and rectum,esophagus,cervix,uterus,pancreas and ovary were the most common cancers,accounting for about 75 of all cancer new cases. Lung cancer,liver

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67 chronic kidney disease, CKD glomerular filtration rate, GFR 60 ml/1.73 m 2 /min GFR CKD St. Peter, Schoolwerth, McGowan, & McClellan,

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2011,,,, (, 100021) :[ ] 2011 [ ] 234 2011, 177, ( ), 2011, 2000 Segi s [ ] 2011 177 ( 77, 100 ), 175 310 169, 98 341 507, 56.10, 76 968 662, 43.90 (MV) 70.14, (DCO) 2.44, (M/I) 0.63, 2011 3 372 175, 2 113 048 250.28 /10 ( 277.77/10, 221.37/10 ), 186.34/10, 182.76/10, (0~74 ) 21.20 261.38/10, 189.89/10 ; 238.60/10, 182.10/10 156.83/10 ( 194.88/ 10, 116.81/10 ), 112.88/10, 111.82/10, (0~74 ) 12.69 154.37/10, 108.20/10 159.42/10, 117.97/10, 75, 84 [ ],,, : ; ; ; :R73-31 :A :1004-0242(2015)01-0001-10 doi:10.11735/j.issn.1004-0242.2015.01.a001 Report of Cancer and in,2011 CHEN Wan-qing,ZHENG Rong-shou,ZENG Hong-mei,et al. (National Cancer Institute,Beijing 100021,) :2014-12-09 :, Abstract:[Purpose] To estimate the cancer incidence and mortality in in 2011. [Methods] On basis of the methods and criteria of data quality control made by NCCR,177 registries data qualified from 234 submitted registries after data clearance and assessment as pooled data. The data was stratified by area (urban/rural),gender,age group and cancer site,incidence and mortality were calculated combined with national population in 2011. Chinese population census in 2000 and Segi s population were used for age-standardized incidence/mortality rates.[results] All 177 cancer registries (77 in urban and 100 in rural) covered a total of 175 310 169 population (98 341 507 in urban areas and 76 968 662 in rural areas),accounted for 13.01 of whole national population in 2011. The morphology verified cases(mv) accounted for 70.14,and 2.44 of incident cases were identified through death certifications only(dco) with mortality to incidence ratio (MI ratio) of 0.63. It was estimated that new cancer cases and cancer deaths were 3 372 175 and 2 113 048 in 2011,respectively. The crude incidence in was 250.28/10 5 (male 277.77/10 5,female 221.37/10 5 ), age-standardized incidence by Chinese standard population( ) and by world standard population ( world) were 186.34/10 5 and 182.76/10 5 with the cumulative incidence (0~74 age years old) of 21.20. The cancer incidence and were 261.38/10 5 and 189.89/10 5 in urban areas, whereas 238.60/10 5 and 182.10/10 5 in rural areas,respectively. The crude mortality in was 156.83/10 5 (male 194.88/10 5,female 116.81/10 5 ),age-standardized mortalities by Chinese standard population ( ) and by world standard population ( world) were 112.88/10 5 and 111.82/10 5 with the cumulative mortality (0~74 age years old) of 12.69. The crude cancer mortality and were 154.37/10 5 and 108.20/10 5 in urban areas, and 159.42/10 5 and 117.97/10 5 in rural areas,respectively. Cancers of lung cancer,female breast,stomach,liver,colon 1

and rectum,esophagus,cervix,uterus,pancreas and ovary were the most common cancers,accounting for about 75 of all cancer new cases. Lung cancer,liver cancer,gastric cancer,esophageal cancer,colorectal cancer,breast cancer,pancreatic cancer,brain tumor,cervical cancer and leukemia were the leading causes of cancer death,accounted for about 80 of all cancer deaths. [Conclusions] The coverage of cancer registration population had a greater increase than that in the last year. The data quality and representativeness are gradually improved. As the basic work of cancer prevention and control,cancer registry is playing an irreplaceable role. The disease burden of cancer is increasing,the health department has to take effective measures to contain the increased cancer burden in. Key words:cancer registry;malignant tumor;incidence;mortality; 1/4 [1] [7], (MV) (DCO) /, (M/I), 2008,, A, ( B D,A B,D ), 20 2011 234, 2014 2011 A 75, 32.05; B 1 1.1 2014 6, 177 ( 234 2011, 77, 100 ), 32, 175 310 169, 88 655 668, 98, 136 2010 15 234 2011 221 390 275, 112 318 869, 109 071 406, 2011 16.43 556 261 ( 315 403, 240 858 ), 337 089 ( 213 138, 123 951 ) 1.2 2.90, / 0.67(Table 1) [2], 9 (Cancer 1.3 in Five Continents Volume ) [3] (IARC)/ (IACR) [4~6], MS-FoxPro MS-Excel SAS ICRC/IACR IARCcrgTools 78, 33.33; 24 B, C, 10.26,, ;D 57, 24.36, 86 654 501, 2011 13.01 98 341 507, 56.10, 76 968 662, 43.90 177 (MV) 70.14, (DCO) 2.44, / (M/I) 0.63; 72.92, 2.17, / 0.61; 65.34,, 2000~2011, 2011 2

