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报告编号 /Report Reference No.: NTEK-2016DC0121029S UN38.3 检测报告 UN38.3 Test Report 产品名称 : Name of Samples: 委托单位 : Client: 生产单位 : Manufacturer: 签发日期 : Date of issue: 可充电锂聚合物电池 PL3369105P Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery PL3369105P 深圳世纪新能源电池有限公司 Shenzhen Century New Energy Battery Co., Ltd 深圳环宇达电池科技有限公司 Shenzhen Power Tech International Co., Ltd 2016-02-01 深圳市北测检测技术有限公司 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

Client 委托单位 Address 地址 Manufacturer 制造商 Address 地址 Name of samples 样品名称 Model/type reference 型号 Trademark 商标 Tested according to 测试依据 : Shenzhen Century New Energy Battery Co., Ltd 深圳世纪新能源电池有限公司 No.5 Industrial Area. Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, China 深圳市宝安区石岩镇罗租第五工业区 Shenzhen Power Tech International Co., Ltd 深圳环宇达电池科技有限公司 No.5 Industrial Area. Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, China 深圳市宝安区石岩镇罗租第五工业区 Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery 可充电锂聚合物电池 PL3369105P PTI Amendments to the Fifth Revised Edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Test and Criteria, section 38.3 lithium batteries (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.2 section 38.3). 联合国 关于危险货物运输的建议书, 试验和标准手册, 第五修订版修正 2, 第三部分,38.3 节锂电池要求 (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.2 第 38.3 节 ) Test items 测试项目 : Test T.1: Altitude simulation 测试 T.1 高度模拟 Test T.2: Thermal Test 测试 T.2 温度试验 Test T.3: Vibration 测试 T.3 振动 Test T.4: Shock 测试 T.4 冲击 Test Conclusion 测试结论 : Test T.5: External short circuit 测试 T.5 外部短路 Test T.6: Crush 测试 T.6 挤压 Test T.7: Overcharge 测试 T.7 过度充电 Test T.8: Forced discharge 测试 T.8 强制放电 The Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery submitted by Shenzhen Century New Energy Battery Co., Ltd is tested according to Section 38.3 of Amendments to the Fifth Revised Edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Test and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.2). Test results: 由深圳世纪新能源电池有限公司提交的可充电锂聚合物电池按照联合国 关于危险货物运输的建议书, 试验和标准手册, 第五修订版修正 2, 第三部分,38.3 节锂电池要求 (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.2 第 38.3 节 ) 进行测试 测试结果 : Tested by: Reviewed by: Approved by: 主检人 : 审核人 : 批准人 : Seal of NTEK 报告单位 ( 盖章 ) Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 2 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 2 页共 18 页

Sample Description 样品描述 : Nominal Voltage 3.7V 标称电压 Rated Capacity 额定容量 3000mAh (11.1Wh) Standard Charging Max. Continuous Current 600mA (0.2C) Charging Current 1500mA (0.5C) 标准充电电流 最大充电电流 Limited Charging Cut-Off Voltage Voltage 4.2V 放电截止电压 3.0V 充电限制电压 Max. Discharge Current Number of cell Single cell 最大放电电流 1500mA (0.5C) 电芯数量单电芯 Rated Capacity of Cell Appearance of Samples Silvery and Prismatic 3000mAh 电芯额定容量样品外观棱柱形 银色 Classification of Samples 样品类型 Small Lithium ion Cells 小型锂离子电芯 Size of battery (T W L) 电池尺寸 3.5 70.0 107.0mm Receiving Date 接收日期 2016-01-19 Completing Date 完成日期 2016-02-01 Remarks 备注说明 : Batteries of A1#-A10# are fully charged at first cycle; Component cells of A11#-A15# at 50% of the design rated capacity at first cycle; Batteries of A16#-A19# are fully charged at first cycle; Batteries of A20#-A23# are fully charged after 50 cycles; Component cells of A24#-A33# at first cycle in fully discharged states; Component cells of A34#-A43# are fully discharged after 50 cycles; Test environment condition: ambient temperature: 15-25, ambient humidity: 40-70% 电池 A1#-A10# 为一次循环满电状态 ; 元件电池芯 A11#-A15# 为一次循环后 50% 充电状 态 ; 电池 A16#-A19# 为一次循环满电状态 ; 电池 A20#-A23# 为 50 个循环满电状态 ; 元件电 池芯 A24#-A33# 为一次循环完全放电状态 ; 元件 电池芯 A34#-A43# 为 50 个循环完全放电状态 ; 试验环境条件 : 环境温度 :15-25, 环境湿度 :40-70% Summaries of testing 测试摘要 : Each battery type is subjected to tests T.1 to T.8. Tests T.1 to T.5 are conducted in sequence on the same battery. Tests 6 and 8 are conducted using not otherwise tested batteries. Test T.7 may be conducted using undamaged batteries previously used in Tests T.1 to T.5 for purposes of testing on cycled batteries. 每一种类型的电池均应进行 T.1 至 T.8 项试验 电池必须按顺序在相同的一组电池上进行试验 T.1 至 T.5 试验 T.6 和 T.8 应使用未另外试验过的电池 试验 T.7 可以使用先前在试验 T.1 至 T.5 中使用过的未损坏电池进行, 以便测 试进行在循环过的电池上 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 3 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 3 页共 18 页

