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8 2 3 1970 sexual politics anti-sexist movement 4 Steve Neale 1983/1992 Laura Mulvey 1975 represent 2 1997 305-306 3 4 Nixon, Sean. Exhibiting Masculinity. Ed. Stuart Hall. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London and Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1997. 296.

9 agent 5 Essentialism Constructionism 1970 10 women s film female spectatorship 6 1980 ageism sexual orientation national identity Julia Kristeva 1979/1995 201-204 5 1 9 6 1997 308 310 1996 8-17

10 symbolic order 7 deconstruct reconstruct 8 male feminist/pro-feminist 7 2 318-319 8 41 1996 1-6 Sandra Harding 142 1999 76-83

11 9 reconcepturalized natualized 9 41 1996 1-6 12 2000 16-19 12 2000 20-24


13 10 interdisciplinary Annette Kuhn 1982 72 10 VS. 12 2000 25-27

14 perspectives Annette Kuhn 1982 4 fixity 11 + + + racism + Richard Johnson 12 1983 Richard Johnson 11 1 112 12 Richard Johnson Stuart Hall University of Birmingham, CCCS

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16 subject

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19 gender ideology Mulan 1998 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937 Cinderella 1950 20 33 15 Pocahontas 1995 36 Mulan 1998 Orientalism globalization 15 Pocahontas John Smith

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