160 1997 80/1997 Carver & Mottier, 1998; Richardson & Seidman, 2002 Plummer 1992 Modern Homosexualities 1995 2001 2006 84 2001 2000 2000 2005 2000 200

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169 T T T T man T T 1997 T T T appropriate T queering T T T 2005 T T man T T T T T T T T T T C01 2001 T

170 BBS T T C01 T E02 C01

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182 A Study on Young Lesbians Intimate Relationships, Sexual Explorations and Sexual Practices Wan-Ssu Chiang Mei-Hui You National Kaohsiung Normal University This study explored lesbians intimate relationships. The researchers interviewed six lesbians (aged 20-25) and explored their experiences of love, sexualities and interactions in intimate relationships. They also explored how the participants gender roles as T (Tomboy or masculine role), Pao (feminine role), and/or Bufen (neutral role)have affected their sexual practices. According to the present findings, the changes in the relationships and gender roles among lesbians reveal that sexualities are gendered, and the lesbians gender roles are not static but socially constructed. Their experiences reflect the problems faced by many lesbian youths who live in a heterosexual society. Keywords: bufen, intimate relationships, lesbian, T/Pao