Abstract The One bear Water (Tai-I-Sheng-Shuei) comes from the book of bamboo in the Ch u s tomb at Kuo-Dian. This article focuses on the meaning of T

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Abstract The One bear Water (Tai-I-Sheng-Shuei) comes from the book of bamboo in the Ch u s tomb at Kuo-Dian. This article focuses on the meaning of The One bear Water from the documents of Chou dynasty, Qien and Han dynasty, emphasizing the differences and the affinities. Secondly, I deal with the use of The One and Water in thechou I Tshan Thung Chhi. How is it related to history? Is The One the origin of cosmology or is it the related to the idea of mountain people? If it is the end of cultivating the spirit, what is the process? If it is the start of cultivating the spirit, what is the end? Or is it the God in worship or the symbol of totem? Is it the consolation of the human being? Is it religious thinking more than philosophic debate? Or is it the metaphysical logic of the Biomedical? I want to discuss these problems and as follows: 1. The One in the documents of Chou dynasty. 2.The meaning of The One in the documents of Qien and Han dynasty. 3.The relationship between The One bear Water and Chou I Tshan Thung Chhi. 4. The One bear Water in the cultivating of the spirit. KeywordsThe Oneconsolationphilosophic debatethe Biomedical the metaphysical logic 118

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