要点精编 版权所有翻印必究 考点 1 词汇辨析 achieve ( 凭长期努力 ) 达到 ( 某目标 地位 标准 ), 完成, 成功,approach 接近, attain ( 通常指经过努力 ) 获得, 达到, acquire 学到, 取到 ; award 奖品, 奖金, reward 奖励, 回

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要点精编 版权所有翻印必究 考点 1 词汇辨析 achieve ( 凭长期努力 ) 达到 ( 某目标 地位 标准 ), 完成, 成功,approach 接近, attain ( 通常指经过努力 ) 获得, 达到, acquire 学到, 取到 ; award 奖品, 奖金, reward 奖励, 回报, 悬赏金, allowance 津贴, 补贴, prize 奖, 奖品, 难能可贵的事物 ; at times 有时,to the minute 恰好, 一分不差,day by day 一天天,around the clock 昼夜不停地 ; other than 除了 以外, 不同于, 不 ( 常用于否定结构中 ), rather than 而不是,or rather 更确切地说, or else 否则, 要不然 考点 2 动词时态与语态 ( 1) 现在进行时表示按计划安排即将发生的动作 She is leaving for Beijing. (2) 现在进行时代替一般现在时, 描绘更加生动 The Yangtze River is flowing into the east. (3) 现在完成进行时着重表示动作一直在进行, 即动作的延续性时 Hi, Tracy, you look tired. I am tired. I have been painting the living room all day. (4) 下面主动形式常表示被动意义 : The window wants/needs/requires repairing. The book is worth reading twice. The door won t shut. The play won t act. The book sells well. The dish tastes delicious. Water feels very cold. 考点 3 状语从句 (1) 时间状语从句常用引导词 :when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since, till, until 特殊引导词 :the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 1 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

day, the instant, immediately, directly, no sooner than, hardly when, scarcely when I didn t realize how special my mother was until I became an adult. Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. (2) 目的状语从句常用引导词 :so that, in order that 特殊引导词 :lest, in case, for fear that, in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them. The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly. (3) 让步状语从句常用引导词 :though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词 :as ( 用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装 ), while ( 一般用在句首 ), no matter, in spite of the fact that, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever Much as I respect him, I can t agree to his proposal. The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough. 考点 4 主语从句引导主语从句的连词 that 有时可省, 有时不能省, 其原则是 : 若 that 引导的主语从句直接位于句首, 则 that 不能省略 ; 若 that 引导的主语从句位于句末, 而在句首使用了形式主语 it, 则 that 可以省略 如 :That you didn t go to the talk was a pity. It was a pity (that) you didn t go to the talk. 考点 5 定语从句先行词只用 which/ who/ whom 的情况 : ( 1) 在非限制性定语从句中, 只能用 which 指代物, 用 who/whom 指人 ( 2) 在由 介词 + 关系代词 引导的定语从句中, 只能用 http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 2 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

which 指物,whom 指人 ( 介词 + which 一般在定语从句中分别做时间 地点 原因状语, 于是 介词 + which 可以分别用 when, where, why 代替 ) (3) 先行词本身是 that 时, 关系词用 which, 先行词为 those, one, he 时多用 who 考点 6 虚拟语气 if 引导的虚拟条件句的结构条件从句谓语主句谓语 与现在事实相反 与过去事实相反 与将来事实相反 If + 主语 + 动词过去式 (be 动词用 were) If + 主语 +had + 过去分词 If+ 主语 + 动词过去式 If+ 主语 + were to + 动词原形 If+ 主语 + should + 动词原形 主语 + should/would/could /might + 动词原形 主语 + should/would/could /might+ have+ 过去分词 主语 + should/would/could /might + 动词原形 考点 7 语言学会话含义理论的特征 : (1) 可推导性 calculability 指说话者试图表达的会话含义能够被听者明白 (2) 可取消性 cancellability 会话含义因一些外部因素而产生, 当这些因素发生变化时, 会话含义也会变, 原来的含义便可取消 (3) 不可分离性 non-detachability 指会话含义与语义内容有关, 与语言的形式无关, 因此, 在表达某种会话含义时, 将句子中的某些词语进行统一替换, 不会改变句子的会话含义 (4) 非归约性 non-conventionality 会话含义不是话语的规约意义 也就是说, 会话含义不是字面 http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 3 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

