No. 5-4 National Elite Evaluation of Firefighting -related Examinations Jen-Jou Lee Abstract Both Civil Service Examinations and Examinations for Prof

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消防考試及相關問題平議 消防考試及相關問題平議 李震洲 摘 要 公務人員考試與專技人員考試中 都有消防相關類科設置 在公務人員考試部分 本文從消防體系人事制度單軌或雙軌談起 其次談到全國消防機關人力配置及分析 以 及高考三級及普考消防技術類科設置 警察人員及基層警察人員特考消防警察類科辦理 現況及未來分流考試後的走向 專技人員考試中 則從消防法完成立法 建立消防設備 人員法律依據 進而析論現行考試及訓練辦理現況 最後論及對暫行從事設計監造裝置 檢修人員解決之道 另外本文嘗試從統計資料解析 破除外界部分似是而非之看法 以 正視聽 * 考選部參事兼應考資格審議委員會執行秘書 Counselor of the Ministry of Examination and Executive Secretary of the Committee for Candidate Eligibility Review 131

No. 5-4 National Elite Evaluation of Firefighting -related Examinations Jen-Jou Lee Abstract Both Civil Service Examinations and Examinations for Professional and Technical Personnel provide for firefighting-related examination subjects. With regard to Civil Service Examinations, this paper approaches the discussion from the single-track or two-track firefighting personnel system. It then moves to discussion of national firefighting agency personnel allocation and related analysis, and arrangement of Level 3 Senior Civil Service and Junior Civil Service technical firefighting subjects, the current state of administration of the firefighting police subject in Special Examinations for Police Officers and Entry-level Police Officers, as well as the future direction following the implementation of a multi-track examination system. Examinations for Professional and Technical Personnel are approached in regard to the completion of legislation that provides the legal basis for fire protection personnel, and the current administration of examination and training is analyzed and discussed. Lastly, it discusses solutions concerning personnel temporarily involved in the design, manufacturing supervision, and inspection and repair of equipment and devices. In addition, this paper endeavors to engage in statistical analysis to shatter certain misconceptions held by the outside world and set the record straight. 132

1995 1 28 2 2000 7 19 14 1995 6 2000 2007 1 2007 1 2007 12 133

No. 5-4 National Elite 2007 7 11 9 2008 2008 15,123 11,881 11,090 4 461 1,540 686 8,307 96 10,114 54 4,991 5,069 91.2 976 21 572 383 8.8 10,317 93.03 773 6.97 25-29 2,174 19.6 30-34 1,940 17.49 25 1,852 16.7 40-44 1,833 16.53 45-49 1,363 12.29 50 609 5.49 9,849 88.8 164 1.48 847 7.64 70 0.63 160 1.44 1,173 10.58 8,489 76.55 1,42812.88 134

14 2008 1 16 34 2008 2009 2008 2009 2 348 177 2 66.17 1.13 2009 2 37 135

No. 5-4 National Elite 2009 1,709 43 1,239 427 1,206 43 896 267 65 41 23 1 37 2009 6,091 1 395 5,695 3,924 357 3,567 804 301 503 28 2009 3,094 2,390 503 453 50 26.04 23.84 24 4.78 360 71.57 51 10.14 68 13.52 2009 503 1 7 1 136 1

2000 2005 56,000 2006 2002 12 40-1 2006 885 604 542 89.74 62 10.26 2007 497 682 420 61.58 262 38.42 2008 416 905 338 37.35 567 62.65 2009 395 804 301 37.44 503 62.56 542 420 338 301 89.74 61.58 37.35 37.44 137

No. 5-4 National Elite 650 180 2009 804 301 503 1 15 2 14 3 13 4 12 5 11 7 10 8 9 9 8 8 1 20 503 129 138 626

2006 2009 2011 11 37 2010 37 1 34 2 1600 513 1 26 10 1600 576 139

No. 5-4 National Elite 140 1985 11 29 1995 8 11 7 8 9

32 27 7 20 3 2013 1 1 3 7 20 60 2009 10 17 141

No. 5-4 National Elite 20 360 270 180 1996 2009 30,787 16,381 1,531 9.35 1996 2009 2 63,794 36,966 5,333 14.43 2 1 2 7 3 4 1996 5 29 2 11 142 2

1 (%) 1996 8,202 4,807 265 5.51 1997 4,533 2,760 224 8.12 1998 3,177 1,629 23 1.41 1999 2,108 1,038 103 9.92 2000 1,642 837 182 21.74 2001 1,152 626 124 19.81 2002 1,029 580 83 14.31 2003 1,132 603 158 26.20 2004 1,332 561 35 6.24 2005 1,145 561 48 8.56 2006 1 935 402 79 19.65 2006 2 1,100 481 3 0.62 2007 1 857 427 77 18.03 2007 2 750 315 43 13.65 2008 1 760 368 65 17.66 2008 2 933 386 19 4.92 30,787 16,381 1,531 9.35 1. 2006 12 6 2. 20091108 7 143

No. 5-4 National Elite 2 (%) 1996 9,487 5,762 632 10.97 1997 4,530 2,683 83 3.09 1998 3,977 2,002 318 15.88 1999 6,039 3,646 895 24.55 2000 4,352 2,512 630 25.08 2001 3,888 2,309 374 16.20 2002 3,304 1,916 265 13.83 2003 3,142 1,864 318 17.06 2004 3,245 1,733 151 8.71 2005 3,158 1,899 312 16.43 2006 1 3,198 1,679 114 6.79 2006 2 3,232 1,821 244 13.4 2007 1 2,679 1,665 151 9.07 2007 2 2,228 1,179 221 18.74 2008 1 2,416 1,495 183 12.24 2008 2 2,369 1,287 342 26.57 2009 1 2,552 1,514 100 6.61 63,794 36,966 5,333 14.43 1. 2006 12 6 2. 2009 22789 144 1996 7 23

2009 3 1,408 4,204 490 4,141 2,387 1,067 1,320 4,110 15,000 1996 7 23 500 5,000 6 30 2006 1,531 5,333 2010 6 30 145

No. 5-4 National Elite 146 1999 4 43

7 2000 3 2005 1 10 285 2008 5 22 11 37 2009 6 4 5 2009 11 30 43 2008 6 26 43 2009 4 10 2009 2 2009 2 147