Table 1 Quality evaluation for cancer registries,2011 Sites All areas Urban Rural MV DCO M/I MV DCO M/I MV DCO M/I Oral and pharyngeal 82.12 1.06 0.44 85.97 0.90 0.42 73.54 1.41 0.48 Nasopharynx 78.45 1.33 0.56 81.53 1.15 0.55 72.12 1.71 0.57 Esophagus 80.18 2.19 0.76 79.33 2.07 0.80 80.80 2.27 0.73 Stomach 79.56 2.28 0.71 79.94 2.07 0.70 79.10 2.52 0.73 Colon-rectum 82.85 1.48 0.49 84.05 1.34 0.48 79.70 1.85 0.51 Liver 36.92 4.39 0.91 39.25 4.15 0.91 34.04 4.69 0.91 Gallbladder 48.55 3.29 0.81 50.62 3.33 0.82 43.61 3.20 0.78 Pancreas 39.90 4.30 0.92 41.70 4.24 0.93 35.71 4.44 0.89 Throat 78.24 2.66 0.54 82.92 2.00 0.50 68.07 4.10 0.63 Lung 55.73 3.76 0.83 59.75 3.49 0.85 48.99 4.20 0.80 Other organs in chest 62.93 2.48 0.52 64.31 2.61 0.54 59.52 2.14 0.49 Bone 52.11 4.27 0.71 60.54 3.90 0.73 43.16 4.66 0.68 Skin melanoma 91.45 0.48 0.41 91.40 0.67 0.41 91.56 0.00 0.40 Breast 89.53 0.59 0.25 90.35 0.53 0.23 87.49 0.75 0.29 Cervix 88.66 0.86 0.27 90.15 0.83 0.24 86.14 0.91 0.31 Uterus 86.31 1.29 0.31 89.92 1.02 0.28 79.65 1.77 0.36 Ovary 81.32 1.24 0.44 83.54 1.23 0.46 76.65 1.26 0.41 Prostate 72.71 1.28 0.42 75.02 1.15 0.40 62.47 1.88 0.51 Didymus 84.02 0.55 0.25 88.26 0.81 0.25 75.00 0.00 0.24 Kidney 76.96 1.21 0.35 79.97 1.15 0.34 65.13 1.43 0.39 Bladder 80.48 1.25 0.40 83.26 1.16 0.39 73.12 1.49 0.44 Brain 53.17 3.10 0.57 62.27 2.64 0.55 38.87 3.81 0.61 Thyroid gland 91.78 0.19 0.07 93.60 0.12 0.06 84.70 0.47 0.11 Lymphoma 93.54 0.62 0.59 94.27 0.52 0.57 91.68 0.88 0.62 Leukemia 94.49 1.15 0.72 94.85 0.89 0.74 93.88 1.62 0.69 Other cancers 66.97 3.24 0.53 69.16 2.73 0.54 61.43 4.53 0.52 Total 70.14 2.44 0.63 72.92 2.17 0.61 65.34 2.90 0.67 53.54, 1 566 551, 46.46 2011, 2011 250.28/10 ( 277.77/10, ( 221.37/10 ), 186.34/10, ), 182.76/10, (0~74 ) 21.20 ( ) ( ) 261.38/10 ( 281.81/ ( ) (0~74 ) 10, 240.09/10 ), 189.89/10, 2000 ( ), 185.75/10, (0 ~74 ) Segi s 21.28 238.60/10 ( ) ( 273.57/10, 201.49/10 ), 182.10/10, 179.24/10, (0~74 2 ) 21.08, (Table 2) 2.1,2011 3 372 175 ( 1 918 533, 1 453 642 ), 1 805 624, 2.2 0~39,40,80~, 3

