 12 ), ( ),1984,14,171 ; 16,10,, 3

2002 5 1921 7 1933 11 : 1921 7 57 1927 12 30000 1922 6 195 32 1928 1 21000 1923 6 420 1928 6 40000 53000 3 1925 1 994 1928 8 64229 1925 9 3164 1928 12 20000 1925 10 928 1929 4 13000 1926 2 8000 1929 6 69319 1926 4 3700 1930 2 65528 1926 7 18526 1930 9 122318 1926 9 5039 1931 10000 1927 2 8000 1931 7 7222 ( 700) 1927 4 9027 1931 124617 1927 5 57967 1933 6 2000 (, ) 1927 11 17650 3 1927 7, 1928 6,13, ;2000 4, 5. 3,?,, :,2000,1,39 685 ;2 (),68 ;2 (),1596 ;1928 12, 13,359 ;1929 4, 14,425 4

: (1927 1932 ),,, C. P.,,,,1927 4 7 3,40 (94 ), 50 1927 1928, 40,20,,,,,, 1928 8, 64229,1927 7,,, 1928,?,,??,,,, (1928 4 26 ), ) 23, 234 :,1993,36 51 (1927 9 ), 7,44 5

2002 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1928 5 :, 14,10 10,,,,,,,,,, C. P. 1929 11 :,,,,,,,,, 7, 1984,359 360 1927 8 1934 3,3 : (1927 8 1931 2 ), (1931 3 1932 9 ), (1932 9 1934 3 ), 1,1999,351 6

: (1927 1932 ),,, C. P.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1928 8,, 75 %,12 %,9 %,3 %,,,,,,,2000 (1928 5 ), 32,98 100 (1928 8 7 ), 12,110 (1928 4 26 ), 23, 234 ; (1928 4 13 ), 9,223 ; (1928 8 6 ), 12,101 7

2002 5,, 100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8000, (1928 ), 30,140 (1928 6 24 ), 26,161 162 :,1987,70 77,,,, ( 76 ) 1927 8 1934 9, 11 : (1927 7 1934 9 ) (1928 1 6 ) (1928 10 1930 10 ) (1927 8 1934 8 ) (1927 12 1929 3 ; 1929 11 1933 ) (1927 9 1928 6 ;1928 11 1929 1 ) ( 1928 3 11 ) ( 1927 7 11 ; 1928 4 12 ) (1929 11 12 ) ( 1928 1 9 ; 1929 4 1930 8 ;1931 3 6 ) (1931 ) 2 (),1534 1544 8

: (1927 1932 ) 1, 1 1000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;, : (1928 1 ), 8,50 1928 8, :, ;, ;, ;, ;, ;, (1928 5 15 ), 31,333 1 (1928 5 ), 32,111 (1928 5 1 ), 23,259,87 9

2002 5,,,,,,300,90 %,,, ;, 1928 1, 84 % 35, 60 % 25 ;11,10 19 26,,,,,,, ( ) (1928 7 1 ), 30,72 (1927 11 29 ), 7,156 (1928 11 ), 13,147 154 191, 15 20 18 %,21 25 41 %,26 30 17 %,31 35 8 %,36 40 9 %,40 6 % (1928 1 29 ), 31,281 298 10

: (1927 1932 ),,,,,,,,,;,,, (),, 1928 11,, ;,,,,,,,,,,, (1928 4 13 ), 9, 228 (1928 1 20 ), 31,147 (1928 11 ), 13,191 (1928 7 7 ), 32,140 11

2002 5,, (), :,,,, ;,,,,,,,1928 2,,,,, 1,,, :,,,, (1929 7 1 ), 15,130 (1929 4 14 ), 14,284 285 (1929 8 2 ), 27,187 (1928 4 ), 32,58 (1928 3 ), 26,103 ; (1928 11 ), 13,194 12

: (1927 1932 ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,, ;,,,,,, ;,, :,,,,,,; (1928 7 ), 25,62 (1928 8 22 ), 12,205, (1929 3 21 ), 14,212,80 13

2002 5,,,,;,,,,,, :,,,,,,, ;,,,,, (1928 11 ), 13,197 (1929 1 25 ), 14,73 75 14

: (1927 1932 ),,?, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,, 1928 11,,,,,,,,, ;,,88 15

2002 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 3,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,, (1928 11 ), 13,190 191 (1928 5 1 ), 23, 257 258 (1928 8 7 ), 32,147 (1928 7 ), 25,63 16

: (1927 1932 ),,, ;;, ;,, (9/ 10 ), 1932 4 :,,,,, 11, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1928 7 18 ), 26,225 (1928 6 26 ), 31,350 352 (1928 ), 30,140 141 (1932 4 18 ), 29,84 (1932 11 6 ), 29,394 17