In order to quantify the mass loss, the following procedure is provided: Mass loss(%)=(m1-m2)/m1 100 为了量化质量损失, 可用以下公式计算 : 质量损失 (%)=(M1- M2)/M1 100 Where M1 is the mass before the test and M2 is the mass after the test. When mass loss does not exceed the values in Table below, it is considered as "no mass loss". 式中 :M1 是试验前的质量,M2 是试验后的质量 如果质量损失不超过下表所列的数值, 应视为 无质量损失 Mass M of cell or battery 电芯或电池的质量 Mass loss limit 质量损失限值 M<1g 0.5% 1g M 75g 0.2% M>75g 0.1% In test T.1 to T.4, batteries meet this requirement if there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. 在测试 T.1 至 T.4 中, 电池须满足无渗漏 无泄气 无解体 无破裂和无起火, 并且每个试验电池在试验后的 开路电压不小于其在进行这一试验前电压的 90% Test equipments 检测设备 : N170 Battery test system 电池检测系统 N171 Electronic balance 电子天平 N172 Low pressure chamber 低气压试验箱 N077 Programmable Temperature & Humidity Controller 可程式恒温恒湿箱 N173 Vibration test system 振动测试系统 N174 Hydraulic Hoist Vertical Shock System 液压垂直冲击系统 N175 Short circuit tester 短路测试机 N177 Explosion-proof chamber 防爆箱 N178 DC Source 直流电源 N180 Digital multimeter 数字式万用表 N185 ur1000 recorder ur1000 记录仪 N179 Battery crush and acupuncture tester 电池挤压针刺试验机 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 4 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 4 页共 18 页

Test Procedure 测试程序 Pretreatment 预处理 Marking 标识样品 Samples of A1#-A10# Samples of A11#-A15# Samples of A16#-A23# Samples of A24#-A43# A1#-A10# 样品 A11#-A15# 样品 A16#-23# 样品 A24#-A43# 样品 Altitude simulation 高度模拟 Thermal test 温度试验 Vibration Crush Overcharge Forced discharge 振动 挤压 过度充电 强制放电 Shock 冲击 External short circuit 外部短路 Finished test 完成测试 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 5 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 5 页共 18 页

Photos of sample 样品照片 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 6 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 6 页共 18 页

Photos of sample 样品照片 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 7 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 7 页共 18 页

Photos of sample 样品照片 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 8 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 8 页共 18 页

