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目 錄 實 施 計 畫 1 專 題 演 講 因 應 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 學 校 本 位 課 程 的 整 體 布 局 A-1 推 動 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 相 關 配 套 措 施 A-10 分 組 研 討 法 規 研 修 B-1 課 程 教

前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次







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多 發 性 硬 化 症 復 發 患 者 照 護 經 驗 消 失, 疾 病 進 入 緩 解 期, 隨 著 病 程 反 覆 進 展, 當 髓 鞘 完 全 被 破 壞 時, 就 會 造 成 永 久 性 的 功 能 喪 失 [1] 其 真 正 的 致 病 原 因 不 明, 但 較 常 出 現 在 高 緯 度


翟 神 父 晉 鐸 十 週 年 彌 撒 李 苗 麗 雖 然 在 聖 召 的 道 路 上, 十 年 不 過 只 是 個 嬰 兒 舊 金 山 教 區 的 華 人 團 體, 於 5 月 27 日 聚 在 一 起 慶 祝 翟 神 父 在 聖 召 的 道 路 上, 開 始 成 為 一 個 學 步 的 嬰 兒

84 針 藥 併 施 治 療 偏 頭 痛 次 發 作 症 狀 為 左 顳 側 頭 脹 痛, 多 為 夜 間 發 作 影 響 睡 眠 或 工 作, 頻 率 為 一 天 發 作 一 次, 持 續 一 至 二 小 時, 疼 痛 指 數 7 分 (0 分 為 不 痛, 最 痛 為 滿 分 10 分 ), 需

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39 屆 畢 業 典 禮


Life Thrives in Love The Narrative Of A Machado-Joseph Disease Patient s Life Progress


1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

Abstract This narrative research aims at studying how a Machado-Joseph Disease patient faced her disease and daily life, and how she demonstrated her strength and regenerated her energy to live while her body kept degenerating. Therefore the objectives of this research are to investigate the following areas: 1) To understand the difference of the patient s attitude before and after the awareness of her genetic disease; 2) To understand how genetic disease occurs from one generation to another, different mind set between different members of the family when they are informed of the disease, and different stages of the way family members take care of each other; 3) To understand the patient s strength to stay alive in the knowledge of a currently incurable genetic disease. The methodology in this research involves mainly with interviews, completed with literature review and data analyses. There are six chapters in this thesis, including Preface, Literature Review, Methodology, The Story of One Rope, Analysis and Discussion of the Story, and Introspection and Ideas of Further Research. The findings in this research include: 1. In this research, the patient faced the unknown in life with hope. After the root of the disease was identified, this hope was then transformed into the basis of no-despair. 2. When the patient suffered the disease, she focused her attention totally on her own pain, whereas when it turned out that there were more family members suffering the same disease, they began to bear the disease with the love of a family. When the disease was still in obscurity, there were more complaints in the family. However,

when the situation was cleared up, they became understanding and the whole family was in unity. 3. Facing the incurable genetic disease, the patients were not able to keep living solely with their own senses. The love from and to their family was the major strength that kept the patients to hang on. The researcher makes some suggestions according to the process and results of this research, hoping that they might be helpful for the medical authority and workers. Key words: Machado-Joseph Disease, Narrative Research, Life Progress


2003 2

1. 2. 3. 3


1-5 6-10 11-15 叁 5

2004 6 6


叁 2001 9

Spinocerebellar Ataxia SCA 2005 5 SCA 26 SCA1-26 2004 Ataxia 10

25 50 50 2000 20-40 1 2 3 4 5 A a a a A x a a x a a x a a x A 25 25 25 25 Living with ATAXIA/ 2004 p8-12 SCA1 SCA2 SCA3 SCA5 11

SCA7 DRPLA SCA3 75 25 SCA-3 SCA3 Machado-Joseph disease MJD Nakano 1972 19 20 San Miguel 40 William Machado Machado 1972 Woods Schaumburg Thomas - - Rosenberg 1976 Flores Joseph - Joseph Rosenberg 1997 12

Azorean Machado-Joseph disease / MJD MJD 0.6 / 10 40.8 / 10 Flores 9 / 1000 MJD MJD SCA-3 / MJD 41~74 SCA-3 / MJD 17 ~ 55 SCA-3 / MJD SCA SCA-3 2005 ( 20 ) ( ) ( 25 ) ( 20 ) ( 15 ) ( 20 ) ( 8 ) ( 6 ) 13

SCA-3 2005 3 200 / 14

( ) SCA-12 13 17 SCA-13 SCA-3 15

2002 McDaniel S. H., Hepworth J. Doherty W. 2003 2002 2003 16

SCA-3 Huntington DNA Milunsky, A. 2002 McDaniel S. H., Hepworth J. Doherty W. 2003 SCA-3 2005 17

