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BIO-SECURITY PROTOCOL & TECHNIQUES DURING SEMEN PRODUCTION 精子采集和制备过程中的生物安全精液生产过程中的生物安全措施和技术技术和方法 Dr Jack Behan Dr Jack Behan 17-18 October 2016 杰克 贝汉博士 IMV Technologies 17 October 2016 China 2016 年 10 月 17 日

Objectives of this presentation introduce 报告主题 Concept of producing high integrity bio-secure semen 生产高生物安全完整性的精液理念 Pre-requisite Specific Pathogen Free AI Centre; bio-secure location (1,000 point score) 无特定病原体的人工授精中心是首要条件 ; 生物安全的位置 ( 评分 1000 分 ) Pre-requisite pressure ventilated and clean filtered air 有压力通风且干净的过滤空气是首要条件 Measured, diagnostically tested drinking / washing water supply; water quality assessment, potage standard, free from contamination 有基于标准的 按照诊断检测饮水 / 供应洗涤用水 ; 水质评定 液体标准, 无污染 Water in lab Type 1 18.2 meg ohm quality, continual bacterial scan / conductivity measurement plus storage under UV 实验室 I 级用水 18.2Ω, 持续细菌检测 / 导电性检测加紫外光储存 All inputs measured, recorded, monitored to ensure high integrity, audited and regulated consumables supply chain 吸入性检测 记录 监控来保证高安全性 可监控以及耗材供应量管理 All vectors measured, recorded, monitored to ensure minimal bacterial, viral contamination 所有的细节都能被检测 记录和监控, 从而最大程度上细菌 病毒的污染 Pre-entry genomic selection of boars to ensure minimal dissemination inherited genetic defects through production chain 种公猪的基因组选择预报清单能够保证在生产链过程中, 遗传给后代的遗传缺陷最小

BIOSECURITY (OIE Definition) 生物安全 (OIE 定义 ) A set of management and physical measures designed to reduce the risk of introduction, establishment and spread of animal diseases, infections or infestations to, from and within an animal population 一系列管理和物理检测旨在降低动物疾病引入 确立和传播的风险, 以及动物群体内或群体间感染和侵 扰的风险 Biosecurity is 生物安全是 : 1) Plan (HACCP) 计划 (HACCP) 2)Traceability (Identify / Trace all semen dose including delivery) 可追溯性 ( 定义 / 追溯所有精液包括运输过程中的 ) 3)Surveillance (Monitor plan at all times) 监督 ( 随时的管控计划 ) 4)Diagnostic (Quick and reliable) 诊断 ( 快速可靠 ) 5)Documentation (Boar and semen dose production) 文件记录 ( 公猪和精液生产 ) 6)Emergency response (contingence planning) 紧急情况反映 ( 意外事件的计划 ) 7) Supervision and control (Who can decide: competence and authority) 监督和控制 ( 决策者 : 能力和权威 )

风险评估 决定必要的生物安全测定 实施生物安全测定 风险监控和测定 经常改变评估 调整计划

Cryogenic Technology to maximise the bio-security of elite genetics 通过使用冷冻技术能够最大程度上保证优秀遗传基因的生物安全性 Cryogenic technology will enable gametes from elite sires / dams to be stored indefinitely 冷冻技术能够无限期保存公母畜的配子 Fertility cryogenically stored semen acceptable for dissemination elite genetics 冷冻储存精液, 能够将优秀的基因遗传给后代 Bio-security enhanced, serum samples stored from donor and frozen with gamete 生物安全性的提高, 能够将供体的血清样本随配子一同进行冷冻保存 Gametes from Genetic Nucleus can be stored in complete isolation, optimal biosecurity 胚胎的遗传基因的和物质能够通过冷冻储存的方式进行完全的分离, 使生物安全性最佳 Genomic testing of gametes and viral / bacteriological diagnostics in event of disease outbreak 针对疾病的爆发, 可以通过配子的基因组检测, 病毒 / 细菌学诊断避免