Test results 测试结果 : Test T.1: Altitude simulation 测试 T.1: 高度模拟 Test method 测试方法 Batteries are stored at a pressure of 11.6 kpa or less for at least six hours at ambient temperature (20 ± 5 ). 试验电池被放置在压力等于或低于 11.6 kpa 和环境温度 (20±5 ) 下存放至少 6 小时 Requirement 要求 Batteries meet this requirement if there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. 电池须无渗漏 无泄气 无解体 无破裂和无起火, 并且每个试验电池在试验后的开路电压不小于其在进行这一试验前电压的 90% Test Data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 Pre-test 试验前 After test 试验后 Voltage Mass after test/ State of sample No. Mass Voltage Mass Voltage loss voltage Results 样品状态编号质量电压质量电压质量损 pre-test (%) 结果 at first cycle, in fully charged states 一次循环后满电状态 (g) (V) (g) (V) 失 (%) 试验后电压 / 试验前电压 A1# 53.776 4.17 53.776 4.16 0.00 99.76 A2# 54.258 4.17 54.258 4.17 0.00 100.0 A3# 53.115 4.18 53.115 4.17 0.00 99.76 A4# 54.504 4.18 54.504 4.17 0.00 99.76 A5# 54.508 4.17 54.508 4.17 0.00 100.0 A6# 54.507 4.17 54.507 4.16 0.00 99.76 A7# 54.503 4.18 54.503 4.17 0.00 99.76 A8# 53.876 4.17 53.876 4.16 0.00 99.76 A9# 54.497 4.17 54.497 4.16 0.00 99.76 A10# 54.502 4.18 54.502 4.17 0.00 99.76 Notes 注释 : After the test, there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 9 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 9 页共 18 页

测试后, 电池未渗漏 未泄气 未解体 未破裂和未起火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.5 Test T.2: Thermal test 测试 T.2: 温度试验 Test method 测试方法 Batteries are to be stored for at least six hours at a test temperature equal to 72 ± 2, followed by storage for at least six hours at a test temperature equal to -40 ± 2. The maximum time interval between test temperature extremes is 30 minutes. This procedure is to be repeated 10 times, after which all test batteries are to be stored for 24 hours at ambient temperature (20 ± 5 ). 电池放置在试验温度等于 72±2 的条件下存放至少 6 小时, 接着再在试验温度等于 -40±2 的条件下存放至少 6 小时 两个极端试验温度之间的最大时间间隔为 30 分钟 此程序重复进行, 共完成 10 次, 接着将所有试验电池在环境温度 (20±5 ) 下存放 24 小时 Requirement 要求 Batteries meet this requirement if there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. 电池须无渗漏 无泄气 无解体 无破裂和无起火, 并且每个试验电池在试验后的开路电压不小于其在进行这一试验前电压的 90% Test Data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 Pre-test 试验前 After test 试验后 Voltage Mass after test/ State of sample No. Mass Voltage Mass Voltage loss voltage Results 样品状态 编号 质量 电压 质量 电压 质量损 pre-test (%) 结果 at first cycle, in fully charged states 一次循环后满电状态 (g) (V) (g) (V) 失 (%) 试验后电压 / 试验前电压 A1# 53.776 4.16 53.758 4.13 0.033 99.28 A2# 54.258 4.17 54.236 4.14 0.041 99.28 A3# 53.115 4.17 53.095 4.15 0.038 99.52 A4# 54.504 4.17 54.485 4.14 0.035 99.28 A5# 54.508 4.17 54.493 4.14 0.028 99.28 A6# 54.507 4.16 54.489 4.13 0.033 99.28 A7# 54.503 4.17 54.481 4.15 0.040 98.52 A8# 53.876 4.16 53.852 4.13 0.045 99.28 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 10 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 10 页共 18 页