Table 2 The incidence of cancer registries in,2011 Area Gender No. cases Crude incidence world Cumulative rate(0~74)() All areas Both 3372175 250.28 186.34 182.76 21.20 Male 1918533 277.77 213.66 212.18 25.02 Female 1453642 221.37 161.47 155.84 17.43 Urban Both 1805624 261.38 189.89 185.75 21.28 Male 993675 281.81 211.88 210.10 24.52 Female 811949 240.09 170.79 164.35 18.22 Rural Both 1566551 238.60 182.10 179.24 21.08 Male 924858 273.57 215.54 214.38 25.55 Female 641693 201.49 150.57 146.02 16.51 75~,80 116.81/10 ), 112.88/10,, 80~ 111.82/10, (0~74 ) 12.69, 35,35~69 107.14/10, (0~74 ) 11.79,70, 159.42/10 ( 199.64/10, (Table 3 Figure 1) 2.3,2011 2 113 048, ( 1 345 998, 767 050 ), 1 066 408, 50.47, 1 046 640, 49.53 2011 156.83/10 ( 194.88/10, 154.37/10 ( 190.31/10, 116.90/10 ), 108.20/10, 116.71/10 ), 117.97/10, 116.84/10, (0~74 ) 13.65 (Table 4) 2.4 45,45~, Table 3 Age-specific incidence for all cancers (ICD-10:C00~C97) in,2011 Age groups All areas Urban Rural 0~ 10.20 10.77 9.54 13.25 14.41 11.94 7.59 7.71 7.45 1~ 10.77 11.02 10.47 11.84 12.42 11.18 9.85 9.84 9.86 5~ 7.33 7.90 6.67 7.01 7.78 6.13 7.61 8.00 7.14 10~ 7.91 8.89 6.73 7.74 9.16 6.10 8.05 8.67 7.29 15~ 10.60 10.74 10.44 10.81 11.06 10.53 10.44 10.50 10.37 20~ 17.13 15.23 19.21 18.35 15.38 21.60 16.27 15.12 17.52 25~ 27.54 21.29 34.02 30.03 22.48 37.58 24.82 20.05 29.97 30~ 46.89 35.38 58.53 50.48 36.76 64.21 41.74 33.42 50.28 35~ 82.79 63.15 102.96 87.51 62.78 112.58 76.71 63.62 90.37 40~ 146.68 117.58 176.99 148.88 112.23 187.58 144.04 124.09 164.50 45~ 245.24 219.73 271.95 248.85 210.62 289.95 240.88 231.08 250.81 50~ 350.80 364.93 335.87 362.42 360.63 364.34 335.51 370.68 299.04 55~ 528.19 612.90 441.40 516.74 579.01 452.93 540.83 650.36 428.68 60~ 721.36 891.21 548.67 693.68 838.24 548.04 749.58 944.74 549.32 65~ 882.93 1119.13 647.78 888.76 1113.10 671.29 877.16 1124.95 623.85 70~ 1153.65 1504.04 814.46 1173.19 1511.59 859.66 1132.58 1496.27 763.51 75~ 1363.18 1814.05 965.96 1420.50 1854.03 1038.55 1300.04 1770.01 885.99 80~ 1454.10 1985.79 1034.95 1597.38 2142.14 1140.64 1299.88 1804.95 927.44 85 + 1246.35 1820.45 911.82 1410.14 1999.17 1042.78 1068.36 1607.82 776.81 Total 250.28 277.77 221.37 261.38 281.81 240.09 238.60 273.57 201.49 4

