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2015 /05 31 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY DOI10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2015. 05. 003 C952 A 1674-9391201505 - 0015-13 2015XWD - B0304 1964-610041 2015 1 23-25 2015 1 2015 4 15

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2015 /05 31 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2014 2013. W. F. W. Thomas 1926 1996-1998 08041040 JRAS 3506 1999-2001 11691050 2004-2008 16102001 5 10 12 P. 92-104 12 P. 113-125. W. F. W. Thomas 2013 1 21 2 21 19

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2015 /05 31 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 13 2005 3 23 2014 3 29-42 2005 3 30-34 89 6 8 25 2 3 1996 5 1 80 82 7 13 084 219 7-8 8 4 084 160 1-2 9 5 1914-1993 14 1925 63 1-2 32 1943 1950 2015 6 27 10 瑏瑡 1989 4 728 776 1990 1 瑏瑢 1915-2002 12 28 1953 1956 1993 1956

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2015 /05 31 瑏瑤 1989 瑏瑣 瑏瑥 瑏瑦 25 1700-1766 22 2001 025 38-39 瑏瑧 1999 900 8 2001 166 瑏瑨 2001 53 瑏瑩 瑐瑠 G 2004 5 4 6 瑐瑡 12 2 280 10 26

2015 /05 31 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY M. 2009482-483. 7 G. 0011 1989168. 8. M. 199571. 9. M. 200311. 10. M. 1996323. 11. K. 2006488. 12 J. 2001 14 92-104. 2000 12 02 1. J.... 95 001 1995.. M. 15. 1988 2 108-117. 2 1994520. 3.. 1989724 771. M. 20021762-1763. 4. M. 1986113. 5. M. 1980275. 6. 13. M. 2001 025 200258. 14. K/ / M.. 16. M. 201280. 17. M. 1993272. 2015-07 - 08 27

JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY 2015 /05 31 The End of Zhang Zhung Kingdom in the Northwestern Area of the Qinghai - Tibet High Plateau and Its Continuation in the Southeastern Area Tong Mei Southwest Nationalities Research AcademySouthwest University for NationalitiesChengdu610041SichuanChina JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY VOL. 6 NO. 5 05-27 2015CN51-1731 /C in Chinese DOI10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-9391. 2015. 05. 03 AbstractI. A review of the ideas regarding the end of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom in the northwestern part of the Qinghai - Tibet high plateau The historical legend of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom dates back to the time of Shenrab Miwo the founder of Bon religion. The end of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom can clearly be regarded as the period of Trisong Detsen. In a nutshell the history of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom merged into the history of the remnants of Tubo btsan - po. Concerning its geographical areait was regarded that no matter how long the history of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom lasted or how big the territory of the Kingdom was the center of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom historically was always in the Qinghai - Tibet plateau and its influence historically sometimes reached the wider area to the edge of the northwestern part of the Qinghai - Tibet plateau. Sometimes it extended to the upper - reaches of the Min river at the edge of the southeastern area of the Qinghai - Tibet high plateau. In the present area of Rgyalrong the upper reaches of the Min River and even in the area of the Sanxingdui and Jinsha sites in the Chengdu plain we can still find historical traces of the ancient Zhang Zhuang Kingdom. Concerning the end of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom in the northwestern part of the Qinghai - Tibet plateau I have written a detailed discussion in another article titled A Discussion on the Eighteen Kingdoms of Ancient Zhang Zhung and Their Destruction. In order to connect it with the following research I would like to give a summarized explanation. As a place where the people believed in the sacred bird khyung Garuda a record of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom in Tibetan sources dates back at least to literature found at Dunhuang. Through a review of representative concepts of the Zhang Zhuang Kingdom there is a basic idea which regarded the geographical space of Zhang Zhuang as historically in the northwestern part of the Qinghai - Tibet high plateau. How can we now confirm the time coordinates of the eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhung According to Tibetan literary sources at least two time coordinates are clear 1one of the kings of the eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhung lived at the same time as Shenrab Miwoand 2The last two kings of the eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhung were wiped out by Sontzen Gampo and Trisong Detsen. In other words the eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhung date back at least to before the eight century. This is because historical studies consider that Sontzen Gampo's reign lasted until at least 650 A. D. and the specific time of Trisong Detsen's reign was from 755 A. D. to 797 A. D. II. The Continuation of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom in the southeastern part of the Qinghai - Tibet high plateau 1. Fact number oneif seen from their clan origin the Zhang Zhung kings had a direct connec- 98