Veterinary Bio-Banking 动物医学生物样本库

What is Biobanking? 什么是生物样本库 Collection of biological materials and associated data 生物材料和相关数据的收集 Different types of Biobanks 生物样本库的不同类型 Human, microorganisms, animals, plants 人类, 微生物, 动物, 植物 Biomedical research 生物医学研究 Medical archives 医学档案 Therapy 治疗方法 Blood banks Bone marrow Cord blood Stem cells Organs 血库丨骨髓丨脐带血丨干细胞丨器官 Forensic 法医 Museum 博物馆 Different Biobank formats 不同的生物样本库形式 Population-based 基于群体的 Random cohorts 随机分组 Twin-registries Population isolates 人群结构 Disease-oriented 疾病主导 Disease-specific cohorts 特殊疾病的人群队列 Tissue banks 组织样本库

Biobanking and genetic potential preservation 生物样本库和遗传潜力保存 Packaging and sample management solutions for preservation and storage of biological samples at variable low temperatures: 不同低温设定下生物样本的保存, 以及对保存样品的灌装和管理的解决方案 Liquid nitrogen phase (-196 C) 液氮保存阶段 (-196 ) Liquid vapor phase nitrogen (~-132 C) 液氮熏蒸阶段 (-132 ) Ultra-low temperature electrical freezers (-80 C) 超低温冷冻仪 To preserve valuable biological samples and viable cells for future use, ensuring maximum sample viability by assuring the: 为了最大程度上保证今后保存多样的生物样本及细胞的活力, 需要满足以下条件 : QUALITY: preserving and maintaining a sample s initial quality 质量 : 保存和维持样本最初的质量 SAFETY: ensuring the safety of the stored product, the patient/donor, the user 安全 : 确保所存储产品的安全性, 病人 / 供体, 使用者 TRACEABILITY: enhancing traceability with tamperproof barcoding 可追溯性 : 使用防止篡改的条形码增强可追溯性 EFFICIENCY: maximizing storage space 效率 : 最大化存储空间

Assisted reproductive techniques to maximise boar semen production 使用辅助繁殖技术使公猪精液产量最大化 Significant improvement harvested sperm cells per ejaculate; utilisation ultrasound to evaluate boar reproductive tract 显著提高射精后的采精量, 使用 B 超来评估公猪的生殖道 Semen qualitative assessment; improved microscopy technique, CASA technology, fluorescent staining 精液质量评定, 提高显微镜检查技术,CASA 技术, 荧光染色 Water purification technology Type I, II 水质纯化,I 级或 II 级用水 Photometric sperm cell concentration 密度仪检测精子细胞的密度 Improved anti-biotic KTK, increased shelf-life of semen by using enriched preservation media 提高 KTK 抗体, 使用丰富成分的稀释液进行精子膜结构的保护

Reducing bacterial load, identifying viral problems, maximising efficacy of bio- logical media to reduce transfer of pathogens 降低细菌含量, 识别病毒性影响, 通过使用生物成分的稀释剂来最大程度上降低病原体的转移 Automatic semen collection 全自动精液采集系统 Rectal temperature; monitor for elevated core body temperature indicative of potential infection 直肠温度 : 检测躯体某些部位温度提高来说明可能的感染 Bacterial swab preputial fluid; analysis 细菌棉签检测包皮液 Routine blood tests for specific pathogens through ELISA / PCR technology 通过常规血液检测, 进行特定病原体 ELISA/PCR 技术检测 High efficacy anti-biotic in-media 稀释剂中的高效抗体 Bacterial charge monitoring on semen doses as a part of the QC process 质量控制中细菌检测监控精液品质 Implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Systems (HACCP) and Good Processing Practices (GPP) 危害分析与关键控制点系统 (HACCP) 和优良加工实践 (GPP)

Contamination sources during processing of swine semen 猪精液处理过程中的污染源 动物源性粪便包皮液皮肤 毛发呼吸道分泌物人 ( 皮肤 发毛 呼吸道分泌物 ) 非动物源性自来水纯净水 ( 供水线或控制箱 ) 植物因素 ( 饲料 垫草 ) 空气 / 通风系统水槽 / 排水 Althouse and Lu 2005

Principal bacteria involved in semen contamination 精液污染中涉及的主要细菌 Enterobacteria 肠道菌 Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌 Streptococcus 链球菌 Althouse and Lu 2005