意义, 也不是字面意义的衍推意义 它是通过合作原则中各项准则, 通过话语的字面意义, 结合语境推导出来的 字面意义在话语中是不变的, 会话含义则视语境的不同而变化 考点 8 阅读技能教学 (1) 阅读技能教学的目的是培养阅读策略 ; 培养语感 ; 特别强调培养学生在阅读过程中的获取和处理信息的能力 (2) 基本技能 : 略读 (skimming); 找读 (scanning); 预测下文 ; 理解大意 ; 分清文章中的事实和观点 ; 猜测词义 ; 推理判断 ; 了解重点细节 ; 理解文章结构 ; 理解图表信息 ; 理解指代关系 ; 理解逻辑关系 ; 理解作者意图 ; 评价阅读内容 (3) 相关教学活动 : 略读 : 即选择性地进行跳跃式阅读, 了解文章大意 可以采取三个步骤 :1. 通读文章起始段和结尾段 ;2. 找到主题句, 细读其他段落的主题句 ;3. 浏览一些与主题句相关的信息词 找读 : 要求在很短的时间内准确地找到目标, 可以利用主题词 标题或表格 板式及印刷特点等来快速阅读教学内容后, 可以进行回答问题 解释概括文意 制作图表 判断真伪 排序 填表 补全信息 连线等教学活动 考点 9 教学设计的基本结构 Teaching Content: Teaching Objectives: Knowledge aim: Ss can Ability aim: Ss can Emotional aim: arouse Ss interests/awareness Teaching Key Points: Teaching Difficult Points: Teaching Procedures: Sep 1: Warming up Step 2: Pre- Step 3: While- Step 4: Post- Step 5: Summary and homework. http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 4 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

Blackboard Design 考题汇编 版权所有翻印必究 一 单项选择题 1. The police are offering a 60000 dollars for information about the killers. A. price B. award C. reward D. prize 答案 C 解析 : 考查词汇辨析 句意 : 警察对于提供杀人者信息的人悬赏 60000 美元作为回报 A 价格 ;B 奖励, 奖品 ;C 回报 报酬 ;D 奖品, 难能可贵的事物 故选 C 2. ---Look where you re going! Anything wrong? ---Oh, I about the accident I saw in the morning. I was terrified when two cars collided. A. have thought B. was thinking C. would think D. will be thinking 答案 B 解析 : 考查时态 句意 : 看你往哪儿走呢? 出了什么事? 我在想早晨我看见的那起事故, 当两辆车撞上的时候, 我害怕极了 根据句意可知后者在叙述刚才自己正在做的事情, 所以使用过去进行时, 表示在过去的一段时间里作者正在做的事情 故 B 正确 3. She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. A. when B. while C. after D. since 答案 A 解析 : 考查时间状语从句 根据主从句的动词时态可知主句谓语动词的动作在从句谓语动词之前已经完成, 引导词的意思是 : 当 的时候, 故选 A 4. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please? A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 5 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

答案 C 解析: 考查主语从句 whoever 既作 speak to 的宾语, 又作 is in charge of International Sales 的主语 whoever 作代词表示 任何人, 无论谁 故选 C 5. ---Mary, how did your Math test go? --- I had thought I, but in fact I came in the top 10 in my class. A. should have failed B. couldn t have failed C. might have failed D. shouldn t have failed 答案 C 解析: 考查虚拟语气 句意 : 玛丽, 你数学考的怎么样? 我原以为考不过, 但却考进了全班前十名 might have failed 可能失败, 表推测, 预期较弱 结合语境可知, 在考试结果没出之前,Mary 对自己并没有信心, 认为自己可能没考过, 故选 C 6. The factory was built in a secret place, around high mountains. A. which was B. it was C. which were D. them were 答案 C 解析: 考查定语从句和倒装 句意 : 这个工程被建在一个隐秘的地方, 在它的周围是高山 which 指代是 The factory, 引导非限制性定语从句,around 表示在 周围, 构成介词加关系代词的定语从句, 定语从句中由于地点状语置于句首, 全部倒装, 故主语为 high mountains 复数形式, 谓语动词用复数, 故选 C 7. Suppose everybody knows that John is an idiot, however, they will laugh at him through another way, for example, John is a big brain. Which feature of the theory of Conversational Implicature does it embody? A. Calculability B. Cancellability C. Non-detachability D. Non-conventionality 答案 C 解析: 考查语言学 Non-detachability 不可分离性 本题中 big brain 替代了 idiot, 同样表达的是头脑愚笨的意思 故选 C 8. Which of the following items is a focus of while-reading stage? http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 6 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