10000 1000 100 10 Figure 1 Urban male Urban female Rural male Rural female 1 0~ 5~ 10~ 15~ 20~ 25~ 30~ 35~ 40~ 45~ 50~ 55~ 60~ 65~ 70~ 75~ 80~ 85 + Age(years) Age-specific cancer incidence in urban and rural areas,2011 Table 4 Cancer mortality in,2011 85, 80~ 45~, 50~,,, 0~4 80~,,,, 75~, (Table 5 Figure 2) Area Gender Death cases rate world Cumulated rate (0~74)() All areas Both 2113048 156.83 112.88 111.82 12.69 Male 1345998 194.88 148.28 147.44 16.72 Female 767050 116.81 79.42 78.31 8.67 Urban Both 1066408 154.37 108.20 107.14 11.79 Male 671063 190.31 141.00 140.36 15.53 Female 395345 116.90 77.42 76.14 8.15 Rural Both 1046640 159.42 117.97 116.84 13.65 Male 674935 199.64 156.03 154.83 17.98 Female 371705 116.71 81.66 80.71 9.22 Table 5 Age-specific mortality in,2011 Age group All areas Urban Rural 0~ 5.36 5.72 4.94 7.70 8.65 6.63 3.36 3.27 3.46 1~ 4.22 4.41 4.00 4.05 4.62 3.40 4.37 4.23 4.54 5~ 2.98 3.43 2.44 2.65 3.06 2.18 3.26 3.75 2.68 10~ 3.38 3.79 2.88 3.14 3.18 3.10 3.58 4.31 2.69 15~ 4.73 5.42 3.94 4.52 5.69 3.19 4.90 5.21 4.53 20~ 5.80 6.93 4.57 5.32 5.92 4.65 6.14 7.65 4.51 25~ 8.13 8.93 7.31 7.35 7.45 7.24 8.99 10.48 7.39 30~ 14.39 15.15 13.61 13.08 13.06 13.09 16.27 18.12 14.37 35~ 27.41 31.01 23.71 25.41 28.05 22.73 29.99 34.79 24.99 40~ 55.44 63.29 47.25 49.63 54.89 44.09 62.38 73.50 50.98 45~ 104.66 129.01 79.15 96.42 116.58 74.76 114.62 144.50 84.31 50~ 167.78 215.71 117.14 163.69 210.16 113.87 173.17 223.12 121.38 55~ 284.74 376.54 190.70 254.70 339.20 168.11 317.93 417.80 215.66 60~ 418.09 556.42 277.45 369.86 496.47 242.31 467.26 617.00 313.62 65~ 582.04 782.21 382.74 536.73 723.82 355.37 626.93 838.54 410.59 70~ 854.42 1142.01 576.02 821.71 1092.32 570.98 889.67 1193.15 581.70 75~ 1158.24 1558.89 805.25 1164.16 1529.76 842.07 1151.71 1590.99 764.70 80~ 1422.24 1935.95 1017.27 1546.62 2048.74 1125.63 1288.36 1805.49 907.04 85 + 1457.47 2089.38 1089.26 1690.19 2348.33 1279.74 1204.58 1781.29 892.89 Total 156.83 194.88 116.81 154.37 190.31 116.90 159.42 199.64 116.71 5

10000 1000 100 10 Figure 2 Urban male Urban female Rural male Rural female 1 0~ 5~ 10~ 15~ 20~ 25~ 30~ 35~ 40~ 45~ 50~ 55~ 60~ 65~ 70~ 75~ 80~ 85 + Age(years) Age-specific cancer mortality in urban and rural areas,2011 5 ; 5 (Table 10) 1, 25, 5 ; 1, (Table 11) 3 2.5 2.5.1 前 10 位 恶 性 肿 瘤 发 病 与 死 亡 2011 1,, 65,,, ; 1, 2008 ; 1, (Table 6) 2011 1, 20, 52, / 1, ; 1, 12 (Table 7),,22 2.5.2 城 市 地 区 前 10 位 恶 性 肿 瘤 发 病 与 死 亡 1, 34, 1,, 234 ; 1, 2013 15,, (Talbe 8) 2011, (Table 9) 2.5.3 农 村 地 区 前 10 位 恶 性 肿 瘤 发 病 与 死 亡,, 31, 5,,,,, 10, [8,9], 2014 2011, 177 1, 28,, 1, 2010, [10], 2010, ;,2011 6