A9# 54.497 4.16 54.482 4.13 0.028 99.28 A10# 54.502 4.17 54.479 4.15 0.042 99.52 Notes 注释 : After the test, there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. 测试后, 电池未渗漏 未泄气 未解体 未破裂和未起火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.4 Test T.3: Vibration 测试 T.3: 振动 Test method 测试方法 Batteries are firmly secured to the platform of the vibration machine without distorting the cells in such a manner as to faithfully transmit the vibration. The vibration shall be a sinusoidal waveform with a logarithmic sweep between 7 Hz and 200 Hz and back to 7 Hz traversed in 15 minutes. This cycle shall be repeated 12 times for a total of 3 hours for each of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell. One of the directions of vibration must be perpendicular to the terminal face. The logarithmic frequency sweep is as follows: from 7 Hz a peak acceleration of 1 gn is maintained until 18 Hz is reached. The amplitude is then maintained at 0.8 mm (1.6 mm total excursion) and the frequency increased until a peak acceleration of 8 gn occurs (approximately 50 Hz). A peak acceleration of 8 gn is then maintained until the frequency is increased to 200 Hz. 电池紧固于振动台台面, 但不得造成电池变形, 并能准确可靠地传播振动 振动应是正弦波形, 对数扫描频率在 7 Hz 和 200 Hz 之间, 再回到 7 Hz,1 次循环时间为 15 分钟 这一振动过程须对三个互相垂直的电池安装方位的每一方向重复进行 12 次, 总共为时 3 小时 其中一个振动方向必须与端面垂直 对数扫频方式 : 从 7 Hz 开始, 保持 1 gn 的最大加速度, 直到频率达到 18 Hz 然后将振幅保持在 0.8mm( 总位移 1.6mm), 并增加频率直到峰值加速度达到 8 gn( 频率约为 50 Hz) 将峰值加速度保持在 8 gn 直到频率增加到 200 Hz Requirement 要求 Batteries meet this requirement if there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. 电池须无渗漏 无泄气 无解体 无破裂和无起火, 并且每个试验电池在试验后的开路电压不小于其在进行这一试验前电压的 90% Test Data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 Pre-test 试验前 After test 试验后 Voltage Mass after test/ State of sample No. Mass Voltage Mass Voltage loss voltage Results 样品状态 编号 质量 电压 质量 电压 质量损 pre-test (%) 结果 (g) (V) (g) (V) 失 (%) 试验后电压 / 试验前电压 at first cycle, in A1# 53.758 4.13 53.758 4.13 0.00 100.0 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 11 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 11 页共 18 页

fully charged states 一次循环后满电状态 A2# 54.236 4.14 54.236 4.14 0.00 100.0 A3# 53.095 4.15 53.095 4.15 0.00 100.0 A4# 54.485 4.14 54.485 4.14 0.00 100.0 A5# 54.493 4.14 54.493 4.14 0.00 100.0 A6# 54.489 4.13 54.489 4.13 0.00 100.0 A7# 54.481 4.15 54.481 4.15 0.00 100.0 A8# 53.852 4.13 53.852 4.13 0.00 100.0 A9# 54.482 4.13 54.482 4.13 0.00 100.0 A10# 54.479 4.15 54.479 4.15 0.00 100.0 Notes 注释 : After the test, there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. 测试后, 电池未渗漏 未泄气 未解体 未破裂和未起火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.8 Test T.4: Shock 测试 T.4: 冲击 Test method 测试方法 Batteries are secured to the testing machine by means of a rigid mount which will support all mounting surfaces of each test battery. Each battery is subjected to a half-sine shock of peak acceleration of 150 gn and pulse duration of 6 milliseconds. Each battery is subjected to three shocks in the positive direction followed by three shocks in the negative direction of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the battery for a total of 18 shocks. 试验电池用刚性支架紧固在试验装置上, 支架支撑着每个试验电池组的所有安装面 每个电池须经受峰值加速度 150 gn 和脉冲持续时间 6 ms 的半正弦波冲击 每个电池须在三个互相垂直的电池安装方位的正方向经受三次冲击, 接着在反方向经受三次冲击, 总共经受 18 次冲击 Requirement 要求 Batteries meet this requirement if there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. 电池须无渗漏 无泄气 无解体 无破裂和无起火, 并且每个试验电池在试验后的开路电压不小于其在进行这一试验前电压的 90% Test Data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 12 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 12 页共 18 页

