508 ( ) Chin Arch Gen Surg (Electronic Edition), December 2012, Vol 6, No.6 [3], (time to progression, TTP) [5],TTP ;,, , HCC, 2008

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诺 舒 治 疗 子 宫 腺 肌 病 30 例 临 床 疗 效 分 析 李 丹, 等 89 KEY WORDS NovaSure; adenomyosis; menstrual pain; menorrhagia 子 宫 腺 肌 病 (adenomyosis) 是 生 育 年 龄 妇 女 常 见 病,

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( ) 2012 12 6 6 Chin Arch Gen Surg (Electronic Edition), December 2012, Vol 6, No.6 507 陈东赵鹏陈伟殷晓煜肖伟锴梁力建 (sorafenib),, 52, Kaplan-Meier Cox, 52 14.2 (9.5 ~ 18.9) 22 (42.3%) (PD),2 (3.8%) (PR), (53.8%) (SD), 57.7% Cox, Child-Pugh A (HR = 0.3,P = 0.049), 2 (HR = 4.1,P = 0.049) (HR = 0.4, P = 0.026) 3 (17.3%) (7.7%), ; ; ; Sorafenib therapy in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: a single center s experience CHEN Dong *, ZHAO Peng, CHEN Wei, YIN Xiao-yu, XIAO Wei-kai, LIANG Li-jian. * Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510080, China Corresponding author: LIANG Li-jian, E-mail: lianglj@medmail.com.cn Abstract Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety in sorafenib-treated HCC patients and to identify the prognostic factors. Methods In this retrospective study, 52 patients were given 400 mg of sorafenib b.d. aseline clinical parameters, adverse events (AEs) and survival data were collected. Kaplan- Meier and Cox regress analysis were performed to reveal the prognostic factors for survival. Results The median OS for all sorafenib-treated patients was 14.2 (9.5-18.9) months. Of all the patients, 2 (3.8%) had a partial response (PR), 22 had a progressive disease (PD) and the remaining had shown a stable disease (SD). The disease-control rate was 57.7%. The multivariate analysis revealed that patients of Child-Pugh class A (HR = 0.3, P = 0.049), PD less than 2 months (HR = 4.1,P = 0.049), and receiving other combined treatment modalities (HR = 0.4, P = 0.026) were independent prognostic factors for longer OS. The most common grade 3 toxicities were hand-foot syndrome (17.3%) and diarrhea (7.7%). Conclusions Sorafenib demonstrates a good outcome and tolerable toxicity in Chinese advanced HCC patients. The treatment modality and patients response to sorafenib therapy are associated with survival prognosis. Key words Sorafenib; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Prognosis; Safety SHARP ORIENTAL, HCC, [3-4] Child-Pugh, ECOG, DOI:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0793.2012.06.010 : (10451008901004816); - (Y-2009-002;Y-2010-032) :510080, ( ); ( ) :, Email:lianglj@medmail.com.cn

508 ( ) 2012 12 6 6 Chin Arch Gen Surg (Electronic Edition), December 2012, Vol 6, No.6 [3], (time to progression, TTP) [5],TTP ;,, 2008 8, HCC, 2008 8 2011 11, 52 HCC [6] ECOG 2 2, Child-Pugh A, 12 400 mg, 2, 4 1 (National Cancer Institute s Common Terminology Criteria Adverse Events,NCI- CTCAE)3.0, 3, ( 400 mg, 1 ), 1 2, 2, 400 mg, 10 (TACE);6 ;3 ;5 1 (Response Evaluation Criteira in Solid Tumors, RECIST) 1.0, 8 (CT) (MR) 1, (overall survival, OS), TTP SPSS 17.0, t Fisher s Kaplan-Meier OS TTP, Log-rank, Cox OS (P < 0.10), P < 0.05 46 (88.5%), 45(21 ~ 71), ECOG 0 ~ 2, 0 29 (55.8%),1 18 (34.6%),2 5 (9.6%) 44 (84.6%) Child-Pugh A,8 (15.4%) Child-Pugh 9 (17.3%),6 (11.5%) (46.2%),12 (23.1%) CLC (,2010),40 (86.9%)C,44, 16, α- 7134(1.7 ~ 58 344)μg/L, 88(17 ~ 278)U/L TTP 5.2 (95%,3.2 ~ 6.8 ), OS 14.2 (95%,9.5 ~ 18.9 ),1 2 52%6%,32, 20 2 (3.8%) (partial response, PR), (53.8%) (partial response, SD),22 (42.3%) PD 57.7% ECOG Child-Pugh A CLC