Rank Table 6 The top 10 cancer incidence in,2011 1 Lung 651053 48.32 19.31 34.87 Lung 441363 63.90 23.01 48.44 Breast 248620 37.86 17.10 28.51 2 Breast 248620 37.86 7.49 28.51 Stomach 296419 42.92 15.45 32.62 Lung 209690 31.93 14.43 21.93 3 Stomach 420489 31.21 12.47 22.75 Liver 264635 38.32 13.79 29.30 Colorectum 131839 20.08 9.07 14.02 4 Liver 355595 26.39 10.54 19.48 Oesophagus 205560 29.76 10.71 22.47 Stomach 124070 18.89 8.54 13.21 5 Colorectum 310243 23.03 9.20 16.79 Colorectum 178404 25.83 9.30 19.70 Liver 90960 13.85 6.26 9.64 6 Oesophagus 291238 21.62 8.64 15.58 Bladder 53073 7.68 2.77 5.82 Cervix 87982 13.40 6.05 10.40 7 Cervix 87982 13.40 2.61 10.40 Prostate 49007 7.10 2.55 5.33 Oesophagus 85678 13.05 5.89 8.85 8 Uterus 57708 8.79 1.71 6.46 Pancreas 45385 6.57 2.37 4.99 Thyroid 67788 10.32 4.66 8.70 9 Prostate 49007 7.10 1.45 5.33 Brain,CNS 43289 6.27 2.26 5.22 Uterus 57708 8.79 3.97 6.46 10 Ovary 45233 6.89 1.34 5.35 Lymphoma 41299 5.98 2.15 4.80 Ovary 45233 6.89 3.11 5.35 Rank Table 7 The top 10 cancer mortality in,2011 1 Lung 529153 39.27 25.04 27.96 Lung 364432 52.76 27.08 39.94 Lung 164721 25.08 21.47 16.68 2 Liver 322416 23.93 15.26 17.48 Liver 239218 34.64 17.77 26.38 Stomach 90792 13.83 11.84 9.21 3 Stomach 297497 22.08 14.08 15.76 Stomach 206705 29.93 15.36 22.69 Liver 83198 12.67 10.85 8.61 4 Oesophagus 218957 16.25 10.36 11.51 Oesophagus 154587 22.38 11.48 16.86 Oesophagus 64370 9.80 8.39 6.38 5 Colorectum 149723 11.11 7.09 7.77 Colorectum 86427 12.51 6.42 9.40 Colorectum 63296 9.64 8.25 6.26 6 Breast 60473 9.21 2.91 6.57 Pancreas 40580 5.88 3.01 4.43 Breast 60473 9.21 7.88 6.57 7 Pancreas 72723 5.40 3.44 3.81 Brain,CNS 28543 4.13 2.12 3.35 Pancreas 32143 4.89 4.19 3.21 8 Brain,CNS 50777 3.77 2.40 2.95 Leukaemia 27908 4.04 2.07 3.46 Cervix 23375 3.56 3.05 2.59 9 Cervix 23375 3.56 1.11 2.59 Lymphoma 25066 3.63 1.86 2.84 Brain,CNS 22234 3.39 2.90 2.54 10 Leukaemia 47617 3.53 2.25 2.95 Bladder 20950 3.03 1.56 2.23 Leukaemia 19709 3.00 2.57 2.45 7

Rank Table 8 The top 10 common cancer incidence in urban areas,2011 1 Lung 341543 49.44 18.92 34.95 Lung 229993 65.23 23.15 48.42 Breast 158087 46.74 19.47 33.66 2 Breast 158087 46.74 8.88 33.66 Stomach 133838 37.96 13.47 28.32 Lung 111550 32.98 13.74 22.20 3 Colorectum 195116 28.25 10.81 20.09 Liver 124294 35.25 12.51 26.02 Colorectum 83522 24.70 10.29 16.83 4 Stomach 192913 27.93 10.68 19.99 Colorectum 111594 31.65 11.23 23.53 Stomach 59075 17.47 7.28 12.04 5 Liver 164528 23.82 9.11 17.07 Oesophagus 69386 19.68 6.98 14.62 Thyroid 48883 14.45 6.02 11.61 6 Cervix 48250 14.27 2.67 10.62 Prostate 35477 10.06 3.57 7.44 Cervix 48250 14.27 5.94 10.62 7 Oesophagus 92996 13.46 5.15 9.57 Bladder 33008 9.36 3.32 6.90 Liver 40234 11.90 4.96 8.11 8 Prostate 35477 10.06 1.96 7.44 Pancreas 27339 7.75 2.75 5.77 Uterus 31475 9.31 3.88 6.60 9 Thyroid 65951 9.55 3.65 7.75 Kidney 27204 7.71 2.74 5.78 Ovary 26615 7.87 3.28 5.92 10 Uterus 31475 9.31 1.74 6.60 Lymphoma 25112 7.12 2.53 5.61 Brain,CNS 23670 7.00 2.92 5.30 Rank Table 9 The top 10 common cancer mortality in urban areas,2011 1 Lung 281001 40.68 26.35 28.28 Lung 192074 54.47 28.62 40.28 Lung 88927 26.29 22.49 17.05 2 Liver 146618 21.22 13.75 15.04 Liver 109610 31.09 16.33 22.86 Stomach 40628 12.01 10.28 7.83 3 Stomach 130617 18.91 12.25 13.19 Stomach 89989 25.52 13.41 18.94 Colorectum 38673 11.43 9.78 7.22 4 Colorectum 91683 13.27 8.60 9.01 Oesophagus 54618 15.49 8.14 11.46 Liver 37008 10.94 9.36 7.26 5 Oesophagus 73724 10.67 6.91 7.46 Colorectum 53010 15.03 7.90 10.96 Breast 34292 10.14 8.67 6.95 6 Breast 34292 10.14 3.27 6.95 Pancreas 24702 7.01 3.68 5.17 Pancreas 19985 5.91 5.06 3.80 7 Pancreas 44687 6.47 4.19 4.48 Leukaemia 15480 4.39 2.31 3.59 Oesophagus 19106 5.65 4.83 3.63 8 Prostate 13940 3.95 1.31 2.78 Lymphoma 15201 4.31 2.27 3.29 Gallbladder 11801 3.49 2.98 2.20 9 Leukaemia 26146 3.78 2.45 3.01 Prostate 13940 3.95 2.08 2.78 Ovary 11178 3.31 2.83 2.30 10 Lymphoma 24527 3.55 2.30 2.60 Brain,CNS 13469 3.82 2.01 3.01 Cervix 11088 3.28 2.80 2.30 8