Pre-test 试验前 After test 试验后 Voltage Mass after test/ State of sample No. Mass Voltage Mass Voltage loss voltage Results 样品状态 编号 质量 电压 质量 电压 质量损 pre-test (%) 结果 at first cycle, in fully charged states 一次循环后满电状态 (g) (V) (g) (V) 失 (%) 试验后电压 / 试验前电压 A1# 53.758 4.13 53.758 4.13 0.00 100.0 A2# 54.236 4.14 54.236 4.14 0.00 100.0 A3# 53.095 4.15 53.095 4.15 0.00 100.0 A4# 54.485 4.14 54.485 4.14 0.00 100.0 A5# 54.493 4.14 54.493 4.14 0.00 100.0 A6# 54.489 4.13 54.489 4.13 0.00 100.0 A7# 54.481 4.15 54.481 4.15 0.00 100.0 A8# 53.852 4.13 53.852 4.13 0.00 100.0 A9# 54.482 4.13 54.482 4.13 0.00 100.0 A10# 54.479 4.15 54.479 4.15 0.00 100.0 Notes 注释 : After the test, there is no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. 测试后, 电池未渗漏 未泄气 未解体 未破裂和未起火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.8 Test T.5: External short circuit 测试 T.5 外部短路 Test method 测试方法 Batteries to be tested are temperature stabilized so that its external case temperature reaches 55 ± 2 and then the battery are subjected to a short circuit condition with a total external resistance of less than 0.1 ohm at 55 ± 2. This short circuit condition is continued for at least one hour after the battery external case temperature has returned to 55 ± 2. The battery is observed for a further six hours for the test to be concluded. 试验电池在测试温度下放置至稳定状态, 使其外壳温度达到 55±2, 然后使电池在 55±2 下经受总外电阻小于 0.1Ω 的短路条件 短路测试持续到电池外壳温度回到 55±2 后继续至少 1 小时 试验电池被观察 6 小时再下结 论 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 13 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 13 页共 18 页

Requirement 要求 Batteries meet this requirement if their external temperature does not exceed 170 and there is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours after test. 电池外壳温度不超过 170, 并且在试验过程中及试验后 6 小时内无解体 无破裂, 无起火 Test data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 The Highest temperature State of sample No. Results 电池表面最高温度样品状态编号结果 ( ) A1# 56.4 A2# 56.4 A3# 56.6 at first cycle, in fully A4# 56.8 charged states A5# 56.6 一次循环后满电状态 A6# 56.7 A7# 56.0 A8# 56.2 A9# 56.5 A10# 56.1 Notes 注释 : There is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours after test. 电池在测试后 6 小时内未解体 未破裂, 未起火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.6 Test T.6: Crush 测试 T.6: 挤压 Test method 测试方法 A component cell is to be crushed between two flat surfaces. The crushing is to be gradual with a speed of approximately 1.5 cm/s at the first point of contact. The crushing is to be continued until the first of the three options below is reached. (a) The applied force reaches 13 kn ± 0.78 kn; (b) The voltage of the cell drops by at least 100 mv; or (c) The cell is deformed by 50% or more of its original thickness. Once the maximum pressure has been obtained, the voltage drops by 100 mv or more, or the cell is deformed by at least 50% of its original thickness, the pressure shall be released. A prismatic or pouch cell shall be crushed by applying the force to the widest side. Each component cell is to be subjected to one crush only. The test sample shall be observed for a further 6 h. The test shall be conducted using component cells that have not previously been subjected to other tests. 将元件电池芯放在两个平面之间挤压, 挤压力度逐渐加大, 在第一个接触点上的速度大约为 1.5 cm/s 挤压持 续进行, 直到出现以下三种情况之一 : (a) (b) 施加的力量达到 13 kn ± 0.78 kn; 电芯的电压下降至少 100mV; 或 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 14 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 14 页共 18 页

(c) 电芯形变达原始厚度的 50% 或更多 一旦达到最大压力 电压下降 100mV 或更多, 或电芯形变至少达原厚度的 50%, 即可解除压力 棱柱形或袋装电池须从最宽的面施压 每个试样元件电池芯只做一次挤压试验 试样须继续观察 6 小时 试验须使用之前未做过其他试验的元件电池芯进行 Requirement 要求 Component cells meet this requirement if their external temperature does not exceed 170 and there is no disassembly and no fire within six hours after the test. 元件电池芯外壳温度不超过 170, 并且在试验过程中及试验后 6 小时内无解体, 无起火 Test data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 The Highest temperature State of sample No. Results 电池表面最高温度样品状态编号结果 ( ) at first cycle at 50% of A11# 25.4 the design rated A12# 24.6 capacity A13# 24.8 一次循环后 50% 充电 A14# 24.7 Notes 注释 : 状态 A15# 24.9 There is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours after test. 电池在测试后 6 小时内未解体 未起火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.4 Test T.7: Overcharge 测试 T.7: 过度充电 Test method 测试方法 The charge current is twice the manufacturer's recommended maximum continuous charge current. The minimum voltage of the test shall be as follows: (a) When the manufacturer's recommended charge voltage is not more than 18V, the minimum voltage of the test is the lesser of two times the maximum charge voltage of the battery or 22V. Tests are to be conducted at ambient temperature. The duration of the test shall be 24 hours. 充电电流为制造商建议的最大持续充电电流的两倍 试验的最小电压如下 : (a) 制造商建议的充电电压不大于 18 伏时, 试验的最小电压应是电池组最大充电电压的两倍或 22 伏两者中 的较小者 试验应在环境温度下进行 进行试 验的时间应为 24 小时 Requirement 要求 Batteries meet this requirement if there is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test. 电池在试验过程中和试验后 7 天内无解体, 无起火 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 15 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 15 页共 18 页

