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Merging as One Written by Lian-shen Linving Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen True Buddha Foundation Translation Team T he quintessence of Tantrayana lies in yoga, and yoga means union. Therefore, this union is a very secret matter. Thus, it is said in the book, Essentials of Tantrayana: The meaning of the word Secret is secret mystery, or profound secret, seen within the context of a hidden mystery. It is a realm concealed in deep secrecy, which is the Dharma gate of cultivation born of Self Realized wisdom. It is my understanding that with yogic union, there is the function of the blessing of miraculous transformation. With this blessing of miraculous transformation comes the three incredible bodies: Dharmakaya - the body of self nature. Sambhogakaya - the body of enjoyment. Nirmanakaya - the body of blessings. Regarding the Yoga Tantra, Venerable Master Yin Guang once said, The action of the Three Secrets of Tantrayana produces the blessing of miraculous transformation which helps the common mortal to attain fruition in this lifetime. Its merits and activities are beyond the probe of thoughts and descriptive words. Hence, it is known as the unimaginable operation. Thus, the Mahavairocana Sutra writes: The profound Dharma that has no form cannot be understood by the shallow intellect. In order to reach the beings of inferior capacity, the Dharma of form is delivered concurrently. The point to note in this Dharma of form is the visualization of the merging of self and deity. One visualizes: 1.The pure moon disc. 2.The appearance of the Sanskrit seed syllable. 3.The appearance of the principal deity. 4.The principal deity abiding above the centre of the crown. The deity shrinks and enters the central channel and descends to the heart of the practitioner, and sits on the lotus of the heart. Then it expands to the body size of the practitioner. 5.The practitioner and the deity are indivisible and indistinguishable, and in one instant, the practitioner becomes the deity and the deity becomes the practitioner. I honestly say to you that when you form the mudra, recite the mantra and visualize the merging of self and deity, you are at an equal level with the Three Secrets (body, speech, and mind) of the Tathagata, and thus possess limitless meritorious functions. This is the truth of yogic union. Once the practitioner achieves union, and becomes one with the principal deity, he or she gains access into the Dharma realm through this single gateway. In all honesty and sincerity, I must state that this is absolutely true. 6

許多錢 就在東興大樓 那 錢 的家裡 許德全 我叫他 多的好處 應 的法 有這麼 咕嚕咕咧佛母 開示精要 個大樓叫寶億新東興大樓 第十 該多持咕嚕咕 根本傳承上師 蓮生活佛 四層樓 我住在他的家裡 我自 咧佛母的心 家 咪吽 嗡嘛呢唄 咒 謝謝大 己本身身上也沒有什麼錢 這個咕嚕咕咧佛母一看我沒 有許多錢 祂怎麼辦呢 祂去找 我一個弟子 我那個弟子有好多 棟的豪宅 突然之間 就把其中 一棟千萬以上的豪宅 就送給了 吐登達爾吉上師 所以我出關以 後去見他 他就告訴我 你送給 我一棟千萬以上的豪宅 我說 我哪裡有 我心裡想說 他大概 在做夢吧 我哪裡有送你千萬的 豪宅 師尊笑 但是 我師父 說 那就是你送的 因為我叫 你送 那麼你叫你的徒弟送 所 以我現在就住在千萬以上的豪 宅 真的是千萬以上的豪宅 所以 你說靈不靈 靈 所以修 15 戊子 1/ 20 2008 地點 西雅圖彩虹山莊

安徽省 黃山 放 眼 天下 攝影 蓮花少東上師 35

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