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2016 8 24 4 ACTA LABORATORIUM ANIMALIS SCIENTIA SINICA August 2016 Vol. 24 No. 4 6 1, 1, 2, 1 (1.,100084;2.,100061), 6 3 SD 40, (C ) (CE ) (D ) (DE ) C D 8,CE ED 2 6, 1 h, 5 d 8,, T E 2 FSH LH; T E 2 ;, (1) C,D T E 2, T ( P < 0 05), E 2 FSH LH ( P < 0 05);,, (2) D,DE T T, E 2 FSH LH ( P < 0 05);,,, 6,, ; ; ;HPT ; ;SD Q95 33 A 1005 4847(2016)04 0381 07 Doi:10 3969 / j. issn. 1005-4847 2016 04 009 Effects of 6 week voluntary wheel exercise on sex hormones and hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis in high fat fed SD rats ZHAO Yan 1,SUN Jing quan 1,XIE Min hao 2,YAN Yi 1 (1. Sport Science College of Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. National Institute of Sports Medicine, Beijing 100061) Abstract Objective To observe the effects of high fat diet and 6 week voluntary wheel running on the structure of hypothalamus, pituitary and testis and sex hormone levels in pubertal male rats. Methods Forty 3 week old male Spra gue Dawley rats were randomly divided into following groups: the control group fed with normal diet ( C), training group fed with normal diet (CE), control group fed with high fat diet (D), and training group fed with high fat diet (DE), 10 rats in each group. The groups C and D were bred for 8 weeks freely, and the groups CE and DE were assigned to have vol untary wheel running twice / d, 1 h / time, 5 d / w, for 6 weeks after a 2 week adaptive feeding. Eight weeks later, blood sample was collected to detect the serum T, E 2, FSH and LH, and the E 2 and T of testis were also detected. The histology of hypothalamic, pituitary, and testis tissues was observed by light microscopy. Results ( l) Compared with the group C, the group D had significantly decreased levels of serum T and E 2 and testicular T (P < 0 05), and significantly increased [ ] (:30800541) [](1987 - ),,,,: Email: sw_zhaoyan@ yeah. net [],,,: Email: yanyi22@ sina. com

382 2016 8 24 4 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin,August 2016,Vol. 24 No. 4 serum E 2, FSH and LH levels (P < 0 05). In the group D, vacuolar lipid droplets were increased in the hypothalamus, e osinophils and basophils were reduced in the pituitary, and the area of seminiferous tubules, percentage of sperm cells, and quantity of Leygid cells were significantly decreased in the testis. (2) Compared with the group D, the serum T and testic ular T concentrations were increased, but the serum E 2, FSH and LH were decreased significantly (P < 0 05) in the group DE, and vacuolar lipid drops were increased in the hypothalamus, eosinophil cells were increased in the pituitary gland, and the area of seminiferous tubules was increased but not significantly in the testis. Conclusions 6 week voluntary wheel exercise can improve the high fat diet induced abnormal secretion of sex hormones, but not effectively improve the histologi cal changes in hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testis. Key words High fat diet; Voluntary wheel exercise; Sex hormones; Hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis; Pu berty; Sprague Dawley rats Corresponding author: YAN Yi. E mail: yanyi22@ sina. com,,, ( hypothalamic pituitary tes ticular axis,hpt axis),,, A [1] [2,3], [4],,,, Exercise is Medicine,,, [7], [8],10,, [9],, 6, 1 1 1 3 SD 40, SCXK( )2012 0001, (53 9 ± 2 9) g SPF SYXK ( ) 2012 0034, (9:00-21:00), 12 h,(25 ± 2),45% ~ 70%, 40 4,10 : (C ) (CE ) (D ) (DE ) C CE,D DE 1 C D 8,CE DE 2 6 DE 1 1 Tab. 1 (g / 1000 g ) Ingredients Composition of pure synthetic feed High fat diet Basic feed Corn starch 237 485 407 485 Casein 200 200 Dextrin 132 132 Soybean oil 30 30 Lard 150 30 Saccharose 150 100 Cellulose 50 50 Mixed minerals 35 35 Mixed vitamins 10 10 L L cysteine 3 3 Cholalic acid 2 5 2 5 Butyl benzene hydroquinone 0 015 0 015 1 2,

