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专 题 聚 焦 URBAN HIGHLIGHTS HOT ISSUES 老 服 务 的 实 施 主 要 依 靠 市 场 运 营, 在 社 区 和 家 庭 等 场 所 由 中 介 组 织 专 业 机 构 提 供 服 务 三 是 稳 定 可 靠 的 制 度 化 的 多 元 化 的 资 金 投 入 四 是

% 20% 14. 5% % 16% % 33. 9% 37. 4% % 10. 2

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关 于 本 报 告 欢 迎 阅 读 中 国 港 中 旅 集 团 公 司 香 港 中 旅 ( 集 团 ) 有 限 公 司 发 布 的 第 六 份 社 会 责 任 报 告 本 报 告 全 面 阐 述 了 中 国 港 中 旅 集 团 服 务 于 客 户 员 工 伙 伴 社 会 环 境 等 利 益 相 关

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1 Thomas Stanford Raffles Common Law Adversary System 2 1 Attorney General Chamber, Annual Report 1999-20000, p.27 2 International Institute for Management and Development, IMD World Competitiveness Political & Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd, PERC Cato Institute Fraser Institute 1

Transparency International, TI Corruption Perception Index, CPI Alice Cheng Director Jennifer Marie POWERPOINT 2

Pennisula Hotel :30-3



6 :30-

-17:25 7

Supreme Court Subordinate Court 3 Supreme Court Singapore, Supreme Court Singapore-Excellence into the Next Millenium (1999), P.14. 8

District Court Magistrate s Court Juvenile Court Family Conference) Probation Order Family Care Conference Supervision Order Youth Family Care Volunteer 9

Family Teen Development Program Lakeside Family Service Center Peer Advisors Program Peer Mediation Pre-Complaint Counselling Family Service Center, FSC Coroner Court Verdict Small Claims Tribunals 10

Criminal Mention Court Arraignment Commercial Civil Court Family Court Night Court Automated Traffic Offence Management System, ATOMS Filter Court 11

Attorney General Chamber Attorney General Solicitor General Head Deputy Head Directorate Director, Senior Criminal Justice Division General Offences Serious Offences Corruption & Specialist Crimes Financial & Securities Offences Resources, Strategic Planning & Mutual Legal Assistance 12

International Affairs Division Administration Division Computer & Information System Department Versioned Legislation Database Research On-line Case Management System Sentencing Guideline System AGC Intranet Public Affairs Division Library & Resources Center 13

Criminal Investigation Department Major Crime Division Special Investigation Section Organized Crime Section Rape Investigation Section Specialized Crime Division Secret Societies Branch Gambling Suppression Branch Anti-Vice Branch Intellectual Property Rights Branch Computer Crime Branch and Computer Forensic Branch Intelligence Division Operations and Investigation Policy Division Research and Planning Division Investigation Support and Services Division Criminal Records Office Scene of Crime Unit Prosecution Branch Polygraph Branch Manpower Admin and Logistic 14

Branch Translation/Interpreter Section School of Criminal Investigation Training Research and Review Branch Curriculum Development and Methodology Branch Curriculum Implementation and Support Branch Corruption Practice Investigation Bureau, CPIB Commercial Affairs Department Central Narcotics Bureau Intelligence Division Enforcement Division Supervision Division 15

Financial Investigation Division Precursor Control Unit Research Division Administration Division Public Affairs Division Preventive Education Unit Department Technology Office Training Unit Planning Unit Singapore Immigration and Registration Investigation Paper, IP Investigation Diary Beyond the reasonable doubt Execution 16

Order Chan Seng Onn 4 Judges Remuneration Act 4 Chan Seng Onn 17

Legal Service Commission, LSC 18

Caning 5 Michael Fay 5 19

6 6 (Warren Fernandez) 7 (Warren Fernandez) 20


Thomas Braddel Penang Ahmad Ibrahim Ahmad Ibrahim Tan Boon Teik Chan Sek Keong 8 8 the University of Malaysia 22

State Counsel Legal Officer Singapore Academy of Law Law Society Institute of Public Administration and Management, IPAM 10 9 Army Service Commission, ASC Police Service Commission, PSC 10 Attorney General Chamber, Annual Report 1999-2000, pp.42-46. 23

11 Adelphi Voucher Video Conference 11 Attorney General Chamber, Annual Report 1999-2000, pp.57-59. 24

12 Attorney General Chamber, Annual Report 1999-20000, pp56-58. 25



13 14 15 Barrister-at-law 28

16 29

30 17 Nishith Desai 18

19 Singapore Subordinate Court, e@dr: Online Mediation and Virtual e-commerce Dispute Resolution, p.5. 31

20 32

21 22 Case Management 23 21 Subordinate Court, Investing in Justice in the New Economy (2000), pp.112-114. 22 Supreme Court Singapore, Supreme Court Singapore-Excellence into the Next Millenium (1999), P158-167. 23 Supreme Court Singapore, Supreme Court Singapore-Excellence into the Next Millenium (1999), P.56-61. 33



36 on n






42 24 Prevention of Corruption Act, 1993

25 Proceeds of Crime Act, 1987 25 Where in any proceedings against a person for an offence under section 5 or 6, it is proved that any gratification has been paid or given to or received by a person in the employment for the government or any department thereof or of a public body by or from a person or agent of a person who has or seeks to have any dealing with the government or any department thereof or any public body, that gratification shall be deemed to have been paid or given and received corruptly as an inducement or reward as herein-before mentioned unless the contray is proved. 26 43

27 28 Where a person is, by reason of section 26, to be taken to have been convicted of a drug trafficking offence or a serious offence, as the case may be, a court shall not make a confiscation order in reliance on the person s conviction of the offence unless the court is satisfied (a) on the evidence adduced before it that, on the balance of probabilities, the person has absconded; and (b) having regard to all the evidence before the court, that such evidence if unrebutted would warrant his conviction for the drug trafficking offence or serious offence, as the case may be. 29 Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Act, 1989 If a person is, because of section 5 (1)(d), to be taken to have been convicted of a serious offence, a court shall not make a confiscation order in reliance on the person s conviction of the offence unless the court is satisfied, on balance of probabilities, that the person has absconded and (a) the person has been committed for trial for the offence; or (b) the court is satisfied, having regard to all the evidence before the court, that a reasonable jury, properly instructed, could lawfully find the person guilty of the offence. 44



47 30 31 31