( ) 2012 12 6 6 Chin Arch Gen Surg (Electronic Edition), December 2012, Vol 6, No.6 509 2 (P < 0.05) (1) 1 Log-rank () < 60 60 ECOG 0 1 2 Child-Pugh A α- (μg / L) < 400 400 CLC C AST (U / L) < 100 100 2 PD a 41 11 46 6 29 18 5 44 8 9 43 6 46 16 36 12 40 44 8 20 32 12.0 14.7 20.2 16.3 14.1 7.7 14.8 6.0 14.8 9.1 9.2 14.2 20.4 14.2-12.0 14.8 6.7 18.5 12.4 6.0 20.0 20.4 8.2 () 95% CI 5.7 ~ 18.3 5.3 ~.1 6.0 ~ 18.5 10.1 ~ 30.5 10.3 ~ 30.2 0.45 ~ 15.5 0 ~ 10.2 7.1 ~ 22.5 1.7 ~ 10.3 4.9 ~ 19.6 4.6 ~.9 0 ~ 21.2 7.3 ~ 17.3 0 ~ 15.1 8.5 ~ 19.8 7.5 ~ 17.0 0.6 ~ 30.1 6.1 ~ 22.2 0.86 ~ 23.7-9.5 ~ 18.9 6.7 ~ 22.9 1.9 ~ 11.4 9.8 ~ 16.5 6.6 ~.0 3.6 ~ 8.3 10.1 ~ 29.9 12.4 ~.3 6.0 ~ 10.4 P (Log-rank) :ECOG ; CLC ; AST ; PD ; a :, 10 ;, 6 ;, 3 ; 2, 5 0.7 0.397 0.044 < 0.001 0.544 0.960 0.057 0.275 0.814 0.026 0.014 0.753 < 0.001 0.025

510 ( ) 2012 12 6 6 Chin Arch Gen Surg (Electronic Edition), December 2012, Vol 6, No.6 Child-Pugh 2 PD 3 OS (2,1) 2 Cox HR 95% CI P (Cox ) ECOG 1.3 0.5 ~ 3.3 0.579 0 1 2 Child-Pugh 0.3 0.1 ~ 1.1 0.049 A 2.6 0.8 ~ 8.4 0.113 CLC 0.4 0.1 ~ 1.7 0.208 C 1.6 0.4 ~ 6.3 0.497 2 PD 4.1 1.8 ~ 9.4 0.001 0.4 0.2 ~ 0.9 0.026 45(86.5%) 1, (42.3%) (25.0%) 3 (5.8%), 8 (15.4%), 9(17.3%), 3 (5.8%),AST 4 (7.7%), 4 (7.7%) 12 3 (25.0%), (17.3%) (7.7%) 4 15 (.8%) 8,1,1,3,2 ( > 1000 U/L), HCC 14.2, 60%, SHARP (10.7,43%) [2] ; 5.2,SHARP (5.5 ) Child-Pugh (84.6% Child-Pugh A ), OS SHARP, (35,67.3%), (9,17.3%) HCC, HCC,ECOG Child-Pugh A CLC 2 PD, (P < 0.05), Child-Pugh 2 PD 3 OS,

( ) 2012 12 6 6 Chin Arch Gen Surg (Electronic Edition), December 2012, Vol 6, No.6 511 A C 1 Kaplan-Meier (OS) A. /. Chil-Pugh C. 2 / PD [7-9] Child-Pugh,,2 PD,,20.0 ( 2 PD 6.0 ), 20.4 ( 8.6 ) TACE 6 (68%);, 18.5 (95%,16.1 ~ 20.9 ) [10], 15 (15/) TACE, TACE,,, TACE, [3],, (42.3%) (25.0%) (25.0%) SHARP

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