2002 5,,, C. P.,,,,,,,, :,,,?,,,,,,,,,, (1930 7 17 ), 18,178 179 (1932 11 12 ), 29, 434 (1931 5 15 ), 31,434 (1932 8 4 ), 20, 191 192 (1934 2 1 ), 21,238 18

: (1927 1932 ),C. P.,!, :, 3 : ; ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1929 10 27 ), 23,127 (1928 7 1 ), 30,86 (1928 6 24 ), 26,174 (1928 5 1 ), 23,259 19

2002 5, (1927 11 1928 3 ), 15000,,,,,,,,2000,,, 400,, 1928 4 :,,,,,,, 1929 4,,,, ;,,,,, ;,, (1928 7 1 ), 30,78 80 (1928 ), 30,140 141 (1928 4 ), 26,139 (1929 4 19 ), 22,106 114 (1928 6 24 ), 26,172 20

: (1927 1932 ),,, 1928 6, ( ) 1000, 200,,,,,9 6 ;,,130,,,,,,,, ;,,,, (1928 6 24 ), 26,161 162 (1928 6 24 ), 26,164 172 (1928 6 18 ), 32,360 ; (1928 8 23 ), 32,368 370 371 (1928 7 5 ), 11,56 (1928 3 12 ), 9,74 (1928 11 ), 13,203 21

2002 5 :,,,,,,,,,,,, 1928 1929 3,,1928 8 64000, 1929 4 13000,,,,, 1929 1 : 1931 7, (1928 ), 30,140 141 (1928 7 19 ), 26, 237 (1928 4 13 ), 9, 237 (1932 8 4 ), 20, 191 192 (1929 1 7 ), 14,27 22

: (1927 1932 ),, 1931 1934 9,, 10,3,1933 1 :,,,! 1,:,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1931 7 20 ), 19,176 177 1,346 351 (1933 1 17 ), 26,394 399 (1933 2 14 ), 26,423 424 (1933 1 17 ), 26,394 395 399 340 23

2002 5,, 1928 6,1933,, 1933,,, : ;,, 12000, 2300,,5000 ; 1928, 1, 7000 ;1928 12, 40 %, 4200 1929, (1927 7 6 ), 7,17 18 (1928 1 30 ), 8,267 ; (1928 3 18 ), 9,100 ; (1928 12 6 ) (1928 12 13 ), 13,350 373 24

: (1927 1932 ), 3500 2000 1930,,,,,,3000,1928 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3000,,,,3000,, 5, ;, 2,5, (1929 2 4 ) (1929 2 22 ), 14,126 154 (1928 1 21 ), 8,121 ; (1928 3 ), 26,114 ; (1928 7 7 ), 11,115 (1928 2 18 ), 26,75 (1928 2 3 ), 23,40 (1928 4 ), 26,133 25

2002 5,,,,,,, 1928 7,,,,,,, 1,,,,, 50 60,,, :,,,, ( :),,,,,,, (1928 8 16 ), 12,164 (1928 7 12 ), 32,145 146 (1928 8 7 ), 32,147 151 (1928 6 24 ), 32,357 26

: (1927 1932 ), : ;,, 250,135,50,15, 50, 70 % 80 %,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1928 8 16 ), 12,164 (1928 6 11 ), 31,263 (1928 5 ), 32, 101 105 (1930 2 4 ), 17,121 (1928 6 24 ), 26,181 27

2002 5, ;,, :,, 1930 2,,, ; :,,,,,, :, ;,,,! :,,;,,,! :,,, (1928 5 16 ), 32, 431 432 28

: (1927 1932 )! :,,,,,,,, ;,,,;,,, :,;,,1930 2 :,!,:,,,, (1930 2 4 ), 17,120 121 (1928 11 ), 13,194 (1930 2 4 ), 17,122 (1929 1 4 ), 14,9 (1930 2 4 ), 17,124 (1931 12 20 ), 19,434 29

2002 5,,,,, ( ), ( ), ( ),( ) :,, ; 2,,,,, 20,,,,,, :;,,, (1928 ), 23,102 (1929 7 4 ), 32,75 (1928 7 12 ), 32,145 (1928 6 24 ), 26,170 (1929 11 3 ), 31,61 (1932 6 9 ), 29,107 (1929 4 7 ), 14,266 267 (1928 6 24 ), 26,170 171 30

: (1927 1932 ),,,,,,,,,,, 20,,,,,,, 20 1,,, 1929 3 :,,,,, (1929 2 24 ), 14,163 164 31

