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University of Science and Technology of China A dissertation for master s degree Research of e-learning style for public servants under the context of


Abstract The spread of modern western science in China and it s influence on Chinese traditional academic thought is always the long-term concerned research topic of the academia. Galileo was the father of modern science, A study on the spread of Galileo's scientific thought and scientific discoveries in China has a unique significance to the above issues. This paper is based on the historical materials, with a focus on Galileo's scientific discovery and influence, describes missionaries s spread process of Galileo's scientific discovery, and then discusses the development and influence of modem science in China in this period. Firstly, this article described the work Galileo simply, explained why Galileo is the father of modern science, Then background with the current Chinese and western historical reality, describe the process and approaches of Galileo's scientific discovery spread in China.Finally, discussed the influence of his scientific discovery. And thinking, in 17th century, Chinese has exposed to western modern scientific, and why hasn t they absorbing foreign culture and produce modern science? In the preface, firstly it has introduced the research object, then simply described the research situation of this field, finally briefly introduced the research significance in this paper, and problems need to be solved. In the first part, it introduced Galileo's work and achievement, described his innovation in science methodology, and In what sense does that Galileo was the father of modern science? In the second part, firstly introduced why missionaries want to spread the western scientific discovery in China.Secondly explained the process of the spread of Galileo's scientific discovery. Finally described the missionary s approaches to transmitted these scientific discovery, and its final achievement. In the third part, it described the communication effect of Galileo's ideas, take the issue onto the theoretical height, talk about the reasons of the failure of Galileo's scientific discovery in spread in China,and why China has failed to absorb foreign culture and produce modern science. Epilogue part, summarized the above content of this paper. Keywords: The father of modern science, Telescope, Heliocentrism, Communication effect II



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