Abstract The development of Internet technology has brought about the increasing number of Internet users and has also made marketing prosperous in th

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11~12 April 2003 P1525~P1543 The Influences of Web Promotion Advertising, Product Involvement On Advertising Effectiveness 140 ANOVA/DUNCAN 1525

Abstract The development of Internet technology has brought about the increasing number of Internet users and has also made marketing prosperous in the world of business However judgment on web advertisement varies The effectiveness of traditional sales promotion in web advertisement may serve as a main factor for future enterprising development therefore the purpose of this research is to discuss the advertising effect made by various sales promotion in different product involvement Price-off promotional web advertisement samples promotional web advertisement sweepstakes promotional web advertisement are independent variables and recall and purchase intention are dependent variable In this research three experiments are engaged to measure the effect of advertisement 140 college students are the samples for this research and ANOVA/DUNCAN was employed to analyze colleted data, and to prove the hypothesis Price plays an extremely important factor for customer's purchase Result finding that price-off promotional web advertisement has more significant effects than others in high product involvement and the sweepstakes promotional web advertisement may also have a better advertising effect due to lucky psychological factor Keyword Advertising Effect Product Involvement Web Promotion Advertisement Dot Com 24 1526

E-mail E-mail Braun(1997) 1527

Zaichkowsky 1986 1997 1989 ( 90) ( 89) Prentice(1975) 1528

( 90) (Blattberg and Neslin 1990) ( 82) Ehrenberg & Charlton(1973) Shoemaker & Shoaf (1977) Guadagni &Little (1983) H1-1 H1-2 H1-3 H1-4 H1-5 H1-6 ( 90) 1995 ( 85) ( 90) 1529

H2-1 H2-2 H2-3 H2-4 H2-5 H2-6 ( 90) ( 89) H3-1 H3-2 H3-3 H3-4 1530

H3-5 H3-6 1531

35 10, Panosonic CF PhotoImpact Medio Studio Pro 1532

18-22 27% 37.7% 37.5% PotoImpact Medio Studio Pro 50 1533

Access SAS 10 5 ( ) 65 ASP(Active Server Page) Access SAS Cronbach Anova Duncan 1534

Cronbach s Nunnally,(1978) 0.7 Cronbach s 0.8 0.7 Eigenvalue 1 0.586 0.743 0.731 0.789 55.71% 0.654 43.01% 0.743 0.740 0.586 0.60 0.732 12.60% 0.731 0.789 0.756 0.740 55.71% 1535

Anova F(2 840)==5.31 P=0.0051 0.05 F(2 840)=7.93 P=0.0004 Duncan 17.7750 17.0821 16.828 1536

1537 1 H1-1 H2-1 H3-1 www H1-2 H2-2 H3-2 2 www 3 H1-3 H1-5 H2-3 H2-5 H3-3 H3-5 H1-4 H1-6 H2-4

H2-6 H3-4 H3-6 www 4 1538

1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 1539

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