2015 /05 31 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY tion with Rgyalrong 2. Fact number twothere are words from the Zhang Zhung language found in the Rgyalrong spoken language. 3. Fact number threeconcerning the eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhung and Rgyalrong just as the formation history of the eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhung the idea of eighteen kingdoms of Rgyalrong is not only the historical and cultural basis for the formation of eighteen tusinative officialsof Rgyalrong but also is a statistical result deduced by tracing backward from the line at the end of the period of Rgyalrong history. In other words the number eighteen is not a result of the same historical period but a number calculated after experiencing a long historical period. 4. Fact number fourmany newly discovered Tibetan and Han Chinese sources which provide information about the ancestral home of the Rgyalrong tusi indicate that the Rgyalrong tusi are the descendants of the royal family of Zhang Zhung. 5. Fact number fivethere are many remains related to the Zhang Zhung culture in the southeastern part of the Qinghai - Tibet high plateau. 6. Fact number sixtraces of Zhang Zhung culture are found in some newly discovered archaeological sites for example in the Sanxingdui and Jinsha sites the tombs along the banks of the Min river and the Da Jinchuan and Xiao Jinchuan valleys etc. Through an analysis of the related datawe can conclude that the center of Zhang Zhung culture as well as its general historical distribution was once clear. However its precise boundaries were vague. Seen from the means of offering proof our way to understand the end of the Zhang Zhung Kingdom in the northwestern part of the Qinghai - Tibet high plateau and its continuation in the southeastern part not only involves a general methodology but also involves empirical issues concerning practical micro data. This is due to the situations involved in this topic. Speaking more specifically 1the interpretations from ancient Tibetan literature are numerous but these created more difficulties for non - Tibetan authors to use to reflect on Tibetan history in ancient times2most ancient Tibetan literature came from the writings of professional monks so it was not easy to use them to reflect upon the life struggles in secular society3 the barrier that existed between religious sects is almost equal to that of the spatial barrier created by the vast territory with its small population4related disciplinary researchespecially professional disciplines such as archaeology lags behind. It is due to these reasons that it is still difficult for us to discern the authentic features of Tibetan culture. Even so there is no doubt that Zhang Zhung culture is one which could reflect authentic features of Tibetan culture. Although the Zhang Zhung culture has been missing from our vision of the Qinghai - Tibet plateau for many years and because it is very difficult to reconstruct itif we have enough cultural awareness and confidence the Zhang Zhung culture can be reconstructed. In addition authentic features of Tibetan culture could be fully reflected by restoring the pieces of memory of Zhang Zhung culture found in the northwestern part of the Qinghai - Tibet plateau as well as through a deep interpretation of the living culture of Zhang Zhung in southeastern part of the Qinghai - Tibet plateau. Key Wordsthe eighteen kingdoms of Zhang Zhungthe eighteen kingdoms of RgyalrongSanxingdui and Jinsha heritage sites References Aba zangzu qiangzu zizhizhou wenshi ziliao xuanjiselected Data of Culture and History of Aba Tibetan - Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Vol. 3 in Tibetan Aba No. 0011 1989168. Dpal Idan. jiarong zongzu lishithe History of Rgyalrong TibetanIn Historical and Cultural Data of Maerkang CountyVol. 4200258. benjiao famen Initial Approach of Bon Religion2001 1492-104. dung - dkar - blo - bzang - vphren - leg. 99

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