2005 2003 2001 SCA-3 SCA-3 2001 Kay Redfield Jamison 18

1998 1984 2002 15 35 35 15 2003 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 19

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2003 2003 1984 1991 2001 2003 2001 2003 2004 2004 20

叁 21

叁 1999 Jampolsky Cirincione 1994 1991 1992 22

25 25 55 1 2 55 78 2003 1998 23

0-25 25 25-55 2003 24

1998 2003 25

2003 1998 psychosomatic psychogenic 26

1998 叁 1971 impulse 1971 1971 1989 1989 27

activeness 1989 1989 matrix 1971 1989 28

1989 6 7 2000 2000 29

2000 2000 1994 2001 10 2003 30

2002 9 1 6~7000 1500 SCA 31

2000 2000 32

?? 2004 2004 33

2004/03/31 2004/04/01 34

2005 50% 2004 5 Hannelore, Neimeyer, R. A., 1995 35

1983 Haffner, M. E. 2001 2002 2001 2001 2000 93 12 109 129 1594 1098 452 2900 36

2000 08 SCAs SCA SCA1 SCA2 SCA3 SCA6 SCA7 (DRPLA) SCAs 2004 2000 2004/04/23 37

2000 2000 2001 2001 38

, : 9 2300 1 10 39

24 " " 11 40

2003 41

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 7 9 10 Pollin Golant 1997 42

2003 2001 2001 1994 1996 MJD MJD Family group Mike Fernandes 1994 acting factitiously Mike Mike 43

1998 1998 1998 suicide sui cidide ; 2003 E. Durkheim 44

45,, 1651 Walter Charleton, :,,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2000

2003 1972 1951 46

1972 1972 1979 47

叁 2001 2001 48

2004 2001 Ortega y Gasset 49

2001 2001 50

2003 2001 2001 2003 1987 51

1987 Seneca 2001 commitment being becoming 1987 52

1987 Seneca 53

1987 叁 2003 1-1 2003 1-2 54

2003 1-3 2003 2003 2003 55

2003 2003 56

2003 2003 2003 1990 57

2003 2003 2003 58

2003 1999 1999 59

2001 1992 1989 1992 1989 60

1989 1992 1989 1989 1992 61

1992 1989 1989 62

1992 2000 63

narrative Gadamer 1993 2003 65

Clandinin 2003 Polkinghorne 1995 2003 66

Tappan 1989 story-telling Clandinin 2003 Denzin 1999 subject matter 2003 2003 Clandinin 2003 67

Clandinin 2003 1993 2001 2001 Wortham 2001 dialogic approach 2003 叁 2003 Oliver 1998 Pluciennik 1999 68

Denzin 1999 Denzin 1999 Denzin 69

Clandinin 2003 Clandinin 2003 70

1998 Gadamer 1992 1992 Denzin 1999 1996 1996 71

2003 Gadamer 1998 72

Living with Ataxia Ten years to live 73

叁 2000 2000 2002 --- 2003 2004 4 16 9 7 74


1 2 3 4 2003 2003 Neuman 2002 76

1. 2. 3. 4. 77

2004/04/16 2004/04/16 79

2004/04/16 2004/04/16 2004/04/30 80

2004/07/29... 2004/07/29 2004/04/16 2004/04/16 2004/08/11 81

2004/07/29...... 2004/07/29 叁 82

2004/04/23 2004/04/30 1972 ~ 2004/04/30 2004/04/30 83

2004/04/30 2004/04/30 2000 2004/04/30 84

2004/7/29 Delay 2004/08/11 ( ). 2004/12/24 85

2004/04/16... 2004/08/11 2004/08/11...... 2004/08/11 2004/7/29 86

...... 2004/7/29 2004/4/16 2004/4/30 2004/5/21 87

2004/8/25 2004/8/25... 2004/7/29 2004/08/11...... 2004/08/11 2004/08/11 88

89... 2004/08/11 2004/07/29 2004/07/29 ~~ 2004/07/29 2004/07/29.

90 2004/07/29 2004/08/19 2004/05/21 2004/08/19 2004/08/19

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93 2004/07/29 2004/08/11 2004/08/11... 2004/08/11 2004/08/11

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2004/08/11 ~~ 2004/08/25 2005 2004/08/11 2004/08/11 95

