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new Taiwanese children etc., it is imperative to build a new system of Primary Teachers training program, which is the system. It is the t

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提 高 和 价 格 的 降 低,MOOC 微 课 翻 转 课 堂 发 展 异 常 火 爆, 也 使 得 人 们 对 视 频 课 件 开 始 浮 想 联 翩 : 理 论 上 全 中 国 的 学 生 是 否 可 以 只 听 一 个 教 师 讲 课 了 呢?( 尚 俊 杰,2015) 这 个 问 题 十

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Hong Kong Teachers Centre JournalVol. 6 Hong Kong Teachers Centre 2007 (1994-2005) Learning experience in public-exam-oriented "Liberal Studies" an analysis of AS Liberal Studies examination reports (1994-2005) Abstract This paper discusses the question of how to achieve the curriculum objectives of the NSSLS subject within the public examination framework. Through studying the 1994-2005 AS Liberal Studies examination reports, this paper attempts to examine the actual grading criteria of the past LS examinations, and to analyze how these grading criteria have shaped teachers' and students' actual teaching and learning experiences. It then discusses strategies that teachers and 30

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