2002 5,,,,, 1930 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,, 1929 10,:,,, ;,, (1929 3 6 ), 14,185 (1930 8 5 ), 18,219 220 (1928 1 ), 8,107,68 (1929 10 25 ), 22,157 32

: (1927 1932 )? 1928 4 7,10, 4 ;, 5,1 1 ; 1 1, 1928 4 7, 4,5 8 33 : 1. 7, 1. 1, 0. 7 ; : 1. 6, 1. 0, 0. 4,,,, 1928,,,,,,,,,, (1928 8 ), 12,29 (1928 8 ) 12,29 37 (1928 1 ), 8,48 (1930 2 1 ), 23,158 33

2002 5 ;,, ;,,,,,,,;, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),, (1928 10 26 ), 12, 341 (1928 11 ), 13,194 (1928 5 10 ), 31,324 325 34

: (1927 1932 ),,,,,,,,, 1928 12 :,,,,,,,,, 3,,,,,, 1929,, (1929 1 12 ), 14,41 42 (1928 12 31 ), 13, 450 : 3,1991,84 85 35

2002 5, ;,,,, 600 800, 300 9/ 10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, (1929 3 13 ) (1929 3 ), 14,193 194 253 255 36

: (1927 1932 ), :,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,:,,,!, (1928 12 ), 13,464 466 (1928 8 26 ), 12,237 (1928 5 ), 32,98 100 (1927 12 30 ), 26,33 37

2002 5,,,,,, :,,, ;,,,,,,,, (1927 12 ), 7,292 293 (1928 5 2 ), 32,279 (1928 3 29 ), 32,275 (1928 1 30 ), 8,256 (1928 4 2 ), 32,30 (1928 11 ), 13,193 ; (1928 7 19 ), 26,241 (1928 6 24 ), 26,171 38

: (1927 1932 ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,() (1931 3 24 ), 19,64 (1928 7 7 ), 11,108 (1928 1 24 ), 8,172 39

2002 5,,, :,,, ( ) ( ),,, :,,,, ;,,, ;,,,,, (1928 7 7 ), 11,67 (1928 9 25 ), 12,294 (1928 7 19 ), 26, 240 (1927 12 28 ), 7,261 40

: (1927 1932 ) ;,,,,,,,,,,, 1928 11,,,,, ; ;, ;,,,, ;,, (1928 11 2 ), 13, 7 8 (1928 11 ), 13,34 (1929 10 ), 16, 92 41

2002 5,;,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1928 ), 30,127 133 (1929 11 8 ), 31,191 (1928 5 2 ), 32,279 280 (1928 ), 30,129 (1928 1 20 ), 31,141 142 (1928 1 30 ), 8,247 248 42

: (1927 1932 ),,,,,,,,, ;,,,:?,,,,,,,,,,,:,, ; (1928 3 1 ), 24,124 ; (1928 4 30 ), 30,236 ; (1928 8 3 ), 32,11 (1928 4 30 ), 30,236 43

2002 5, ;,,, :,,, ;,,,, ;,,,,,,, 100006 44 :

Modern Chinese History Studies No. 5, 2002 The Membership and Organization of the Party and Rural Society : The Chinese Communist Party s Underground Party in Guangdong Province, 1927-1932 W ang Qisheng (1) The Chinese Communist Party has always been known for itstight organi2 zationandrigorous discipline. However, from 1927 to 1932, the CCP s un2 derground party in Guangdong Province presented quite a different face : organi2 zation was lax, party branches were merely nominal, members lacked training, and one could join or leave the Party at will. It was almost impossible for the de2 crees of the Party s Central Committee to be executed by the local Party organi2 zations. With poor finances and slow communications, the ability of grass - root Party organizations to survive the White Terror and adapt to changes was very fragile. Most of peasants who took part in the revolution followed it blindly. Many peasants were drawn into revolutionary forces without knowing what the Party or the revolution was, and without knowing the doctrine and policies of the Party. Some of them took part in the revolution for reasons of personal survival. Oppression and exploitation by landlords did not inevitably and logically lead peas2 ants to join the revolutionary army. For the majority of peasants, it was not a natural option to support class struggle or revolution. Peasants had more clan and localist ideology than consciousness of class and revolution. Localism and clan2 nishness infiltrated the grass - root organizations of the Party. While the Party endeavored to reform peasants, peasants also transformed and exploited local Par2 ty organizations. The Pangqi ng System and Migration : Perspectives on t he Transfor2 mation of East In ner Mongolian Societ y in Modem Times W ang Jiange (45) East Inner Mongolia s modern pangqing system was introduced from North China by Han immigrants. It developed quickly because of loose connections be2 1