... 2004/07/29 2004/08/19 2004/08/19 2004/09/07 2004/09/07 96

2004/07/29 97

2004/04/30 2004/04/30 2004/07/29 2004/07/29 2004/07/29 98

2004/07/29 2004/08/25 2004/04/30 99

2004/04/16 2004/08/19 2004/08/19 2004/08/25 100

2004/09/07 2004/08/31 101

2004/07/29 2004/07/29 2004/5/21 2004/08/31 ~~ 2004/08/31 102

2004/4/30 2004/08/11 2004/08/11 2004/08/11 2004/04/23 103

2004/08/25 2004/04/16...... 2004/07/29 2004/07/29 104

祢 2004/8/25 2004/04/30 12 12 10 2004/04/30 105

106 2004/9/07 2004/09/07 2004/09/07 2004/09/07 2004/09/07 2004/09/07

2004/09/07 107

32 19 51 21 53 30 62 34 66 30 33 9 39 18 5 22 23 25 1996 20 27 30 29 30 32 2004 28 3 4 2000 36 10 2005 ( 28 ) 43 41 ( 14 ) 109

39 ( 10 ) 37 ( 8 ) 34 ( ) 32 ( 1 ) 28 ( ) 2001 1972 110

SCA-3 1972 SCA-3 O Mike Fernandes 1994 Mike 2004/07/29 111

2004/08/11 112


2004/08/11 114

2004/04/16 1996 2000 2004/04/30 115

2005... 2004/08/11 116


2001 p7-8 118



2004/04/16 121




2003 125



2003 128



叁 131

........... 2005/05/01...... 2005/05/05 132



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2004/04/16 137




叁 141



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7. 2004 06 16 http://sca.ym.edu.tw/scaweb/scaitem/family/heart/ch14_7.htm 8. 2004 06 16 http://sca.ym.edu.tw/scaweb/scaitem/family/heart/ch14_8.htm 9. 2003 11 21 http://tw.home.yahoo.com/member/cgi-bin/forum_read.z?tid=alnchang2002@f1013571 243&p=178&i=82&rand=1087405711 10. Re: 2003 11 22 http://tw.home.yahoo.com/member/cgi-bin/forum_read.z?tid=alnchang2002@f1013571 243&p=180&i=80&rand=1087404480 11. Re: 2003 11 24 http://tw.home.yahoo.com/member/cgi-bin/forum_read.z?tid=alnchang2002@f1013571 243&p=182&i=78&rand=1087404480 12. 1999 2002 13. 2004 11 17 http://www.sysnet.net.tw/~ps001/life%20management.htm 14. 晚發型遺傳疾病的諮詢 上網日期 :2003 年 10 月 16 日 檢索自網址 : http://psylab.vghtpe.gov.tw/%b1%df%b5o%ab%ac%bf%f2%b6%c7%afe%aff %AA%BA%BF%F2%B6%C7%BF%D4%B8%DF.asp 15 Huntington s Disease http://www.tfrd.org.tw/modules/introduce/kinds/0504.htm 台北榮總神經內科宋秉文醫師 16. 2004 上網日期 :2005 年 5 月 26 日 檢索自網址 : http://nr.stic.gov.tw/ejournal/nscm/9306/9306-02.pdf 154

17. 奇兵生涯規畫顧問工作網站 生涯規劃 上網日期 :2004 年 11 月 17 日 檢索自網 址 :http://www.sysnet.net.tw/~ps001/life%20management.htm 18. MJD http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mjdfamily Joseph Disease http://www.ijdf.net http://www.ataxia.org ( ),., ( ), (MS) ( )., 93/06/17 2005 4 1997 2001 1997 2005 5 1999 2004 155

1999 Machado-Joseph disease 2000 2001 2001 2001 ArediaR 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 1999 1999 2000 2002 2002 2003 2003 2001 2001 2001 2002 156

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Gomez C. M. Anderson J. H. 1998-2003 (Autosomal Dominant Ataxia) - (Genotype-Phenotype). Wolf J. C. 2003 Wolf J. C. 2003 Ranum L. 2004 (SCA 8) (RNA) (Murphy Mouse) Bello A. J. 2004 Vertigo My Story Since MJD Diagnosis Back in the summer of 1994 symptoms started. When symptoms began I considered that I might have done some neurological damage, while I was out there using and abusing drugs. I started having severe vertigo attacks, which were accompanied with a crooked gait around the summer of 1994. Two years later in 1996 I was genetically tested (a simple blood test) for MJD and the results came back positive, 26 CAG repeats on the normal gene from my mother and 75 CAG repeats on the mutated gene I received from my father. The diagnosis was a lucky fluke (of sorts) for we had never seen anything like this in our family line. My father had committed suicide when he was 37 (I was 10), before symptoms were noted, and his father died before I was born in 1934 at 38. The doctor I was seeing at Kaiser had never seen anything like the problems I was facing. She said I was acting factitiously in a medical report. But I had been well & clean for 4 years and these problems did not expose themselves until now. Why? I asked myself. I decided to get to the bottom of what was ailing me. Michael Fernandes http://home.comcast.net/~fernandesml/mystory.htm 158

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