A. focusing on pooling students existing knowledge about the topic B. focusing on getting the students familiarized with the culture and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text C. focusing on process of understanding D. focusing on producing language based on what they learned 答案 C 解析: 考查阅读教学 A B 项属于阅读前 (prereading), D 项属于阅读后 (post-reading), 只有 C 项属于阅读中 (while-reading) 故选 C 二 简答题教师如何加强对学生学习策略的指导, 为其终身学习奠定基础? 答案要点 教师要有意识地加强对学生学习策略的指导, 让他们在学习和运用英语的过程中逐步学会如何学习 教师应做到 : (1) 积极创造条件, 让学生参与制定阶段性学习目标以及实现目标的方法 ; (2) 引导学生结合语境, 采用推测 查阅或询问等方法进行学习 ; (3) 设计探究式的学习活动, 促进学生实践能力和创新思维的发展 ; (4) 引导学生运用观察 发现 归纳和实践等方法, 学习语言知识, 感悟语言功能 ; (5) 引导学生在学习过程中进行自我评价并根据需要调整自己的学习目标和学习策略 三 教学设计题请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材, 设计 20 分钟的英语阅读教学设计, 该方案没有固定的格式, 但须包含下列要点 : teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 7 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间 :20 分钟学生情况 : 某城镇普通中学初中一年级 ( 七年级 ) 学生, 班级人数 40 人, 多数学生已经达到 义务教育英语课程标准 (2011 年版 ) 三级水平 学生课堂积极性一般 语言素材 : My Family I have a happy family. My family has five people: grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me. My grandparents live in countryside. They have six rooms. The rooms are big. There are two apple trees in the ground. They have sixteen goats and three cows. The goats are white. The cows are yellow. They are healthy. 参考设计 Teaching Contents: A paragraph about My family. Teaching Objectives: (1) Knowledge objective: Students should master the new words and phrases. (2) Ability objective: Students can improve the four skills of English, especially reading ability. (3) Emotional objective: Students can love not only their family members but also people around them. Teaching Key Points: Master the pronunciations of the new words and the phrases and the usage of the sentence patterns. Teaching Difficult Points: How to put the new knowledge into practice and use it to communicate with others correctly and fluently? Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Pre-reading (5 minutes) http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 8 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

Show the students some pictures, in which are the teacher s family members. Let students guess the people in the pictures and think about their own family members. Then ask some volunteers to share their opinions about their families with the whole classes. (Justification: Pictures can arouse students interest. The activity can get students involved in the topic of the lesson.) Step 2: While-reading (10 minutes) At this step the teacher will ask the students to do two activities. Activity 1: Fast reading Students will be given one minute to read the short passage quickly, and then conclude the main idea. Activity 2: Careful reading The teacher will give them 5 minutes to read it again. Then let them do a task: The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words or phrases. In order to practice their ability to think, the teacher will encourage them to analyze the text by themselves first and then to discuss with their group members. At last the teacher will explain them some examples and exercises to help them understand. (Justification: Different ways of exploiting the text can help students not merely to cope with one particular text in class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability.) Step 3: Post-reading (5 minutes) The teacher asks the students to discuss the most interesting story happened in their families in group. After the discussion the teacher asks them to recommend the most interesting story in each group, and let one student share the story with the whole class. (Justification: Help the students have a better understanding of the topic of family.) 2016 年辽宁下半年教师资格真题解析 + 在线估分 11 月 5 日等你来 http://ln.zgjsks.com/zg/2016jszg_gfxt/ http://ln.zgjsks.com/ 9 微信号 :lnjsks 辽宁教师资格国考 6 群 199064496

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