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绎 1. 210023 2. 530001 6 15 10 doi: 10.11842/wst.2013.06.021 R245.3 A 2 [1] -3 Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 3, SOCS3 [10~12] [2] 1 1 琢 Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 琢, HIF- 1.1 5 C57BL/6 24 1 琢 [3, 4] [5,6] [7~9] 2011A034 20 依 2 g 3~4 22 依 3 益 55 依 3 % 1 2006 1.2 2013-06-26 2013-07-19 ELISA 元 81160455 SOCS3 Insulin/Leptin 元元 1370

2013 绎 Vol.15 No.6 Mercodia Uppsala Sweden Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, VEGF Soluble Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1, sflt-1 ELISA R&D systems Minneapolis US 原 A Leptin, LP ELISA Invitrogen Camarillo CA 93012NO ELISA Promega Corp USA 2 2.1 24 4 Con 原 trolcontrol + Acupuncture ObeseObese + Acupuncture 6 1 2~16 59%14% 27% 16 20% 2.2 16 1min 10 min/ 员 10 2.3 VEGF sflt-1 Leptin NO 2.4 SPSS 16.0 x 依 s One -way ANOVA LSD post-hoc test P< 0.05 3 3.1 P 约 0.05 P 跃 0.05 1 3.2 P 约 0.05 P 跃 0.05P 约 0.05 P 跃 0.05 2 3.3 VEGF sflt-1 P 跃 0.05 NO P 约 0.05 VEGF NO P 约 0.05 VEGF NO 3 3.4 P 约 0.05 P 约 0.05 1 x 依 s n=6 g 23.56 依 2.3 26.86 依 2.5 22.99 依 2.4 25.25 依 3.2 26.23 依 3.2 36.89 依 3.9 * 25.82 依 3.3 28.28 依 4.3 # * P<0.05 # P<0.05 P<0.05 6~8 10 1371

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绎 group, acupuncture control group, model control group, and acupuncture treatment group. There were 6 mice in each group. Obese mouse models were induced after 15-week high fat diet. The specific acupoint acupunc 鄄 ture therapy was used as an intervention treatment method for 10 days. The enzyme -linked immunosorbent as 鄄 say ( ELISA) was used in the detection of serum insulin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, leptin and the level of nitric oxide in mice. The results showed that the serum insulin, nitric oxide and leptin level in the obese mouse models were increased. However, there were no obvious changes on the vascular endothelial growth factor and soluble vascular endothelial growth fac 鄄 tor receptor level. The specific acupoint acupuncture therapy can obviously reduce the level of serum nitric ox 鄄 ide and leptin, and improve the content of vascular endothelial growth factor in obese mouse models. However, there were no influence on the level of blood glucose and soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor. It was concluded that the specific acupoint acupuncture therapy method had preferable antiobesity action. Its mechanism of action may be related to the regulation of angiogenesis. Keywords: Acupuncture, obese, angiogenesis factor 1374