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The Research on Early Childhood Educators Needs and Difficulties for Professional Development in Nantou County Abstract The purpose of the present research was to understand early educators needs and difficulties toward professional development. Interview was the primary method applied to collect the data. People interviewed included bosses and directors of child care centers and kindergartens, teachers, care givers, and professors. The researcher concluded interview data into four categories: Early educators attitude toward professional development, their evaluation for professional development experiences, their needs toward professional development, and their difficulties on professional development. In each category, research organized interviewees opinions and feelings from different roles and different positions. Some were similar, but the others were way different. The researcher also provided four suggestions for the government and the related as the following: Planning multiple programs that integrate theories with practice, emphasizing quality rather than quantity of continuing learning, providing grand for organization-centered model of professional development, and making appropriate policy for early childhood care and education. It was deeply hoped by the present research to giving early educators professional development more appropriate care. Keywords: professional development; staff development; early childhood education; early childhood teachers; care givers 3

4 84 2001 85 10 professional development /......

1997 0-6 professional development 5

6 (Orlich, 1983) 1997 1998 1998 ( 1999) (, 1998) Spodek(1996) development Spodek1996

1 Fuller (1969) 1. survival2. master3. resistant to change concerned and responsive Unruh & Tumer (1970) 1. initial teaching2. security 3. maturity Katz 19721. survival2. consolidation3. renewal 4. matrrity Gregorc (1973) 1. becoming2. growing3. maturing 4. fully functioning professional Lacey (1977) Burden (1979) Sack & Harrington (1982) Vender Ven (1988) 1. honeymoon period2. crisis period 3. learning to get by or failure 1. survival2. adjustment3. maturity 1. anxiety 2. entry 3. orientation 4. trial and error 5. integration/consolidation 6. mastery 1. novice 2. initial 3. informed 4. complex 5. influential 76 1. 2. 3. 78 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 78 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. &1. 2. 3. 81 86 1. 2. 3. 4. Spodek, Bernard (1996) 87 1 Katz 7

8 1995 NAEYC 1994 NAEYC NAEYC1994 NAEYC1994 developmentally appropriate curriculum

9 1997 -- Katz (1994) 1996. 1996 1996

10 1 mentor 2 3 4 5 6 2002 1997 1 2 3 4 5 6 Glatthorn1984 2000 Eisenberg and Rafanello (1998) 14 NAEYC 2000 master teacher

reflective journal autobiographic study or biographical study case method protfolio assessment 1996 1996 (2000) 2000 Rinaldi(1994) 1997 () 1. (Katz, 1994Kreis, 1985NAEYC, 1994Ondrovich, 1989 11

Sparks, 1992) 2. (Showers et al., 1987) 3. (Sparks, 1992) 4. (Katz,1994Sparks, 1992) 5. (Katz,1994) 6. Spodek,1996 () (NAEYC,1994O'Brien & Smith, 1990Swap, 1987 2001) TNA, 2001 (Swap, 1987) () ( 1998) () (, 1998) (Fullan, 1982) (Grossinckle, 1987Jones, 1993NAEYC, 1994Ondrovich, 1989Showers, et al., 1987) 12

(1998) 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.? () 1996, (Grossnickle, 1987; NAEYC, 1994; Ondrovich, 1989; Orlich, 1983; Sklarz, 1991 1998) 1. 2. 3. 2002 2000 2002 13

14 2002 2002 2 3 160 480 239 50%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 2 19 2 3 16

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18 91.10.1213 91.12.2324 0 91 92.3.8 92.4.12 5 3 200 100 91 92.1.8 8 0 / 91.12.16 91.12.17 12 0 92 C 92.4.19 92.4.20 92.4.26 92.4.27 1800 ~ ~ 92 92.7.18 0 92 92.7.18-20 0 91.11.22~23 91.11.24~25 91.11.29~30 11 0

91.10.29 6 0 91 91.10.26 6 0 92.5/17 6 150 300 92.5.7-6.25 16 pm7-9 92.5.12-14 91 92.3.15-16 14 1600 14 0 1350 19



22 A B C D E A002 002 C004 C005 C003 C002 12 D001

23 D007 E001 E002 2002 D009 D002 D007 D001 E001 1997

24 D009 C001 C003 C004.. D005 D006 D008 D005 D001 D010

25 1997 1998 C002 C004 C003 C003 C002 C002

26 C003 C005 C004 C003 C004.. C002

E003 E002 E001 E002 27

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C005.. B003 D001 B005 D002 32



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