Rank Table 10 The top 10 common cancer incidence in rural areas,2011 1 Lung 309510 47.14 19.76 34.80 Lung 211370 62.52 22.85 48.48 Lung 98140 30.81 15.29 21.65 2 Stomach 227576 34.66 14.53 25.72 Stomach 162581 48.09 17.58 37.27 Breast 90533 28.43 14.11 22.59 3 Oesophagus 198242 30.19 12.65 22.06 Liver 140341 41.51 15.17 33.03 Stomach 64995 20.41 10.13 14.43 4 Liver 191067 29.10 12.20 22.20 Oesophagus 136174 40.28 14.72 30.93 Oesophagus 62068 19.49 9.67 13.39 5 Breast 90533 28.43 5.88 22.59 Colorectum 66810 19.76 7.22 15.56 Liver 50726 15.93 7.91 11.36 6 Colorectum 115127 17.54 7.35 13.22 Brain,CNS 21826 6.46 2.36 5.51 Colorectum 48317 15.17 7.53 10.95 7 Cervix 39732 12.48 2.54 10.06 Bladder 20065 5.94 2.17 4.63 Cervix 39732 12.48 6.19 10.06 8 Uterus 26233 8.24 1.67 6.31 Leukaemia 18143 5.37 1.96 4.85 Uterus 26233 8.24 4.09 6.31 9 Brain,CNS 42087 6.41 2.69 5.35 Pancreas 18046 5.34 1.95 4.15 Brain,CNS 20261 6.36 3.16 5.20 10 Ovary 18618 5.85 1.19 4.72 Lymphoma 16187 4.79 1.75 3.95 Thyroid 18905 5.94 2.95 5.25 Rank Table 11 The top 10 common cancer mortality in rural areas,2011 1 Lung 248152 37.80 23.71 27.58 Lung 172358 50.98 25.54 39.47 Lung 75794 23.80 20.39 16.30 2 Liver 175798 26.78 16.80 20.23 Liver 129608 38.34 19.20 30.37 Stomach 50164 15.75 13.50 10.69 3 Stomach 166880 25.42 15.94 18.51 Stomach 116716 34.52 17.29 26.71 Liver 46190 14.50 12.43 10.13 4 Oesophagus 145233 22.12 13.88 15.85 Oesophagus 99969 29.57 14.81 22.65 Oesophagus 45264 14.21 12.18 9.35 5 Colorectum 58040 8.84 5.55 6.43 Colorectum 33417 9.88 4.95 7.70 Breast 26181 8.22 7.04 6.17 6 Breast 26181 8.22 2.55 6.17 Pancreas 15878 4.70 2.35 3.62 Colorectum 24623 7.73 6.62 5.23 7 Pancreas 28036 4.27 2.68 3.08 Brain,CNS 15074 4.46 2.23 3.72 Cervix 12287 3.86 3.31 2.91 8 Brain,CNS 26278 4.00 2.51 3.22 Leukaemia 12428 3.68 1.84 3.31 Pancreas 12158 3.82 3.27 2.57 9 Cervix 12287 3.86 1.17 2.91 Lymphoma 9865 2.92 1.46 2.35 Brain,CNS 11204 3.52 3.01 2.72 10 Leukaemia 21471 3.27 2.05 2.87 Bladder 8851 2.62 1.31 1.99 Uterus 9448 2.97 2.54 2.20 9

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