Automated semen collection 全自动采精系统 Over 12,000 boars collected weekly in more than 65 centres, 20 countries 平均每周全球 20 个国家,65 个授精中心, 超过 12,000 头公猪通过此系统采精 18 million doses produced per year 每年生产 1800 万剂精液 Reduce by over 10 times bacterial content of ejaculates (Lellbach et al, 2008) 采集的精液细菌含量缩减了 10 倍 Increasing productivity (Aneasa et al, 2008) 增加生产力

Semen dose packing and smart plastics 精液袋包装和优良的塑料 Plastic bags for packing boar semen results in a practical alternative compatible with inseminations programs world wide. 公猪精液灌装的塑料袋要求与全球的方法相匹配 Smart plastics allow for extra protection of semen doses during storage, delivering and insemination. 在精液袋存储 运输和输精过程中, 优质的精液袋能够提供额外的保护 Bacteriostatic effect of the packing bag improves semen quality at AI by stopping bacterial growth. 此款精液袋的抑制细菌的效果将会提高 AI 过程中的精液质量, 同时抑制细菌的生长 This technology envisages the reduction or complete elimination of antibiotics in boar semen. 这款设计理念降低或完全消除了公猪精液中的抗体

Monitoring of bacterial load in AI doses as part of the QC process 质量控制过程中的一个重要部分就是监控 AI 精液中的细菌含量 Flow cytometry technology offers a precise estimation of the bacterial load of sperm doses. 流式细胞技术为精液中的细菌含量检测提供了一个精确的方法 Discrimination of dead and alive bacterial and yield of a total bacterial count. 区分死或活的细菌, 计算总细菌数 Fast preparation of samples for analysis (10-20 minutes) 样本分析的快速制备 (10-20 分钟 ) Screening of single boars for bacterial load of ejaculates maximises traceability and avoids contamination of semen pools during preparation of AI doses. 筛查每次采精的单一公猪的细菌含量, 并未 AI 精液的准备过程提供最佳化的可追徐性, 同时避免整体精液库的污染 轻度污染中度污染高度污染 Low concentration Median concentration High concentration

Hazard analysis and critical points (HACCP) 危害分析和关键控制点 Goularte et al. 2015

Pork Industry Biosecurity Code 猪业生物安全准则 Piggery Audit Checklist 猪圈审计清单 Audit date: 审计时间 Audit done by: 审计人 Property name: 牧场名 1.0 DOCUMENTATION and TRAIN ING 文档和培训 PARAGRAP H REF. 参考 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTION 矫正措施 1.2 Have staff been given instructio n in the relevant parts of the Co de? 员工是否给予过相应准侧的指导方法? 1.3 Is a record kept of all relevant tr aining received by employees? 是否有记录表明所有员工都收到过相应培训 1.4 Is a pig mortality register being maintained? 死亡率是否登记注册? 1.5 Is an appropriate pig movement register being maintained? 猪是否有适当的运动记录? Notes 2.0 FACILITY STANDARDS 1.2 1.2 4.4.1 4.4.2 设施标准 2.1 Does the production area have 2.1 a perimeter fence and can acce 2.5 ss routes be closed off to preve nt vehicle entry? 生产区是否有牢固的围栏, 且有 路线设计能避免车辆进入? 2.2 Is there a sketch, map or photo 2.4 PARAGRAP H REF. 参考 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTION 矫正措施