Test data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 Overcharge current: Overcharge voltage: Total time of charging: 过充电电流 : 过充电电压 : 过充试验时间 : 2 1500=3000mA 2 4.2=8.4V 24 hours State of sample No. Results 样品状态 编号 结果 at first cycle, in fully charged states 一次循环后满电状态 after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states 50 次循环后满电状态 A16# A17# A18# A19# A20# A21# A22# A23# Notes 注释 : There is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test. 电池在测试中和测试后 7 天内未解体, 未着火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.4 Test T.8: Forced discharge 测试 T.8: 强制放电 Test method 测试方法 Each component cell is forced discharged at ambient temperature by connecting it in series with a 12V D.C. power supply at an initial current equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer. The specified discharge current is to be obtained by connecting a resistive load of the appropriate size and rating in series with the test cell. Each cell is forced discharged for a time interval (in hours) equal to its rated capacity divided by the initial test current (in ampere). 每个元件电池芯在环境温度下与 12V 直流电电源串联在起始电流等于制造商给定的最大放电电流的条件下强制放电 元件电池芯与一个适当大小的电阻负载串联以调节到规定大小的放电电流 每块电芯的放电时间 ( 单位为 h) 等于电芯的额定容量除以试验初始放电电流 ( 单位 A) Requirement 要求 Component cells meet this requirement if there is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test. 元件电池芯在试验过程中和试验后 7 天内无解体, 无起火 Test data showed in table below 测试数据见下表 Discharge current: Test voltage: Total time of discharging: 强制放电电流 : 试验电压 : 试验时间 : 1500mA 12Vdc 120 Minutes State of sample No. Results 样品状态 编号 结果 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 16 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 16 页共 18 页

at first cycle, in fully discharged states 一次循环完全放电状态 after fifty cycles ending in fully discharged states 50 个循环完全放电状态 A24# A25# A26# A27# A28# A29# A30# A31# A32# A33# A34# A35# A36# A37# A38# A39# A40# A41# A42# A43# Notes 注释 : There is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test. 电池在测试中和测试后 7 天内未解体, 未着火 Ambient temperature 环境温度 : 22.5 *******End of Test Report 检测报告结束 ******* Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 17 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 17 页共 18 页

Important 注意事项 1. The test report is invalid without the official stamp of NTEK and Paging seal of NTEK. 本报告书无本公司公章 骑缝章无效. 2. Nobody is allowed to photocopy or partly photocopy this test report without written permission of NTEK. 未经本公司书面同意, 不得部分地复制本报告书 3. The test report is invalid without the signatures of Ratifier, Reviewer and Testing engineer. 本报告书无批准人 审核人 及主检人签名无效 4. The report is invalid when anything of following happens illegal transfer, reproduce, embezzlement, imposture, modification or tampering in any media form. 私自转让 复制 盗用 冒用 涂改 或以任何媒体形式篡改的报告书无效 5. Objections to the test report must be submitted to NTEK within 15 days. 对报告书若有异议, 应于收到报告之日起 15 天内向本公司提出 6. The test report is valid for the tested samples only. 本报告仅对测试样品有效 7. The Chinese contents in this report are only for reference. 本报告中的中文内容仅供参考 深圳市北测检测技术有限公司 Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 地址 : 深圳市宝安区西乡三围奋达科技园 E 栋 1 楼 Address: 1/F, Building E, Fenda Technology Park, Sanwei, Xixiang Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen City Tel: (0755)61156568 Fax: (0755)61156599 Email: Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Page 18 of 18 Tel: (86)-0755-61156588 Fax: (86)-0755-61156599 第 18 页共 18 页