2016 8 24 4 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin,August 2016,Vol. 24 No. 4 383 ( ),,, 30 6 cm, 96 cm, 1 h( :9:00-11:00, :14:00-16:00),5 d,6 1 3,24 h, 2%,,3000 r / min,10 min, 60 mg,1 ml,,, 3,,, 0 9 % NaCl 4%, 4%, 1 4 1 4 1 ( T) ( E 2 ) Sie mens( ), 20 ng / dl, 20 pg / ml (LH) ( FSH), GBD, 1 4 2 Groups Group C Group CE Group D Group DE Tab. 2, 4%,,50 % 2 h 70 % 2 h 85 % 2 h 95 % 2 h 100 % 30 min, 1 1 1 h, 10 min,,,6 μm, 10%,37 Nissl, Mal lory,he 1 5 ± ( x ± SD),SPSS 16 0, T, P < 0 05,P < 0 01 2 2 1 6,,2, T E 2 C 90%,CE 100%,D 50%,DE 44%, T C, D E 2 LH FSH, T,P < 0 05 D,DE E 2 LH FSH, T (P < 0 05, 2) 2 ( x ± s,n = 10) Effects of high fat diet on sex hormone levels and results of exercise intervention in the rats T ng / dl 103 36 ± 94 40 (n = 9) 78 51 ± 55 89 (n = 10) 54 26 ± 37 03 (n = 5) 78 50 ± 66 06 (n = 4) E 2 pg / ml 54 60 ± 19 41 (n = 9) 41 66 ± 17 53 (n = 10) 134 23 ± 48 35 (n = 5) 96 31 ± 48 83 # (n = 4) LH miu / L FSH miu / L T ng / dl E 2 pg / ml 25 11 ± 5. 15 22 66 ± 2. 62 1080 38 ± 645. 55 145 67 ± 9. 39 26 51 ± 2. 85 25 68 ± 1. 89 903 11 ± 356. 60 140 78 ± 15. 29 36 72 ± 20. 51 34 49 ± 18. 58 514 78 ± 251. 95 155 78 ± 17. 96 24 11 ± 3. 19 # 19 75 ± 3. 91 ## 644 89 ± 451. 30 157 22 ± 25. 94 :, P < 0 05; P < 0 01;, # P < 0 05; ## P < 0 01 Note. Compared with the group C, P < 0 05; P < 0 01; Compared with the group D, # P < 0 05; ## P < 0 01. 2 2 6 HPT 2 2 1 6,,,,,, D DE,DE ( 1) 2 2 2 6

384 中国实验动物学报 2016 年 8 月第 24 卷第 4 期 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin August 2016 Vol 24 No 4 与 C 组相比 CE 组 D 组 DE 组嗜碱性细胞都 减少 其中 D 组最明显 DE 组次之 与 C 组相比 D 构的影响 镜下观察发现 C 组及 CE 组生精小管排列较 组 DE 组嗜酸性细胞明显减少 而 CE 组差异无显 为紧密 各级生精细胞排列整齐 且分层明显 而 D 有中度充血现象 嫌色细胞变化不大 图 2 表 3 质细胞明显减少 图 3 著性 其中 CE 组大鼠垂体有轻微充血现象 DE 组 2 2 3 6 周自由转轮运动对高脂饲养大鼠睾丸结 组和 DE 组则出现成团精子细胞落入管腔现象 间 图 1 高脂膳食对大鼠下丘脑结构的影响及运动干预效果 比例尺 上图 100 μm 下图 50 μm Fig 1 Effects of high fat diet on the structure of hypothalamus and results of exercise intervention in the rats Bar First line fig 100 μm Second line fig 50 μm 图 2 高脂膳食对大鼠垂体结构的影响及运动干预效果 比例尺 50μm Fig 2 Effect of high fat diet on the structure of pituitary gland and results of exercise intervention in the rats Bar 50 μm 图 3 高脂膳食对大鼠睾丸结构的影响及运动干预效果 比例尺 50 μm Fig 3 Effect of high fat diet on the structure of testis and results of exercise intervention in the rats Bar 50 μm

2016 8 24 4 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin,August 2016,Vol. 24 No. 4 385 6,C CE D DE (44233 ± 6753) (47055 ± 10714) (36754 ± 9419) (39531 ± 8106) μm 2 CE C, ; D DE C (P < 0 05) Tab. 3 4,,D DE C (P < 0 05), C (P < 0 05);CE C 3 Effect of high fat diet on the changes of number of neurons in the pituitary and results of exercise intervention of the rats Groups Basophilic cells Eosinophilic cells Group C + + + + + + + + + Group CE + + + + + + + + Group D + + + + Group DE + + + + + : + Note. Number of cells in a field of vision. Tab. 4 4 ( x ± s, % ) Effect of high fat diet on the proportion of germ cells in the testis and results of exercise intervention in the rats Groups Spermatogonia Spermatocytes Spermatids Group C 17 6 ± 1 3 15 7 ± 1 9 66 7 ± 2 1 Group CE 17 3 ± 1 1 14 3 ± 1 6 68 4 ± 1 7 Group D 23 0 ± 2 4 20 0 ± 2 3 57 0 ± 3 2 Group DE 21 6 ± 2 7 20 1 ± 2 4 58 3 ± 3 1 :,,P < 0 05 Note. Compared with the group C. P < 0 05. 3 ( 36 ~ 55 d),, [10],, [11] ( 22 ~ 35 d)sd 8, (8 ~ 12 ) HPT ; 6, 3 1 6,,,, (GnRH),GnRH, LH FSH,LH, T T,, T T ( ) T, LH;T,LH, GnRH, E 2 [12], T [12,13],21 8,SD T T,T 50%, LH FSH E 2,,,6 LH FSH

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