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2006 3 149 170 (stream of consciousness) (William Faulkner, 1897-1962) (Katherine Anne Porter, 1890-1980) (Virginia Woolf, 1882-1941) (Mrs. Dalloway, 1925) 1 1 2003 4 15 13 2 1993 6 185-190 17 2003 4 28-149-

2 (James Joyce, 1882-1941) (Dubliners) 3 (Ulysses, 1922) (Leopold Bloom) (Marcel Proust, 1984 331 2 6 1961 1 39-54 3 283-286 George Kao, Editor s Preface to Pai Hsien-yung, Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream: Tales of Taipei Characters, translated by the author and Patia Yasin (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982), pp. xv-xvi -150-

1871-1922) 4 5 6 (Clarissa) (Richard Dollaway) 7 (in medias res) 4 1998 107 5 Randall Stevenson, The British Novel Since the Thirties: An Introduction (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1986), p. 21. 6 Quentin Bell, Virginia Woolf: A Biography, vol. 1, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972), p. 80n1 289 2004 129-130 E7 2004 4 14 7 Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway (New York: Hardcourt, Brace and World, 1925) MD -151-

8 9 (Henri Louis Bergson, 1859-1941) (élan vital) (durée) (William James, 1842-1910) 10 (May Sinclair, 1863-1946) 11 (pre-speech) 8 291 9 297 10 William James, The Principles of Psychology, vol. 1 (New York: Henry Holt, 1890), p. 239. 11 109-113 -152-

12 13 (Septimus Warren Smith) 14 15 (Peter Walsh) (Sally Seton) 16 12 347 13 302 14 1996 149-151 15 Karen Kaivola, All Contraries Confounded: The Lyrical Fiction of Virginia Woolf, Djuna Barnes, and Marguerite Duras (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991), p. 152n9 16 Mark Hussey, The Singing of the Real World: The Philosophy of Virginia Woolf s Fiction (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1986), p. 48. Jane Marcus, Virginia Woolf and the Languages of Patriarchy (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987), pp. 117-118; Elizabeth Abel, Narrative Structure(s) and Female Development: The Case of Mrs. Dalloway, in Harold Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Virginia Woolf (New York and Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1986), pp. 243-264 -153-

17 18 17 284-285 18 2000 231 234-154-

19 20 (parallelism) 234 19 1976 232-233 20 Reuben Brower, Something Central Which Permeated: Mrs. Dalloway, in Harold Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Virginia Woolf, pp. 16-17. -155-

21 (Big Ben) 22 (MD, pp. 280-282) 23 266 216 21 Karen Lawrence et al., The McGraw-Hill Guide to English Literature, vol. 2 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985), pp. 424-425. 22 Hussey, The Singing of the Real World: The Philosophy of Virginia Woolf s Fiction, pp. 13-16. 23 Abel, Narrative Structure(s) and Female Development: The Case of Mrs. Dalloway, in Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Virginia Woolf, pp. 257-258. -156-

216-217 231 225 24 24 298-157-

25 (Cymbeline) (MD, p. 13) (Imogen) (Lady Briton) 25 286-158-

(MD, p. 113) (MD, p. 66) 26 26 Brower, Something Central Which Permeated: Mrs. Dalloway, in Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Virginia Woolf, pp. 17-18 -159-

(proairetic code) 27 233 233-234 233 (D. H. Lawrence, 1885-1930) (Peter Shaffer, 1926-) 28 234 27 2001 328 28 313-160-

29 30 249 234 31 32 234 29 51-70 265-278 1999 307 1994 178-185 30 1974 168-169 31 E7 2004 4 23 32 120 322-161-

33 (interior monologue) (Robert Humphrey) 34 (free association) (MD, p.3) (To the Lighthouse, 1927) 35 ( Modern Fiction ) (atoms) 36 33 42 34 Robert Humphrey, Stream of Consciousness in the Modern Novel: A Study of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Dorothy Richardson, William Faulkner, and Others (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1954), pp. 23-33. SCMN 35 Cf. Pamela L. Caughie, Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism: Literature in Quest and Question of Itself (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991), pp. 73-76. 36 Virginia Woolf, Modern Fiction, The Common Reader (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1925), p. 213-162-

37 230 231 37 1988 168-180 -163-

(MD, p. 59) 38 39 231 38 2004 4 24 39 Brower, Something Central Which Permeated: Mrs. Dalloway, in Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Virginia Woolf, p. 13. -164-

228 (Bourton) 230 40 41 40 David Dowling, Bloomsbury Aesthetics and the Novels of Forster and Woolf (New York: St. Martin s Press, 1985), pp. 140-148 41 SCMN, pp. 50-56 -165-

(SCMN, p. 43) (SCMN, p. 50) 230 42 42 56-166-

43 44 45 46 (Orlando, 1928) 47 43 302 44 2004 209-222 45 90 28 46 2002 186 47 143-161 -167-

48 49 50 (illusion of reality) 51 48 118 85-90 49 223-225 50 41 108 51 129-130 -168-


Towards a Poetics of Parentheses: A Reading of Pai Hsien-yung s Youyuan jingmeng in Light of Virginia Woolf s Mrs. Dalloway LI Sher-shiueh This paper is a humble attempt to interpret Pai Hsien-yung s Youyuan jingmeng (Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream), a story in the collection Taibeiren (Taipei People), in light of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. I was motivated to write the present paper when I heard Pai s response to a question I asked at a talk he gave in 2003 at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica: When he wrote Youyuan jingmeng, his most famous and technically successful story by Virginia Woolf, who employs the same technique throughout her Mrs. Dalloway. In this paper, I discuss the similarities and disparities between Pai s and Woolf s texts in terms of plot development, symbolism, and characterization. I also advance the view that, to a certain degree, Pai s use of parentheses in his story as one of the means by which his narrator penetrates the psychology of the main character, Mrs. Qian, parallels and draws upon Woolf s use of a similar technique. Having analyzed the formation of this poetics under the lens of literary scrutiny, I close the paper with a short discussion of Pai s understanding of, in his own words, psychological realism. I hope that this discussion can pave the way to a better understanding of the development of Keywords: Pai Hsien-yung Youyuan jingmeng stream of consciousness Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway Sino-Western literary relations -170-