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23 DOI:10.16246/j.cnki.51-1674/c.2016.02.004 610068 I06 A 1672-9684 2016 02-0023 - 12 1992 1916 11 5 1938 2016-01 - 16 1953-1976 1979 1982-1997 2003-2006 2006-2012

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34 40 1 2 3 1952 1956 1985 1958 1989 2003 1932 ~ 2011 1950 The Warm Details Reflect Great Love and the Moss Flowers Send out Fragrance Rereading Collection of Poems Moss flowers Written by Zheng Linchuan ZHAO Yi-shan School of Chinese Language and Literature Sichuan Normal University Chengdu 610068 China Abstract Collection of Poems Moss flowers is a collection of poetic prose and it is also a real record of a man s life journey and inner emotion world written by Zheng Linchuan who adheres to teachings of scholars of the past like Wen Yiduo and spreads true love in the world. From the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War till the reform and o- pening-up the content of poetic prose closely focus on the author s wandering life and strong indignation for the times which shows the distinct imprint of the times and can be taken on as the most true and valuable materials for us to understand the past era. Deriving from the life record and containing colorful emotion and sincere warm-heart Collection of Poems Moss flowers would exert an edifying and valuable influence on readers. In addition the poems rich imagination positive spirit and the beauty of pithy and vivacious language leave the later generations rare artistic enjoyment. Key words Collection of Poems Moss flowers Zheng Lingchuan the National Southwest Associated University Wen Yiduo teacher-student friendship