clearly defining the production area and the property, including al l access roads and gates? 是否有地图清晰指明生产区域, 标的物, 以及通道和大门? 2.3 Is there adequate signage to inform visitors of the Biosecure Are a and what action they should take? 是否有适当的标识告知参观者生物安全区域以及他们应该如何处理? 2.4 Is there an off-site parking area for visitors? 参观者是否有站外停车位? 2.6 Is a separate pair of boots available and used for each pig shed enclosure? 是否每个猪圈围栏都有单独可使用的靴子? 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Is the area around the sheds neat and tidy, e.g. mown grass? 围栏区域周边是否干净整洁, 比如割下的草? 2.9 Are hand sanitisers or washing facilities available and used at all entrances which allow personnel access to sheds? 是否所有的通道都有洗手消毒剂和清洗设施, 以便所有人都能进入围栏? 2.10 3.6.2 2.10 Are other livestock excluded from the production area or effectiv ely restricted to areas so that their faeces cannot come in contact wi th pigs either directly or indirectly, e.g. water draining into pig are as/sheds? 是否排除生产区域的其他动物, 或者通过有效的温岚设施避免它们与猪的直接或间接接触, 比如向猪圈内排水 2.2 2.15 2.11 Are the sheds bird proof as far as practical? 2.9 实际中这些围栏能否防止鸟类进入 2.12 2.15 2.13 Are feed and bedding stores as 2.17 bird and vermin proof as 2.18

practically possible? 饲料和垫草能否防鸟和害虫 2.14 Is the pig effluent disposed of according to recommended proto cols? 猪排出的废水能够根据推荐的方法处理? Notes 备注 2.19 3.0 PERSONNEL STANDARDS 员工标准 PARAGRAP H REF. 参考 3.1 Is there a signed Personnel Biosecurity Declaration for each 3.1.1 employee? 每个员工是否有签名的生物安全宣言? 3.2 Is there a Visitors Log and are all production area visitors req uired to enter their details in the Log? 是否对于进入生产区域的参观者有详细的记录? 3.3 Are the conditions of entry to the production area prominently displayed near the Visitors Log? 生产区域是否与参观者通道很近? Notes 3.4.2 3.4.1 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTION 矫正措施 4.0 WATER QUALITY, FEED & BEDDING 水质, 饲料和垫料 4.1 Does the pig drinking water meet recommended livestock water quality standards? 猪的饮水是否符合推荐的动物饮水质量标准? 4.2 If water treatment is used, is the treatment method effective ly monitored? 如水进行处理, 是否对处理措施进行有效监控? PARAGRAPH REF. 参考 2.1.14 4.1.1 4.1 4.1.2, 4.1.3 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTION 矫正措施

4.3 Does all the feed and bedding provided for pigs come with vendor declarati ons of its suitability for purpose and freedom from contaminants? 针对所有提供给猪的饲料和垫料是否保证杜绝污染? 4.1.7 4.4 Does the feed provided comply with swill feeding regulations? 所有提供的饲料是否符合残羹饲养规律? Notes 4.1.8 5.0 VERMIN CONTROL PROGRAM AND RODENT BAITING PROGRA PARAGRAP M H REF. 参考害虫控制计划和啮齿类下诱计划 5.1 Is there an appropriate pest and vermin control plan documented? 2.12 是否有良好的害虫和寄生虫控制计划? 5.2 Is there a rodent baiting program in place in the production area? 2.13 生产区域是否有啮齿类动物下诱计划? 5.3 Is there a plan showing the location of bait stations? 2.13.1 是否有表明诱饵位置的计划? 5.4 Are the baits regularly checked for activity and replaced; and is there a 2.13 record of this process? 4.2 定期检查诱饵的活性和位置, 并对此进行记录? Notes 备注 6.0 CLEANING AND GROUND MAINTENANCE 清洁和地面保障 PARAGRAPH REF. 参考 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTION 矫正措施 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTION 矫正措施 6.1 Has spilt feed been cleaned up around silos? 2.18 从粮仓溢出的饲料是否进行清洁? 4.3 6.2 Is the feed system closed to 2.18

prevent contamination of feed by rodents and birds? 这个饲喂系统能够防止啮齿类和鸟类对饲料的污染吗? 6.3 Is there adequate drainage of the production area and in particular the area ar ound the sheds? 生产区域和猪圈周围有适当的排水系统吗? Notes 备注 2.11 4.3.4 7.0 DEAD PIG DISPOSAL 死猪处理 PARAGRAPH REF. 7.1 Is there an appropriate procedure in place for the disposal of dea d pigs? 针对死猪处理是否有适当的程序? 参考 2.8 YES NO N/A CORRECTIVE ACTI ON 矫正措施 7.2 Is the procedure both environmentally sound and biosecure? 这个流程是否对于环境无害且有生物安全性? 2.8 Notes 备注