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Origination And Filmization: Research Of Relation Between The Modern Chinese Movie And literature

2005 7 21



Abstract Movie has been knotted with literature tightly since the day of naissance. The literature gives the movie basis to recount, spirit to nourish. The development of the movie also urges the literature to look back himself, to learn from movie on the techniques and meanness for renewal. They promote and compete with each other. In the process, with the change of the society and the development of technology, movies get the independent status gradually, and become the main current of culture in the present age. Therefore, the literature retired gradually. literature which has retired from the leading part of culture is expecting another boom with self-questioning and speculation. This does not disobey the regulation of the art development. Chinese literature and Chinese movie also experience the same process as world literature and movie. However, there are many differences, which decide the special features of communication between Chinese literature and Chinese movie. This text tries clarify these special characters, so arranged the progress of the article as follows. The first part, through recounting the current relations and phenomenon which happened between movie and literature in the movie development history, such as business movie of Hollywood s formulizing of novel, the movie master s reference to literature, the ages character of the filmlizing of the literature masterpieces, the promotion from the movie development to literature, and the evolvement of the relationship between literature and movie etc, mainly tries to III

Abstract clarify that literature and movie promote and compete with each other is their inborn and inevitable character. The second part analysis the character, difference and complementarities of two kinds of Chinese movies modality. " The drama person's movie" and" the scholar movie " which has been under the two kinds of Chinese literatures influence of which one is epic style and the other is romantic. Chinese movie has been influenced and restricted by Chinese literature tradition since the day of naissance. the epic tradition affected the dramatic popular and business character of" The drama person's movie";" The romantic tradition" affects the lyric, elite and artistic character of" The scholar movie"." The drama person's movie" and" The scholar movie" always evolve with changes of the age, which also show that whether the cultural character contained by" The epic tradition" and" The romantic tradition" can gear with the time. The third part studies the relation fluctuation of the contemporary Chinese movie and Chinese literature. Since the new period of Chinaalthough Chinese movie and Chinese literature faced the same historic situationthe relation of them is always in change. The movie gets away from the restriction of the literature gradually, and become the main current of the culture of the ages with the independent character. Whereas, The literature loses slowly the brilliancy of the start of the new period, and retreated to the backstage in the 1990s. By analyzing the third generation, the fourth generation, the fifth generation, the sixth generation director s dissimilarity in principle and practice of their filmizng the literature work, this chapter try to find out the reason of the relation s fluctuation between contemporary movie and literatures, and investigate the development possibility of this kind of relation. IV

The Forth part, conclusion. I plan to make an inductive analysis of the fluctuation of the Chinese modern movie s naissance, development and the relation between which and literature. Although very big changes of the relation between Chinese contemporary literature and movies has happened, the movie also is heading for the independence from collusion with literature, Chinese movie always more or less under the influence of Chinese literature traditions, which is one of the racial presentation of the Chinese movie and also assure Chinese movie can be approved by world in the name of " China". How does the Chinese movie break the bottleneck in new century? Does the Chinese literature successfully make the transformation? This is not only the responsibility that belongs to the director and writer, but also a problem that is close to our each person. Keyword: Regination And Filmization; The Modern Chinese Movie And Literatures; Relation Research V










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